Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ Using Word Parts Many English words are a combination of word parts (prefixes, suffixes and roots). If you know the meanings of the parts, you can figure out the meanings of the words that contain these parts. Rejuvenate combines • the prefix re (meaning again) • the root juven (meaning young) • the suffix ate (meaning to make) To rejuvenate is “to make young again.” Orthodontist combines • the root ortho (meaning straight) • the root dont (meaning tooth, teeth) • the suffix ist (meaning a person who) An orthodontist is “a person who straightens teeth.” FYI: English words that are not a combination of word parts are called base words. A base word cannot be divided into parts. (“Base” and “word” are both base words). However, base words can be combined with other base words, prefixes and suffixes. Base word + Base word= background, handshake, football Base word + Prefix = underground, forehand, premeditated Base word + Suffix = groundless, handful, quickly A root is a base upon which other words are built. Knowing the root of a difficult word can go a long way toward helping you figure out its meaning – even without a dictionary. For that reason, learning the following roots will be very valuable in all of your classes. Begin your study by highlighting the definitions of the roots. Remember to study! Directions: Beginning on Friday, September 17th, you will have a word parts quiz every Friday. Study the word parts in sets of ten. Your quizzes will consist of defining the word part and giving one of the example words given. Study tips: Don’t wait until the last minute to study! Make flashcards! Quiz yourself. Write the word parts, definitions and examples five times each. NOTE: YOU must make sure you have at least ONE example word put to memory… try to make sure to get the spelling correct! Repetition is the best way to memorize! Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ Roots Words Quiz #1 1. A, an: not, without – atom (not able to cut), atypical (, anesthesia (without sensation) 2. Ab, abs, a: from, away – abnormal, absent 3. Acro: high – acrobat, acrophobia (fear of height) 4. Ambi, amb: both, around – ambidextrous (skilled with both hands), amble 5. Amphi: both – amphibious 6. Ante: before – antecedent, anteroom 7. Anti, ant: against – anticlimax, antacid, antidote 8. Be: on, away – beloved, bequest, bestow 9. Bene, bon: well – benefit, bon voyage, benediction, bonus 10. Bi, bis, bin: both, double – bicycle, biscuit, binoculars Roots Words Quiz #2 1. By: Side, close, near – bypass, bystander, byline 2. Cata: down, against – catapult, catastrophe 3. Cerebro: brain – cerebral, cerebrum 4. Circum, circ: around – circumference, circumnavigate 5. Co, con, col, com: together, with – compose, collect, conspire, copilot 6. Contra, counter: against – controversy, contradict 7. De: Down, from – demote, depress, degrade, deject, deprive 8. Deca: ten – decade 9. Di: two, twice – divide, dilemma 10. Dia: through, between – diameter, diagonal, dialogue Roots Words Quiz #3 1. Dis, diff: apart, away, reverse – dismiss, distort, distinguish 2. Dys: badly, ill – dystrophy, dystopia 3. Em, en: in, into – embrace, enslave 4. Epi: upon – epidermis (upon the skin, outer layer of the skin), epitaph 5. Eu: well – euphoria, eulogize 6. Ex, e, ec, ef: out – expel, eject, eccentric (out of the center position) 7. Extra, extro: beyond, outside – extraordinary, extrovert 8. For: away or off – forswear (to renounce an oath) 9. Fore: before in time – forecast, foretell, foreshadow 10. Hemi, demi, semi: half – hemisphere, semicircle Roots Words Quiz #4 1. Hex: six – hexagon, hexameter 2. Homo: man – homicide, homo sapiens Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ 3. Hyper: over, above – hypersensitive, hyperactive 4. Hypo: under – hypodermic 5. Il, ir, im: not – illegal, irregular, immoral 6. In, il, im: into – inject, inside, illuminate 7. Infra: beneath – infrared, infrasonic 8. Inter: between – interrupt, intervene 