Global Themes

Regents Review
What you should know!!!
What to expect…
 50 multiple choice questions
 Thematic Essay
 DBQ questions and Essay
 3 hours
How to use your time
 You will receive time cues during the test.
 Allot yourself
 40 minutes for the multiple choice
 10 minutes to outline for your thematic
 50 minutes to write your thematic essay
 20 minutes to complete your documents
 10 minutes to outline for your DBQ essay
 50 minutes to write your DBQ essay
How to approach studying
• Terms (vocabulary) and Topics
• What it is or was
• Its purpose
• Its causes and effects
• Its significance
• Concepts
• Its significance
• Give evidence, or a historical example
• Famous People
• Know the place and time period in which the person lived
• His or her background or position
• The person’s accomplishments or impact
Words to know…
 analyze means to determine the nature and
relationship of the component elements
 describe means to illustrate something in words
or tell about it
 discuss means to make observations about
something using facts, reasoning, and argument;
to present in some detail
 explain means to make plain or understandable;
to give reasons for or causes of; to show the
logical development or relationships of
 evaluate means to examine and judge the
significance, worth, or condition of; to determine
the value of
 Using the L.A.W. approach
 L: look at the task
 Focus on the action word (i.e. discuss) and the topic statement
(i.e. historical context)
 A: analyze the documents
 Identify which documents you can use to assist in answering your
essay question
 Make notes next to the documents listing outside information
which can help you
 W: write the essay
 Opening paragraph: needs to identify the topic and show your
point of view
 Supporting paragraphs: provide evidence (both from the
documents and outside information) in an organized way which
helps support your opening paragraph
 Conclusion:
 Discuss: restate the topic sentence, and add a brief summary
 Evaluate: compare/contrast the +/- effects, then make a judgment
 Always read the question first so you
don’t waste time
 Make notes on all questions to reinforce
what you already know about each
 Use your own words in your documents
and your essay.
 When writing use specifics… always give
Possible Themes
Human & Physical
Movement of
Peoples and
Justice and
Human Rights
Political Change
Political Systems
Global Problems
Economic Systems
Turning Points
Belief Systems
Things to look for when you’re thinking
about conflicts…
 Causes of the conflict
 Who are the opposing groups involved
 What are these groups points of view
 Results of the conflict
 Extent to which they were resolved/not
Possible Conflicts
European Enlightenment
World War Two
French Revolution
Cold War
Latin American Independence
Chinese Communist Revolution
Global Nationalism
Colonial Independence /
Collapse of Imperialism
Industrial Revolution
Conflict in the Middle East
Meiji Restoration
Apartheid in South Africa
Collapse of Communism
World War One
Russian Revolution
Political Unrest in Latin America
Post-Cold War “Hot Spots”
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Conflicts between groups of people have threatened
peace in many nations or Regions
 Task:
 Identify one conflict that has threatened peace in
a nation or region and
 Discuss one major cause of that conflict
 Identify two opposing groups involved in the
conflict and discuss one viewpoint of each group
 Discuss the extend to which the conflict was or
was not resolved
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Differences among groups have often led to conflict
 Task:
 Identify two ethnic, religious, political and/or
cultural conflicts and for each
 Discuss the historical circumstances that led to
the conflict
 Analyze the effect of this conflict on two groups
or individuals
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: The first half of the twentieth
century was shaped by two conflicts
 Task: Using the information from the documents and
your knowledge of global history and geography
write an essay in which you compare and contrast
the causes of World War I and World War II
Human and Physical
Things to look for when you’re thinking about
 Impact geography has on people lives
 Include physical features and the way people
interact with those features (do the people adapt
to the environment, or does the environment
adapts to them?)
 +/- effects of geography on the development of a
nation or region
Human and Physical
 Positive Changes/Adaptations
 Humans have made many changes to their
geographical situations to better suit their needs
and wants.
 Examples: damns, irrigation (reverse desertification)
 Most of these changes/adaptations have had a
positive impact on the lives of humans, but were not
necessarily good for the environment.
 Examples: pollution/o-zone, deforestation
5 themes of geography
 Describes the movement of people, goods, and ideas.
 This occurs through migration, trade, and cultural diffusion
 Describes an area that has its own unifying characteristics.
 This is done politically -- the Middle East is a political region, physically -- the rainforests of
Brazil, and culturally -- Muslim areas are influenced by the religion of Islam.
Human/Environment Interaction
 Describes how people change their environment or adapt to it
 Describes where a place is -- its position on the Earth's surface.
 Two ways to describe location: Relative Location and Absolute Location.
 Relative Location: The description of a place in relation to another.
 Absolute Location: The exact location of a place using lines of longitude
and latitude
 Describes an area in terms of it's physical and human characteristics such as
climate, landforms, waterways, language, religion, social activities, etc...
