Board Brief 2014-33 Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report

Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
Board of Directors
Chairman, Awards and Honors Working Group, Program Year 2013-14
July 8, 2014
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
This is the final report of the activities for the Awards and Honors Working Group for the Program Year
2014 (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014).
The Committee was composed of the following individuals, all of whom volunteered their time to develop
and execute plans that definitively established the Awards and Honors program as a legitimate contributor
to the attainment of strategic, as well as tactical goals, for the Association and its members. Attachment 1
is a list of the awards for this Program Year.
Al Keen Honorary Life Member Award
Chuck Woodside
(Co-chairs Janet Mattson, Chris Coker, Kevin Regenhold,
Andrew (Drew) Obermeyer, Dr. John Wyatt, Paul Lindahl,
Cassandra Manos, and Dominick Belfiore)
Albert Berger Outstanding Chapter
Leadership Award
Kevin Regenhold
(Co-chairs Stephen Yuter and Jacob Ruytenbeek)
Arthur G Muller Annual Volunteer
Gary Willert
(Co-chairs Kevin Regenhold, John Dobriansky, Heather
Dallara, and Ken Meyer)
Blanche Witte Memorial Foundation
Chris Coker
(Co-chairs Gerry Weinberger and
Monica Thompson)
Charles A Dana Distinguished Service
Chuck Woodside
(Co-chairs Janet Mattson, Chris Coker, Kevin Regenhold,
Andrew (Drew) Obermeyer, Dr. John Wyatt, Paul Lindahl,
Cassandra Manos, and Dominick Belfiore)
Charles J Delaney Memorial Award
Heather Dallara
(Co-chairs Gary Willert and Stephen Yuter)
Elmer B Staats Young Acquisition
Professional Excellence Award
Procurement Round Table
(Non-NCMA A&H)
Excellence in Contracts Professionalism
Deborah Shackelford
(Co-chairs Cathy Dixon and Ken Meyer)
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
Fellow and Outstanding Fellow
Chris Hitchcock and Cathy Dixon
(Additional Co-chairs Janet Mattson and
Mary Beth Lech)
Herbert Roback Memorial Award
Elliott Branch, Russell Blaine, and Janet Mattson
James E. Cravens Membership Award
No Submissions – not awarded this year
NCMA Education Award
Ken Meyer
(Co-chairs Shuya Huang and Chad Janovec)
NCMA National Achievement Award
Russell Blaine with input from Janet Mattson and Mary Beth
NCMA Global Contracting Award
No Submissions – not awarded this year
ICAF Faculty Selection Committee
(Non-NCMA A&H)
W. Gregor Macfarlan Excellence
In Contract Management Research
and Writing
Non A&H
Walter R Graalman Award
Bill Swan
(Co-chairs Joan Wysoske, Jim Sharpsteen,
Jenny Arkinson, Valeria Combs, Melanie Hurst, Diana
Hollins, Jeannine Roso, Deborah Shackelford and Quyen
NCMA Top Professionals Under the Age
of 40 in Contract Management Award
Janet Mattson, Chair; Cassandra Manos; Jacob Ruytenbeek,
and Whitney Million (Co-Chairs Bill Kaplan, Deb
Schneider, Louisa Matinas-Medina, Michelle Currier,
Kevin Regenhold, Morgan Ross, Chad Janovec, Cathy
Dixon, and Dominick Belfore)
The culmination of the work by the Awards and Honors Working Group was reflected in the overall
number of awards presented not only throughout the year, but also at the World Congress to be held in
National Harbor, Maryland just outside Washington DC July 27-29, 2014. This report is a summary of the
awards and honors that were given out and those yet to be presented at World Congress.
The Awards and Honors Working Group is continually reviewing the award criteria and narrative of each
award. During the program year several awards were revised and updated. The criteria were revised for
the Fellow Award to include additional certification programs. NCMA sponsored awards with cash prizes
were reviewed and determinations were made whether the cash prize served as an incentive to the
nomination process. With the W. Gregor Macfarlan Research and Writing Award it was strongly believed
that the financial prizes associated with the award help contribute to the success of the program. In order
to continue the support it was recommended that NCMA should continue to work to try and secure a
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
sponsor to help contribute to the program. The NCMA Global Contracting Award initially established
through the efforts of NCMA and ESI, International no longer has the financial support. The Working
Group reviewed the history of the nominations, the quality and quantity of nominations, and
recommended that the award not be presented this year. The criteria will be reviewed to see if it can be
improved or to determine whether the award should remain a part of the NCMA portfolio. The history of
nominations for the NCMA Excellence in Contract Professionalism Award was reviewed for the past six
years. We concluded that the cash prize did not serve as a sufficient incentive and it was recommended
that NCMA provide three years of dues and a paid registration to World Congress where the award winner
would receive their award plaque.
