
Warren Design Vision
5617 C Street
Little Rock, AR 72205
$65K Request
Van Warren, Designer, C.T.O.
501-664-4011 (w)
231-5426 (c)
Dina Nash, C.O.O.
501-246-3026 (w/fax)
479-530-8328 (c)
Social Security Numbers Available on Request.
The submitters affirm the information contained herein
to be accurate and truthful to the best of our ability.
L. Van Warren
Dina Nash
Aug 11, 2007
DESCRIPTION OF vTURBINE™ ............................................................................................. 4
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 4
A BETTER SOLUTION .............................................................................................................. 5
MEASUREMENT AND REAL-TIME DIGITAL CONTROLS ................................................ 7
PRIOR ART AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH ............................................................................. 7
PROTYPING PROGRAM – WORK TO DATE ........................................................................ 7
OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO PRODUCTION ................................................................... 10
COMMERCIALIZATION, MANUFACTURING AND PROCESS ....................................... 10
WHAT we are selling: ................................................................................................. 10
WHO our customers are: ............................................................................................. 10
HOW we manufacture and market our product: ......................................................... 10
WHEN our Phase 1 and Phase 2 objectives are accomplished: .................................. 11
Commercialization of the vTurbine Wind System: ............................................................ 10
Manufacturing and Process: ................................................................................................ 11
MARKET NICHE ...................................................................................................................... 12
Description of Our Niche in the Wind Industry: ................................................................ 12
IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ..................................................................................................... 13
Timetable and Schedule ...................................................................................................... 13
Narrative Description of Fund Use ..................................................................................... 13
Support Facilities, Equipment, Tooling, Personnel ............................................................ 14
BUDGET FOR PROJECT PERIOD.......................................................................................... 14
QUALIFICATIONS OF PRINCIPLES INCLUDING RESUMES .......................................... 19
Chief Technical Officer and Chief Executive Officer: L. Van Warren ............................. 19
Chief Operations Officer: Dina Nash ................................................................................ 21
ECONOMIC IMPACT PROJECTIONS ................................................................................... 21
Job Creation ........................................................................................................................ 21
Export Potential .................................................................................................................. 22
Value Added to Existing Products ...................................................................................... 22
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) - PATENTS..................................................................... 23
Patent Area One – Automatic Reefing................................................................................ 23
Patent Area Two – Venturi Plus High Performance Turbine ............................................. 24
Patent Area Three – Stability and Control .......................................................................... 24
Confidential and Proprietary – Public Disclosure Prohibited
IP - TRADEMARKS ................................................................................................................. 25
vTurbine™ .......................................................................................................................... 25
vSail™ ................................................................................................................................ 25
vTower™ ............................................................................................................................ 25
ventureWind™ .................................................................................................................... 25
IP– COPYRIGHTS AND TRADE SECRETS .......................................................................... 25
Attached Documents – List ........................................................................................................ 25
Arkansas Wind Map, NREL 2006 ...................................................................................... 25
Wind Powering America: DOE NREL Fact Sheet, 2008 ................................................... 25
Van Warren and Dina Nash’s Resume ............................................................................... 25
Table of Figures
vTurbine™ Computer Model................................................................................................................ 4
Prototype vTurbine™ Sail .................................................................................................................... 4
Bergey XL-1 ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Bergey XL-1 Power vs. Wind Speed .................................................................................................... 5
vTurbine™ Preliminary Calculations ................................................................................................... 6
Frame and Sail Fabrication ................................................................................................................... 8
Frame and Sail Integration .................................................................................................................... 8
Pole Mount for Early Truck Tests ........................................................................................................ 8
Improved Sail Under Static Test ........................................................................................................... 8
Improved Sail in High Speed Test ........................................................................................................ 8
vTurbine™ Prototype Internals Sketch ................................................................................................ 9
Budget for Project Period – Phases 1 & 2........................................................................................... 15
vTurbine™ Full Scale Prototype Costs .............................................................................................. 16
vTurbine™ Installation Costs ............................................................................................................. 17
vTurbine™ Projected Sales ................................................................................................................ 18
Carpenter’s Patent #421875 ................................................................................................................ 24
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As briefed in our previous presentation, the product is a wind turbine whose design is enhanced by
the use of a tensile structure. In this case the tensile structure is a venturi-shaped sail, the truncated
frustum of a cone. The entire assembly including the generator is called the vTurbine™, and the sail part
is, well, just the sail.
