Semi-Annual Meeting February 20-21, 2012 PROGRAM Georgia Tech Global Learning Center 84 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 Plenary sessions: 225/327 Lunches, Reception/Dinner: Georgia Tech Hotel Day 1: Monday, February 20, 2012 7:30 Registration, pick up name tags and meeting hand-out Continental Breakfast 8:30 Opening Remarks – Ajeet Rohatgi/George Rozgonyi o Introduction of new attendees and prospective members o SiSoC membership status update o Budget o Project list summary o Changes to the meeting format and sequencing o Student award o Summer 2012 meeting: TBD Denis Gray (NSF-I/UCRC Evaluator) – NC State University “Projects Evaluation and Survey Results” 9:00 Arnab Das/Ajeet Rohatgi – Georgia Institute of Technology Final report for project 2010-GIT-2 “Implementation of Optimized Gettering and Passivation Strategies for Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Focus on Grain Size Dependence and Advance Features” 9:42 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website MEETING PROGRAM February 20-21, 2012 Day 1: Monday, February 20, 2012 (continuation) 9:45 Yixin Yan/Liya Yu (PhD Dec 2011)/George Rozgonyi – NC State University Final report for project 2010-NCSU-3 “Hierarchy of Grain Boundary Impurity Gettering and Passivation in Multi-Crystalline Silicon: Moving on from the Ideal HOT Wafer to Real World Samples” 10:27 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 10:30 Coffee Break 10:45 Jiun-Hong Lai/Ajeet Rohatgi – Georgia Institute of Technology Final report for project 2010-GIT-3 “Understanding and Development of Dielectrics for Backside Passivation of Low Cost, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells” 11:27 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 11:30 Jon-Paul Maria – NC State University Final report for project 2010-NCSU-1 “Conductive antireflection coatings for Si solar cells” 12:12 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 12:15 Lunch (Georgia Tech Hotel) 13:30 Vikram Singh – GT Advanced Technologies “GTAT roadmap for Silicon” 14:00 Meirong Shi/Khaled Youssef/George Rozgonyi – NC State University Final report for project 2010-NCSU-2 “Impact of Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen on the Mechanical Properties and Crack Initiation/Propagation in Silicon PV Wafers” 14:42 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 14:45 Shreyes Melkote/Steven Danyluk – Georgia Institute of Technology Progress report for project 2010-GIT-4 “Analysis of the Effects of Wafer Slicing on the Mechanical Integrity of Silicon Wafers” 15:27 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 2 MEETING PROGRAM February 20-21, 2012 Day 1: Monday, February 20, 2012 (continuation) 15:30 Coffee Break 15:45 Scott Dunham – University of Washington Final report for project 2010-UoW “Technology computer aided design tools for silicon solar cells” 16:27 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 16:30 Michael Stavola – Lehigh University Stefan Estreicher – Texas Tech University Final report for project 2010-TT-LU “Light Impurities and Transition Metals in Si Solar-Cell Materials” 17:12 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 17:15 Breakout Session I (List of suggested items provided on separate page) IAB Members remain in TBD PI’s meet in TBD 18:15 Adjourn for the day 18:30 Social Cocktail Reception and Dinner Georgia Tech Hotel 20:00 Dinner Speaker: Minh Le – US Dept. of Energy 3 MEETING PROGRAM February 20-21, 2012 Day 2: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 7:30 Continental Breakfast 8:00 John Benner – Bay Area PV Consortium Overview 8:30 Khaled Youssef/George Rozgonyi – NC State University Shreyes Melkote – Georgia Institute of Technology Progress report for project 2011-NCSU-GIT “Collaborative Research on the Relationship between Micro- and Macro- scale Mechanical Properties of PV Silicon Wafers” 9:02 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 9:05 Rishi Ramanathan/Ajeet Rohatgi – Georgia Institute of Technology Progress report for project 2011-GIT-2 “Development of 19% Efficient 243.4 cm2 Cast Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells through Material Quality Enhancement and Implementation of Advanced Design Features” 9:37 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 9:40 KyungSun Ryu/Ajeet Rohatgi – Georgia Institute of Technology Progress report for project 2011-GIT-3 “Development of Advanced N-type Devices with focus on Bifacial and Back Junction Architectures to achieve > 19% Efficiency” 10:12 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 