LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM Presented by Sedgwick Risk Services on behalf of ORM 07.01.2015 LOSS PREVENTION Sedgwick CMS, who we are? How to contact us? www.laorm.com To Request Help from Risk Services, email us: laorm.lp@sedgwickcms.com LOSS PREVENTION continued. . . What we do: Conduct Audits & Compliance Reviews Facility Walkthroughs Accident/Incident Investigations Building Appraisals Assist in Inspections Ongoing Consultations Offer LP Coordinator Training REQUIREMENTS Louisiana Revised Statute (LRS) Title 39, Sections 1543-1544 These legal mandates require your agency to develop and implement its own Loss Prevention Plan in conformity with the ORM’s general safety plan LOSS PREVENTION PROGRAM General Safety Program Driver Safety Program Bonds, Crime, and Property Equipment Management Program Water Vessel Program Flight Operations Program GENERAL SAFETY PROGRAM COMPONENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Management Policy Statement Assignment of Responsibilities Safety Rules Safety Meetings Training Safety Committees Procedures for Inspection COMPONENTS continued . . . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Procedures for Incident/Accident Investigation Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Record Keeping Blood Borne Pathogens First Aid Emergency Preparedness Program Hazardous Materials CLASS “A” AGENCY Class A agencies shall conduct and document safety meetings, safety committee meetings (if applicable), and inspections on a monthly basis CLASS “B” AGENCY Class B agencies shall conduct and document safety meetings, safety committee meetings (if applicable), and inspections on a quarterly basis MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT What constitutes a statement? Who initiates a statement and what are its expectations? Responsibilities? ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES Delineation of duties Accountability Provided to employees Written DEPARTMENT/ AGENCY HEAD FULL responsibility for, and implementation of, Safety Program Authorizes necessary expenditures Approves safety policies Participates in the safety program DEPARTMENT LOSS PREVENTION COORDINATOR Has FULL responsibility for the overall safety program Has direct access to Department Secretary Communicates with all safety officers Demonstrates leadership to safety officers Provides help and support in development of agency programs and policies FIELD/AGENCY LOSS PREVENTION REP. Responsible for the implementation of the departmental/agency loss prevention program Should have direct access to the Departmental Loss Prevention Coordinator and Agency Head MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Works with safety committee and others Executes work orders Maintains and repairs safety equipment, guards, and appliances Maintains a regular maintenance schedule and keeps records Conducts regularly scheduled inspections SUPERVISOR / FOREMAN Inspects work area Trains employees to work safely Obtains prompt first aid Reports and investigates accidents Corrects unsafe conditions and acts Serves on safety committee Holds safety meetings Discusses safety with employees EMPLOYEE Works in accordance with accepted safety practices Reports unsafe conditions and practices Observes safety rules and regulations Makes safety suggestions Serves on safety committees SAFETY RULES Written general safety rules (and site/task specific, if applicable) Easily understood and enforceable Annually distributed, reviewed and documented Written copy provided to all employees SAFETY MEETINGS Frequency Meeting vs. Training Effectiveness Attendance Available for audits SAFETY TRAINING Mandatory topics: Sexual Harassment Drug-Free Workplace Other necessary training PROCEDURES FOR INSPECTION Purpose Frequency Class A/Class B WRITTEN INSPECTION PLAN Housekeeping safety rules Inspection procedures for facility/location Written inspection report/checklist: Building safety Electrical safety Emergency equipment Fire safety Office safety Storage methods HAZARD REPORTING Must include: Hazard Control Log or other acceptable means Method for employees to notify management Method for repairs or corrective actions PROCEDURES FOR ACCIDENT / INCIDENT INVESTIGATION Prevent recurrence of accidents/incidents 100% completion of all applicable forms ACCIDENT / INCIDENT FORMS DA2000 (for employees) Do NOT use the DA2000 for vehicular accidents DA3000 (for visitors/clients) Property concerns COMPLIANCE Written accident/incident investigation procedures Responsibilities Documentation GUIDELINES Conduct an investigation For all reported accidents & incidents When an accident/incident occurs: Thoroughly investigate Determine cause Determine contributing factors Compile information Prepare the report JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) JSAs shall be developed for accident/incident trends, death, or a change in a job procedure or equipment JSA’s continued . . . Job Safety Analyses should be reviewed in the accident investigation process JSAs should be maintained, made available and accessible in the work area Employees should have documented annual training RECORDKEEPING FOR AUDIT/TRAINING PURPOSES Shall retain for 1 year: Inspection reports Hazard control log/similar reporting form JSA training records Incident/Accident investigations Safety meetings BBP (High Risk) Shall retain for 5 years: BBP (Low Risk) Drug-Free Workplace Sexual Harassment BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS 5 COMPONENTS OF A BBP PROGRAM: Exposure Determination Methods of Compliance Work Practice Controls Training Medical Evaluation for Affected Employees BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS continued . . . Training High risk – within 90 days of hire and annually thereafter Low risk – within 90 days of hire and every 5 years thereafter • retraining is required for all low risk employees involved in a BBP EXPOSURE EVENT. Procedures for spills and spill kits must be available, maintained, and stocked FIRST AID Written program that addresses the needs of employees and visitors All agencies shall have a first aid kit First aid attendant recommended when: Night