Terms and Conditions_word

Grays Retro Car Hire Ltd – Terms and Conditions
1. Your Contract with us: When you sign the rental agreement form you accept the conditions set out below. Read
this carefully. If there is anything you do not understand or do not agree with, please ask. 2 Definitions
HIRER: the
person(s) who drive the vehicle(s). CUSTOMER: the Person(s) paying for the hire.
OWNER: Graysretrocarhire
PERSONS ENTITLED TO DRIVE: The Hirer or any person permitted by the Owner to drive the insured
vehicle whilst on hire provided that the person driving holds a licence to drive the vehicle. A copy of the driving
licence for each person who may drive will be taken before the vehicle is permitted to go out on hire. Secondary proof
of address for the main driver will be required. Graysretrocarhire reserves the right to refuse to hire any of the
vehicles at its own discretion. PERSONS NOT INSURED TO DRIVE: the Insurers will not cover anyone who:
a) Is
under 25 or over 75 years of age
b) Has not held a full driving licence for cars with the appropriate gearbox for
over 24 months
c) Has been refused any motor insurance or had special Insurance terms imposed as a result of
claims experience or had their insurance cancelled by any Motor Insurer
d) Has been convicted of an offence in
connection with the driving of a motor vehicle or motor cycle and has had their licence suspended or had their licence
endorsed with more than 9 points in the last 5 years
e) Whilst driving, has been involved in more than one accident
during the past 3 years f) Has any mental or physical defect or infirmity (please ask about medical conditions, e.g.
diabetes, heart disease, as these will be considered individually by the insurer)
g) Certain occupations are subject to
individual submission for approval by the Insurer
If you have accumulated more than 6 conviction points in
the last 5 years, you will have to pay a small surcharge for insurance. 3 Insurance Policy Cover
When we
arrange insurance, we will give you information on the insurance cover and any restrictions which may apply. By
signing this agreement you are accepting the conditions of our insurance. The vehicle insurance cover is fully
comprehensive and RAC roadside assistance/recovery is provided. It is the Hirer’s responsibility to take all reasonable
steps to ensure the car is locked and secure when unattended and to use all security devices supplied with the
ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE, FIRE AND THEFT: The Hirer must cover an excess charge on any claim. The Insurers do
NOT offer any form of ‘Collision or Loss Damage Waiver’ (CDW) option to reduce this excess. A refundable deposit will
be required on the first day of hire to cover this excess, payable by credit card only. Your own insurance
under exceptional circumstances will we consider hiring a car out under your own insurance and then we have to
agree to the amount of cover you arrange, the type of policy and the insurer you have chosen. We must be satisfied
with the cover and policy conditions and you must not change them. We may ask your insurers to record our details as
owners of the vehicle. If the vehicle is damaged or stolen you will let us negotiate with the insurers about whether the
vehicle can be repaired or what compensation is due to us. You are financially responsible for settling the full claim
and paying all costs if the policy you have arranged fails and the vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen, or a claim is made
by any other party. 4 Booking: Bookings can be made by Visa or MasterCard, Debit card, cash or by cheque with
guarantee card. Bookings will be confirmed on clearance of the payment.
WEATHER: In the event of unavailability of a chosen car due to mechanical or other problems beyond our control, or
adverse weather conditions (generally ice, snow or serious flooding) the Owner will inform the Hirer and offer either an
alternative car or an alternative date.
CANCELLATION CHARGES: 14 or more days prior to hire date: £20. Less
than 14 days prior to hire date: No refund on car hire. GIFT VOUCHERS: Vouchers are valid for a period of twelve
months from the date on the voucher. A voucher may be transferred to an alternative driver or to an alternative
vehicle, but no refund may be claimed on unused vouchers. 5 Rental period
The Hirer will have the vehicle for the
rental period shown in the agreement. We may agree to extend this rental period but the rental period may never be
more than 28 days. If you do not bring the vehicle back on time, you are breaking the conditions of this agreement
and you will not be insured. If you are unavoidably delayed, you must advise us before the hire period runs out, so
that we can arrange additional insurance cover. We can charge you for every day or part day you have the vehicle
after you should have returned it to us. Until we get the vehicle back we will charge you the standard daily
HOURS OF HIRE: Single day hire is for any length of time between the hours of 09.00 and 19.00. Multiple
days hire are between 09.00 on the first day and 19.00 on the last day. 6 Your responsibilities: 1. You must look
after the vehicle and the keys to the vehicle. You must always lock the vehicle when you are not using it and use any
security device fitted to or supplied with the vehicle. You must always protect the vehicle against bad weather, which
can cause damage. You must make sure that you use the correct fuel. You are responsible for any uninsurable
damage to the vehicle caused during the hire period, e.g. by hitting low level objects, such as bridges or branches, or
by driving fast over speed ramps or rough roads. 2. You must not take any animals in the vehicle. 3. It is illegal to
smoke in our cars, even with the hood down. 4. You must not sell, rent or dispose of the vehicle or any of its parts.
You must not give anyone any legal rights over the vehicle. 5. You must not let anyone work on the vehicle without
our permission. If we do give you permission, we will only give you a refund it you have a receipt for the work. 6. You
must let us know as soon as you become aware of a fault in the vehicle. 7. You must bring the vehicle back to the
place we agreed, at the agreed time. One of our staff or an agreed third party must see the vehicle to check that it is
in good condition. If we have agreed that you may return the vehicle when we are not available, you will remain
responsible for the vehicle and its condition until it is inspected by a member of staff or the agreed third party.
will have to pay for repairs if:
• the vehicle needs more than our standard valeting (cleaning);
• you have damaged
the inside of the vehicle or the soft top (if fitted).