The first nominations for the NCMA Top Professionals Under the Age of 40 in Contract Management
Award that was developed during the last program year were received June 1, 2013. Twenty-five awards
were presented at the Government Contract Management Conference (GCMC) in November 2013. This
was an exciting time for both the Awards and Honors Working Group members that developed the award
and the first individuals receiving this high profile award.
As in the previous program year, we elicited the help of the Board to help provide a number of qualified
submissions and award nominations. This program year several of our awards showed an increase of
higher quality nominations. Thanks goes out to the Board for their support and help.
Since the last report awards several awards were reviewed and selections made. Several candidates were
reviewed by the Chair, Chuck Woodside, for the Al Keen Honorary Life Member Award with support
from the Co-Chairs Chris Coker, Kevin Regenhold, Andrew (Drew) Obermeyer, Dr. John Wyatt, Paul
Lindahl, Cassandra Manos, and Dominick Belfiore, and myself. Karen H. Reuter, CPCM, Fellow, of the
NOVA Chapter was selected as this year's recipient.
After the review of several qualified candidates, Chuck Woodside, Chair for the Charles Dana
Distinguished Service Award and the group Co-Chairs comprised of Chris Coker, Kevin Regenhold,
Andrew (Drew) Obermeyer, Dr. John Wyatt, Paul Lindahl, Cassandra Manos, and Dominick Belfiore, and
myself selected two recipients for this prestigious award: Margaret (Marge) G. Rumbaugh, CPCM,
Fellow, Greater Philadelphia Chapter and Rear Admiral Leonard (Lenn) Vincent, NOVA Chapter.
Both the Al Keen Honorary Life Member Award and Charles Dana Distinguished Service Award will be
presented Monday night at World Congress in National Harbor, Maryland.
The Albert Berger Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award was selected by the group Kevin Regenhold,
as Chair with Co-Chairs Jacob Ruytenbeek and Stephen Yuter. The award will be presented to Donald E.
Shannon, Rio Grande Chapter. This award will be presented at his local chapter at his request.
The submissions for the National Education Award were reviewed by the committee composed of Ken
Meyer as Chair with Co-Chairs Shuya Hyang and Chad Janovec. It was determined that Jim Kirlin,
CPCM, Fellow Northeast Indiana Chapter, should receive the award this year.
The NCMA National Achievement Award was approved by Russell Blaine with input from Mary Beth
Lech and me. The award will be presented to William (Bill) Swan, CPCM, Fellow, Jacksonville Chapter.
The award will be presented at the Summer Chapter Leader Summit, National Harbor, MD prior to World
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
The Excellence in Contract Professionalism Award submissions were reviewed by Deborah Shackelford
as Chair with Co-Chairs Cathy Dixon and Ken Meyer. Alberto Munoz, CFCM, Fellow, NOVA Chapter
was selected to receive this award which will be presented at World Congress.
Outstanding Fellow is an exceptional honor among the NCMA Fellows. This year Jack R. Hott, CFCM,
CPCM, Fellow, Central Ohio Chapter was selected through reviews by Cathy Dixon and Chris
Hitchcock. He will receive his award at World Congress. A list of the 20 new Fellow designations
awarded this year is also listed in the attachment.
The Herbert Roback Memorial Award provides for significant contributions to the betterment of public
contract management through lifelong achievement in public or private sectors. A selection of Daniel I.
Gordon, Associate Dean George Washington University Law School, was made by the review committee
of Russ Blaine, Elliott Branch and me.
The Elmer Staats Young Acquisition Professional Excellence Award call for nominations received 26
responses. This non-A&H award was reviewed by the Procurement Round Table chaired by Ed
Harrington. The award went to Brian T. Reese, Procuring Contracting Officer, Hanscom Air Force Base,
MA, for his ground-breaking acquisition strategies in a special program environment.
The NCMA Global Contracting Award is no longer supported by ESI. Since the reason for the award is
also covered by other awards it was decided that the Awards and Honors Working Group would reassess
this award in the next program year and determine if it should change focus or even be a NCMA award in
the future.
The NCMA / ICAF Award for Research and Writing was presented to Lt Col Patrick Hittle, USMC for
his paper, "Direct Vendor Delivery: Success in Sustainment of Material Handling / Construction
Equipment." The plaque was presented at graduation by Mike Fischetti.