9. Intra: within – intravenous 10. Intro: into, inward – introduce, introvert (turn inward) Roots Words Quiz #5 1. Macro: large, excessive – macrocosm 2. Mal: badly, poorly – maladjusted, malnutrition, malady 3. Meta: beyond, after, with – metaphor, metaphysical, metamorphosis 4. Mis: incorrect, bad – misuse, misprint 5. Miso: hate – misogynist, misanthrope 6. Mono: one – monologue, monotone 7. Multi: many – multiply, multiform 8. Neo: new – neonatal, neoclassic 9. Non: Not – nontaxable, nontoxic, nonsense 10. Ob, of, op, oc: toward, against – obstruct, offend Roots Words Quiz #6 1. Oct: eight – octagon, octopus 2. Paleo: ancient – paleontology 3. Para: beside, almost – parasite, parallel, paramedic 4. Penta: five – pentagon, pentathlon 5. Per: throughout, completely – permanent, persuade, perfect 6. Peri: around – perimeter, periscope 7. Poly: many – polygamy, polyglot 8. Post: after – postpone, postwar, postscript (PS) 9. Pre: before – preview, precede, prevent 10. Pro: forward, in favor of – project, promote, prohibition Roots Words Quiz #7 1. Pseudo (pronounced sue-doe): false – pseudonym, pseudophobia 2. Quad: four – quadruple, quadrant 3. Quint: five – Quintet, quintile 4. Re: back, again – rewind, revive 5. Retro: backward – retrospective, retrorocket 6. Se: aside – secede, segregate Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ 7. Self: by oneself – selfish, self-serve 8. Sex, sest: six – sextuplet, sestet 9. Sub: under – submarine, submerge 10. Suf, sug, sup, sus: from under – sufficient, suffer, suggest, suspend, support Roots Words Quiz #8 1. Super, supr: above, over, more – supervise, superman, superwoman, supreme 2. Sy, sym, sys, syl: with, together – system, synchronize, symphony 3. Trans, tra: across, beyond – transfusion, transmit 4. Tri: three – tricycle, trimester 5. Ultra: beyond, exceedingly – ultraviolent, ultramodern 6. Un: not, release – unfair, unbutton 7. Under: beneath – underground, underlying 8. Uni: one – universe, unify, unique 9. Vice: in place of – viceroy, vice president 10. Sanct: holy – sanctify, sanctuary Roots Words Quiz #9 1. acer, acid, acri: bitter, sour, sharp – acrid acidity, acerbic, acrimony 2. acu: sharp – acute, acupuncture 3. ag,, agi, ig, act: do, move, go – agent (doer), agenda (things to do), navigate (move by sea), ambiguous (going both ways), action 4. ali, allo, alter: other – alias, alien, alter 5. alt: high, deep – altitude, altimeter (a device for measuring heights) 6. am, amor: love, liking – amiable, amorous, enamored 7. anni, annu, enni: year – anniversary, annually, centennial 8. anthrop: man – anthropology, philanthropy (love of mankind), misanthrope (hater of mankind) 9. anti: old – antique, antiquated, antiquity 10. arch: chief, first, rule – archangel, architect (chief worker), archaic (first, very early), matriarchy (rule by the mother) Roots Words Quiz #10 1. 2. 3. 4. aster, astr: star – astronomy (star law), astronaut (star traveler), asteroid aud, aus: hear, listen – audible, audio, audition aug, auc: increase – augmentation, augment (add to, increase), auction auto, aut: self – autograph (self writing), automobile (self moving vehicle), author, automatic 5. belli: war – bellicose, rebel, belligerent 6. bibl: book – Bible, bibliophile (book lover), bibliography 7. bio: life – biology (study of life), biopsy 8. brev: short – abbreviation, brevity, brief 9. cad, cas: to fall – cadaver, cadence, cascade 10. calor: heat – calorie (unit of heat), calorify (to make hot) Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ Roots Words Quiz #11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. capit, capt: head – decapitate, captain, caption cap, cip, cept: take – capable, capacity, capture, reciprocate, accept, except carn: flesh – carnal, carnivorous, reincarnation caus, caut: burn, heat – caustic, cauterize (to make hot, to burn) cause, cuse, cus: cause, motive – because, excuse (to attempt to remove blame or cause), accusation 6. ced, ceed, cede, cess: move, yield, go, surrender – procedure, secede (move aside), success 7. centri: center – concentric, eccentric 8. chrom: color – chromosome (color body in genetics), monochrome (one color), chrome 9. chron: time – chronology, chronicle, synchronize 10. cide, cise: cut down, kill – suicide, homicide, pesticide, incision, scissors, circumcise Roots Words Quiz #12 1. 