vTurbine™ Computer Model
Prototype vTurbine™ Sail
Conventional wind turbines depend on the strength and vagaries of the ambient wind for their
performance. The power generated by a wind turbine grows as the cube of windspeed according to:
π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ = πΉπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘π‘’ βˆ™ π‘£π‘’π‘™π‘œπ‘π‘–π‘‘π‘¦ = 𝐢𝑝 𝐴 [ πœŒπ‘£ 2 ] 𝑣 = 𝐢𝑝 π΄πœŒπ‘£ 3
Where 𝐢𝑝 is a pressure coefficient, A is the swept cross-sectional area, 𝜌 is air density and v is
velocity. This is known as the cube law of power for wind turbines.
Wind turbines situated in low wind areas tend to perform poorly because of this cubic dependence on
ambient wind speed. Consider for example the popular Bergey XL-1 wind turbine:
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Bergey XL-1
With a blade diameter of 8.2 feet its generator is rated to produce as much as 1000 watts at a wind
speed of 24.6 mph. That same unit, when operated in the central Arkansas 7.8 mph average winds
produces a mere 29 watts. The arrows show the actual versus rated performance.
Bergey XL-1 Power vs. Wind Speed
Performance suffers by a factor of thirty at typical wind speeds and the equipment fails to meet
expectations or achieve payback in a timely manner. Adding a sail and digital controllers creates the
vTurbine™ which achieves a performance improvement of 31 fold - See spreadsheet below.
The Venturi Effect is well-known in engineering practice. From continuity a nozzle of varying crosssectional area has as its governing equation:
𝜌1 𝑣1 𝐴1 = 𝜌2 𝑣2 𝐴2
For applications that are significantly subsonic such as ours 𝜌1 = 𝜌2 and we have:
𝑣1 𝐴1 = 𝑣2 𝐴2
Solving this equation for 𝑣2 yields:
𝑣2 = 𝑣1
πœ‹π‘Ÿ1 2
π‘Ÿ1 2
= 𝑣1
πœ‹π‘Ÿ2 2
Applying this to our low-wind predicament we see that an increase in cross-sectional area produces a
velocity increase proportional to the square of the ratio of the radii. The next page shows some
preliminary figures obtained for a practical vTurbine™ prototype.
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vTurbine™ Preliminary Calculations
As the calculations above demonstrate a conical sail 14.6 feet in diameter increases an average wind
of 7.8 mph to an average exit velocity of 24.6 mph and restores the turbine to its rated performance in
low wind conditions.
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In a limiting argument one might ask, why not just lengthen the blades of a wind turbine by the same
amount as the sail entry radius?
The conical sail has the advantage of occupying the entire capture area simultaneously. A turbine
blade, on the other hand, can only occupy a fraction of the available surface area due to its finite width.
The sail magnifies velocity passively by focusing the winds of a large cross-section into a smaller one.
Because fabric structures, especially tensile ones are relatively low in cost, they are a better solution – a
better solution than subjecting a larger turbine to the same low winds. This makes for a more effective
match of the driving force to the generator load.
Adding a sail is the most visible innovation, but not the most critical.
We have also created an auto-reefing system, that protects the vTurbine™ installation in high wind
and weather advisory situations. A microcontroller continuously monitors the wind speed and
automatically places the system in a safe configuration whenever necessary. This same monitoring
allows performance to be optimized for a variety of ambient conditions.
Besides a comprehensive performance measurement campaign that will include digital anemometers
and data acquisition, we are fielding additional innovations that exploit the revolution in digital control.
Real-time digital monitoring and control enable us to adaptively adjust key sail parameters that
minimize loads on the tower. These innovations not only increase the patentability of the device, but aid
in servicing and maintaining the unit conveniently and at low-cost.
Four simultaneous circumstances have conspired to create a “perfect storm” for moderate-scale wind
energy development and thus for the appearance of the vTurbine™. These are:
The availability of cost-effective high performance composite materials.
The availability of low-cost digital microcontrollers for monitoring.
The manufacturing of high-performance wind turbines.
A global increase in demand for wind energy at farm, residential, neighborhood scales.