shifts or minimal/partial crews When surrounding medical facilities are closed When field/remote crews are not in close proximity of medical facilities EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM Written plan should address: Fire (documented annual drills) Natural Disasters Proximity Threats Terrorism Violence in the Workplace HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Must conduct a documented “site assessment” If HM are present, must have a written site specific HM program HAZARDOUS MATERIALS continued . . . Must be handled, stored, and disposed of properly MSDS must be available Proper PPE must be available Lab Hoods must be available where appropriate TRAINING HAZCOM Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Lab Safety Lab Hoods DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM DRIVER SAFETY A written program is required and shall cover: Procedures for enrolling and identifying employees permitted to drive on state business Procedures/definition for identifying high risk drivers Driver training Disciplinary action for high risk drivers Claims reporting Accident investigation Definition of a state vehicle Roles and responsibilities of managers, supervisors, and employees DEFINITIONS Vehicular Accident Authorized driver High Risk Driver State Vehicle AUTHORIZING DRIVERS Enroll employee in training within 90 days Complete DA2054 Annually run, review, and attach ODR to DA 2054 Agency head or designee signs/dates DA 2054 to authorize employee Employee trained every 3 years thereafter Signed/dated “authorized (or unauthorized) drivers list” REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Accidents reported same day DA 2041 completed and submitted to ORM Transportation Claims within 48 hours—Do not complete DA 2000 Employees must self-report all moving violations no later than the next scheduled work day INSPECTION/REPAIRS OF STATE OWNED VEHICLES Must complete monthly inspection checklist for each vehicle Document corrective action Preventive maintenance must be performed and documented BONDS, CRIME AND PROPERTY PROGRAM BONDS, CRIME, & PROPERTY Program covers two key areas Which agencies must participate? WRITTEN PROGRAM Written program shall address: Managing assets/fiscal internal controls Training Internal Audits Responding to internal and/or legislative audits Investigation/reporting losses/damages Responsibility/accountability of employees Security Key Control SECURITY Written policy shall address: Limited, controlled access for authorized individuals to buildings 24 hours a day, seven days a week Monitoring/controlling visitor access Securing all entrances & exits, both day & night Limiting access to data on personal computers KEY CONTROL Written policy shall include: Key/card log Procedures to change locks/codes Employee responsibilities Methods for issuing, returning, & accounting for lost/stolen keys/cards Procedures for handling keys/cards WRITTEN PROCEDURES Written procedures must address the following: Separation of duties Controlling inventories (including disposal) Purchasing Reporting & investigating losses/damages Timely reporting to ORM Claims Unit Handling of negotiable items Securing vaults/safes Assigning individual to monitor/update program EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM COMPONENTS Responsibilities Specific Inventory Preventive Maintenance Procedures Preventive Maintenance Schedule COMPONENTS continued . . . Testing Procedures Documentation Training RECORDKEEPING Records are maintained for life of equipment Typewritten or computergenerated PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Written procedures must address the procurement, use, maintenance, and disposal of PPE for the following: Head Face Eyes Ears Torso Extremities Hands Feet Respiratory System PPE Workplace Assessment Identify Appropriate PPE Training WORK ORDER SYSTEM Written work order procedures shall cover: Scheduled PM and/or Repairs Reported Problems Emergency Problems LOCKOUT/TAGOUT (LO/TO) Agency Personnel vs. Contractors Training of Employees Appropriate LO/TO Devices BOILERS Must be Inspected as per jurisdictional requirements Current Inspection Certificates Posted At/Near Equipment Inspection Deficiencies Must be Corrected & Documented ELEVATORS Inspected Semi-Annually Code Violations Corrected & Documented Certificates Available Fire Service Key CONFINED SPACE Assessment Permit vs. Non-permit spaces Contract vs. In-house CONFINED SPACE continued . . . Goal Training Equipment PPE Rescue Environmental Testing Permits (if applicable) STATE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FUNDS To be eligible, an agency must have a: written PM program statement from Department/Agency Head or financial officer copy of bids for repair/replacement letter from LPO stating agency passed its equipment management audit WATER VESSEL PROGRAM COMPONENTS OF WRITTEN PROGRAM Responsibilities Enrolling employees Definition of high-risk operators COMPONENTS continued . . . Operator training Disciplinary action Claims reporting Accident investigation Definition of State water vessels DEFINITIONS High-Risk Operator Water Vessel State-owned/leased/hired vessel INSPECTIONS/REPAIRS Written checklist must include: Fire extinguishers Personal flotation devices Sound signaling devices Flares Damage to the vessel Communication devices Lighting Trailers ACCIDENT REPORTING Form DWF-BIR-010-OP Obtain from Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries for all non-commercial vessels Form CG-2692 Obtain from Coast Guard for Commercial vessels CLAIMS Claims reporting FLIGHT OPERATIONS PROGRAM COMPONENTS Responsibilities Training Accident analysis Definition of an accident When to report an accident How to report an accident FAA Pilots flying for the State of Louisiana must comply with all procedures established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ACCIDENT REPORTING In addition to FAA forms, the pilot will complete the ORM Aircraft Incident/Accident Report (if pilot is unable, then supervisor must complete) Must be submitted to the Transportation Unit within 48 hours If injury or property damage is evident, contact Claims ASAP at TBD THE END!