• you have damaged the paintwork by using unapproved wedding
ribbon or sticking on unapproved signs.
8. When you return the car you must check that you have removed any
Content © 2014, Grays Retro Car Hire Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Grays Retro Car Hire Ltd – Terms and Conditions
personal belongings. 9. FUEL: The vehicles are hired out with a full tank of petrol. The Hirer shall return the
vehicle with a full tank. Failure to do so will result in a charge for the fuel, plus an administration charge of £10 plus
VAT. The Hirer is responsible for using the correct type of fuel required for the vehicle.
10. All keys, security locks,
maps, brochures, spare parts, tools or other materials and equipment supplied with the car remain the property of The
Owner and should be returned with the car at the end of the hire period. Failure to do so will result in a charge for
replacement materials. 7 Our responsibilities
We have maintained the vehicle to at least the manufacturer’s
recommended standard. We assure you that the vehicle is roadworthy and suitable for renting at the start of the
rental period. Also, if you are not renting the vehicle for business purposes, we are responsible for loss caused
• the vehicle not being fit to drive;
• us not having the legal right to rent out the vehicle.
We are responsible if
someone is injured or dies as a result of our negligence. We are also responsible for losses you suffer as a result of us
breaking this agreement if the losses are a foreseeable consequence of us breaking the agreement. Losses are
foreseeable where they could be contemplated by you and us at the time the vehicle is rented. We are not responsible
for indirect losses which happen as a side effect of the main loss or damage and which are not foreseeable by you and
us (such as loss of profits or loss of opportunity). In any event our liability is limited to a maximum of the hire charge
paid to us. 8 Property
We are only responsible for loss or damage to property left in the vehicle if the loss or
damage results from our negligence. Customers park their vehicles at our premises at their own risk. 9 Conditions
for using the vehicle
The vehicle must only be driven by you and any other named driver, or by anyone else we
authorise in writing. You or any other authorised driver must not:
• use the vehicle for hire or reward;
• use the
vehicle for any illegal purpose;
• use the vehicle for racing, pace making, testing the vehicle’s reliability and speed or
teaching someone to drive;
• use the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
• drive the vehicle
outside England, Scotland and Wales;
• overload the vehicle or carry more passengers than it is designed for
• use
the vehicle for rallies or on a racetrack without our written permission. 10 Charges
We work out our charges using
our current price list. You will pay the following:
1. The rental and any other charges we work out according to this
agreement. 2. Any charge for loss or damage, or extra cleaning, resulting from you not keeping to the Conditions.
Spare parts and external labour will be charged at cost and our own labour charged at £25 per hour plus VAT.
3. A
refuelling service charge if you have used, and not replaced, more fuel than we supplied originally. 4. Any RAC callout charges when the breakdown service is used unnecessarily. 5.Recovery charges in excess of 100 miles.
6. All
fines and court costs for parking, congestion charges, traffic or other offences (including any costs which arise if the
vehicle is clamped). You must pay the appropriate authority any fines and costs if and when the authority demands
this payment. 7. lf you do not pay any of these charges, you will be responsible to pay our reasonable administration
costs, and any debt collection charges, which arise.
8. The full cost of repairing or replacing the vehicle if it is
damaged or stolen (even if it is not your fault), depending on any insurance cover you have (as set out in condition 8),
if and when we demand this payment.
9. A loss-of-income charge, when we demand it, if we cannot rent out the
vehicle because it needs to be repaired, it is a write-off (cannot be repaired) or it has been stolen and we are waiting
to receive full payment of the vehicle’s value.
10. We will only charge you for loss of income if we can’t get back the
losses from the insurers. We will charge you at the published daily rate and will not charge you for more than 28 days’
rental charges. We will always do everything we can to make sure the vehicle is repaired or we get payment as soon
as possible.
11. Any charges arising from Customs and Excise seizing the vehicle, together with a loss-of-income
charge while we can’t rent the vehicle, if and when we demand this payment.
12. Any published rates for delivering
and collecting the vehicle.
13. Interest which we will add every day to any amount you do not pay us on time, at the
rate of 4% above the base lending rate of NatWest Bank from time to time. 14. All taxes on any of the charges listed
above, as appropriate.
You are responsible for all charges, even if you have asked someone else to be responsible for
them. 11 What to do if you have an accident
If you have an accident you must not admit responsibility. You
should get the names and addresses of everyone involved, including witnesses. You should also: • Call The Owner
straight away
• make the vehicle secure
• tell the police straight away if anyone is injured or there is a
disagreement over who is responsible; and
You must then fill in our accident report form and return it to us. Photos
are useful evidence 12 Information
You agree that we may use any information you have given us for our own
internal and marketing purposes. We will not give or sell this information to any third party company. If you break the
agreement we can give this information to credit reference agencies, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority
(DVLA), debt collectors and any other relevant organisation. 13 Ending the agreement
If you are a consumer we
will end this agreement straight away if we find out that your belongings have been taken away from you to pay off
your debts, or a receiving order has been made against you. We will also end this agreement it you do not meet any
of the conditions of this agreement.
If you are a company, we will end this agreement straight away if:
• you go
into liquidation;
• you call a meeting of creditors;
• we find out that your goods have been taken away from to pay
off any debts;
• you do not meet any of the conditions of this agreement.
If we end the agreement it will not affect
our right to receive any money we are owed under the conditions of this agreement, or any extra costs incurred if you
do not meet any of the conditions of this agreement. We can repossess the vehicle and charge you if we do this. 14
Governing law
This agreement is governed by the laws of England.
Content © 2014, Grays Retro Car Hire Ltd. All Rights Reserved