From the outset, an ambitious computer simulation effort was mounted to assess cost versus benefit
and predict the optimal sizing of the sail with respect to specific off-the-shelf wind turbine technology.
This document opens with a computer model of the vTurbine™ and this has been followed up by the
construction of a 1/5 scale model of the vTurbine™ sail. Some pictures and sketches of the prototyping
activity follow:
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Frame and Sail Fabrication
Frame and Sail Integration
Pole Mount for Early Truck Tests
Improved Sail Under Static Test
Improved Sail in High Speed Test
Improved Sail in Extended Test
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vTurbine™ Prototype Internals Sketch
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Production is slated for Arkansas, with an Arkansas labor force. Due to the availability of cost
effective manufacturing space and manpower in Arkansas, we foresee no unusual barriers to production.
Suitable weather resistant fabric materials for the sail are widely available from multiple vendors to the
sailing, parachuting, tent and awning industries. Careful attention is being paid to creating convenientlysized and easily-shipped components that can be assembled on-site with a minimum of tools.
Commercialization of the vTurbine Wind System:
Going from prototype to market involves being clear what we are selling, to whom, how,
when, and where we do so.
8.1.1 WHAT we are selling:
Our product that embodies two concepts:
1. Thirty-fold performance improvement. This changes a product with low return
on investment to a higher state which produces a higher rate of return on
investment in a shorter payback period.
2. Reliability and Safety: Our product is easy to use and safe to maintain. After
installation there is no need for cranes, trained climbers, or risk with electrical
metering devices at the utility pole.
8.1.2 WHO our customers are:
We have at least three kinds of customers:
1. Individuals who want them for their distributive power needs on farms and in
residential situations which permit them;
2. Businesses which need them for their distributive power needs (Wal-Mart is
planning several wind turbines in store parking lots); and
3. Community groups such as neighborhoods, churches, industrial parks, small
towns, etc. The national wind associations have many examples of cooperative
wind projects which are working well. See Wind Associations Attachment.
8.1.3 HOW we manufacture and market our product:
The vTurbines™ are unique in that they constitute their own aesthetic and
harmonious signage and advertising. This will allow word-of-mouth, the most
powerful kind of marketing to be a principle asset. We will exploit existing marketing
surveys through them and carefully target our sales efforts towards the most likely
markets first. Obviously, such marketing has to be towards targets who have the
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money to buy these devices and who need them now and who can afford the
transportation and installation costs, as well as the price of the device. Because of our
vTurbine and the other features of our wind system, we will not be the cheapest
product, but the most efficient and safe. When people see what it can do, they will
be willing to buy the best system in the small wind market. We know that our
marketing venues will include wind trade shows and wind publications, technology
conferences, newspaper and internet advertising, and demonstration turbines,
such as our prototype which we hope to have your help to develop.
8.1.4 WHEN our Phase 1 and Phase 2 objectives are accomplished:
When we have made our full scale model and have tested it fully and when have
secured funding to spend on marketing, we will engage the services of a marketing
firm to develop a plan for commercialization of our wind system. We anticipate this
date’s being in February 2009, if initial funding is granted through A.S.T.A.
1. First Priority: VentureWind will market to customers whose states have wind
production tax and other incentives, since these are people and businesses
which will have more available cash to spend on such devices, due to faster
payback on investment dollars. We know what those 25 states are.
2. Second Priority: we will market to customers who do not have tax incentives,
because we know many of those individuals will want to supplement their
energy source, no matter what the cost up front, because of long term savings
and environmental ethics (wanting to participate in the conservation of natural
resources and global warming reduction and to at least do net metering).
Manufacturing and Process:
VentureWind is planning to have the sail portion of our wind system manufactured by
contract with sail and parachute manufacturers, and we are doing further research to determine
our best source or sources. We have identified all the materials and costs for the sails and for all
the parts in the rest of the wind system. We are planning to have the generator built by the
maker of the most efficient generator we can buy in the U.S. at the time (at present that is the
Bergey Company’s brand). We are planning to buy the tower from a source which manufactures
cell phone towers, since we need taller towers than some small wind systems use. We are
planning to buy materials to rig the special reefing characteristics of our product and buy the net
metering equipment with which to assemble the whole system.
