

Child Psychology Mid-term

(EDPSY 350)


Multiple choice questions (2 each)

Please read and answer each question carefully. Clearly mark your answer on this exam.

1. Children display logical thinking, classification, and solve conservation problems in what stage of Piaget’s theory? a. sensorimotor b. preoperational c. concrete operational d. formal operations

2. According to Piaget’s theory, which of the following adolescents would be most likely to have trouble solving scientific reasoning problems and tasks that require abstract thinking? a. 10-year-old b. 12-year-old c. 14-year-old d. 16-year-old

3. The " " refers to the difference between what the child can do alone and what the child can do with the aid of an adult. a. intersubjectivity b. egocentrism c. scaffolding d. zone of proximal development

4. For the memory systems components prominent in the Information Processing theory, which component involves space that brings together relevant knowledge and attention to actively process information? a.

sensory memory b.

working memory c.

long term memory d.

semantic memory

5. The pattern of highly verbal children eliciting more language and conversation from adults compared to less verbally skilled children is an example of a. passive effects b. evocative effects c. active effects

6. If sounds such as /pa/ and /ba/ were not used in an infant's native language, the infant around the age of 4 months would a. be unable to hear them b. hear a difference between these sounds c. prefer /pa/ over /ba/. d. not perceive any difference between them

7. Laura refers to all round objects as balls. But one day, after noticing that apples do not bounce as well as balls, she says “apple.” This is example of a.

assimilation b.

accommodation c.

equilibration d.


8. “ “ refers to the type of intelligence related to factual knowledge about the world. a. fluid b. crystallized c. practical d. naturalist

9. According to Vygotsky, the force that drives cognitive development is a.

social interactions with more knowledgeable adults and/or peers b.

interaction with the physical environment c.

the biological unfolding of genetic structures d.

the physical world acting on the child

10. At Halloween, trick-or-treaters come to the door and 9-month-old Jill opens the door with her father to hand out candy. Jill sees lots of masks and the children loudly shout “Trick-or-Treat.” Before Jill reacts, she watches how her father reacts.

This is an example of a.

self-regulation b.

social referencing c.

joint attention d.

evocative effects

11. IQ scores before the age of 5 are the best predictors of academic success because scores between 2 and 5-years of age are the most stable. a.

true b.


12. Research suggests that fosters vocabulary development. a.

semantic bootstrapping b.

telegraphic speech

between mothers and their babies during play c.

fast mapping d.

joint attention

13. Children that have imagery companions tend to have which characteristics? a. good verbal skills b. watch lots of TV c. have second-born children d. deficits in theory of mind

14. Learning to crawl and/or walk helps children to move away from their egocentric representations of space. a.

true b.


15. "See dolly"; "Daddy there"; are examples of which of the following? a. overregulation b. underextension c. telegraphic speech d. mutual exclusivity

16. “ “ intelligence refers to those people who can use their experience, everyday observations, and common sense to solve problems. a. analytical b. practical c. creative

17. Ali says, “Mom, I hurt my feets.” This is an example of a.

overextention b.

underextension c.

overregularization d.


18. By the age of 4, children understand that humans are also considered animals. a. true b. false

19. John picks up a block, holds it to his ear and says “Hello Mommy. What’s for dinner?”

This is an example of a.

preoperational egocentrism b.

animistic thinking c.

conservation d.

pretend play

20. “ “ intelligence refers to those people who can accurately perceive the visual world and make transformations to those perceptions. a. interpersonal b. bodily kinesthetic c. spatial d. naturalist

21. Two-year-old Elaina uses the word doggie to refer to her family’s pet dog but also the family cat, the neighborhood’s dog, and her grandmother’s horse. Elaina’s error is known as a.

overextension b.

underextension c.

underregularization d.


22. A child’s vocabulary spurt tends to occur after the first a.

20 b.

50 c.

70 d.

90 words.

23. Which of the following is the most likely order that children would follow in learning new words? a. Saturn, vehicle, car b. vehicle, Saturn, car c. car, vehicle, Saturn

24. George needs help painting with watercolors. First I demonstrate that you wet the brush, dip it into the paint and then sweep the brush across the paper. George then puts the brush in the water and sweeps the brush across the paper. I then take

George’s hand and repeat “Water, paint, paper” “Water, paint, paper” while I move his hand. When he moves to each place with his hand, I let go of George’s hand. This is an example of the a.

intersubjectivity b.

private speech c.

scaffolding d.

zone of proximal development

25. The trend that IQ scores gain points with each passing decade is referred to as a. passive effect b. flynn effect c. fluid effect d. modularity effect
