1 Educational Change in Academic Institutions: Learning the Lessons of Change at MIT Daniel Hastings September 2011 2 Agenda • Why some educational innovation has occurred – Importance of enablers – Value of data – Role of the innovator • Why some educational innovation has not occurred – – – – Idea of perspectives Strategic design of curricular change Political issues Cultural issues • Aftermath at MIT 3 Since 2000, MIT has developed almost 80 educational innovations Subjects 1.00,* 6.001*, 6.002x,* 8.02(TEAL),* 8.224, HST582J, 18.03, Mission 200X*, Terrascope (1.016), 2.0012.006 & 18.02 Small Groups,* PE for ME (2.993/2.THU), 6.002X, Robotics: Science and Systems (6.188),* HST 100/527J Miscellaneous 7.01 Concept Lab, Exploratory Subjects, Interphase, Pass/No Record First Year, Summer Institute in Materials Technologies PIVoT, Cross Media Annotation System (XMAS),* MetaMedia,* PRS, iLabs,* Mathlets, Use of PDAs, XMAS Programs The Undergraduate Exchange with University of Cambridge,* Residence-Based Advising* Space The d’Arbeloff/TEAL classroom (26-152) *Denotes multi-year or multi-semester assessment. Source: TLL 4 Enablers • Money – $25 million from Microsoft for iCampus – $11 million from donors, Brit and Alex d’Arbeloff • Culture that supports faculty innovation • At least a few faculty innovators • Dedicated organizations – Teaching & Learning Lab • Provides data-driven assessment and expertise in STEM pedagogy – Office of Educational Innovation & Technology • Develops educational technology for faculty – Office of Faculty Support • Provides support for curricular changes Unlocking Knowledge What is OCW? MIT OpenCourseWare IS NOT: • An MIT education • Intended to represent the interactive classroom environment • Degree-granting MIT OpenCourseWare IS: • A Web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content • Open and available to world • A permanent MIT activity 5 Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds Unlocking Knowledge 2,075 Courses • 2,075 Syllabi & reading lists • 17,531 lecture notes • 9,460 assignments • 980 exams • 705 projects Many include: • Audio/video (~100) • Complete texts (~30) • Simulations/animations http://ocw.mit.edu 6 Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds 7 Why it works – faculty view • Most popular course is 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science • Why it works – 1) MIT likes to do leadership things – 2) The faculty came to believe that it was not giving away the essence of an MIT education – 3) The OCW infrastructure meant that there is no additional work required of the faculty in giving a course to OCW – 4) The faculty don’t have to answer questions from people who read the OCW courses so there is not an ongoing issue – 5) Faculty still can publish books which belong to them • Most common faculty use – Looking to see what colleagues are teaching 8 Some iCampus projects • iLabs – students can use web browsers to design experiments and collect data from distant laboratory equipment • iMOAT – the web is used to manage the process of large-scale assessment of student writing • TEAL – two terms of introductory physics have been redesigned around inquiry, discussion, experimentation, and visualization • XMAS – students can ‘quote’ video legally in their online discussions, presentations, and projects about films in courses such as Shakespeare • xTutor is to be a tool kit for creating online courses; its strength is checking computer programming homework and providing feedback 9 Collection and use of data • Collection and use of data is necessary (but not always sufficient) to show the efficacy of various educational innovations • Maps well to the culture of MIT as a scienceand engineering-oriented institution Learning gains <g>. 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Low Intermediate Lecture Students 2002 Learning gains <g> = %Correct post-test - % Correct 100% - %Correct pre-test High TEAL Students 2003 pre-test Source: Dori, Y. & Belcher, J. (2005) “How Does Technology-Enabled Active Learning Affect Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Electromagnetic Concepts?” The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14(2):243-279. 