Possible scenarios where
people interact with their
 River Valleys (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, Yellow)
 Mineral Wealth in Africa (gold and salt)
 Monsoons in South Asia
 Oil in the Middle East
 Japan (lack of resources> China, Manchuria,
and Korea)
 Rain Forests in Latin America
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Geographic factors such as land features,
resources, location, and climate of nations and regions
affect how people live.
 Tasks:
 Select one geographic factor that influenced life in a
nation or region before A.D. 1500, and using specific
examples, discuss the influence of that geographic factor
on the people of that nation or region
 Select a different geographic factor that influenced life in
a nation or region after A.D. 1500, and using specific
examples discuss the influence of that geographic factor
on the people of that nation or region
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Geographic features can positively or
negatively affect the development of a nation or
 Tasks:
 Select one geographic feature from your study of
global history
 Explain how this geographic features has had an
effect on the historical development of two nations
or regions
 Be sure to include specific historical examples in
your essay
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Geographic factors have influenced historical
developments and historical events of nations and
 Task:
 Choose two nations and/or regions and for each
 Identify and describe two geographic factors in each
nation and/or region
 Explain how each factor has influenced the historical
development or a specific historical event in each
nation and/or region
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Throughout history, global problems have
posed major challenges for nations and regions
 Task:
 Select two different global problems and for each
 Describe one major cause of the global problem
 Discuss one effect of the global problem on a
specific nation or region
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: The development of early civilizations was
greatly affected by geographic factors.
 Task:
 Using information from the documents and your knowledge of
global history and geography write an essay in which you discuss
how the lives of the peoples of the ancient world were shaped by
the geography of their region
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: The geographic factors of
location and availability of resources have
affected the history of Great Britain and Japan
 Task:
 Compare and contrast the effects of geographic
factors such as location and availability of
resources on the political and economic
development of Great Britain and Japan
Movement of People and
Things to look for when you’re thinking about the
movement of people and goods…
 What are the major trade routes (both historical
and modern)
 Who is in charge of the trade routes (both
historical and modern)
 What are the +/- effects of these trade routes
Possible Movement of
People and Goods
 Silk Road
 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (African Trading Kingdoms)
 Mediterranean Trade Routes
 Hanseatic League
 British East India Company
 Industrial Revolution (impact of the railroads)
 Columbian Exchange
 O.P.E.C.
 European Union
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Trade routes and trade organizations have had
an impact on nations and regions. The effects have
been both positive and negative
 Tasks:
 Identify two trade routes and/or trade organizations
and for each
 Explain one reason for the establishment of the trade
route or trade organization
 Discuss one positive effect or one negative effect of
the trade route or trade organization on a specific
nation or region
Human Rights Violations
Thinks to look for when you’re thinking about the human rights violations…
 Identify a human rights violation
 What were the causes of the conflict
 Describe the violation
 Did anyone intervene during the process of the violation (government,
group, or individual?)
** Know that human rights violations did not occur until after World War II
when United Nations published its Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This document states that all people are free and equal regardless of "race, color,
sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status." Since this time, efforts have been made to end
human rights abuses around the world.
Possible Human Rights
 Women: Islam, Asia
 Amritsar Massacre
 Khmer Rouge
 Stalinist Russia: The Great Purge
 Cambodia: Pol Pot
 Hitler: Holocaust
 Irish Republican Army (IRA)
 Apartheid: Nelson Mandela
 Child labor (Industrial Revolution/Asia/Africa)
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: The human rights of many groups have been violated at
different times in various nations and regions. Efforts by
governments, groups, and individuals to resolve these human
rights violations have met with mixed results.
 Tasks:
 Select two groups who have experienced human rights
violations in a specific nation or region and for each
 Describe one historical circumstance that led to a human
rights violation in the nation or region
 Describe one example of a human rights violation in that
nation or region
 Discuss the extent to which a government, a group, or an
individual made an attempt to resolve this human rights
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Throughout history, the human rights of certain groups of
people have been violated. Efforts have been made to address
these violations.
 Tasks:
 Define the term “Human Rights”
 Identify two examples of human rights violations that have
occurred in a specific time and place
 Describe the causes of these human rights violations
 For one of the violations identified, discuss one specific effort
that was made or is being made to deal with the violation
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Genocide, threats to the environment,
and weapons of mass destruction are problems that the
world has had to face. Various attempts have been
made by the international community and its members to
address and resolve these problems.
 Task:
 Select two problems mentioned in the historical context
and for each
 Describe the problem
 Discuss attempts made to address and/or resolve the
Possible Essay Questions
Historical Context: Throughout history, social
and political factors have influenced the roles
of women in different societies. As a result,
the roles of women have varied across time
and in different places.
