Cardiovascular system - INAYA Medical College

Foundation year
Cardiovascular system
T :sanaa abdel hamed
After study this chapter you should be able to:
1. Label a diagram of the heart.
2. Trace the path of the blood flow through the heart.
3. Differentiate between arteries, veins and capillaries.
4. List and describe the main disorders that affect the
heart and blood vessels.
5. Interpret medical abbreviations referring to the heart
and blood circulation.
6. Identifying and use of the roots pertaining to the
cardiovascular system.
7. Define the medical terms pertaining to the circulatory
8. Analyze case studies concerning the heart and
Responsibilities of cardiovascular system:
• 1. Pumping blood to the body tissues and cells.
• 2. Supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and
• 3. Removing carbon dioxide and other waste
products of metabolism from tissues and cells.
• heart - pumper
• vessels - container
• blood - liquid
 Center of the circulatory system
 The Three layers of the heart are:
• Epicardium
• Myocardium
• Endocardium
Right atrium and left atrium
Upper chambers
Receiving chambers
Right ventricle and left ventricle
Lower chambers
Pumping chambers
Interatrial septum
• Separates right and left sides of atria
Interventricular septum
• Separates right and left sides of ventricles
Large, thick-walled vessels.
Carry blood away from the heart.
Thinner walls than arteries.
Transport blood on to capillaries.
• Thinner walls than arteries.
• Thicker walls than capillaries.
• Transport blood from venules to heart.
• Smallest veins.
• Collect deoxygenated blood from cells for transport back to
• Extremely thin walls (single layer).
• Allow for exchange of materials between blood and
tissue fluid surrounding body cells.
• One Cardiac Cycle = One Complete Heartbeat.
• Diastole
– Ventricles relax and fill with blood.
– Relaxation phase of heartbeat.
• Systole
– Ventricles contract and force blood out of heart.
– Contraction phase of heartbeat.
• Blood Pressure
– Pressure exerted by blood on walls of arteries.
• Systolic Pressure
– Maximum pressure reached within the ventricles.
• Diastolic Pressure
– Minimum pressure reached within the ventricles.
1. Angi/o (an-ji-oh) related to blood vessels.
Angioplasty (n): surgical repair of blood vessels.
2. Artery (n): large blood vessel that carries blood away from
the heart to all parts of the body. The combining form is
3. Vein (n): blood vessel which take deoxygenated blood
containing waste carbon dioxide from the tissues back to
the heart. The combining forms are ven/o and phleb/o.
4. Vessel (n): a tube in the body along which liquid flows. The
combining forms are ves/o and angi/o.
5. Valve (n): means a flap, mainly in the heart or blood vessels or
lymphatic vessel, which opens and closes to allow liquid to
pass in one direction only. The combining form is valv/o.
Valvular – adj.
6. Valvuloplasty (n): means surgical repair of the valve in
the heart.
7. Vasodilator (n): means a drug which dilates or expands
blood vessels. The opposites is vasoconstrictor.
8. Atrium (n): one of the two upper chambers of the heart. The
combining form is atri/o.
Atria – plural.
9. Ventricle (n): one of the two lower chambers of the heart. The
combining form is ventricul/o.
10. Cardiac (adj) means pertaining to the heart.
Heart – noun.
11. Cardiology (n) study of structure, functions and diseases
of heart.
Cardiological – adj.
12. Arteriosclerosis (n): means hardening of the arteries.
-sclerosis means hardening.
13. Myocardium (n): middle layer of the wall of the heart.
Formed of heart muscle.
Myocardial – adj.
14. Myocarditis – noun (inflammation of the heart muscle).
15. Pericardium (n): membrane surrounding the heart. The prefix
peri- means around, and the root word -cardium means heart.
Thrombosis (n): blood clotting. The prefix thrombo- means blood
clot. The suffix –osis means abnormal condition.
Thrombi – plural.
17. Attack (n) means a condition where the heart suffers from
defective blood supply because one of the arteries become blocked
by a blood clot.
18. Bradycardia (n): means slow heartbeat. Brady- means
slow. The opposite is tachy- which means fast.
19. Arrhythmia (n): variation in the rhythm of heartbeat.
a- means not or without, -ia means condition or state.
20. Bypass (n) means diversion of a flow from its normal
channels, usually by means of surgery.
21. Catheter (n) means tube passed into the body along one
of the passages in the body.
22. Pacemaker (n) ( payss-mayk-er):
means a device used to
produce and maintain a normal heart rate in a patient who have
disorders of heart rhythm.
23. Ischaemia (n): means a deficient blood supply to part of the
body. The prefix isch- means reduction or too little. The suffix –
emia means blood condition.
24. Fibrillation (n) means rapid, random, chaotic and
ineffective contraction of the heart. The combining
form fibrill/o means muscular.
Fibrillating – adj.
fibrillate – verb.
25. Echocardiogram (n) means recording of heart movements
using ultrasound. The prefix echo- means sound. The combining
form cardi/o means heart. And the suffix –gram means record.
26. Electrocardiogram (n) means chart which records the
electrical impulses in the heart muscle. The electrocardiogram
is produced by electrocardiograph (instrument).
27. Phlebotomist (n) the person who draws blood samples
from the patient. Phleb: vein, tom: cut or incision, and –ist:
28. coronary (n) arteries which supply blood to the heart
muscles. The combining form coron/o means heart.
29. Sphygmomanometer (n) instrument which measures the blood
pressure in the arteries. The prefix sphygmo- means pulse. The
combining form man/o means pressure. And the suffix – meter
means measure.