Technology Semester #2 - Quarter #2 - Week #3 Presentation - Class 2 4-7-2015 to 4-10-2015 Accessing the Prepa Tec Technology Class webpage… Go to Recognize that students can access everything for this class anywhere that the internet is accessible. Semester #2 - Quarter #2 - Week #2 Class #2 - Essential Questions Are you able to effectively analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of online sources and media? Are you able to use digital tools to manage activities in the development of your technology research project? Are you able to think critically in the choices of who, what, where, and when to include within your technology research project? Semester #2 - Quarter #2 - Week #1 Class #2 - Essential Questions (cont.) Are you able to create original technology project tasks as a means of demonstrating higher order metacognitive thinking? Do you understand the Statement of Inquiry and 3 Inquiry Questions for this Technology Research Project Unit and how each section is to be answered in the Expository Research Paper? Are you able to use the internet and MS Word to gather the knowledge and background necessary with which to complete your Technology Research Project third task, an Expository Research Paper? Do Now: (Second class this week) 1.) Download your saved Concept Bubble Map MS PowerPoint file from Edmodo. 2.) Download the Research Paper format MS Word file from Edmodo or your saved Research Paper MS Word document in progress. Today’s Learning Goal: (Second class this week) • Students will create Expository Research Papers on their chosen technology using MS Word based upon their Concept Bubble Maps and further internet research. Objectives: (Second class this week) S.W.B.A.T.: 1.) Complete the Week Three Expository Research Paper 2nd Body Section related to the "Pros, Uses, and Benefits" within the provided Basic Format Structure. 2.) Conduct research and write the 3 Body Sections for this Expository Research Paper in accord with the provided Rubric. 3.) Save work and upload it to Edmodo as well as how to Set the Line Spacing and Set the Margins in MS Word. CCSS Standards: (Second class of Week) Writing Standards for Literacy in History/ Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects - Grades 6–8 Text Types and Purposes CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes. a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. CCSS Standards (cont.) Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects - Grades 6–8 Text Types and Purposes CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2 c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts. d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone. f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. 5 Technology Research Project Tasks (You will be working individually or in groups of 2 or 3 students each): 1.) A Picture Collage. 2.) A Concept Bubble Map using MS PowerPoint 3.) An Expository Research Paper using MS Word. 4.) A MS PowerPoint presentation. 5.) The opportunity to design, develop and create your own project which goes beyond the scope and limits of the first 4 project tasks given here! Examples of Technology • Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Alternative Energy, Hydroelectric power, Solar power, Wind power, Nuclear power, Information technology, Nanotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Satellites, Space Shuttle, the Wheel, the keyboard, Printing Press, Automobiles, Electric Automobiles, the Fuel Cell, Salt Water Powered Automobiles, Airplanes, Jet airplanes, Telephones, Cellular phones, Electricity, Electric lights, Personal Computers, Laptop Computers, Virtual Reality, Oculus Rift, Digital Data Technology, Touchscreen Technology, iPads, iPods and iPhones, Robotics, Coding, Computer Programming, WiFi, Internet, Ultrasound imaging, MRI Scan, Microwave ovens, Audio Recording Devices (DVD players, etc.), Military Machines, Weapons, Water Supply & Distribution, Google, Facebook, Alphabet, Shoes, Dictionary, etc… • Example of where to look… of_the_20th_Century Technology Research Project Statement of Inquiry Throughout history, mankind has created and developed many different technologies with which to control, adapt to, and modify the surrounding environment and sustain civilizations from the world around him. Technology Research Project 3 Inquiry Questions 1.) From where did the technology that you have chosen originate, how did it develop in the past, why did it develop, where is it now in present time, and what is its future? 