 Compare and contrast the role of women in different societies
throughout history
 Discuss the impact of social or political factors on the status of women in
those societies
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Despite the horrors of the Holocaust,
abuses of human rights have continued in the post-World
War II era.
 Task:
 Describe examples of human rights abuses in the postWorld War II era
 Discuss efforts that the world community has made to
eliminate these human rights abuses
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Throughout history, children have frequently
suffered from human rights abuses. Some people believe that
significant progress has been made toward eliminating these
 Task:
 Identify and explain two specific human rights abuses that
children have suffered
 Discuss two attempts that have been made to eliminate
human rights abuses against children
 Evaluate the extent to which progress has been made in
eliminating human rights abuses against children
Political Change
Things to look for when you’re thinking about Political Change…
 Old governments style
 Explain the causes & effects of the change in
 Change the government wanted to bring
 New policies used
 Evaluate the extent to which the change was achieved
(success or failure)
Possible examples of
Political Change
 Empire of Mali under Mansa Musa
 Reformation under Henry VIII
 Westernization of Russia under Peter the Great
 Reign of Terror under Robespierre
 Meiji Restoration
 Modernization of Turkey under Ataturk
 Stalin’s 5 year plan
 Mussolini’s Fascism
 Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in China
 Nelson Mandela’s opposition to the apartheid in South Africa
 Chavez’ oil policies in Venezuela
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Often, government implement policies in an attempt to
change society
 Task:
 Choose one example from global history where a government
attempted to change society and
 Describe the change the government wanted to bring about
 Explain why the government wanted to make this change
 Describe one specific policy the government used to try to
bring about this change
 Discuss the extent to which this change was achieved
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Throughout history, political revolutions had many
causes. These revolutions affected society and led to
many changes. The changes may or may not have
resolved the problems that caused the revolutions.
 Task:
 Chose one political revolution from your study of global
history and geography and
 Explain the causes of the revolution
 Describe the effects this political revolution had on
 Evaluate whether the changes that resulted from the
political revolution resolved the problems that caused it
Possible Essay Questions
Theme: Twentieth-century political events
have had positive and negative effects on
global history
 Identify two 20th century political events and for each
 Discuss the historical circumstances surrounding the event
 Evaluate the extent to which this event has had a positive or a
negative effect on global history
Political Systems
Things to look for when you’re thinking about Political
 Identify different political systems
 Identify their characteristics (things that help define
 Determine their effect on the history, culture, or society
of that particular nation
 Be able to compare and contrast the advantages and
disadvantages of different political systems
Possible examples of
Political Systems
 Absolute Monarchy
 Constitutional Monarchy
 Parliamentary Democracy
 Direct Democracy
 Theocracy
 Fascism
 Communism
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Political systems have affected the history
and culture of nations and societies
 Task:
 Choose two different political systems and for each
 Describe the characteristics of the political systems
 Discuss how the political system has affected the
history or culture of a specific nation or society
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Throughout history, societies have held
different viewpoints on governmental decision making and the
role of citizens in this decision-making process. The decisionmaking process can range from absolute control to
 Tasks:
 Using information from the documents and your knowledge
of global history and geography, write an essay that
 Compare and contrasts the different viewpoints societies
have held about the process of governmental decision
making and about the role of citizens in the political decisionmaking process
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a political
system that is under the absolute control of a single individual
or a few individuals, or a political system that is democracy
Things to look for when you’re
thinking about Change…
 The situation that a leader attempted to change
 The actions that leader took to change the
 +/- effect of the changes that person made
Possible examples of
 Martin Luther (95
 Queen Elizabeth I
 Toussaint L’Ouverture
 Napoleon Bonaparte
 Simon Bolivar
 Otto von Bismarck
 Mohandas Gandhi
Mao Zedong
Ho Chi Min
Fidel Castro
Nelson Mandela
Vladimir Lenin
John Locke
Adam Smith
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Throughout history, the actions of leaders
have changed the society in which they lived
 Task:
 Identify two leaders who changed the society in
which they lied and for each
 Describe one situation the leader attempted to
 Describe one action the leader took to change this
 Discuss the impact of that action on the society in
which the leader lived
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Individuals have brought about great
changes in history. These individuals have had
positive and/or negative effects on nations or regions.
 Task:
 Choose two individuals from your study of global
history and geography and for each individual
 Discuss two specific changes made by the
individual in a specific nation or region
 Evaluate whether these changes have had a
positive or negative effect on that nation or region
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: The ideas and beliefs of philosophers and
leaders have led to changes in nations and regions
 Task:
 Choose two philosophers and/or leaders and for
 Explain a major idea or belief of that philosopher
or leader
 Discuss how that idea or belief changed one
nation or region
Global Problems
Things to look for when you’re thinking
about Global Problems…
 Identify global problems
 Major causes
 Effects on a nation/region
Possible examples of
Global Problems
 Environmental Pollution
 Desertification
 Deforestation
 Overpopulation
 Refugees
 Spread of disease
 International drug trafficking
 Ethnic conflicts
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Throughout history, global problems have
posed major challenges for nations and regions
 Task:
 Select two different global problems and for each
 Describe one major cause of the global problem
 Discuss one effect of the global problem on a
specific nation or region
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Throughout global history, rapidly
spreading diseases have had an impact on many
societies. Epidemics such as the Black Death in the 14th
centuries have had significant effects on societies.