10:15 Coffee Break 10:30 Tae-Hun Shim/Jea-Gun Park – Hanyang University YoHan Yoon/Bijaya Paudyal/George Rozgonyi – NC State University Progress report for project 2011-NCSU+ “Effect of Metal Impurities in n-type Silicon” 11:02 Project evaluation via NSF-I/UCRC “LIFE” website 11:05 George Rozgonyi – NC State University Ajeet Rohatgi – Georgia Institute of Technology Introduction to project 2012-NCSU-GIT “Cooperative study of defects and impurities in n-type CZ and p- and n-type mono-cast Si and their impact on limiting high efficiency solar cell performance” MEETING PROGRAM 4 February 20-21, 2012 Day 2: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 (continuation) 11:20 Breakout Session II Prepare IAB feedback to NSF (LIFE forms) Resolve outstanding issues as needed Discuss new DOE/NSF opportunities IAB Members remain in TBD PI’s meet in TBD 12:20 Lunch (Georgia Tech Hotel) 13:35 Mike Seacrist – IAB feed-back to the SiSoC PI’s o Results of breakout sessions and IAB recommendations o Comments/suggestions re. ongoing projects o Open discussion as needed 14:30 Adjourn Meeting 14:40 Tour of Georgia Tech SiSoC Research Facilities 5 Baranowski First Name Don Dow Corning-HSC (989)301-5581 Mr. Berg Rick Kayex, and SPX Division (585) 279-1282 Dr. Binns Jeff MEMC Electronic Materials (636) 675-5290 Dr. Carroll Alan DuPont Electronics (919) 248-5322 Dr. Chen Li-Min ATMI (310) 402-1897 Dr. Cooper Ian Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-4041 Mr. Das Arnab Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 206-3630 Dr. Duanmu Ning GT Solar (603) 883-5200 Dr. Dubois Lawrence ATMI (203) 739-1780 Prof. Dunham Scott University of Washington (206) 543-2189 Prof. Estreicher Stefan Texas Tech University (806) 742-3723 Dr. Frei Michel Applied Materials (408) 235-4589 Mr. Geiger Matthias centrotherm PV AG 49-175-2606121 Dr. Good Ethan SolarWorld (503) 844-3452 Prof. Gray Denis North Carolina State University (919) 515-1721 Mr. Hook David North Carolina State University Dr. Hu Bing Dow Corning - HSC (989) 301-5461 Dr. Hyun DeocHwan Hanwha Chemical Corp. 8210-5006-7976 Dr. Jeong In-Taek OCI Company Ltd. 82-31-730-9874 Mr. Lai Jiun-Hong Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-3630 Dr. Langenkamp Martin REC 4745418625 Dr. Laughlin Brian DuPont Electronics (919) 248-5655 Dr. Lee Jay University of Cincinnati (513) 556-2493 Dr. Lee Sang Don OCI Company Ltd. 82-31-730-9734 Dr. Lu Jinggang Suntech-Power 86-510-8531-8238 Prof. Maria Jon-Paul North Carolina State University (919) 513-2843 Prof. Melkote Shreyes Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-8499 Dr. Mungekar Hemant Applied Materials (408) 235-6247 Dr. Ostrom Nels Confluence Solar (314) 880-0888 Dr. Paudyal Bijaya North Carolina State University (919) 515-2706 Mr. Ramanathan Saptharishi Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-3630 Prof. Rohatgi Ajeet Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-7692 Prof. Rozgonyi George North Carolina State University (919) 515-2934 Mr. Ryu KyungSun Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-7692 Dr. Schwarzkopf Alex NSF Representative (703) 292-8383 Mr. Seacrist Mike MEMC Electronic Materials (636) 474-5750 Mr. Sherman Steven Evergreen Solar (508) 251-3306 Ms. Shi Meyrong North Carolina State University (919) 523-8648 Prof. Shim Tae-Hun Hanyang University 82-2-2220-0234 Title Last Name Mr. 6 Organization Email Address Phone Dr. Soh Soonyoung Hanwha Chemical Corp. 8210 4314 6745 Prof. Stavola Michael Lehigh University (610) 758-3946 Dr. Stichtenoth Daniel Bosch Solar Energy AG 49 361 2195 1330 Dr. Suess Terry DuPont Microcircuit Materials (919) 248-5287 Dr. Tsidilkovski Edward Evergreen Solar (508) 251-3438 Mr. Wu Hao Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 385-3832 Dr. Yang Chris Georgia Institute of Technology (404) 894-3594 Mr. Yoon Yohan North Carolina State University (919) 559-9898 Dr. Youssef Khaled North Carolina State University (919) 515-7217 Ms. Yu Liya North Carolina State University (919) 274-1651 Mr. Zheng Zhidong ReneSola 86-158-68336363 7 Current SiSoC Projects February 20-21, 2012 – Atlanta, GA Project ID PI Project Title Mentors 2010-GIT-2 Rohatgi Implementation of Optimized Gettering and Passivation Strategies for Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Focus on Grain Size Dependence and Advance Features Ning Duanmu (GT Solar) 2010-GIT-3 Rohatgi Understanding and Development of Dielectrics for Backside Passivation of Low Cost, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Michel Frei (Applied Materials) 2010-GIT-4 Melkote / Danyluk Analysis