Our manufacturing/assembly plant in the Central Arkansas area will be clean industrial
worksite with large tables and hand tools for system integration and rigging (cables,
counterweights, etc.) and any modifications we have to do to the generators. We will not have to
store large quantities of bulky items, since the towers will be shipped directly to the customer’s
site for assembly there, and we will order generators as we need them. Assembly of all the parts
will be done at the customer’s site, and we will transport by UPS all components, except the
towers for on-site assembly.
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We will hire Assemblers which we will train, and Electricians to connect the net metering
equipment to our assembled system, as we need them by contract, at first, then more and more
full time ones as our orders increase.
Connecting the vTurbine system into the grid will be the responsibility of the customer and
the utility company, cooperating. Our work will be done when we test the final assembly and the
installation job.
Description of Our Niche in the Wind Industry:
In the world of wind energy production equipment, there is small, intermediate, and large
scale wind equipment, referring to the size of the equipment that would be appropriate for the
average wind velocity for a given year in a given location. The small wind distributive energy
market is the niche in which we will be competing. Our initial offerings will be systems that
generated 10 kilowatts or less. Wind turbines of this size are very suitable for becoming part of
the energy supply for farms, residences where local ordinances permit them, which in Arkansas
is liberally regulated at the moment, small to intermediate sized businesses at the edge of towns
and cities, and recently, they are being added to the tops of city buildings. See Arkansas Wind
Map Attachment and Department of Energy Fact Sheet. Our wind systems will be an attractive
addition to the landscape due to the flexible coloration of the sail.
The unique features of our wind system include the sail which magnifies the wind speed, the
reefing ability (it can be lowered automatically or by customer remote) which both gets it out of
dangerously high wind danger and allows its owner to bring it down for easy, safe maintenance,
eliminating the need for an expensive crane rental and a dangerous repair experience for a
The U.S. Department of Energy project that wind can become 20% of our energy portfolio.
The wind power industry grew 45% in 2007. New wind power installations constituted 35% of
all new electric power installations. Wind power reduces water consumption in the electric
power sector of the market, it reduces greenhouse gas, CO2, and it increases the economic
prosperity, especially in rural areas where income is always needed. The U.S. Department of
Energy predicts impacts of 1,000 megawatts of wind energy from Arkansas in the future. Six
states have already reached the 1000 mw mark. VentureWind, Inc. is towards the crest of this
wave with our innovative vTurbine wind system.
Small wind systems can boost local energy supplies and stimulate rural economies. Wind
power is an investment in rural America, and one can use Sweetwater, Texas, as an example. It
was a dying town of 10,000 when a large wind facility was built outside town. So it experienced
a revival, and the population has grown back up to 12,000. Rural electric cooperatives are
starting to add wind to their portfolios. If enough wind and solar were added to energy supplies,
new coal plants which emit heavy pollution and global warming could be replaced with clean,
completely sustainable energy sources. In the future, clean energy will be more cost-effective
than dirty energy, and this will move the cost of wind energy down. Large corporate wind farms
may dominate the high dollar side of the market for a couple of decades, we predict; however,
the small wind market has a great capacity to fill in the countryside where the large wind farms
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cannot go. Large wind systems have to go where there is large wind, of which there are few
patches in Arkansas. See Arkansas Wind Map Attachment.
By the time we go into production, we expect Arkansas and many other states will have
enacted a Production Tax Credit or Feed-in Tariff of 5-7 cents per kilowatt, which encourages
consumers to produce their own power and sell their surplus energy to the grid. When this
occurs, the vTurbine small wind system will be in greater demand, because then it can actually
make an three bedroom two bath home (1100-1300 kWh per month) customer $2-3,000 more per
year than the typical electric bill. However our product remains viable even without a Feed-in
Tariff, especially in states with net-metering laws.
The vTurbine™ system will power a small business, a farm, or a three-bedroom home in
Arkansas and make enough extra power when mixed with other energy sources so there are no
breaks in service, with production incentives, to pay the electric bills and, in addition, have $23,000 in their pocket. This cannot be said for the conventional small wind turbine. The payback
period for our invention, the vTurbine™, is about three times shorter than for a conventional
wind system. This is the advantage of the vTurbine™ wind system over every other product in
our niche.
10.1 Timetable and Schedule
The time table extends from the time of grant approval to February 2009. During this period
tasks marked “Custom Fab” in the Full Scale Prototype spreadsheet below will be contracted out.
