Research Paper Questions? - Englishable

Rm. 122
Mr. Giguere
Modern American
January 29, 2010
Are You In The Right Place?
 1-
Mod. Am. Lit 3-Eng. 11H 4-Mod. Am. Lit 6. Shakespeare 7. MCAS Skills 2
 Essential
Seating Chart
 Do
you know your name?
 Do
you know the English alphabet?
Can you communicate with your
classmates effectively enough to create
a seating chart in alphabetical order by
last name?
Got a problem with your
See your
during the class
that is the
Get a pass to
return to class.
*Indoor Weather Advisory*
This is and old drafty building with uneven heat
distribution and little air conditioning. So, dress for it!
On hot days:
Wear lightly colored, loose,
lightweight clothing.
During Winter:
Dress in layers, so that you can take off
and put on as needed.
A Few Tips- flip flops, miniskirts,
and tukes
Some Important Term 3 Dates
Semester 1 Attendance Appeals due- 2/5
Term 2 Semester 1 Report Cards- 2/10
Vacation- No School- 2/15-2/19
MCAS Retest- 3/1- 3/5
Term 3 Progress Reports- 3/10
English MCAS- 3/23-3/26
No School- Good Friday- 4/2
Term 3 Grades close- 4/12
Yea, Its Like that!
-All electronic devices should be OFF AND
make me take it from you. (p.22)
-If there is a hat on your head, I’m taking it.
-Your I.D. needs to be on a lanyard around
your neck. (p.20) Slipped for an ID, you may
have already been!
-Do not bring food or drink to class. (p.15)
-When the bell rings, and you are not here, you
are late, show me your pass or suffer the
consequences. (p.48) Some stats.
Survival Skills- Success in any endeavor
usually requires some minimal adherence
to some basic principles of work ethic:
Show Up!
On time
With your stuff
Ready to work
Do what is asked of you.
Don’t give anyone a hard time.
Show Up!
Semester course- On # 6 abs. lose credit
Per. 1 Term 1- 59% over the loss of credit mark
On time- Bell ring, door shut, you late. 3T=1A
With your stuff- need note book, book, detention
Ready to work- sleep, eat do homework on your
own time
Do what is asked of you.
This class awards college prep. credit, so that is the way
it will be run. Duh, you must do:
Term Paper
Disregarding any of these will probably result in failure.
Hey, Senior! Hey Athlete! Hey employee!
Don’t give anyone a hard time.
Are you a bully?
You think you funny?
Should I call you Jacques?
Too cool to do school? Here’s your mop. Don’t
let your self esteem get the best of you.
Writing Assignment 1
There comes a point in a person’s life
when it is necessary to begin preparing for
the future. By eleventh grade, most people
begin to have an idea what they plan on
doing with their life.
In an essay, explain what you would like to
do with your life, what you need to do to
achieve that goal and what obstacles you
will need to overcome to reach that goal.
Monday, 2/1/10, MAL Per. 4, Day 1
Tuesday, 2/2/10, Per. 1, Day 2
Pass in Writing Assignment 1
Semester 1 Attendance Appeals Due
MAL Syllabus
Essential Questions
Expectations Sheet- signed and returned.
HW- Have Parents sign and return
expectations sheet. Be sure to include
parent’s e-mail address.
Essential Questions for MAL
What is it?
What were Modern American authors disillusioned
What did this disillusionment cause and how is it
reflected in the literature?
What quotes from primary and secondary sources
support the idea of disillusionment in the literature?
The American Dream
How is MAL ANTI- American Dream? (not antiAmerican)
How is this reflected in the literature?
What quotes from primary and secondary sources
support the idea of MAL as ANTI-American Dream?
Tuesday, 2/2/10, Per. 4, Day 2 (Per. 1, 2/3)
Pass in Signed Expectations Sheets
Do Now- Respond in open response formMany people grow up in and come to this
country with the “American Dream” in
mind. What does the term “The American
Dream” mean and does it actually exist?
When done, pass it in.
MAL Defined
Review Essay Form & Evaluate Essays
HW- “Matchism” work independently.
Modern American Literature
What does “contemporary” mean?
Well this ain’t that!
Modern American Lit. should not be
confused with Contemporary American
The Erosion of the American Dream
What is disillusionment and what
causes it?
The chicken crossed the road to die,
alone, in the rain…
Essay Format Review
 Multi-paragraph essay means what?
 Topic Sentence- What are you talking about?
– A brief intro the topic discussed in the essay.
– Look to the prompt and provide a definition or explanation of the broad topic.
– Label with “T,”
 Thesis- What’s your point? “I have always been interested
Label with “TH”
 Details in first paragraph? D1-The job, D2-the preparation,
D3 the obstacles.