2. 3. 4. cit: to call, start – incite, citation, cite civ: citizen – civic (relating to a citizen), civil, civilian clam, claim: cry out – exclamation, clamor, proclamation, acclaim clud, clus, claus: shut – include (to take in), claustrophobia (abnormal fear of being shut in), recluse (one who shuts herself away from others) 5. cognosc, gnosi: know – recognize (to know again), incognito (not known), prognosis (forward knowing) 6. cord, cor, cardi: heart – cordial (hearty, heartfelt), discord, courage, encourage (put heart into), core, cardiac 7. corp: body – corpse, corpulent, corporation (a legal body) 8. cosm: universe, world – cosmic, cosmos (the universe), cosmopolitan (world citizen) 9. crat, cracy: rule, strength – democratic, democracy, autocratic, bureaucrat 10. crea: create – creature (anything created), creation, creator Roots Words Quiz #13 1. Cred: believe – creed (statement of beliefs), credence, credit (belief, trust) 2. Cresc, cret, crease, cru: rise, grow – crescendo (growing in loudness or intensity), concrete (grown together, solidified), increase, decrease 3. Crit: separate, choose – critical, hypocrite 4. Cur, Curs: run – current (running or flowing), concur (run together), recur, cursive 5. Cura: care – curator, curative, manicure (caring for the hands) 6. Cycl, Cyclo: wheel, circular – bicycle, unicycle, cyclone (a wind blowing circularly), recycle 7. Deca: ten – decathlon, decade 8. Dem: people – democracy (people-rule), demography, epidemic (on or among the people) 9. Dent, Dont: tooth – dentist, orthodontist, denture 10. Derm: skin – hypodermic (injected under the skin), dermatology (skin study), epidermis Roots Words Quiz #14 1. Dict: say, speak – dictate, diction (how one speaks), verdict, benediction 2. Doc: teach – document, doctrine, indoctrinate Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ 3. 4. 5. 6. Domin: master – dominate, domain, predominate Don: give – donate, condone Dorm: sleep – dormant, dormitory, dormir (Spanish: to sleep) Dox: opinion, praise: orthodox (having the correct, commonly accepted opinion), paradox (contradictory) 7. Drome: run, step – syndrome (run-together symptoms), hippodrome (a place where horses run) 8. Duc, Duct: lead – induce (lead into, persuade), seduce (lead aside), conduct, reduce 9. Dura: hard, lasting – durable, duration, endurance 10. Dynam: power – dynamo (power producing), dynamic, dynamite Roots Words Quiz #15 1. 2. 3. 4. Endo: within – endoral (within the mouth), endocardial (within the heart) Equi: equal – equidistant, equinox, equilibrium Erg: work – energy, erg (unit of work), allergy, ergophobia (fear of work), ergonomic Fac, Fact, Fic, Fect: do, make – factory (place where workers make goods of various kinds), fact (a thing done), manufacture, confection 5. Fall, fals: deceive – false, falsify, fallacy 6. Fer: bear, carry – ferry (carry by water), fertile (bearing richly), defer, infer, refer 7. Fid, Fide, Feder: faith, trust – confidante, Fido, Semper Fi (always faithful - Marines’ creed), fidelity, confederacy 8. Fila, Fili: thread – filament ( a single thread or threadlike object), filigree, filibuster 9. Fin: end, ended, finished – final, finite, finish, confine, fine, define, finale 10. Fix: attach – fix, fixation (the state of being attached), suffix Roots Words Quiz #16 1. Flex, Flect: bend – flex, reflex (bending back), flexible, deflect 2. Flu, Fluc, Fluv: flowing – influence (to flow in), fluid, flush, fluently 3. Form: form, shape – conform, deform, conform, perform 4. Fort, Forc: strong – fort, fortress ( a strong place), fortify, forte (one’s strong point), enforce 5. Fract, Frag: break – fracture, fragile (easy to