Presidential Stations

James Madison
Martin Van Buren
The angle of elevation from an observer to the
bottom edge of an observation deck is 30*. The
angle of elevation to the top edge of the deck
is 40*. The building is 200 ft from the
observer. What is the height of the
observation deck? (p. 433 #15)
This common term is credited to Martin Van
Buren, who was raised in Kinderhook, NY.
What was the term?
Zachary Taylor
Abraham Lincoln
From the top of a 100 ft building a man
observes a car moving towards him. If the
angle of depression changes from 15* to 33*,
how far does the car travel? (p. 434 #16)
James A. Garfield
Grover Cleveland
A 75 ft long conveyor is used at Lovelady Farm
to put hay bales up from winter storage. The
conveyor is tilted to an angle of elevation of
22⁰. To what height can the hay be moved?
If the conveyor is repositioned to an angle of
27⁰ to what height can the hay be moved?
Grover Cleveland was the only president to be
elected to two _______________ terms.
Woodrow Wilson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
A ranger spots a fire from a 73 ft tower in
Yellowstone National Park. She measures the
angle of depression to be 1⁰20’. How far is the
fire from the base of the tower? (p. 434 #20)
After his presidency the 22nd Amendment was
ratified in 1951 stating this: ___________
Lyndon B. Johnson
Ronald Reagan
Find the algebraic expression equivalent to
tan(cos-1 x)
A tree casts a shadow of 51 ft long when the
angle of elevation of the sun measured with
the horizon is 25⁰. How tall is the tree?
Honors Pre-Calculus
Name: _________________________
4.8 Solving Trig Problems (Practice)
James Madison
Martin Van Buren
Zachary Taylor
Abraham Lincoln
James A. Garfield
Grover Cleveland
Woodrow Wilson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lyndon B. Johnson
Ronald Reagan