2.) There are helpful benefits and contributions made by each of these technologies to humanity, society, civilization, and the environment. In the case of your selected technology for this project, what are they? Technology Research Projects 3 Inquiry Questions (continued) 3.) There are also ways in which each of these technologies can harm, detract from, and/or possibly even destroy in different ways humanity, society, civilization, and the environment. In the case of your selected technology for this project, what are they? Keywords to use in Google Search • Use next to name of technology for project to locate information for Concept Bubble Map and Research Paper based upon the given 3 Inquiry Questions structure: • Definition • History / timeline • Benefits / purpose • Harm / danger • Pros & Cons • Future / Prediction What is the Structure for a 5 Paragraph/Section Expository Essay or Research Paper? Purdue Online Writing Lab Opening Paragraph of Technology Research Paper Paragraph 1: Opening • Hook • Thesis Statement o Piece of Body Section 1 Topic Sentence o Piece of Body Section 2 Topic Sentence o Piece of Body Section 3 Topic Sentence • Technology Introduction Your First Sentence Hook • To get your paper off to a great start, you should have a first sentence that engages your reader. • Think of your first sentence as a hook that draws your reader in. It is your big chance to be clever so that your reader can’t stop reading. • As you research your technology, you will probably discover many: 1.) Interesting (or shocking) fact(s), or 2.) Fascinating quote from an expert (or famous) person. • This is exactly the sort of thing you should use for an engaging introduction for a technology research paper! Consider these ideas for a Strong Hook… • Surprising (or shocking) fact: California currently has the largest solar power plant in the world! Covering 1000 acres are nine solar thermal plants in the Mojave Desert. • Fascinating quotes from an expert (or famous) person: Barack Obama once said “There is an urgent need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil, coal, and natural gas to wind, solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources.” Technology Research Paper Thesis Statement example: The automobile began with the first steam powered car in 1769, it is very beneficial for transportation, but there are also harms and dangers associated with it. Section 1: Origin/History/Timeline Section 2: Pros/Advantages/Benefits Section 3: Cons/Disadvantages/Harm 3 Body Sections of Technology Research Paper Body Section 1 • Origin/History/Timeline Body Section 2 • Pros/Uses/Benefits/Advantages Body Section 3 • Cons/Harm/Danger/Dis-Advantages) (Body Sections will often be longer than 1 paragraph for longer length research papers.) Body Section Topic Sentences Body Section 1 - Topic: Origin/History/Timeline The origin of the automobile goes back to the first steam powered car in 1769 and has a history all of the way through the Ford assembly line of the 1920’s and to the modern electric and even solar powered automobile of today. Body Section 2 - Topic: Pros/Uses/Benefits/Advantages Body Section 3 - Topic: Cons/Harm/Danger/Dis-Advantages Conclusion Paragraph of Technology Research Paper Section/Paragraph 5: Closing • Re-state Thesis (In a slightly different way.) o Piece of Body Section 1 Topic Sentence o Piece of Body Section 2 Topic Sentence o Piece of Body Section 3 Topic Sentence • Tie to larger societal, environmental, and/or global issues • Provide Closure Technology Research Project - Task Three Expository Research Paper Rubric (Criterion A-B) Assessment Criterion 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 Inquiring & Analyzing Criterion A ☐ Research paper is below basic in its inclusion of many of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origin, developmental timeline and technology based relationships, and helpful and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ Below basic understanding of fundamental content with little or no analysis of research. ☐ Limited or no critical thinking evident. ☐ Research paper is basic in its inclusion of many of the what, where, when, why, who, examples, origin, developmental timeline and technology based relationships, and helpful and harmful aspects of chosen technology. ☐ Demonstrates basic understanding of fundamental concepts and ideas through some analysis. ☐ Demonstrates basic level of critical thinking. Developing Ideas Criterion B ☐ Research paper does not