10 TEAL increased learning gains 0.6 11 Increases seen long term 70 60 50 40 Scores Control Experimental 30 20 10 0 n=52 control Pre Test Post Test Retention Gains n=120 experimental Source: Dori, Y.J., E. Hult, L. Breslow, & J. W. Belcher (2005). “The Retention of Concepts from a Freshmen Electromagnetism Course by MIT Upperclass Students,” paper delivered at the NARST annual conference. Learning Analytics – Assessing Learning • Learner Analytics – e.g. Gates Next Generation Learning Challenge – Predict/Reduce drop, fail, withdraw rates in community colleges, especially in gateway courses • Instead Assess the Learning Process – Detailed student knowledge (then tutor weaknesses) – Reveal Student Habits – Measure Effectiveness of Instructional Elements 12 Eductional Data Mining: Tutors give DATA! Tutor > 105 Bytes vs. Gradebook < 102 Fine Grain Assessment – Holy Grail • Assessment of Detailed Skills of Student • Formative Assessment for the Teacher • Ultimately will guide individual tutoring Habits of Mind and Behavior • What Habits help/hinder learning?? • e.g. Homework copying reduces learning Improve/Find Highly Instructional Activities • Analysis of Student Use Data Improves Activity • Which Course Activity Correlates with Learning? • What type of activities give what types of learning? 13 Detailed Skill Profiles Measured skill of each student in various topics – 100 is average Red is below average, Green is above average This is experimental skill-book in cybertutor.mit.edu (D. Pritchard’s online tutor) 14 Improving Efficacy of Assessment Items 15 Revising the questions based on analysis of the student use data allows dramatic improvement in the performance of students. From 2001 to 2002 the percentage of students who requested the solution went down by ~ 50% (from 12% to ~6%). The number of wrong answers per question decreased by 40% 16 Innovations for which improved learning can be demonstrated did one or more of the following . . . 17 Employed pedagogies of engagement 18 Confidence in abilities increased in 6.01 with introduction of active learning Programmin g 3.16 Ability to learn new programming language on own 2.67 Source: O’Leary, L. “6.01 Class Experience Survey Synopsis, Spring 2008,” 6/16/08. n= 153 19 Motivated students by grounding learning in realworld problems or projects Students’ confidence in crucial abilities strengthened in PBL freshmen subjects Skill % who said skill strengthened by PBL Break a problem into key components 87% Identify tasks, resources, time, and people to solve a problem 79% Select and combine the best ideas into a better approach 93% Recognize constraints that limit a solution 91% Greater confidence in ability to handle a difficult and ambiguous task* 84% Able to use their own initiative* 87% See connections between the PB class and what they learned in other subjects* 81% Source: Office of Faculty Support, “Project-Based Pilot Assessment Results,” 10/10/07. * In comparison to regular subjects n=90 20 21 Provided multiple opportunities for ‘practice at retrieval’ 22 Performance improved in 16.100 Pedagogical changes included: concept questions and mini lectures in class; look ahead (graded) homework; written takehome exams; oral exams; semester-long, team-based project Source: Darmafol, D. “Impact of Pedagogical Changes in an Undergraduate Aerodynamics Subject: A Summary,” 2004. 23 Educational technology as an enabler • The merger of research and education tools – Faculty develop/want to develop research tools – Some of these tools can be used (appropriately modified) in education • Simulations and animations • Remote laboratories 24 Research tools for learning • Early exposure to research tools and experience This type of hands-on interaction with the molecule provides levels of insights that are not possible by viewing static images on a page on a computer screen ~ Prof. Graham Walker • Used by 1000 MIT students students; 300 high school students • StarBiogene, StarHydro, StarHPC StarBiochem 24 25 The role of the innovator: The example of iLabs created by Jesus del Alamo • Real laboratory accessed through Internet • From anywhere at any time • Not a “virtual laboratory” (simulations) 26 iLabs at MIT Dynamic signal analyzer (EECS, ELVIS (EECS, deployed 2006) deployed 2004) Heat exchanger (Chem. Eng., deployed 2001) Microelectronics device characterization (EECS, deployed 1998) Polymer Crystallization (Chem. E., deployed 2003) Spectrometer (Nuclear Eng., deployed 2008) Shake Table (Civil Eng., deployed 2004) Force on a Dipole (Physics, deployed 2008) 27 Educational change that has not occurred at MIT • Idea of perspectives • Strategic design of curricula change • Political issues • Cultural issues Perspectives (John Van Mannen@ Sloan School) Perspectives are organized ideas (e.g., metaphors) that fundamentally shape our understanding of things and events. • They determine what data you see (hear, feel) in the organization – What questions you ask – Where your attention lies • They determine how we interpret the data we see – They prioritize the data we receive and shape our actions • No single perspective is adequate – It is easy to get locked into a single perspective, but difficult then to deal with complexity 28 29 Three perspectives Strategic Design Political Organizations are machines Organizations are contests An organization is a mechanical system crafted to achieve a defined goal. Parts must fit well together and match the demands of the environment. An organization is a social system encompassing diverse, and sometimes contradictory, interests and goals. Competition for resources is expected. Action comes through planning. Action comes through power. Cultural Organizations are institutions An organization is a symbolic system of meanings, artifacts, values, and routines. Informal norms and traditions exert a strong influence on behavior. Action comes through habit. 