APA Style Essentials Helpful Hints for Writing Your Paper! Outline Must be ONE FULL PAGE - typed The title should be above the outline, centered and underlined. The title is most likely the name of the career you are researching. Expectations Follow the typical outline expectations: Use Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV) for main topics, As and Bs for subtopics of Roman Numerals, 1s and 2s for subtopics of As, Bs, and Cs, and so on… Note: You CANNOT have an A without a B, or a 1 without a 2! Example: I. Teaching A. Education needed 1. Bachelor’s degree B. Salary Topic or Sentence Format Make sure you do EITHER a topic or a sentence format - do not combine them! Capitals Begin each topic and subtopic with a CAPITAL LETTER! That is the ONLY part that gets capitalized (unless there’s a proper noun). Last thing… Your outline will essentially be turning into your rough draft - so make sure that you include EVERYTHING you’re going to need for your paper in your outline! General Document Guidelines Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right). Font Size and Type: 12-pt. font (Times New Roman). Spacing: Double-space throughout the paper, including the title page. General Document Guidelines Alignment: Flush left (creating uneven right margin). Paragraph Indentation: 5-7 spaces, or tab. General Document Guidelines Pagination The page number appears on the top right corner of every text page - your title page is NOT numbered, and the first page of text starts as page 2! The only pages that are not numbered are pages of artwork or a full page with a diagram/picture. Page Numbers in MS Word Go to Insert Click on Page Numbers Position: Top of Page (header) Alignment: Right UNCLICK the check box which says “Show page number on first page” Title Page Key Elements: On three separate lines have: 1. Paper title 2. Your name, 3. Perkin’s Paper. In the bottom right hand corner on four separate lines have: 1. Full shop name 2. Shop teacher’s full name. 3. Mrs. Lea Scott 4. The date written out. Body/Text of the Paper APA style spacing: Single space after periods. Title: The title of the paper (in uppercase and lowercase letters) is centered & underlined on the first line of the first page of text. Introduction: The introduction (which is not labeled) begins on the line following the paper title. Headings Can be used to organize the document and reflect the relative importance of sections. Headings Should be in all capital letters, shifted all the way to the left. The next paragraph is immediately below it. SALARY Salary for teachers varies. In Pennsylvania the average teacher makes $40,000 a year. Etc, etc, etc. Direct Quotes Should be used sparingly to avoid copyright issues and for flow of paper Quotes less than 40 words use double (“”) quotes in text Quotes 40+ words are set in block form ALWAYS be sure to include the page number Avoid using secondary sources Citations and References Citations are cited in the paper itself. It tells where you got it from the guys who wrote the stuff. References are on the references page (duh). They are the guys who wrote the stuff you’re using. Text Citations Source material MUST be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and date(s) of the sources. The ideas and words of others MUST be formally acknowledged. The reader (me!) can then obtain the full source citation from the list of references. Text citations Authors’ Names in Text Example Wirth and Mitchell (1994) found that although there was a reduction in insulin dosage over a period of two weeks in the treatment condition compared to the control condition, the difference was not statistically significant. Text Citations Authors’ Names in Parentheses “&” is used when multiple authors are identified in parenthetical material. In the automobile industry in 1990, 100,000 cars were made by Ford alone (Wirth and Mitchell, 1994). Wirth and Michell’s full reference will be on the reference page! Referencing tips (author’s last name, year). or (website/title, year). YOU MUST CITE AT LEAST ONCE A PARAGRAPH (usually at the end of the paragraph). References The References section begins on a new page. The word “References” should be centered on the first line below the page header References The references (with hanging indent) begin on the line following the “References” heading. Entries are organized alphabetically by last names. Reference Components Listing Listed in the same order as specified in the source, using last names and initials. If no author is identified, the title of the document begins the reference! NO NUMBERS or BULLETS ARE USED ON A REFERENCE PAGE! www.citationmachine.net Click on APA on the left side In almost every case, click on NonPrint Web Page Ex. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009, December 17). Teachers postsecondary. Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos066.htm They also tell you how it will look when used as a citation! (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). Reference Components Year of Publication In parentheses following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. If no publication date is identified then skip it. Reference Components Reference Source Includes title, journal, volume, pages (for journal article), city of publication, publisher (for book). Italicize titles of books, titles of periodicals, and periodical volume numbers. Reference Examples Books 3rd edition, jr. in name Mitchell, T. R., & Larson, J. R., Jr. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.) New York: McGraw Hill. Periodical Reference Examples 2 authors Kilmonski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. Last little things… No “HowThingsWork.com” No Wikipedia.com You need AT LEAST THREE references for your paper as a sophomore. Questions? :)