adequately communicate on the technology research topic with focus and clarity, and some disorganization and confusion is present. ☐ 0-1 pages for 6th grade, 1-2 pages for 7th grade, 2-3 pages for 8th grade. ☐ Below Basic, underdeveloped, and unclear confusing ideas present in research paper. ☐ Research paper thoroughly and ☐ Research paper communicates ☐ Research paper communicates skillfully communicates the on selected technology with basic on the selected technology well selected topic with advanced level of focus, clarity, and with proficient focus, clarity, focus, clarity, organization and organization. Detail is missing. organization, and detail. attention to detail. ☐ 1-2 pages for 6th grade, 2-3 ☐ 2-3 pages for 6th grade, 3-4 ☐ 3+ pages for 6th grade, 4+ pages for 7th grade, 3-4 pages for pages for 7th grade, 4-5 pages for pages for 7th grade, 5+ pages for 8th grade. 8th grade. 8th grade. ☐ Basic, some developed, and ☐ Proficient, developed, and some ☐ Advanced and well developed some unclear ideas present in clear ideas present in research and clear ideas present in research paper. paper. research paper. ☐ Research paper is advanced in ☐ Research paper is proficient in its inclusion of many of the what, its inclusion of many of the what, where, when, why, who, where, when, why, who, examples, origin, developmental examples, origin, developmental timeline and technology based timeline and technology based relationships, and helpful and relationships, and helpful and harmful aspects of chosen harmful aspects of chosen technology. technology. ☐ Demonstrates an advanced, ☐ Demonstrates a proficient grasp comprehensive, and thorough of the important concepts and grasp of important concepts and ideas through focused and some ideas through focused, detailed, detailed analysis. and original analysis. ☐ Demonstrates proficient level of ☐ Demonstrates advanced level of critical thinking critical thinking Score Technology Research Project - Task Three Expository Research Paper Rubric (Criterion C-D) Assessment Criterion 1–2 ☐Failure to develop a thesis or hook. ☐Below basic mechanics, Creating The writing conventions, Solution grammar, sentence Criterion C structure, vocabulary, and writing style. ☐ A Citation page with resources not present. ☐Research paper accuracy regarding the topic is below basic. Evaluating Criterion D ☐ Below basic research, support, facts and evidence. ☐Below Basic evaluation of sources present such that credible sources not utilized. 3–4 ☐Basic thesis and hook. ☐Basic mechanics, writing conventions, grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and writing style. 5–6 7–8 ☐Proficient thesis and hook. ☐ Proficient mechanics, writing conventions, grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and writing style. ☐ A Citations resource page listing the URL addresses of sources used in the making of the paper is present. ☐Advanced and exceptional thesis and hook. ☐ Advanced mechanics, writing conventions, grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and writing style. ☐ A Citations resource page in MLA format listing sources used in the making of the paper is present. ☐ Research paper accuracy ☐Research paper accuracy regarding the topic is basic. regarding the topic is ☐Basic research, support, proficient. facts and evidence. ☐ Proficient research, support, ☐Basic evaluation of facts and evidence. sources present such that ☐ Proficient evaluation of some credible sources sources present such that utilized. credible sources utilized. ☐ Research paper accuracy regarding the topic is advanced. ☐ Advanced research, support, facts and evidence. ☐ Advanced evaluation of sources present such that credible and highest quality sources utilized. Score Accessing Prepa Tec Homework 1. Go to 2. Click on “STUDENTS” 3. Click on your Grade Level, 6th, 7th, or 8th. Homework 1.) Complete 2 hours of Code on new personal account accessible through 2.) Complete the Opening Paragraph, Section 1 on the “Origin, History, and Timeline”, and through Section 2 on the ”Pros, Uses, and Benefits” for your Technology Research Paper. 3.) Extra Credit: Sell 3 tree kits for $5 each for the “We Plant Peace” Prepa Tec Tree Sales Fundraiser. Share our website to help you at… 4.) Extra Credit: Complete 1-2 page written essay with a Graphic Organizer Map on one of the Our IB Attitudes or IB Learner Profiles. (Required if assigned due to class behavior consequences.) (Late work submitted is subject to a deduction of minus 10% per each class period turned in late.