Tasks marked “Off the Shelf” will procured and assembled internally. Our objective for the
prototype is to serve primarily as system integrators, coordinating major assembly for the Full
Scale Prototype. The schedule task list is included in the budget spreadsheets below.
10.2 Narrative Description of Fund Use
On receipt of grant funding, the acquisition of dual anemometers for high precision
measurements on both the Fifth Scale Model and the Full Scale Prototype will be initiated.
Provisional patents in three areas will be filed as mentioned below in the IP section. The
anemometers will connect via RS-232 to laptop computers already used by the project to log
freestream and accelerated wind speeds in real time. These will be used to fine tune performance
of the system and drive the automatic reefing system. On completion of this measurement and
tuning activity, the instrumentation will be transferred to work in progress on the full scale
model. In parallel with this a monopole tower will be acquired at a cost of $11K and
subcontracting of sail construction will commence. Composite components for the frame will be
acquired as off-the-shelf stock, and will be assembled on site. An off-the-shelf wind turbine will
be secured and modified for drive train changes required by the vTurbine™ configuration. This
drive train will be installed in the frame and attached to the monopole tower. After successful
demonstration of the reefing system (already in development), the system will be raised on the
pole and monitored without the sail. Stresses on the tower will be assessed and system
performance will be evaluated. After completion of these preliminary tests, the sail will be
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integrated and Full Scale Prototyping will commence. At this point demonstrations will be made
to the granting agencies.
10.3 Support Facilities, Equipment, Tooling, Personnel
Support facilities have already been obtained at relatively low cost by parties wanting to facilitate
the project. A modest rental fee of $300 for the use of this space has been included in the budget. The
fully equipped workshop consists of 400 square feet that has been used previously by the applicants.
Special tooling needs will be contracted out, rented or in specific cases procured to accomplish
component integration. Two experienced full-time workers and two part-time workers will assist in
integration and assembly tasks.
The scope of the current proposal is divided into two phases. In Phase 1, the 1/5 scale model is
finished and process dependent issues, such as order of installation events are worked out. In Phase 2,
the full scale vTurbine™ is constructed along with its digital controls. The spreadsheets on the following
pages show the overall project budgets for Phases 1 & 2, followed by a cost breakout for the full-scale
vTurbine™ components. This is followed by a cost estimate of installation for the typical customer – a
hedge that will allow us to compare manufactured unit costs against the cost of installing a unit. At a
little over $3.3K for installation these costs seem both practical and reasonable. Building higher power
units is fairly straightforward as the design variables are completely parameterized in the various
computer models. Because of the areal nature design, costs tend to scale as the surface area of the sail
and the height of the tower, rather than as the cube of the characteristic dimension, a definite advantage
for materials costs. The actual cost of a manufactured unit will be unknown until the full-scale prototype
is finished and demonstrated in Phase 2. But industry experience indicates that the cost of massproduced units will fall gradually with the number of units manufactured.
Projected sales are estimated for the year following demonstration of the working Phase 2 prototype.
It is anticipated that an interim period between prototyping and manufacturing will allow perfection of
the design and data collection to assess realized performance gains. A set of spreadsheets iteming these
costs are included below:
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Budget for Project Period – Phases 1 & 2
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vTurbine™ Full Scale Prototype Costs
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vTurbine™ Installation Costs
Confidential and Proprietary – Public Disclosure Prohibited
vTurbine™ Projected Sales
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12.1 Chief Technical Officer and Chief Executive Officer: L. Van Warren
Van Warren's professional training began in at the University of Illinois where he earned a BS in
Aerospace Engineering while working as a medical lab technician. After this he worked for the
University of Illinois and CERL in Champaign Urbana in the same building where the world's first
supercomputer Illiac was designed and built. In his senior undergraduate year he was asked to create a
physically accurate model of spacecraft reentry. The simulation that resulted brought honorable mention
to his aerospace team in the national Bendix design competition. A later version was used in the
preliminary component sizing for the Mars Pathfinder mission that succeeded in landing on, and
exploring, the Red Planet. During this time Mr. Warren performed detail wind tunnel analysis and
published a report comparing several configurations for vertical wind tunnels for freefall simulation.
These wind tunnels are in widespread use today.