30 Let’s get specific: Lessons learned from the past decade at MIT. 31 MIT’s Educational Mission In 1998 the Task Force on Student Life and Learning, as part of two years of intensive study, consultation, and reflection, developed a formal statement of MIT's educational mission: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is devoted to the advancement of knowledge and education of students in areas that contribute to or prosper in an environment of science and technology. Its mission is to contribute to society through excellence in education, research, and public service, drawing on core strengths in science, engineering, architecture, humanities and social sciences, and management. This mission is accomplished by an educational program combining rigorous academic study and the excitement of research with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. The message matters... 32 Senior leadership matters • The presidentially appointed Task Force on Student Life & Learning was charged in 1996 with undertaking a comprehensive review of MIT's educational mission on the threshold of the 21st century. – President Vest asked: “What does MIT have to do to be the preeminent university in Science and Technology in 2020?” • The final report published in 1998 provided insight into the principles that define MIT and the attributes of an educated individual. • In addition, the Task Force made recommendations regarding the General Institute Requirements (GIRs), advising, the first year, teaching, and undergraduate research. The core curriculum remained untouched 33 • The first Task Force focused on student life issues that had become more overtly challenging. • Advising was perceived as in serious need of improvement. • The core curriculum was not seen as ‘broken.’ • And after two years of hard work, that group needed reinforcements. And so . . . 34 MIT Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons The Massachusetts Institute of Technology established a Presidential Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons in order to undertake a fundamental, comprehensive review of the common educational experience of our undergraduates in the early years of the twenty-first century. 35 Task Force overview • The Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons was a committee of two dozen MIT faculty members and undergraduates. • The Task Force comprehensively reviewed MIT’s ‘General Institute Requirements’ (GIRs), the rigorous foundation in natural science, mathematics, technology, humanities, arts, and social sciences that forms the core curriculum of every undergraduate’s MIT education. • The Task Force Report affirmed the many ways in which this common curriculum has successfully prepared MIT’s graduates for a lifetime of learning and leadership, but it also recognized that changes in the wider cultural context required curricular change. 36 Strategic design • After 2.5 years of work, a committee of 24 faculty presented a new core curriculum to the entire MIT faculty • Tried to get input via – Departmental meetings – Town Hall meetings – Presentations to senior administrators and School Councils – E-mail to faculty/students and a website – An independent student committee 37 Curriculum design changes • The portion of the General Institute Requirements that focuses on science and technology should provide greater flexibility in the choice of classes in the fundamental sciences while retaining the rigor that has been the historic hallmark of these classes. • The Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement should be clarified in order to provide a rigorous foundation in the study of human culture, expression, and social organization. • MIT should make it clear that acquiring experience living and working abroad is an essential feature of an undergraduate education, and work to expand current international education programs that have proven successful in the MIT environment, and develop strategies to create other [global] opportunities. [http://web.mit.edu/committees/edcommons/documents/task_force _report.html] 38 Some recommendations were implemented: Online subject evaluations • MIT did not have one uniform subject evaluation system. Some departments ran their own online subject evaluations, while most used paper forms provided and processed through the Office of