I would like to thank all of the members of the Awards and Honors Working Group for their insight and
excellent reviews culminating in the outstanding selections for this program year. I would also like to
thank NCMA for their support and guidance without which this committee could not function, in
particular, the guidance and advice of Mary Beth Lech, Michael Wright, Bennie Harrison, and Karen
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
The Awards and Honors Working Group is eager and ready to continue the high quality of service to
NCMA that has been provided by this group over the past years. After five years as Chair, I am stepping
down but will remain on the Awards and Honors Working Group as a reviewer. Highlights of the
Working Group during this short period include the formation of the new NCMA Top Professionals
Under the Age 40 in Contract Management Award; revision of the Chapter Annual Report (CAR) which
resulted in a new review process and scoring method for the Graalman Awards; revisions and updates to
the Fellow Award criteria to include new certifications and an available fill-in PDF application form; and
production of a Quick Summary of All Awards chart for NCMA Chapter’s use
The Group is looking forward to this new Program Year with excitement and anticipation. It will be an
outstanding year with many new honors to be bestowed upon deserving recipients.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet M. Mattson, CPCM, Fellow
Chair, Awards and Honors Working Group
Program Year 2013-2014
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
Attachment 1
The following is the final list of recipients of the National Contract Management Association’s 2013 –
2014 Program Year Awards. Congratulations to one and all!
Alvis D. Keen Honorary Life Member Award
 Karen H. Reuter, CPCM, Fellow, NOVA Chapter
Blanche Witte Memorial Foundation Award
 Lori-Ann S. Dionne, Boston Chapter
Charles A. Dana Distinguished Service Award
 Margaret (Marge) G. Rumbaugh, CPCM, Fellow, Tysons Chapter
 Rear Admiral Leonard `(Lenn') Vincent, Fellow, NOVA Chapter
Charles Delaney Memorial Award
 Andrew J. Foti, Esq., Washington DC Chapter
Article: “Forget Exercising Your Service Contract Options”
Herbert Roback Memorial Award
 Daniel I. Gordon, Associate Dean George Washington University Law School,
Washington DC Chapter
National Education Award
 Jim Kirlin, CPCM, CFCM, Fellow Northeast Indiana Chapter
National Achievement Award
 William (Bill) Swan, CPCM, Fellow, Jacksonville Chapter
NCMA Global Contracting Award
 No award given – Awards and Honors Working Group reviewing award
W. Gregor Macfarlan Excellence in Contract Management Research and Writing Award
non A&H
Professional Research First Place—“Outcome-Focused Market Intelligence: Extracting Better Value
and Effectiveness From Strategic Sourcing,” by Timothy G. Hawkins, Ph.D., Michael E. Knipper,
Ph.D., and Timothy S. Reed, Ph.D.
Professional Research Honorable Mention—“Sequestration, Government Shutdown, and PostAward Deletions of Work: Partial T4C or Deductive Change?” by Mark J. Garrette.
Graduate Research First Place—“Outsourcing Cyberwarfare: Drawing the Line for Inherently
Governmental Functions in Cyberspace,” by James R. Lisher II.
Graduate Research Honorable Mention—“Creating Sustained Competitive Advantages Through
Proactive Contracting,” by Midia Tayyeb.