After his undergraduate work, Mr. Warren designed the first major geographic information systems
that grew to widespread use – CERL’s GRASS GIS. It is still in distribution today. During this period he
studied tensile structures with Prof. Edward Kuznetsov, the noted engineer and mathematician. An
enthusiastic student of numerical analysis Mr. Warren developed visualization techniques for
understanding large linear systems of equations and created visual simulations for Alan George's
"Nested Dissection of a Regular Finite Element Mesh".
He then went on to receive his first master's degree in Aerospace Engineering. For this he developed a
special purpose language for describing and analyzing the vibrational modes of complex structures. Mr.
Warren developed and applied ontological model techniques to common finite element problems. He
created one of the first 'C' programming projects that captured the notion of object oriented methodology
and complex systems. That thesis is posted on his web site in its entirety.
After a chance meeting with the mathematician Elaine Cohen at SIGGRAPH, he traveled to the
University of Utah Graphics Lab. His resulting second thesis in computer science defined a new space
decomposition technique - "Geometric Hashing" - which enabled the application of ray tracing
algorithm to scenes containing thousands of objects.
While in Salt Lake City he performed produced a computer animation entitled, "Sound Into Graphics".
This animation of sound driven computer graphics was done in collaboration with Pat Kane and James
Bozek of the University of Illinois.
Graduating from the University of Utah he went to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena,
California. During this time he worked on the Time Warp Project and became the manager of the
visualization component for a Strategic Defense Initiative project entitled Simulation87.
Reacting to the consequences of possible nuclear conflict, Mr. Warren embarked on a personal
investigation on views of the earth as seen from space with Santa Monica muralist and friend of Richard
Feynman, Tom Van Sant. Their goal was to depict an earth as seen from space without political
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boundaries. In the course of his work, sponsored by NASA, The National Geographic Society, and the
GeoSphere Project, he was the technical director for the largest mosaic of the earth ever created at that
time. Mr. Warren had the privilege of briefing aerospace innovators Paul MacReady, Peter Lissaman, Al
Hibbs, Phillip and Phyllis Morrison and many others on this work. The final product entitled, "The Earth
from Space", was published in the Boston Globe on Earth Day, the National Geographic Sixth Atlas of
the World, and numerous film and television venues to this day.
After this Mr. Warren returned to his aerospace roots and became the cognizant engineer for the Mars
Pathfinder Entry Descent and Landing System. His detailed simulations led to the understanding of the
reentry system that is still used today. He invented the "drape abatement bridle" that creates a two
pendulum system and protects the lander from being draped by the parachute after landing. This work
was applied to the first successful Mars Pathfinder Exploration Mission and is still in use in the Spirit
and Opportunity missions to Mars.
After Pathfinder Mr. Warren started his own design firm Warren Design Vision and began working on
electric cars to reduce pollution and dependence on foreign oil. He designed a hybrid conversion kit for
the General Motors Geo Storm. The public was not yet ready for a car that in his words, "traveled half
the distance for twice the cost". He then turned to the creation of simulation software products and built
high technology web sites for commercial, academic and medical clients.
After this Mr. Warren conceived of the CellWorld™ project to illustrate and animate cellular biology
and the results of the human genome project. This represented a return to his original interest in medical
technology which paid for his education. His first bioinformatic work was a mathematical study of the
number of times that idiomatic expressions recur in gene sequences. He then went on to develop an
interactive web-based pharmacology system for cancer pain and a bioinformatic system for exploring
genes implicated breast cancer. During this time he developed a comprehensive theory of knowledge
mapping for cell simulation.
After trips to Argonne National Labs, Virginia Bioinformatics, and SIGGRAPH, Mr. Warren
contributed his talents towards the design of the Virtual Reality Center at the University of Arkansas.
This Center featured a merged capability of the Access Grid Internet II, a Silicon Graphics Reality
Center and clustered 32-node PC based supercomputer.
To extend his experience in modern networking technology, Mr. Warren then became the founding
member of the element management system for Alltel. During this time he successfully participated in
the cutover of Verizon telecommunication properties valued at $1.4 billion. The cutover was successful
and saved Alltel $200 million dollars. After helping to build the EMS group and create graphical
displays he received intensive Sun training in Java. Wanting to focus on new software projects, he left
Alltel and developed new software. His most recent tool KnowledgeGazer™ shows promise as a data
mining tool for illustrating biological pathways and discovering new links in previously published
The advent of the most recent energy crisis has motive him to examine the wind turbine problem in
more detail. It was in the process of trying to fix the demonstration wind turbine planned for Dunbar
Gardens that the vTurbine™ was conceived and invented.
