Macbeth paper prompts and writing process schedule


Semester I Language Arts Formal Literary Analysis Essay Prompts 2015

Macbeth Essay Prompt Choices


Trace Shakespeare’s use of one of the following images (blood, sleep, hands, milk, birds, stars, or night) and explain the significance of that image.


In part, Macbeth is a meditation upon gender roles. How does Shakespeare have Lady

Macbeth and Macbeth define masculinity and femininity? How and why do these definitions shift over the course of the play?


How do the witches, Lady Macbeth, and/or Lady Macduff emulate or disprove typical

Renaissance ideals of femininity? You will need to use cited historical sources in addition to the play as evidence.


Analyze the significance of the paradox “Fair is foul and foul is fair …” in the play.


Select one of the following themes and show how it is illustrated and developed through

Shakespeare’s use of a dominant literary convention (imagery, metaphor, motif, irony, personification, symbolism, etc.) a.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely b.

The destructive effects of ambition, guilt and fear c.

Appearances can be deceiving d.

The tragic hero


 Select one prompt and write a thesis statement on your initial thesis and evidence sheet before class on Tuesday, 11/10

Tuesday 11/10 In-Class: Peer edit and revise your initial thesis statement . Submit a revised thesis statement to Matheny.

Thursday 11/12 In-Class: Get feedback on your revised thesis from Matheny and begin to construct an MLA formal outline for your paper.

Thursday 11/12 In-Class: Full-class laptop time to create a formal outline of your paper.

 Bring a printed copy of your formal MLA outline for peer editing in class on Friday, 11/13.

You will have the rest of that class period with laptops to work on a draft of your essay.

 Type a draft of your double or 1.5-spaced 2-3-page paper before class on Tuesday, 11/17. Bring a printed copy of your double or 1.5-spaced draft and peer-edit and revise your paper in class.

 Create a final publishable draft of your paper and submit your paper to by 3PM on

Friday, 11/20.

“Superb” literary analysis organization which exceeds the standard includes:

Introduction Paragraph: o An intriguing HOOK initially grabs the reader’s attention

Semester I Language Arts Formal Literary Analysis Essay Prompts 2015 o Appropriate BACKGROUND INFORMATION introduces the reader to your topic o The TITLE AND AUTHOR of the text(s) you’re examining are introduced o The introduction closes with your THESIS STATEMENT

 Criteria to reach ‘exceeds standard’ for thesis writing

 Take a position on an arguable issue

 Go beyond class discussions and class readings

 Answer the “so what” question (don’t just tell, analyze and make the case)

 Use interesting and intelligent word choice

Body Paragraphs: o Begins with a TOPIC SENTENCE that alludes to your thesis o EVIDENCE (quotes) is fluently introduced

 Effective transitions

 Details from the text provide content to lead into your quote o ANALYSIS

 Fully elaborate to show how your evidence supports your thesis statement

 Follows every piece of evidence you use o Ends with a CONCLUDING SENTENCE to resolve the paragraph and restate the connection to the thesis

Conclusion Paragraph: o Begins with a RESTATEMENT OF YOUR THESIS in different words o Introduces no new information o Can briefly restate your evidence o Closes with a resolution statement

 Persuasive writing will close with a call to action

Semester I Language Arts Formal Literary Analysis Essay Prompts 2015


Macbeth Semester II Essay Thesis Refinement Sheet (TRS)

The purpose of this sheet is to keep track of the development of your thesis. You will improve your thesis at each stage.

#1 My writing prompt is (write the whole prompt here):




#2 Preliminary Thesis: (due _______)

#3 Refined Preliminary Thesis : (done In-Class _______) )

#4 Second Revised thesis: Due _______)

Strong_____ Almost There_____ Needs Work ______ Really Needs Work ______

Six relevant quotes and citations: Due _______)

#5 Second Revised thesis: Due _______)

Strong_____ Almost There_____ Needs Work ______ Really Needs Work ______
