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Biology 2201 – Syllabus
Teacher: J. Locke
Biology 2201 is an academic science course that aims to develop scientific literacy.
Scientific literary is an evolving combination of the science related attitudes, skills,
and knowledge students need to develop inquiry, problem-solving, and decisionmaking abilities; to become lifelong learners; and to maintain a sense of wonder
about the world around them.
Biology is the study of life and living things. Biology 2201 is the introductory Biology
course in high school, building on concepts learned in Science 1206 and in Junior
High Science. The course consists of four units which deal with the microscopic
world of living things (cells and molecules), the diversity and complexity of living
organisms, the interaction of living organisms in nature, and the maintenance of
living organisms, with particular emphasis on the body systems of humans. The
connections among science, technology, society, and the environment (STSE) are
emphasized throughout.
Text Book
Biology – McGraw-Hill Ryerson , 2003
Course Outline
Unit 1 – Matter and Energy for Life (27 Hours)
Biogenesis vs. Abiogenesis
Cell Theory
Animal vs. Plant Cells
The Microscope
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Cell Transport
Unit 2 – Biodiversity (32 Hours)
Taxonomy (Levels of Classification, Dichotomous Keys, Modern Classification
Plant Kingdom (Characteristics of Bryophytes, Ferns, Gymnosperms,
Animal Kingdom (Characteristic and classification of animals, Features that
distinguish invertebrates and vertebrates)
Study of representative organisms and their life cycles
Unit 3 – Maintaining Dynamic Equilibrium I (42 Hours)
Homeostasis, temperature regulation in humans
Circulatory System (Heart, Blood, Functions, Diseases)
Respiratory System (Structure and Function, Respiratory Diseases,
Environmental Effects on the Respiratory System)
Digestive System (Structure and Function, Nutrients, Fitness and Nutrition,
Digestive Diseases)
Excretory System (Structure and Function, The Nephron, Disorders of the
Excretory System)
Immune System (Antibodies and antigens, the Immune Response,
Autoimmune Diseases)
Unit 4 – Interactions Among Living Things (10 Hours)
Population Growth (Factors that affect, limiting factors, growth patterns)
Human Population Growth and the Demographic Transition
Global Population Control and Sustainability
Course Evaluation
Test & Quizzes – 25%
Performance Assessment – 25%
Labs & Assignments - 15%
Unit Projects – 5%
Homework/Portfolio’s – 5%
Midyear Exam – 15%
Final Exam – 35%
Note that the midyear exam tests all course outcomes to that point. The final
exam will test all outcomes for the entire course.
Other Links
Department of Education Curriculum Guide for Biology 2201
Science Resource and Support Documents – Senior High