of the Effects of Wafer Slicing on the Mechanical Integrity of Silicon Wafers Lode Carnel (REC) 2010-NCSU-1 Maria / Rozgonyi Conductive antireflection coatings for Si solar cells Brian Laughlin (DuPont) 2010-NCSU-2 Rozgonyi / Youssef 2010-NCSU-3 Rozgonyi / Yu 2010-TT-LU Estreicher / Stavola Impact of Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen on the Mechanical Properties and Crack Initiation/Propagation in Silicon PV Wafers Ethan Good (SolarWorld) Hierarchy of Grain Boundary Impurity Gettering and Passivation in Multi-Crystalline Silicon: Moving on from the Ideal HOT Wafer to Real World Samples Mike Seacrist (MEMC) Light Impurities and Transition Metals in Si Solar-Cell Materials Mike Seacrist (MEMC) 2010-UoW Dunham Technology computer aided design tools for silicon solar cells Michel Frei (Applied Materials) 2011-GIT-2 Rohatgi Development of 19% Efficient 243.4 cm2 Cast Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells through Material Quality Enhancement and Implementation of Advanced Design Features Ning Duanmu (GT Solar) 2011-GIT-3 Rohatgi Development of Advanced N-type Devices with focus on Bifacial and Back Junction Architectures to achieve > 19% Efficiency Daniel Stichtenoth (Bosch) Effect of Metal Impurities in n-type Silicon 2011-NCSU+ Rozgonyi/Park/Macdonald Nels Ostrom (Confluence) 2011-NCSU-GIT Rozgonyi / Melkote Collaborative Research on the Relationship between Micro- and Macro- scale Mechanical Properties of PV Silicon Wafers Jinggang Lu (Suntech Power) 2012-NCSU-GIT Rozgonyi / Rohatgi Cooperative study of defects and impurities in n-type CZ and p- and n-type mono-cast Si and their impact on limiting high efficiency solar cell performance Insert industry mentor here Ending Projects Ongoing Projects New Project 8 SiSoC Winter Review Meeting February 20-21, 2012 – Atlanta, GA Suggested Breakout Items I. SiSoC General Items Approve minutes from the last meeting Membership situation Recruiting strategy Review/update named industry mentors of current projects, assess mentoring effectiveness University / Industry site visits Consider student internships at member sites Next semi-annual meeting August 2012 NREL Workshop, CO: Consider 1.5 day meeting near Denver airport, start Thursday morning allowing workshop attendees to change location, finish lunchtime Friday. Poster session with students Wednesday night prior to meeting suggested. Finalize at Feb 2012 meeting. Ideas for speakers, guests, potential new members, new research candidates II. Industry Members Membership status: reductions for 2012, delays in upgrades....any positive developments ? Recruiting strategy Financial status: 2012 budget, collection of membership fees Elect a new IAB Vice-Chairman…willing to take control after winter 2013 meeting New project topics: update at Aug 2012 meeting Timeline for initiating new 2013 projects: use same timeline / process as in past Project evaluations of ongoing projects: review/results (“Life Forms” / Denis Gray), need to ensure that all eligible members provide their input, compile in last breakout session, review highlights in closing session. Student award: collect votes and announce winner Evaluate current process for project progress reports, e.g. format, web posting, etc. Planning for reduction in NSF funding: (discussion from Aug 2011 follows) NSF funding to decrease by ~ 40% for years 6-10 starting in 2013. NCSU gets another $10K for each school. Could bring new center with $150k membership, then get NSF award of $55K for 5 years. New center could start the NSF clock again. Plan for covering this reduction…..suggest this be taken off-line with center admin to fully analyze scenario of membership funds, admin costs, etc… with proposal to be made to IAB in next meeting. (George Aug 2011)….allow creation of special account for setting aside funds for student award and administrative expenses, and authorized the use of membership money to fund this account (up to 16.5% of fees may be used to fund this account) Future direction, combining with other centers….topic for 2012 winter meeting Mechanism for working with DOE consortium (BAPVC) Other ideas ?? 