English II: American Literature MS. Kathleen Appleby Ms. Karen Bruno Mr. Ed Levine Room 104 Email: kappleby@keansburg.k12.nj.us, kbruno@keansburg.k12.nj.us, elevine@keansburg.k12.nj.us Phone: 732-787-2007 ext. 1 Scheduled Texts/Studies: Novels: Of Mice of Men, by John Steinbeck Catcher and the Rye, J.D. Salinger Drama: The Crucible, by Arthur Miller Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams Poetry /Short Story Unit Selections from Edgar Allan Poe, Harriet Jacobs, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and others Assignments: Literature Based research paper Expository essays/short response papers In-class activities (independent and collaborative; technology driven) Unit Projects (independent and collaborative; technology driven) Class Discussion Grading Breakdown: 1. Homework: 2. CW/Participation: 3. Quizzes: 4. Tests and Projects: 10% 20% 20% 50% *Required Supplies: 1. An English notebook or three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper. We will use both paper/pencil and laptop technology for writing in and out of class. 2. Laptops, charged, and present every day. 3. A pen or pencil. 4. A folder for important materials. 5. Your independent reading book. You must bring this to class everyday! We will provide ample in class reading time so that you can easily read your required 1 book per month. *BE PREPARED EVERY TIME YOU COME TO CLASS! IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED WHEN YOU COME TO CLASS, I WILL DEDUCT POINTS FROM YOUR PARTICIPATION GRADE! Student Contract on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Keansburg High School does not tolerate academic dishonesty of any variety, including plagiarism, whether as a result of a failure to follow proper academic and scholarly procedures or as and act of intentional dishonesty. A student found guilty of academic dishonesty is subject to severe disciplinary action. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty includes: Stealing or using someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as your own; Using part or all of another student’s work and presenting it as your own; Submitting a paper that someone else has written; Using information from the World Wide Web or the Internet without citing the source or sources; Having someone else do your work for you; Having your work edited to the point that it is no longer your work; Submitting anything that is not your own work; Submitting the same paper for more than one class without the express permission of the instructors involved; Anyone guilty of academic dishonesty in grades eleven and twelve will receive a zero (0) on the first submission of the paper. The student will be given the opportunity to revise the paper accordingly for the second/final submission. *Note- If the paper only requires one draft then the student will just receive a zero (0). The student will be formally reported to the administration. NOTE: No research paper will be graded until this form is returned. I have read the above explanations and understand that if I am guilty of academic dishonesty, based on the criteria stated above, I am subject to the consequences. I also understand that my instructor will take further actions with the administration. Student signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ________ Parent or Guardian signature: __________________________________ Date: ________ **CLASSROOM RULES, GUIDELINES, AND PROCEDURES: 1. There is ZERO tolerance for violence in my class. 2. There is ZERO tolerance for profanity/obscene language in my class. 3. All cell phones, iPods, and/or other devices are prohibited unless instructed otherwise. I do not appreciate abuse of the privilege in my classroom. You are not to take out your phone in my class unless you ask me to use it for educational purposes or I instruct you to for educational purposes. 4. Assignments are expected to be submitted on time. Review policies above. 5. Cheating/plagiarism is an automatic ZERO and is documented. 6. Absences – I WILL NOT come to you with missed work. With our newfound technology, THERE IS NO EXCUSE! It is your job to look online, ask me or a friend for missed work, and to submit the missed assignments. 7. You must follow the dress code (i.e., no hats/hoods, revealing clothes, etc.) 8. You may not eat or drink in the classroom, unless you have written permission from a doctor or administration. 9. Bathroom – I do not enforce a bathroom policy right away. If I see you are using the bathroom excessively during my class, you will be put on “Bathroom Restriction” which will limit your bathroom breaks during my class. 10. Lates/tardies to class will be documented and sent to attendance unless you have a pass! Please be on time! Not only is it rude to walk in late, you will also miss work. 11. You may be asked/recommended/required to come for extra help after school, pending your progress in my class. 12. To get respect, you have to give respect, plain and simple! 13. There is a reason why you’re here, whether you know it or not – MAKE THE MOST OF IT! CONSEQUNCES FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE INFRACTIONS AND/OR ANY OTHER INFRACTIONS THAT GO AGAINST HANDBOOK RULES AND/OR SCHOOL POLICIES: 1st Offense Warning 2nd Offense Teacher Assigned Detention/Parent-Guardian Notification 3rd Offense Guidance Intervention/Parent- Guardian Notification/Administrative Write-up _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CUT HERE AND RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION (SIGNED) TO Ms. Appleby NO LATER THAN September 13, 2013- *THIS COUNTS AS A HOMEWORK GRADE!* I, ______________________________________, (STUDENT - PRINT) have read and understood the following, and have agreed to the following rules and guidelines of Ms. Appleby’s classroom, Room 104. Should I violate any of the following conduct, I will expect and accept the appropriate consequences of my actions. I, ______________________________________, (PARENT - PRINT) have read and understood the following, and have agreed to the following rules and guidelines of Ms. Appleby’s classroom, Room 104. Should my child violate any of the following conduct, I will expect and accept the appropriate consequences of his/her actions. _______________________________________________ /______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Student Signature Date **