Temelin NPP Risk Panel A PSA and Safety Monitor


IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making

Temelin NPP Risk Panel

A PSA and Safety Monitor Application


Lesson IV 3_11.7

Workshop Information

IAEA Workshop

City , Country

XX - XX Month, Year


– Temelin PSA Project carried out in 93-96 with NUS

– Scope: Level 1 & 2, Shutdown, External events

– Support to plant staff in analyzing day-to-day decision issues related to the areas like:

Operating and maintenance strategies based on risk minimization

Outage risk management

Assessment of modifications

Tech Specs issues (AOTs, STIs, LCOs)


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Further PSA and SM Activities

– All Temelin PSA models update for current plant status

– Conversion of updated PSA models to SM models

(internal events, shutdown, Level 2)

– Software update for 3.0 version enabling:

Dual Unit interactions

Faster solution engine

Maintenance Rule


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Safety Monitor Features

– on-line risk monitoring (real, hypothetical)

– restoration advice from safety viewpoint

– important operable components

– calculating risk for scheduled configurations

– limiting recommended configuration time

These are useful features, but Safety Monitor databases could provide also other interesting information


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Risk Panel

developed by Temelín PSA Department

Provides access to some of this information for any selected point in the operating history:

• equipment restoration advice

• combinations most contributing to risk

• system/trains inoperability indication

• probabilities of containment failure modes and


This application runs in MS Access 97 environment


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Safety Monitor allows:

to view operable components most important for plant safety in current configuration to view out-of-service components whose restoration reduces risk most significantly

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However, these functions can be used only for last configuration calculated


 So, it is not possible to find out the most contributing components in any time point on risk profile (e.g. to find out reasons for high risk in the past)

 When optimizing schedules, risk peaks cannot be easily removed without knowing the highest contributors



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Risk Panel


 to calculate the most contributing components for any time point of a risk profile

 to calculate component out of service combinations contributing mostly to the risk

 to indicate direct or

„hidden“ train/system inoperability caused by the system dependencies


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In this window, the user can enter a date and time of point to be analyzed (manually or by rightclick to a desired point of the risk profile) ...

... and press


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Configuration in the selected time point

• is loaded to database used for hypothetical calculations,

• calculated by Safety Monitor,

• and the most contributing components are listed by Safety Monitor...

Restoration of one individual

... however reduction down to the acceptable



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Equipment Combinations

As can be seen, for certain configurations, restoration of a single component made on Safety

Monitor restoration advice does not reduce risk to the required level.

This is solved by other Risk Panel function:

„Combinations“ - calculating the risk most contributing combinations of components


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The „Analysis of Time Point“ dialog box

provides another function:

„Accident Progression“ - calculating probability of containment failure mode, in case that core damage occurs, on basis of PSA Level 2

This function can be also used for any time point in operating risk profile provided that Level 2 model is available


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IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making


Another function of „ Risk Panel “


System Panel

that indicates availability of user defined plant systems depending on components out of service


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and red color indicates that a system or a division is inoperable

Green color indicates that a

Orange color

Clicking on red, orange indicates that more or yellow item shows reasons of inoperability than one division of a system is inoperable system is operable

Yellow color indicates that one division of a system is inoperable

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This screen shows portion of the Safety Monitor fault tree...

... from „top“ event at system/division level...

Clicking at a gate develops corresponding branch of the fault tree.

... to basic event(s) at component level.


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...and so on...

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• adding items

• moving items

• removing items

..and System Panel recalculates the fault tree to show new system inoperability

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Other features of Risk Panel

– indicates date/time in status bar when moving mouse over the risk profile

– allows easy selection of risk profile interval

– shows normal/logarithmic scale of risk profile

– lists configuration in points of risk profile where

CDF exceeds user specified limit

– prints graphs of CDF, releases, cumulative risk, probabilities of containment failure


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Enter begin and end date manually ...

Print graph and reports

... or drag mouse over risk profile

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IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making


IAEA Training Course on Safety Assessment of NPPs to Assist Decision Making



Risk Panel does not replace Safety Monitor but provides additional useful functions:

• comprehensive, easy analysis of past configurations for any point in operating history

• system inoperability information

• Level 2 basic information

• printouts of graphs and reports for archiving, presentations or reports


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