Beyond Primary: Making the Case for Universal Secondary Education The American Academy of Arts & Sciences’ Project on Universal Basic & Secondary Education (UBASE) Joel E. Cohen Rockefeller & Columbia Universities 2007-12-18 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 1 Population structures by age & sex, more & less developed regions, 2005 Less developed regions, 5.3 billion ~0% live on <$2/day. ~53% live on <$2/day. Male 300 200 100 Female 0 More developed regions, 1.2 billion Age 100 200 300 80+ 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 Male 300 Female 100 100 300 United Nations, World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision (medium scenario), 2003. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen Chen & Ravaillon, WPS 3341 World Bank 2004, estimates for year 2001. 2 2006 world population (billion) 6.6 GNP PPP/person $9,190 % with <$2 / day 42% % increase/year 1.2% %15-59 HIV/AIDS 1.0% infant mortality rate 0.052 children/woman 2.7 life expectancy (y) 67 % urban 48% people/km2 49 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen rich 1.2 $27,790 0% 0.1% 0.5% 0.006 1.6 77 77% 24 poor 5.3 $4,950 53% 1.5% 1.2% 0.057 2.9 65 41% 64 3 Proposed panaceas Bigger pie increase productive capacity Fewer forks slow population growth through voluntary reductions in fertility reduce unwanted material by-products of consumption & production Better manners reduce violence, corruption, inequities, barriers to efficiency Cohen, How Many People Can the Earth Support? 1995 Educating all children well for 10-12 years could support all 3 approaches. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 4 Project on Universal Basic & Secondary Education (UBASE) American Academy of Arts & Sciences Leslie Berlowitz Joel E. Cohen & David E. Bloom, Co-Directors 1998-2007, phase I Martin B. Malin, Staff Director 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 5 Aims of UBASE project What would the world be like if all children had 10-12 years of high-quality education? (not just primary school) What would it take to achieve such a world by 2050 or sooner? 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 6 Why is education important? Conventional answers: Society Equity Social Political Economic Individual Human Development/ Human Rights Democracy Access to Political Process Income Growth Earnings/ Poverty Conventional answers neglect: Population (fertility, health, child survival) Environment: capacity to cope with change Gustavo Bell Lemus. Vice-President & Joel Defense Minister of Colombia (1998-2002), 7 2007-3-27 E. Cohen David E. Bloom, Harvard, & Patricia Craig, IBM Latin America Why is universal secondary education important? Economic: productivity, new technology, earnings Source of new teachers for countries with rapidly expanding access to primary schools Opportunity & incentive for students who complete primary school Demographic impacts: reduced fertility, improved survival of children 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 8 World population in 2050 depends on what we do from now to then. One child difference per woman means ~3 billion more or fewer people by 2050. 11.7 const. 10.6 high 9.1 med. 7.7 low billion. Almost all increase will be in cities of developing countries. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen UN, World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision 9 Women who complete secondary school average at least 1.5 fewer children than those who complete primary, with cultural differences. 2007-3-27 < 1o 1o compl. 2o completed Murphy & Carr, Pop Ref Bureau 2007 Demographic & Health Surveys data Joel E. Cohen 10 Children of better educated mothers die much less frequently before age 5. Hannum & Buchmann 2007 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 11 Number of children aged 5-14 billions of children aged 5-14 1.4 world 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 less developed regions Almost all increases in numbers of children will be in countries with least means to fund education. least developed regions 0.2 more developed regions 0 2000 2010 2007-3-27 Data: UN Pop.Div. 2006 2020 2030 Joel E. Cohen year 2040 2050 12 How much would Universal Basic & Secondary Education cost? Answer: Melissa Binder 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen Kabul, Afghanistan 2002 13 Costing universal education is hard. The cost per child who is NOT in school now probably differs from the cost per child ALREADY in school. more remote, poorer, minority, disadvantaged Access to schooling at present level of quality may not suffice to induce parents to send children. costs of quality improvements, food incentives Means of education may not be conventional school. information centers, homes, work & school 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 14 Cost is not the only problem. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 15 Other obstacles to UBASE Economic disincentives. Families value more the time children spend working for income or handling chores so other household members can work for pay. Competing demands. Education competes for scarce national resources with roads, medical care, & defense. Lack of information. Internationally comparable, useful data on quality of 1o & 2o education are lacking. Political obstacles. Benefits of schooling accrue too slowly to benefit political incumbents. Violence disrupts schools. Cultural barriers. Discrimination inhibits schooling for girls, linguistic, religious, & ethnic minorities. Historical context. History of education in a country affects success of externally imposed solutions. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 16 5 changes needed Improve effectiveness & economic efficiency of education: use data on what & how children learn; experiment with pedagogical alternatives; learn from countries that perform best, by region, with given funding. Commit to high-quality secondary education for all. Recognize diversity of educational systems in different countries, & adapt aid policies & educational assessments to local contexts. Discuss goals of education nationally, regionally, internationally. Give education more money & higher priority. Source: Cohen & Bloom 2005 Finance & Development 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 17 Universal, high-quality primary & secondary education is achievable by 2050. Educating all children well is a worthwhile, affordable, & achievable strategy to develop people who can cope with problems foreseen & unforeseen. 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 18 Thank you! School in Burkina Faso 2007-3-27 Joel E. Cohen 19