break), fraction, refract 6. Gam: Marriage – bigamy, monogamy, polygamy 7. Gastr(o): stomach – gastric, gastronomic 8. Gen: birth, race – generation, genesis (birth, beginning), genetic, generate 9. Geo: earth – geology, geography (earth writing), geometry (earth measurement) 10. Germ: vital part – germination (to grow), germ (seed; living substance, as the germ of an idea), germane Roots Words Quiz #17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gest: carry, bear – gestation, congestive (clog, clogging), congest (bear together) Gloss, Glot: tongue – glossary, polyglot (many tongues, i.e. languages) Glu, Glo: lump, bond, glue – glue, conglomerate (bond together) Grad, Gress: step, go – grade (step, degree), gradual, graduate (make all the steps), progress Graph, Gram: write, written – graphic (written, vivid), photography (light writing). diagram, bibliography 6. Grat: pleasing – gratitude, congratulate, ingrate (not thankful) 7. Grav: heavy, weighty – grave, gravity, aggravate 8. Greg: herd, group, crowd – segregate (tending to group aside or apart), gregarious, Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ congregation 9. Helio: sun – heliotrope (a plant that turns to the sun), heliograph (an instrument for using the sun’s rays to send signals) 10. Hema, Hemo: blood – hemorrhage (an outpouring or flowing of blood), hemophilia, hemoglobin Roots Words Quiz #18 1. Here, Hes: stick – adhere, cohere, cohesion 2. Hetero: different – heterosexual (with interest in the opposite sex), heterogeneous (different in birth) 3. Hydr, Hydra, Hydro: water – dehydrate, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrophobia 4. Hypn: sleep – hypnosis, Hypnos (god of sleep) 5. Ignis: fire – ignite, ignition 6. Ject: throw – deject, inject, project (throw forward), object 7. Join, Junct: join – injunction, adjoining, juncture 8. Juven: youth – juvenile, rejuvenate 9. Lau, lav, Lot, Lut: wash – launder, lotion, dilute (to make a liquid thinner and weaker), absolution, lavatory 10. Leg: law – legal, legislature, legitimize Roots Words Quiz #19 1. Levi: light – levity (light conversation, humor), levitate 2. Liber, Liver: Free– liberty, liberal, deliverance 3. Liter: letters– literary (concerned with books and writing), literature, literal, alliteration 4. Loc, Loco: place – location, local, relocate, locomotion (act of moving from place to place) 5. Log, Logo, Ogue, Ology: word, study, speech – catalog, prologue, dialogue 6. Loqu, Locut: talk, speak – eloquent (speaking well), loquacious (talkative), soliloquy 7. Luc, Lum, Lus, Lun: light– luminary, translucent, luster, Luna (the moon goddess) 8. Magn: great – magnify (make great, enlarge), magnificent, magnitude 9. Mand: command – reprimand, mandate, mandatory (commanded) 10. Mania: madness – mania (insanity, craze), maniac, pyromania (insane tendency to set fires) Roots Words Quiz #20 1. Mar, mari, mer: sea, pool – mermaid, marine, marsh, maritime 2. Matri: mother – matricide, matriarch, matrimony, matron 3. Medi: half, middle, between, halfway – mediate, medieval, Mediterranean (lying between islands) 4. Mega: great, million – megalopolis, megaphone 5. Mem: remember – memory, memo, memorial 6. Meter: measure – meter, thermometer 7. Micro: small – microwave, micron, microbe (small living thing) 8. Migra: wander – migrate, emigrant (one who leaves a country), immigrant (to come into the land) 9. Mit, miss: send – missile, admit, commit, permit, transmit, omit, mission, 10. Mob, mot, mov: move – mobile, motionless, promotion, demote, movement Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ Roots Words Quiz #21 1. Mon: warn, remind – monument, premonition, admonish, monitor 2. Mor, Mort: mortal, death – mortal, mortality, mortuary, morgue 3. Morph: form – metamorphosis, amorphous (with no form, shapeless) 4. Multi: many, much – multiply, multiple, multiped (an organism with many feet) 5. Nat, nasc: to be born, to spring forth – natal, native, nativity, innate (inborn) 6. Neur: nerve – neurology, neural, neurotic, 