 Task:
 Chose two epidemics and for each
 Explain why the epidemic spread
 Discuss the effects of the epidemic on a specific
society or societies
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: The success of industrialization
has led to environmental problems throughout
the world. As the 21st century begins, many
nations are trying to deal with the environmental
effects of industrialization.
 Task:
 Discuss the problems that industrialization has caused in the nations of
the world
 Explain how nations are responding to the problems created by
Economic Systems
Things to look for when you’re thinking about Economic
 Identify the economic system
 What are the historical circumstances that led to the use of
these systems
 Were there any changes?
 Identify the features that make that economic system
 Identify the impact on society during that historical period
 Does it meet the needs of the people
Possible Economic Systems
 Traditional Economy (subsistence agriculture)
 Barter Economy
 Manorialism
 Mercantilism
 Communism
 Capitalism
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Societies have developed different economic
systems for many reasons. Some of these economic systems
include manorialism, capitalism, and communism.
 Task:
 Identify one society and one economic system that has
been used or is being used in that society and
 Discuss the historical circumstances surrounding the
development of that economic system
 Describe two features of the economic system
 Evaluate the impact the economic system had on this
society during a specific historical period
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Economic systems attempt to meet the
needs of the people. Capitalism and communism represent
two different ways to meet people’s economic needs.
 Task:
 Describe how these two economic systems attempt to meet the
needs of the people
 Evaluate how successful each system has been at meeting the
economic needs of the people.
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: Throughout history, many nations have
attempted to change their economic systems with mixed
 Task:
 Discuss a way in which two nations have attempted to
bring about economic reform over time and describe
the economic system that was in place before the
 Evaluate the impact of the economic reform in each
Turning Points
Things to look for when you’re thinking about Turing
 Define what a turning point is
 Identify a turning point in history
 Identify the historical circumstances
 What are the social, political and economic conditions
that led to the change
 Identify how it changed history
 Did it have a +/- effect
Possible Turning Points
 Neolithic Revolution
 Crusades
 Renaissance
 Exploration
 French Revolution
 Russian Revolution
 World War I
 Creation of Israel
 Apartheid in South Africa
 Fall of the Berlin Wall
 Science and Technology
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: Turning points are major events in history that
have led to lasting change.
 Task:
 Identify two major turning points in global history
and for each
 Describe the historical circumstances surrounding
the turning point
 Explain how each turning point changed the course
of history
Possible Essay Questions
Theme: Political, economic, and social
conditions have often led to turning points
that have changed the course of history for
nations and peoples.
 Identify two turning points from your study of global history and for
 Describe the causes and key events that led to the turning point
 Explain how each turning point changed the course of history for
nations and peoples
Possible Essay Question
Theme: Science and technology have
played a critical role in altering the course of
human history.
 Identify two scientific or technological advances that had a major
impact on global history
 Explain the relationship between the scientific or technological
advance and a specific historical event or period in history
 Analyze how these advances changed the course of history
Possible Essay Questions
 Historical Context: A turning point is defined as a period in
history when a significant change occurs. Three of these
turning points were the Neolithic Revolution, the Age of
Exploration, and the collapse of communism in the Soviet
 Task:
 Choose two of these turning points and for each
 Explain why it is considered a turning point
 Evaluate whether the impact of the turning point has
been positive or negative
Belief Systems
Things to look for when you’re thinking
about Belief Systems…
• Location of the belief system (origin)
• Founder of the belief system
• Monotheistic/polytheistic
• Major beliefs
• Important text
Possible Belief Systems
 Christianity
 Judaism
 Animism
 Shintoism
 Islam
 Hinduism
 Buddhism
 Confucianism
 Taoism/Daoism
Possible Essay Questions
 Theme: At various times in global history,
members of different religions have acted to
bring people together. Members of these same
religions have also acted to divide people and
have caused conflict.
 Task:
 Choose two religions from your study of global
history and geography and for each
 Describe two basic beliefs of the religion
 Explain how members of the religion, at a
specific time and place, acted either to unify
society or to cause conflict in society
Additional Study Resources
 Review Book
 Review Packs
 Class notes
 Practice old Regents exams. See the following web
 New York State Regents Web Site
 Regents Prep
 Study Stack