9 Funds Distribution for Current SiSoC Projects February 20-21, 2012 – Atlanta, GA Projects Title 2010 2011 2012 2010-GIT-2 Implementation of Optimized Gettering and Passivation Strategies for Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Focus on Grain Size Dependence and Advance Features $70K $70K 2010-GIT-3 Understanding and Development of Dielectrics for Backside Passivation of Low Cost, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells $70K $70K 2010-GIT-4 Analysis of the Effects of Wafer Slicing on the Mechanical Integrity of Silicon Wafers $70K $70K $50K $50K Impact of Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen on the Mechanical Properties and Crack Initiation/Propagation in Silicon PV Wafers $75K $75K Hierarchy of Grain Boundary Impurity Gettering and Passivation in Multi2010-NCSU-3 Crystalline Silicon: Moving on from the Ideal HOT Wafer to Real World Samples $50K $50K Light Impurities and Transition Metals in Si Solar-Cell Materials $70K $70K 2010-UoW Technology computer aided design tools for silicon solar cells $70K $70K 2011-GIT-2 Development of 19% Efficient 243.4 cm2 Cast Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells through Material Quality Enhancement and Implementation of Advanced Design Features $47K $70K 2011-GIT-3 Development of Advanced N-type Devices with focus on Bifacial and Back Junction Architectures to achieve > 19% Efficiency $35K $70K $60K $90K $60K $90K 2010-NCSU-1 Conductive antireflection coatings for Si solar cells 2010-NCSU-2 2010-TT-LU 2011-NCSU+ Effect of Metal Impurities in n-type Silicon 2011-NCSUGIT CORBI 2012NCSU/GIT Total 10 Collaborative Research on the Relationship between Micro- and Macroscale Mechanical Properties of PV Silicon Wafers 2013 Predictive Modeling for High Performance/High Yield PV Manufacturing $25K $25K Collaborative study of defects and impurities in n-type CZ and p-type monocast Si and their impact on limiting high effiency performance $65K $90K $525K $727K $410K $115K Student Award Selection February 20-21, 2012 – Atlanta, GA Student Award Criteria Guidelines The student award is to recognize individuals that have done a particularly excellent job with their projects. A score of 10 indicates that the results were novel, useful, and relevant for the solar industry. They should in the presentation explain how their results will benefit the solar industry if their benefits are not already obvious. A high score also indicates that the student did a good job of carrying out the research and in explaining the findings to their sponsors. Project ID PI 2010-GIT-2 Rohatgi 2010-GIT-3 Rohatgi 2010-GIT-4 Melkote / Danyluk 2010-NCSU-1 Maria / Rozgonyi 2010-NCSU-2 Rozgonyi / Youssef 2010-NCSU-3 Rozgonyi / Yu 2010-TT-LU Estreicher / Stavola 2010-UoW Dunham 2011-GIT-2 Rohatgi 2011-GIT-3 Rohatgi 2011-NCSU+ Rozgonyi/Park 2011-NCSU-GIT Rozgonyi / Melkote Project Title Mentors / Students Implementation of Optimized Gettering and Passivation Strategies for Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Focus on Grain Size Dependence and Advance Features Ning Duanmu (GT Solar) / Arnab Das (GIT) Understanding and Development of Dielectrics for Backside Passivation of Low Cost, High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells Michel Frei (Applied Materials) / Jiun-Hong Lai (GIT) Analysis of the Effects of Wafer Slicing on the Mechanical Integrity of Silicon Wafers Lode Carnel (REC) Conductive antireflection coatings for Si solar cells Brian Laughlin (DuPont) Impact of Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen on the Mechanical Properties and Crack Initiation/Propagation in Silicon PV Wafers Ethan Good (SolarWorld) / Meirong Shi (NCSU) Hierarchy of Grain Boundary Impurity Gettering and Passivation in MultiCrystalline Silicon: Moving on from the Ideal HOT Wafer to Real World Samples Mike Seacrist (MEMC) / Yixin Yan (NCSU) Light Impurities and Transition Metals in Si Solar-Cell Materials Mike Seacrist (MEMC) Technology computer aided design tools for silicon solar cells Michel Frei (Applied Materials) Development of 19% Efficient 243.4 cm2 Cast Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells through Material Quality Enhancement and Implementation of Advanced Design Features Ning Duanmu (GT Solar) / Rishi Ramanathan (GIT) Development of Advanced N-type Devices with focus on Bifacial and Back Junction Architectures to achieve > 19% Efficiency Daniel Stichtenoth (Bosch) / Kyung Sun Ryu (GIT) Effect of Metal Impurities in n-type Silicon Nels Ostrom (Confluence) / Yohan Yoon (NCSU) Collaborative Research on the Relationship between Micro- and Macro- scale Mechanical Properties of PV Silicon Wafers Jinggang Lu (Suntech Power) IAB Member: ______________________________________ 11 Score 1 to 10 SiSoC Meeting Locations 1 – Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center 800 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA, 30308 2 – Georgia Tech Global Learning Center 84 Fifth Street NW, Atlanta, GA, 30308 12 Georgia Tech Global Learning Center Floormap 13