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12.2 Chief Operations Officer: Dina Nash
Mrs. Nash also has two master’s degrees, one in Administrative Social Work from the University of
Arkansas at Little Rock and one in Criminology from Florida State University in Tallahassee. Her
work experience related to this project is that she has developed and run a summer day camp business in
Fayetteville, Camp Mountain Brook, for three years, and she has run her own counseling business for 27
years. The camp involved program design, contracts, employee hiring, training, and human relations,
and all the administrative duties that go with managing hundreds of campers safely. Mrs. Nash has done
training and workshops in her 27 year career in counseling, and that business included five years of
program planning and development in state agencies. Also, she has taught sociology, social work, and
criminology for eight years at the college level and taught four years at the secondary level in Arkansas
schools. Her interest in helping the U.S. solve its energy crisis is her motivation to enter the alternative
energy field as her third career.
(See Attached Resumes)
13.1 Job Creation
We envision providing the following jobs during year one of production: Chief Technical
Officer, Chief of Operations, a half time secretary/bookkeeper, a half time Assembler, and a half
time Electrician. In addition, a marketing firm and an attorney’s services will be secured, parttime. During year two, Mrs. Nash will just do administration and a Sales person will be added,
and other employees will likely be full-time. During years three and beyond, we project that we
will need more Assemblers and more marketing and sales personnel, depending on the level of
sales to expand those positions. We expect to pay prevailing wages and salaries, phasing in staff
from part-time to full-time as we need them. Estimates of our costs for staff have been done, but
the final figures will depend on our revenues from sales.
Benefits to the community will be the property taxes we pay, the profits we and our
employees spend in the community, the cleanliness of our manufacturing operation and of the
energy we generate, and the products which give our customers the electric power for whatever
applications they need it for. Wind power not only meets the needs of the customers for power,
but meets the needs of the community as a whole for clean power, air, and water. The Clinton
Center brought to Little Rock an inspiring speaker this year that installed his residential turbine
in downtown Atlanta and worked out that permit with the city, so we expect urban and rural
applications of small wind turbines, though rural and industrial uses at the fringe of cities may be
more the norm at first. As energy costs continue to rise, as is projected, people may come to
think they are as beautiful as the basketball goals, tennis court fences, and transformer boxes
which now rise above the typical residential lot when they see the zero utility bills and the profit
they made with their wind system.
The Arkansas Department of Energy reports that there are several drivers of economic
benefits to consumers and their communities. These include: the use of local construction
companies (which we will do), the presence of in-state component suppliers (some of which we
Confidential and Proprietary – Public Disclosure Prohibited
have for our product), favorable local wage and property tax structures (which vary), and low
operation and maintenance costs (which we will have).
13.2 Export Potential
We envision a high export potential for our vTurbine and the other unique components of the
system. The vTurbine™ sail will be very lightweight (see table of specifications included in this
document), and it and the reefing rigging parts should be very easy to export. For international
export, we will package these parts in such a way that they can be shipped in conventional
shipping crates. We will have our marketing firm identify target distributors abroad and also
identify sources of the other parts which we will not manufacture, such as the towers and the
generators. We will employ Assemblers and Electricians abroad to make sure that installations
are done according to our specifications.
Right now, on the internet, a potential wind system customer can easily locate wind turbines
in China or any other country that makes them. Our planned website will provide the internet
presence we need to compete in global markets, and our unique features will provide the impetus
to customers to have the best utilization of their available small wind supply. Internet searches
have not produced anything in the wind turbine market yet that remotely does what our system
13.3 Value Added to Existing Products
Yes, the vTurbine™ and unique wind system adds value to several other products, as
explained somewhat. We will be assembling several off the shelf items: the generator (Bergey),
the tower, the reefing and rigging materials, the modification parts for the nacelle, the braces, the
materials for the sail itself, the net metering equipment, the concrete and sleeve for the
foundation, etc. Therefore, all the manufacturers of those parts will benefit from our wholesale
purchase of them. Then we add the sail which we have manufactured by a tent and sail
company, we add training to the customer, and we add installation to all the parts.
