Physics and Physical Measurement

Physics and Physical
Topic 1.3 Scalars and Vectors
Scalars Quantities
 Scalars
can be completely described by
magnitude (size)
 Scalars can be added algebraically
 They are expressed as positive or negative
numbers and a unit
 examples include :- mass, electric charge,
distance, speed, energy
Vector Quantities
Vectors need both a magnitude and a direction
to describe them (also a point of application)
They need to be added, subtracted and multiplied
in a special way
 Examples
:- velocity, weight, acceleration,
displacement, momentum, force
Addition and Subtraction
 The
Resultant (Net) is the result vector that
comes from adding or subtracting a multiple
 If vectors have the same or opposite
directions the vector addition can be done
• same direction : add
• opposite direction : subtract
Co-planar vectors
The addition of co-planar vectors that do not have
the same or opposite direction can be solved by
using either…
• Scaled Drawing
– Vectors can be represented by a straight line
segment with an arrow at the end
• Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry
Scaled Drawing method triangle:
Choose an appropriate scale to fit the space
 Draw one vector represented by straight arrow
equal to the scaled length and with the arrow head
pointing in the proper direction
 Start drawing the second vector at the tip of the
 The resultant vector is the third side of a triangle
and the arrow head points in the direction from the
‘free’ tail to the ‘free’ tip
Measure the length and direction of the
resultant in the drawing. Use your scale to
convert to real life value.
Scaled Drawing - Parallelogram
 Draw
the two vectors tail to tail, to scale
and with the correct directions
 Then complete the parallelogram
 The diagonal starting where the two tails
meet and finishing where the two arrows
meet becomes the resultant vector
More than 2 vectors
 If
there are more than 2 co-planar vectors to
be added, place them all head to tail to form
 The resultant is drawn from the ‘free’ tail at
the beginning to the ‘free’ tip at the end.
 The
order doesn’t matter!
Subtraction of Vectors
 To
subtract a vector, you reverse the
direction of that vector to get the negative
of it, then you simply add that vectors
R = a + (- b)
Multiplying Vectors
A vector multiplied by a scalar gives a vector with
the same direction as the vector and magnitude
equal to the product of the scalar and a vector
 A vector divided by a scalar gives a vector with
same direction as the vector and magnitude equal
to the vector magnitude divided by the scalar
 You don’t need to be able to multiply a vector by
another vector
Resolving Vectors
 The
process of finding the Components of
vectors is called Resolving vectors
 Just
as 2 vectors can be added to give a
resultant, a single vector can be split into 2
components or parts
The Rule
 Any
vector can be split into two
perpendicular components
 These could be the vertical and horizontal
Vertical component
Horizontal component
 Or
these could be parallel to and
perpendicular to an inclined plane
Doing the Trigonometry
Sin  = opp/hyp = y/V
V sin 
Therefore y = Vsin 
Which is the vertical
Cos  = adj/hyp = x/V
Therefore x = Vcos 
Which is the horizontal
V cos 
Adding 2 or More Vectors by
 First
resolve into components (making sure
that all are in the same 2 directions)
 Then add the all the components in each of
the 2 directions
 Recombine them into a resultant vector
using Pythagoras´ theorem