GDP & Business Cycle Review Poster Georgia Standards: SSMA 1 Instructions: With your partner, use your half sheet of poster paper to create the following: 1. Define GDP; draw the GDP equation; give an example of each of the components of GDP in the equation 2. Draw and label all of the parts of the business cycle that we discussed in class. a. Include the following items: peak; trough; expansion; contraction; recession; and trend-line 3. From the situations given complete the following: a. Number them out (1-23) b. Place each scenario on the business cycle by either writing out the number or cutting the scenario and pasting it onto the poster GDP & Business Cycle Review Poster Georgia Standards: SSMA 1 Instructions: With your partner, use your half sheet of poster paper to create the following: 1. Define GDP; draw the GDP equation; give an example of each of the components of GDP in the equation 2. Draw and label all of the parts of the business cycle that we discussed in class. a. Include the following items: peak; trough; expansion; contraction; recession; and trend-line 3. From the situations given complete the following: a. Number them out (1-23) b. Place each scenario on the business cycle by either writing out the number or cutting the scenario and pasting it onto the poster GDP & Business Cycle Review Poster Georgia Standards: SSMA 1 Instructions: With your partner, use your half sheet of poster paper to create the following: 1. Define GDP; draw the GDP equation; give an example of each of the components of GDP in the equation 2. Draw and label all of the parts of the business cycle that we discussed in class. a. Include the following items: peak; trough; expansion; contraction; recession; and trend-line 3. From the situations given complete the following: a. Number them out (1-23) b. Place each scenario on the business cycle by either writing out the number or cutting the scenario and pasting it onto the poster Scenarios Kia invests $500,000 in new machinery in order to increase production Dollar General reduced inventory on all Home décor items Thousands of migrant workers will be looking for jobs following the October harvesting in California. Huge layoffs expected due to outsourcing of more textile jobs to Pakistan. Enron contracts with Pakistan to make its fabric material. Record exports sales of farm equipment reported for John Deere. Troup High School builds a new building for Athletics, Band, and arts education. Troup County Board of Education lays-off six high school teachers. The stock market collapses, investors lose billions. NASA builds a new launch site for a new shuttle in Huntsville, Al. K-Mart closes seven stores in Alabama. GMAC builds a new plant to produce new cars. The military reduces its number of active duty soldiers by 10,000. Hughes Aircraft receives a contract from the government to build F-120 jets. Hurricane Yvette smashes through the gulf-coast debilitating several major oil refineries IBM sells computer chips to Japan. Record numbers of Home owners can’t afford their homes so they stop paying their mortgage which leads to home foreclosures Nike introduces a new running shoe. Georgia lowers its sales tax. Expecting an increase in sales Mike Patton Honda remodels their lot to increase their inventory Moreland Textiles closes its plant. Apple invests $15 million in order to improve their iPhone technology The president cuts defense spending. Bank of America begins to increase the number of loans issued for new cars and new homes Consumer spending falls for the second straight month.