Genetic Combination

Chapter 24
1. Three basic shapes of bacteria and one example of a Genus with each
shape (From me.)
2. The basic structural character of bacteria – Memorize table 24-2 (This
will be matching on test)
3. Know the mechanism of movement in bacteria
Three ways to move:
-Flagella (Run and tumble)
-Slime trail
-Corkscrew movement (Like a drill)
4. Know way of eating
-Heterotrophic: get energy by eating something organic like live
or dead animals
a. Chemotropic: get energy by eating something inorganic like
rock or chemicals
b. Phototrophic: get energy from the sun energy to make food
5. Know what obligate anaerobe means and know one example
6. Know facultative anaerobe and one example
Genetic Combination
- Know which picture conveys which type of Genetic recombination
(Conjugation or Transduction)
1. Name specific species that causes Tetanus, Strep Throat and
Tuberculosis (see table24-4) You need to use the proper binomial
nomenclature format on the test here
2. Exotoxins/Endotoxins
-Endotoxins: produced after bacteria die
3. Name three ways bacteria are pathogenic and one example of bacteria
does each:
1. Exotoxin-made of proteins, secreted by live bacteria such as
Clostridium tetanii
2. Endotoxin-made of lipids and carbs, are released after bacteria
die. Examples: Salmonella botulinum and Neisseria gonorhoeae
3. Eat your tissue
4. Antibiotics- two main ways antibiotics stop bacteria
Interfere with:
1. Cell wall synthesis
2. Protein synthesis
5. Antibiotic resistance – understand that some bacteria have genes
that ‘disable’ certain antibiotics. The genes are located on the
circular plasmid of the bacteria and can be passed from one bacteria
to the next through conjugation.
6. Helpful bacteria – many bacteria are not only helpful but necessary
for organisms’ health
a. Escherichia coli in our gut helps digest our food and produce
vitamin K
b. Bacteria on our body keeps the fungus on our body in check
c. Bacteria is used to make food like cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut,
pickles for example
d. Lactobacillus sanfrancisco – used to make sourdough bread
Know you have over 7 billion bacteria in your mouth and over 75
trillion bacteria on your body