Faculty Support. • The ‘system’ was a patchwork of processes that did not provide the tools needed by faculty and academic administrators to compare or discern patterns in student responses over the semesters. • Gradual scale-up & careful piloting has led to positive community response. • Expected benefits of the online system include: – More thorough data collection and longitudinal analysis – Simplified administration – Better reporting capabilities 39 New GIRs: Full Model HUMANITIES, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REQUIREMENT (8 subjects) Required Subjects Freshman Experience Expository Writing (if needed) Foundational electives in HASS (1 subject from 2 out of 3 categories) Humanities Social Sciences Advanced Subjects (3-4 subjects) Concentration HASS Electives Arts SCIENCE/MATHEMATICS/ENGINEERING REQUIREMENT (8 subjects) Required Subjects Mechanics Single-Variable Calculus Multi-Variable Calculus Distribution Subjects: 1 from each of 5 categories of the 6 below Mathematics Differential equations, linear algebra, probability and statistics….. Physical Sciences Electricity and magnetism, Physics of… Chemical Sciences Solid-state chemistry, Chemistry of… Life Sciences Molecular Biology, Biology of… Computation & Engineering Algorithmic Thinking, Engineering Practice Freshman Experience Project-Based Subjects in Engineering, Science and/or Design 40 Political perspective: School of Science • New Science Math and Engineering (SME) core called for more ‘flavors’ for science, and for engineering to have a project-based experience, as well as a design class in the core • Each 12-unit SME GIR element should be offered in a variety of flavors that would share core content ( 6 units). • Disadvantaged in this would be the science departments particularly physics, math, and chemistry – Budgets are influenced by how many undergraduates departments teach; maybe even future faculty slots – Math and chemistry support many graduate students as TAs • These departments all opposed the changes • Dean of Science was in favor but could not carry the School 41 Political perspective: School of Engineering • Engineering did not care enough to push hard • Engineering could not or would not articulate a coherent core subject with broad support • There was disagreement on the intellectual content of the project-based course • Dean of Engineering was unable to get Engineering faculty buy-in 42 Political perspective: School of Humanities • Humanities, Arts and Social Science requirement would be taught entirely in that School, so while there were some who were disadvantaged they could be accommodated • Proposal was seen as providing more coherence, which was endorsed by many • Advocates worked to create trust in advance, to speak within the community and build consensus, both bottom up and top down • Dean of Humanities, Arts and Social Science was visibly behind the proposal 43 Cultural perspective • The proposed SME changes raised deep questions – What is modern science (and how can you devalue my science by throwing it out!)? – Who can teach this modern science? • Can only physicists teach physics? (dept said yes) • Can only mathematicians teach math? (dept said yes) – Is engineering really a fundamental subject like physics and math? • Is there core content that is different from science? (some in SoE said yes, around design; many in SoS said no) Cultural perspective • Analytic rigor is a very deep value in MIT culture – The project-based course was heavily critiqued as lacking rigor and unworthy of being in the core – An engineering GIR (in design, for example) would require some science subject to be eliminated, which raised concerns about “watering down” the rigor of the undergraduate curriculum • Some engineers proposed removing humanities or arts subjects but that School objected (power issue) 44 Aftermath 45 • Humanities changes passed faculty vote • Science Math and Engineering proposal did not pass (required 60% vote) • Engineering still not part of core, but math has reached out to work more with engineering • No energy for another try at MIT. Trying new ideas in Singapore with SUTD and will bring back to MIT. • Several departments have created new degrees and made changes in major programs • Emphasis on globalization is proceeding (but did not require a faculty vote!) 46 Much curricula change has occurred • Often at local level (individual faculty) or departments • Funds must exist to make this happen • Having dedicated organizations for educational technology, pedagogy, and assessment is very helpful • Dissemination, scalability, and broader coordination remain challenges • Wholesale change requires a three lens perspective • Change can often occur more easily outside the mainstream • MIT continues to be a dynamic exciting place to teach and learn