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
Elmer Staats Young Acquisition Professional Excellence Award - non A&H
 Brian T. Reese, Hanscom Air Force Base, MA
NCMA Excellence in Contracts Professionalism Award
 Alberto Munoz, CFCM, Fellow NOVA Chapter
Albert Berger Outstanding Chapter Leadership Award
 Donald E. Shannon, CPCM, CFCM Rio Grande Chapter
Arthur G. Muller Volunteer Award
 Jacqueline J. Secor, CPCM, Fellow Leatherstocking Chapter
James E. Cravens Membership Award
 No award given this year
Fellow Award
 Connie Cobo, CPCM, Saguaro Chapter
 Leonardo Manning, CPCM, Old Dominion Chapter
 Kevin Regenhold, CCCM, Bluegrass Chapter
 Friedrich Schlich, CPCM, Huntsville Chapter
 Deborah Spottsville, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM, LA Gateway Chapter
 David Vila, CPCM, LA Gateway Chapter
 Jeffrey Winters, CPCM,CFCM, Kansas City Chapter
 Kara Vernon, CPCM, Mid Florida Chapter
 David Hincks, Bluegrass Chapter
 Susan Holt, Phoenix Thunderbird Chapter
 Stephen Yuter, CPCM, CFCM, Potomac Chapter
 Pamela Fournier, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM, Great Lakes State Chapter
 Eugene Scott, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM, Old Dominion Chapter
 Mitzi Whittenberg, CPCM, Picatinny Chapter
 Robert Jacobson, CPCM, CFCM, Twin Cities Chapter
 Debra Scheider, CPCM, Tysons Chapter
 Susanne Camden, CPCM, CFCM Norfolk Area Chapter
 Cassandra Manos, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM, Greater Baltimore Chapter
 Alfred Munoz, CFCM, NOVA Chapter
 David Ray, CPCM, CFCM Phoenix Thunderbird Chapter
Outstanding Fellow Award
 Jack R. Hott, CFCM, CPCM, Fellow, Central Ohio Chapter
The NCMA Top Professionals Under 40 in Contract Management Award
 Brita Carblom
The Boeing Company, Beach Cities Chapter
 Javier Castano
U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Embassy, Hanoi, Vietnam
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
 Stephen Crooks
Department of Health and Human Services, Gaithersburg, MD
 James Cotton III
American States Utility Services, Fredericksburg, VA, Northern Virginia Chapter
 Carly Cox, CFCM, Fellow
Peerless Technologies Corporation, Dayton, Ohio, Dayton Chapter
 Lindsay Kay Crockett
United States Air Force, Universal City, TX, Alamo Chapter
 Elena Einstein
The Boeing Company, Huntington Beach, CA, San Fernando Valley Chapter
 Joseph England, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM
Moog Inc., Blacksburg, VA, Blue Ridge Chapter
 Keith Gibson, CFCM
United States Air Force, Melbourne, FL, Cape Canaveral Chapter
 Matthew Gomer
Rocky Mountain Regional CASU, Denver, CO, Denver Chapter
 David Jenkins, CPCM, CFCM
Saudi Armaco, Thuwal-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, NOVA Chapter
 Courtney Kappel, CPCM, CFCM, CCCM
ViaStat, Inc., Carlsbad, CA, San Diego Chapter
 Jennifer Kiiru
USAID/East Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, Washington DC Chapter
 Robert Kizrow
Department of Veterans Affairs, Eatontown, NJ, Monmouth Chapter
 Christoph Mlinarchik
U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Colorado Springs, CO, Pikes Peak Chapter
 Nima Novin
Boeing, Seal Beach CA, Los Angeles South Bay Chapter
 Jigisha Patel
Department of Defense, Arlington, VA, NOVA Chapter
 Katrin Ratassepp
The Cannon Group, Fort Lauderdale, FL, South Florida Chapter
 Alicia Rigdon
American Ordnance, Middletown, IA, Greater Iowa Chapter
 Philip Seckman, CPCM
McKenna Long &Aldridge LLP, Denver, CO, Denver Chapter
 Michael Thaker
Fluor B&W Portsmouth LLC, Portsmouth, OH, Central Ohio Chapter
 Haynes Thompson
Federal Aviation Administration, Oklahoma City, OK, Sooner Chapter
 Lindsey VanNess
Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration, Albuquerque, NM, Rio Grande Chapter
 Carol Wooden, CFCM
Raytheon – Space and Airborne Systems, Dallas, TX, North Texas Chapter
 Stephen Yuter, CPCM, CFCM, Fellow
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington DC, Potomac Chapter
Board Brief 2014-33
Awards and Honors Working Group Final Report
Walter R. Graalman Awards:
Gold Level
Beach Cities
Cape Canaveral
Central Arkansas
China Lake Ridgecrest
Columbia Basin
East Tennessee
Free State
Great Lakes State
Great Salt Lake
Greater Baltimore
Greater Iowa
Greater Johnston
Greater Philadelphia
High Plains
Inland Empire
Los Angeles South Bay
Mid Florida
Norfolk Area
North Texas
Orange County
Paso del Norte
Phoenix Thunderbird
Quad Cities
Research Triangle Park
Rio Grande
San Diego
San Fernando Valley
San Gabriel Valley
Southern Nevada
Space City Houston
Twin Cities
Tysons Corner
Washington, DC
Middle Georgia
Old Dominion
Pikes Peak
Rheinland Pfalz
Sacramento Gold Rush
Saint Louis Gateway
South Florida
Southeast Idaho
Lone Star
West Sound
Silver Level
Antelope Valley
Central Connecticut
Chesapeake Bay
Fort Worth
Hampton Roads
Bronze Level
Central Virginia
East Central Pennsylvania
Quality Chapter
Air Capital
Blue Ridge
LA Gateway
Long Island
Northwest Florida
Puget Sound
Red River Valley
Rockford Area