
Human Body Systems
How do the systems of the body work together to maintain homeostasis?
SC.6.L.14.5, SC.6.L.14.6, SC.6.L.14.1, SC.6.L.14.3
Lesson Essential Question 1
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
What are the body systems?
Lesson 2 Vocabulary
Lesson Essential Question 2
How do your skeletal and muscular systems work
Skeletal system, ligament,
joint, muscular system,
Lesson 3 Vocabulary
Lesson Essential Question 3
How do your body’s digestive and excretory systems
work together?
Digestive system, enzyme,
esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine,
pancreas, liver, excretory
system, kidney, nephron, urine
Lesson Essential Question 4
Lesson 4 Vocabulary
How do the circulatory and respiratory systems work
Cardiovascular system, blood,
lymphatic system, lymph, lymph
node, artery, capillary, vain,
respiratory system, pharynx, larynx,
trachea, bronchi, alveoli
Lesson Essential Question 5
Lesson 5 Vocabulary
How do the nervous and endocrine systems work
Nervous system, brain, spinal cord,
neuron, axon, dendrite, endocrine
system, hormone, gland, feedback
Lesson Essential Question 6
Lesson 5 Vocabulary
How does the reproductive system work?
Sperm, testes, penis, egg,
ovary, uterus, vagina, embryo,
placenta, umbilical cord, fetus
Lesson Essential Question 7
Lesson 5 Vocabulary
How does the immune system work?
Pathogen, immune system,
macrophage, T cell, C cell,
antibody, immunity, vaccine
Lesson Essential Question 8
Lesson 5 Vocabulary
What causes diseases?
Noninfectious disease, infectious
disease, antibiotic, antiviral drug
Major Unit Assignment
Research a disease or disorder that affects the human body. Any diseases or disorders that are a part of your
family's history and could possibly influence your life will make the project more meaningful to you.
Explain What body system is directly affected? How does the disease or disorder impact the organs and tissues of
this system? What are the symptoms of the disease or disorder?
Analyze How are other body systems affected? How do other body systems react to the problem created by the
disease or disorder? Why does the disease spread to other parts of the body?
Critique How does the body get the disease or disorder? How can the disease or disorder be prevented?
Design a way to share your findings with the class. (Power point presentation, short video, display board,
brochure, board game, 3-D model, etc.)