7. Nom: law, order – autonomy, astronomy, economy 8. Nomen, nomin: name – nominate, nonmenclature 9. Nov: new – novel, renovate, novice, nova, innovate, novice 10. Nox, Noc: night – nocturnal, equinox Root List #22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Numer: number – numeral ( a figure expressing a number), enumerate (count out, one by one) innumerable Omni: all, every – omnipotent, omnivore, omnipresent Onym: name – anonymous (without a name), pseudonym (false name) Oper: work – operate (to labor, function), cooperate (work together) Ortho: straight, correct – orthodox (the accepted or correct opinion), orthodontist (tooth straightener) Pac: peace – pacifist, pacify, Pacific Pan: all – panacea (cure-all), pantheon, pandemonium Pater, patr: father – paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron Path, pathy: feeling, suffering – sympathy, empathy, telepathy Ped, pod: foot – pedal, impede (get the feet in a trap, hinder), pedestal, pedestrian Root List #23 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pedo: child – pediatrics, orthopedic Pel, puls: drive, urge – compel, expel, repel, pulse Pend, pens, pond: hang, weight – pendant, pensive (weighting thought), ponderous Phil: love – philosophy (love of wisdom), Philadelphia (city of brotherly love), bibliophile Phobia: fear – claustrophobia, acrophobia, hydrophobia Phon: sound – phonetic (pertaining to sound), symphony (sounds with or together), phonograph Photo: light – photograph (light-writing), photogenic (artistically suitable for being photographed), photosynthesis Plac: please – placid (calm, peaceful), placate, complacent Plu, plur, plus: more – plural, plus Pneuma, pneumon: breath – pneumonia, pneumatic (pertaining to air, wind or other gases) Root List #24 1. 2. 3. Poli: city – metropolis (mother city), police, politics Pon, pos, pound: place, put – postpone, component, expose, deposit Pop: people – population, popular Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Port: carry – support, transport, export Portion: share, part – portion, proportion Prehend: seize – comprehend (seize with the mind), apprehend, comprehensive Prim, prime: first – primacy, prima donna (first lady of the opera), primitive Proto: first – prototype (the first model made), protagonist, protocol Psych: mind, soul – psyche, psychiatry, psychic Punct: point, dot – punctual (being exactly on time), punctuation, puncture Root List #25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Reg, recti: straighten – regiment, regular, regulate Ri, ridi, risi: laughter – deride (mock, jeer), ridicule, ridiculous Rog, roga: ask – derogatory, interrogation, prerogative Rupt: break – eruption, rupture, disrupt Sacr, sanc, secr: sacred – sacred, sanction, consecrate, desecrate Salv, salu: safe, healthy – salvation (the act of being saved), salvage, salutation Sat, satis: enough – satisfied, saturate satisfy, satiate Sci: know – science, conscious, omniscient Scope: see, watch – telescope, microscope, stethoscope Scrib, script: write – scribe (writer), manuscript (written by hand), scribble Root List #26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sed, sess, sid: sit – sediment (that which sits or settles out of a liquid), session (a sitting), obsession (an idea that sits stubbornly in the mind), possess Sen: old – senior, senator, senile (old; showing the weakness of old age) Sent, sens: feel – sentiment (feeling), consent, resent, dissent, sentimental (strong feeling or emotion), sensitive Sequ, secu, sue: follow – sequence, subsequent, consequence Serv: save, serve – servant, service, preserve, deserve, conservation Sign, signi: sign, mark, seal – signature, signal Simil, simul: like, resembling – similar, assimilate, simulate, simile Sist, sta, stit: stand – persist, assist, status, stable Solus: alone – solitude, solo, soliloquy Solv, solu: loosen – solvent (a loosener; a dissolver), absolve (free from), resolution Root List #27 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Somnus: sleep – insomnia (not being able to sleep), insomniac Soph: wisdom – philosophy, sophisticated, sophomore (wise fool) Spec, spect, spic: look – aspect, specimen, respect, spectator Sphere: ball, sphere – atmosphere, hemisphere, sphere Spir: breath – aspirate (breathe), spirit (breath), inspire (breathe into) String, strict: draw, tight – strict, restrict, stringent Stru, struct: build – structure, destroy, obstruct, instruct Sume, sump: take, use, waste – consume, assume, presumption Tact, tang, tag, tig, ting: touch – contact, tactile, intangible (not able to be touched) Tele: far – telephone (far sound), telegraph (far writing), television (far seeing) Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ Root List #28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tempo: time – temporary, contemporary (those who live at the same time), tempo (rate of speed) Ten, tin, tain: hold – tenacious (holding fast), tenant, tenure, content, abstain Tend, tent, tens: stretch, strain – tendency, extend, intend, pretend, tension Terra: earth – terrain, territory, terrestrial Test: to bear witness – testament, attest, detest, testimony The, theo: God, a god – theocracy, atheism, theology Therm: heat – thermal, hypothermia, thermometer Thesis, thet: place, put – synthesis, thesis statement, hypothesis Tom: cut – atom (not cuttable) anatomy Tort, tors: twist – torture, retort (twist back), contort Root List #29 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tox: poison – toxic, intoxicate Tract, tra: draw, pull – tractor, subtract, attract Trib: pay, bestow – tribute, contribute Turbo: disturb – disturb, turmoil Typ: print – type, typewriter, typical Ultima: last – ultimate, ultimatum (the final or last offer that can be made) Uni: one – unicorn (a legendary creature with one horn), unify (make into one), university Vac: empty – vacate, vacant, evacuate (to remove troops or people) Vale, vali, valu: strength, worth – valiant, evaluate (find out the value), valor, value Ven, vent: come – intervene, invent, prevent, avenue Root List #30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ver, veri: true – very, verdict, verity, verify Vert, vers: turn – avert, divert, invert, introvert Vic, vicis: change, substitute – vicarious, vicar, vicissitude Vict, vinc: conquer – victor, evict, convict Vid, vis: see – video, television, visible, revise Viv, vita, vivi: alive, life – revive, survive (outlive, live beyond), vivacious (full of life) Voc: call – vocation, vocal, invoke Vol: will – malevolent, benevolent, volunteer Volcan, vulcan: fire – volcano, Vulcan (Roman god of fire) Volvo: turn about, roll – revolve, voluble (easily turned about or around) Root List #31 1. 2. Vor: eat greedily – voracious, carnivorous, devour Zo: animal – (short for zoological garden), zodiac (circle of animal constellations), Name: ______________________ Class: ______________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. zoology Xeno, xen (pronounced zee-no, zen) : stranger, foreigner, guest – xenophile, xenophobia Thanato, thanat, thanos: death – thanatology (scientific study of death), thanatos (death instinct), thanatologist Therap, therapy: heal, cure, treatment – therapy, therapeutic Sarco, sarc: flesh – sarcophagus, sarcasm (tear flesh) Phargo, phag: eat, consume – sarcophagus (only one example word necessary) Sauro, saur, saurus: lizard – dinosaur, sauropod Lith, litho: stone, rock – monolithic, lithify (turn into stone) Vir, viri, virtu: man, manliness – virile, virtue Root List #32 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Phys: body, nature – physical, physics Zon: belt, girdle – zone, zonal Zyg: yoke – zygote, heterozygous Zym: ferment – enzyme (only one example word necessary) Xyl: wood – xylophone (only one example word necessary) Vulner: wound – vulnerable, vulnerability Vulg: common, crowd – vulgar, vulgarity Verb: word – verb, verbose, verbal Tympan: drum – tympani (only one example word necessary) Tex, text: weave – texture, text, textual