Effort Reporting Updates, Deadlines, and Open Lab Sessions Commitment Accounting/Effort Reporting Users Group Meeting May 27, 2015 Academic Activity Reporting • Beginning with the Fall 2014 term, you have learned that the Employee Record Number is selected by an AAR Coordinator in a department. • THIS IS EXTREMLY IMPORTANT TO SELECT THE RIGHT APPOINTMENT! PLEASE WORK WITH YOUR AAR COORDINATORS TO MAKE THESE SELECTIONS BEFORE EFFORT REPORTING! Academic Activity Reporting • There are examples that were created to help guide staff on which employee record to choose. These examples are listed on this website: http://www.fa.ufl.edu/departments/costanalysis/effort-certification/ Academic Activity Reporting • Why is the Employee Record Important? – If the faculty member teaches a course, and is paid to do so, then the funding should represent how much it cost to teach that course. • Therefore, if you choose an employee record number that has no payroll to support that course it will appear that the university is able to teach that course for free. • Also, if there is an error on the effort record, and the employee works on grants, it will appears as if the university is trying to allow more than 100% effort for an employee when there truly is only one IBS for that person. Academic Activity Reporting • Why is the Employee Record Important? – If you choose another department’s record number in error, it will cause an error in their certification records and yours. Academic Activity Reporting • Technical Issues Corrected – There were a few technical issues found when we opened the Fall 2014 term. • Graduated Students • Changing the contact hours or employee record number for one person in a course that had multiple wiped out everyone on that course even if there were no changes. • If there was a change for another term, sometimes it would recreate the course for the previous term. Academic Activity Reporting • Best Advice! – To prevent recertification of effort and loss of work, make sure that all courses that the employee taught is showing before submitting it for certification. – Also, make sure that all courses that were not taught by the employee that are showing are removed. – And Again, Verify the Employee Record Number! Academic Activity Reporting • Note – If you have your AAR coordinator make a change to a course, to correct an issue, the effort report will get recreated and wipe out all allocations on that record. It is the way the system is able to correct the courses that are listed on that effort report. Verify Information Before Submitting! Are the Commitments Correct? Including Cost Sharing? Commitment Is Entered Appropriately Is payroll charged correctly? Are the courses listed appropriately? Is effort allocated based on how time is spent for the term? Not how it was planned or based on payroll. Reminder Retroactive Pay – Don’t wait until the close of the year to do retros. Be sure to get those corrected as soon as possible to avoid potential delays. – This is especially true if you still have any outstanding Fall 2014 effort reports. Year End close should not be the excuse why the effort is not certified! Reminder! • Any outstanding effort that still remains is now considered past due. • Emails were sent out on Monday, May 18th for any outstanding Fall 2014 effort records. – If you need assistance contact us and we will be happy to work with you to get it resolved, effort@admin.ufl.edu Reminder • Please do not deny any effort reports back to Level One without Cost Analysis approval. If you deny these records back because of a retro, etc. we can not tell when the retro will take affect. We see no errors at this level and would not be able to know when to release the report back to you. Reminder • Pay attention to the comment bubble at the top of an effort record. If a Employee denies an effort record back to you, they will be required to input a comment. • Also, if Cost Analysis denies the record or releases a new one for re-certification, we will identify why. Reminder Released Recertification • If Cost Analysis releases an effort record for recertification, you have 30 days to complete the certification process from the day it is released. Don’t Ignore the Effort Emails • If you continue to receive effort emails from the system, then there is something outstanding for your department. • Don’t wait until the score card comes out to investigate! Effort Website • http://www.fa.ufl.edu/departments/costanalysis/effort-certification/ Need assistance! Our website is updated to help answer questions! The deadlines have been updated with Spring 2015 information. The Effort Coordinator and Academic Activity Coordinator Contact list has been updated as of May 26th . DEADLINES AND OPEN LAB SESSIONS Spring 2015 Deadlines • Opening Spring 2015 Term – This is for ER Year = 2015, ER Period = 2 – Will begin Opening on Thursday, July 2nd • Effort Allocated by Effort Coordinator & Saved – Friday, July 17th • Effort Submitted for Certification – Friday, July 31st • Effort Certified by Employees – Friday, August 14th Open Lab Session • Tuesday, July 14th – HR Room 119 – 1:00pm – 4:00pm Questions? Contact Us! • Cost Analysis – 392-5778 – effort@admin.ufl.edu • Contracts & Grants – 392-1235 • OIPR (Office of Institutional Planning & Research) – Armando Ramirez - aramire@ufl.edu