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The vTurbine™ has at least three areas of patentability that exceed that of prior art. At the present
time complete disclosure of these areas is a trade secret and a non-disclosure agreement is in place with
all agencies distributing this document. The filing of provisional patents in these areas is underway. The
filing of long-term patents will follow on completion of the full-scale prototype as additional patentable
contributions are anticipated.
14.1 Patent Area One – Automatic Reefing
Reefing is defined as the process of reducing sail area to suit the wind conditions.
The benefits of automatic reefing are:
Protecting the vTurbine™ and the vTower™ from damage in high winds.
Protecting the vTower™ from damage in high winds.
Enabling easy inspection and maintenance of the unit.
According to Stephan Pollard, a significant problem with existing wind turbines is the sense
of visual intrusion. People tend to forgive a visual intrusion if it is perceived as doing useful
work. Members of the public become cranky if a turbine is seen in a non-functioning state, as if
to say, “Why isn’t that machine working?!” This upshot of this is that non-functioning wind
turbines are perceived as an eyesore and need to be taken down quickly for service and repair.
Unfortunately for conventional wind turbines, this is a costly activity. Obtaining a crane, a crew
and tower climbers represents a significant portion of the expense of erecting the unit in the first
place. So the tendency is that non-functional units remain in place, generating complaints and
discouragement about wind power. Our prototyping work has shown the vTurbine™ sail is
actually an attractive and enchanting indicator of wind conditions. It creates its own aesthetic and
environmentally harmonious advertising. Thus we expect it to sell itself.
The vTurbine™ completely circumvents this by a raising and lowering the unit under realtime control. This was originally done to optimize performance in varying wind conditions.
However it turns out that raising and lowering the unit greatly enhances the convenience of
servicing and lowers maintenance costs by at least an order of magnitude. No crane, crew or
tower climbers are required for routine maintenance.
In normal operation, a computerized monitoring and control unit adjusts the height of the
vTurbine™. In high winds, the unit is brought down to ground level by computer or direct
command. In hurricane or extreme conditions the vTurbine™ can be lowered, the blade locked,
the sail reefed, and the frame tethered to a bollard in a short period of time – on the order of
Not only can the mechanical portions of this automatic reefing system be patented, the
software algorithms can be patented, copyrighted, and when necessary held as trade secrets. Thus
this will be an area of multiple instances and types of IP protection.
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14.2 Patent Area Two – Venturi Plus High Performance Turbine
Carpenter’s Patent #421875
In 1980, Robert D. Carpenter received a patent combined a Laval Nozzle with a cumbersome
and aerodynamically inefficient helical turbine. US patent #4218175 has since expired. The
Laval Nozzle included both a converging and diverging section, as well as an external and
internal wall. Consequently the unit was cumbersome, heavy and difficult to field. Compounding
this, the unit was inefficient primarily due to rather arcane turbine technology that was
incorporated. The vTurbine™ corrects these deficiencies by combining state-of-the art turbine
blade technology with a truncated conical single-walled sail. This combination is lighter, smaller
and superior than the technology of #4218175. Enhancing our current position are the
availability of composite materials and better understanding of turbine blade technology. This
patent would be cited as prior art, but the truncation of the Laval Nozzle into a conical sail is
both a significant and non-obvious improvement to the design.
14.3 Patent Area Three – Stability and Control
Preliminary versions of the vTurbine™ showed that sail stability and control are important
attributes of a fully featured unit. Naïve implementations of our concept will have oscillation
problems that we have already encountered and solved in an ambitious prototyping campaign.
This gives us an advantage in time-to-market.
Confidential and Proprietary – Public Disclosure Prohibited
Trademarks whose registration is pending include
15.1 vTurbine™
15.2 vSail™
15.3 vTower™
15.4 ventureWind™
Software implemented for the purpose of monitoring the system is copyrighted by default
under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In addition disclosure of the source code
of the software will be tightly controlled. Because of the compilation and loading of the software
into the microcontrollers, it will be extremely difficult to reverse engineer the compiled machine
code into anything recognizable or useful.
17 Attached Documents – List
17.1 Arkansas Wind Map, NREL 2006
17.2 Wind Powering America: DOE NREL Fact Sheet, 2008
17.3 Van Warren and Dina Nash’s Resume
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