FMP Production_Pitch_Template

once upon a time
in the future...
an IVAN WROE production
Production Media/Delivery/Deadline
• The production I will create will be a film. It
has to be completed by June 4th in time for the
summer show, where it will be projected.
Production Mind Map
Production Concept/Style/USP
• 2025, UK government has imposed martial law
following repeated terrorist attacks on the country,
which has now become a totalitarian police state. The
population are controlled and government hired men
are sent out to capture or kill anybody who poses a
threat to their order. Small communities begin setting
up groups of vigilantes in retaliation.
• The style will probably be influenced largely by
dystopian future films, such as Escape From New York
and Blade Runner as well as having some spaghetti
western elements mixed in with it.
• Unique Selling Point – A new type of genre.
Production Audience
• This film is going to be aimed at older members of the
audience, but will still be suitable for a PG audience.
• Audiences who enjoy a bit of action as well as an interesting
setting will hopefully enjoy this. The second half of the film is
going to be in the style of a spaghetti western. These films
were very popular with audiences at the time they were
made. They became so common due to their popularity that
Italian audiences became bored of seeing them after a
decade. It is rare that any are made today, but when they are
and they are well made, they are usually of high success.
Suitability for a PG Audience.
The production is meant to be suitable for PG audience. There will most likely not be any blood in
my film, but there will be violence.
Any violence in the film will be low in detail to suit a PG rating. If I were to stretch the limits of a PG
rating, one example, Raiders of The Lost Ark, has a PG rating and according to IMDB:
“During a bar fight, a man is shot in the face, with spurting blood pouring down his head. Another
man is shot in the back of the head and blood dribbles from his mouth (wound not shown).”
“In a market place fight, a man is run through with a sword and then fruit, we see the fruit falling
off the sword as it is pulled back through the man.”
“A big thug is taken out by a spinning propeller (off-screen), splattering blood all over the plane, but
we don't see his body.”
“Twice in the movie half-rotted skeletons are shown. (very frightening and disturbing.)”
“The end scene is very frightening and fairly graphic. A man's face melts completely on screen,
another man's face shrivels up with blood coming out of the mouth, and another man's head
completely explodes on screen. Blood splatters. The rest of the Nazis have lightning struck through
their bodies. Very disturbing.”
Production Equipment/Techniques
• Nikon D5300 DSLR
• Computer
• Editing software, Adobe Premiere/Final Cut
Production Resources/Budget
“Virtual reality” helmet
Prop revolver
Futuristic license plate
Motor scooter
Production Collaboration
• For my film, I need actors, so I will have to ask
a few friends to act in the film. I will probably
have to be in the film acting as I am planning
to do the second half of the film at home with
another friend of mine who is going to be
acting as another character.
• Due to this, I will have to get others to operate
the camera under my direction when I am on
screen where I can’t operate it.
Production Constraints
• The main constraint of this film, is that it is set
in the future. To deal with this, I will establish
the setting in text at the beginning of the film
and then work around the setting in a way
that will suggest that the film is set in the