Creating a University Level Syllabus

Creating a University
Level Syllabus
Dr. Gayle A. Kearns
Why An Effective Syllabus?
After today’s session, you will be able to:
 Identify the elements that can strengthen
a class session; and
 Describe the 15 points for an effective
Why Do Students Attend College?
Get a Better Job
 Learn about things that
interest me
 Make more money
 Gain a general education
 Prepare for graduate work
Why!! con’t. . . .
Meet new people
 Learn study skills
 Get away from home
 Could not get a job
 Nothing better to do
Characteristics of A Good
Instructor . . .
The ability to be fair and consistent to
 Knowledge of the subject matter (SME)
 Ability to personalize the instruction
 The willingness to be flexible
Characteristics . . .
The ability to reflect a positive attitude-nods, smiles, humor
 Skill in establishing definite examination
procedures--objective based,
instructional sequence
 Willingness to provide study aids
A Good Instructor . . .
The ability to perceive the material or task
from the students’ point of view
 Skilled in asking questions that make
students think without being threatened
 A clear and concise SYLLABUS!!!
What About That First Day of
Be specific
 State the name of the
 Identify yourself and
some credentials
 Let the students
introduce themselves
(optional and if
possible due to size)
That Infamous First Day!
Review the syllabus
thoroughly (sign)
 Ask for student
questions and/or
 Review the course
15 Points for An Effective Syllabus
First, just what is a syllabus?
A syllabus is the official document of
the course.
Next, what does it show?
It shows what will be required and
expected throughout the semester in
terms of course work.
An Effective Syllabus . .
Thirdly, how does it aide the student?
It helps to establish boundaries of what
students can expect from their
professor/instructor in terms of
instructional pace, grading and personal
Regent’s Policies
Oklahoma State Board of Regents states:
“a syllabi will be prepared for all courses
and filed with the departmental
Chairperson and the college Dean. Syllabi
will be distributed to students during the
first week of class.”
#1 - Name of the Course
Identify the name, number, section and
meeting times and place
 An addendum may be the prerequisites
required to insure that the student is in
the correct sequence of course work
#2 - Professor’s Name
State your name on the syllabus (in
addition to your oral introduction)
 Professional/educational background
 Credentials to teach the course
 Special interest in the course subject
#3 - Office Hours and Phone/EMail/Fax Numbers
List office hours and office location
(give location markers)
 List office phone and fax numbers, as
well as e-mail address (home numbers
are optional)
 Encourage students to use office hours
(or make appts)
#4 - Textbook Information and other
Discuss the benefits of the textbook
 Discuss the strengths of any enhancement
resources (self-made packets, manuals,
 Give a brief bio of the author (optional)
#5 - Course Objectives
List all course objectives (complete course)
 Describe what will be learned
 Discuss the importance of learning this
information and/or this skill
 Relate the importance of this information to the
students’ educational objectives
#6 - Nature of the Course
Discuss the methodologies to be used
throughout the course, such as lecture,
 Describe the importance of student
participation concerning classroom
interaction, independent study, lab
sessions, service-learning etc.
#7 - Course Requirements
Keep in mind, if it is not stated specifically
and accurately in the syllabus, anyone
who questions (or files a grievance) will
have a much better chance in their
 Also, watch undue hardships on students
with disabilities--ADA does state that
certain concessions must be made--Be
Alert and Accommodate!!!
Course Requirements, Point #7
Written assignments:
 State specifically if the written
assignments are required, suggested,
extra credit
 State the length expected
 Identify the acceptable format-computer-generated, hand-written,
More Course Requirements for #7
Tests, quizzes and exams:
 Be specific on the types--scantron,
essay, etc
 Material to be covered and sources-study packets, readings
 Cumulative or not
 No surprises—test only on identified,
measurable information
Course Requirements . .
Special projects, such as
independent/group studies, term
papers, oral presentations, book
reports, etc
 Specify length (what counts);
 Acceptable format--computer
generated, handwritten, APA
 Topical areas to be considered
Course Requirements . .
 Type of lab--meeting times and locations;
 Lab requirements, present with syllabus or
at first lab session
 Location(s) of lab(s)
 Support system within lab(s)
#8 - Resources, References and
Be specific on the listing of resources,
outside readings, bibliographies,
visitations, etc
 Identify supplies required
 Give specific details on operation of
special equipment
Point #9 - Grading and Evaluation
 Identify what work will be graded
 Explain evaluation of assignments--in
addition to correct answers, tell if you
are grading punctuation, spelling,
Point #9
Explain level of comprehension (give scale
for grades) of tests, special projects,
 Identify what percentage each component
contributes to the final grade--tests,
quizzes, exams, special projects, labs,
attendance, class participation
Point #10 - Attendance
This is a very big issue/trouble spot on all
higher ed campuses
 There is no formal university policy-professors set their own
 Take attendance each class
 Specifically state what your policy is in
regard to absences--what is excused vs.
Point #10, con’t.
Be specific on how work may be made up
with an excused absence--give an exact
time line
 State what is expected of students who
miss class due to extracurricular activities,
illness, etc.
Point #11 - Special
According to the Americans with
Disabilities Act, it is the responsibility of
each student to notify the University of
his/her disability
 UCO policy states that the following
statement should be included in your
Disability Statement
“ADA Statement: The University of
Central Oklahoma complies with
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973 and the Americans with
Disabilities Act. Students with
disabilities who need special
accommodations should make their
request by contacting the
Coordinator of Disability Support
Services at 974-2549.
Point #12 - Fees (optional)
Specify the amount of any additional fees
needed to participate in this course
 Ex: A fashion trip to NYC, purchase of a
laptop computer, articulation with a
professional association which requires a
Point #13 - Drop/Add Policy
State the university policy on dates to be
 List the last day to withdraw from a class
 Any change of dates from the university
should be communicated to the students
in writing
Point #14 - Additional
Other important information students
need to know, such as, other duties you
perform (Residency Teacher/Student
Teacher supervision, Faculty Senate
responsibilities, etc.
 Use of cell phones, pagers and other
electronic devices during class
Point #14 - continued
Other expectations or guidelines for
student conduct beyond attendance, ie,
habitual tardiness
 Be very specific about: plagiarism,
cheating, and academic honesty for your
class as well as the entire campus
Point #15 - Course
Address all major content areas,
objectives for course
 Class meetings by date, topics/chapters
to be discussed
 Dates for quizzes, exams, mid-term and
 Due dates for homework assignments,
special projects, term papers, etc. (be
In Summary
An effective syllabus will establish
boundaries for student expectation!!
 An effective syllabus will protect you, the
professor, by validating what is expected
throughout the semester in terms of
course requirements!!