 Para 2- Explain the job (3 sent. of exp. # them on your paper)
 Para 3- The preparation (3 sent. of expl. # them)
 Para 4- The obstacles (3 sent. of expl. # them)
 Conclusion paragraph (CO) with a concluding word (CW).
 Why is important to know this stuff now? (IMP)
 How many points on this rubric?
Wednesday, 2/3/09, Day 3, Per. 4 (Per. 1, 2/4)
If you were absent this week, you need to see
me after school to get caught up.
 Pass in “Matchism”
 Have an “Essay Format Review” sheet
 Pass back American Dream OR
 Evaluate OR with Rubric:
 TO, TH, D1, D2, D3, CO, CW, IMP
 Grade & pass in.
 Book Slip. Elements of Literature, 5th
Course, Holt.
 Review “Matchism”
 Read p. 524-529
 HW- “The Ismist”
Friday, 2/5/09, Day 5
Take out “Ismist”
Check and review.
Complete 524-529
MAL Intro Presentation, “The American Dream”
HW- (OR)- Modern American Literature has a lot to
do with the idea of disillusionment. Define
disillusionment and give three examples of how a
person may become disillusioned. Be sure to
explain what the person is disillusioned with and
how they became disillusioned.
• Rubric- TO,TH, D1, D2, D3, CW, CO, IMP
Monday, 2/8/10, Day 6, Per. 1&4
• Take out disillusionment OR and pass it
• “The Moderns” notes
• Continue reading in “The Moderns”
• Update Notes
• HW- Cather Bio notes, p. 538
Tuesday, 2/9/10, Day 7, Per. 1&2
• Pass in Cather bio notes.
• Disillusionment OR (open response is
not an essay)
• Definition and Examples
• Evaluate- TO, TH, D1, D2, D3, CW, CO,
• Continue “The Moderns” and Notes
• HW- Cather Voc.
Modern American Disillusionment
• Disillusionment- a freeing or a being freed from illusion or conviction;
• In other words, disillusionment is finding out that a situation is not what you
always thought it was and being bummed out by that.
• To a child, their parent is the smartest, strongest, coolest, person there is,
until you grow up and realize that they are flawed humans.
• To an idealist, the world should take better care of the poor, downtrodden
and the environment until they become tax payers and realize that someone
has to pay for it.
• In America, anyone can be president, but in reality, it usually takes money,
education, politicking, sucking up, connections and a compromise of morals
and ideals.
• There is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy etc.
• When your parents took your old dog to a farm to live where she could play
all day, they had it put down.
• Advertising, Boyfriend-Girlfriend, Catholic Priests, Cops
• Ever buy x-ray glasses from the back of a comic book?
Wed., 2/10/10, Day 2, (2/11, per. 1&4)
Pass in Cather Voc.
Continue reading in “The Moderns”
“The Moderns” notes
Using the notes and the textbook, do
The Moderns worksheet, individually,
partners, or in small groups, whatever.
HW- Complete The Moderns worksheet
and expect quiz!
Act. Bell Friday
Friday, 2/12/10, Act Bell, Per. 1&4
Per. 1- 8:38 Per. 4- 11:48
Use Moderns Sheet to enjoy Quiz!
Pass in sheet and quiz when done.
When done, work on Cather Voc. Words to
Own, p. 33, do and review.
Points of View sheet
Reading AW
HW- Finish Reading AWM and do the sheet.
Expect quiz.
Have a safe vacation and don’t do anything
Monday, 2/22/10, Day 3 Per 1&4
• Take out Wagner sheet and use it to enjoy
• When done, pass in quiz sheet and paper
and use the period to get the correct
answers for the questions on the sheet.
• If/when done, do crossword.
• HW- Voc. sentences WITH UNDERLINED
CONTEXT CLUES for Wagner, voc. quiz
Tuesday, 2/23/10, Day 4, Per. 1
• Pass in sentences for AWM
• Period 1- Points of View Sheet
• Review of Cather sheet with brief
• Quotable quotes, take notes, good term
paper info!
• AWM voc. crossword (add 2 boxes to #10)
• HW- Complete crossword study for voc.
quiz Wed.
AWM Quotable Quotes
• p. 542 para. 2- “’Don’t love it…that’”.
• p. 544 para. 1 “Then…war.”
• p. 546 2nd to last & last para. “I
Wed., 2/24/10, Day 5, Per. 1
• Enjoy Cather voc. Quiz! C. eluded
• When done, pass in quiz and answer
sheet and take out crossword to be
• Reading p. 558-559
• HW- Frost Bio Notes & Signed Grade
Wednesday, 2/24/10, Day 5, Per 4
Pass in sentences for AWM
Enjoy Cather voc. Quiz!
Frost Bio notes
Review Crossword puzzle
Lunch at the Second Bell!
Review of Cather sheet with brief presentation.
Quotable quotes, make notes, good paper info.
HW- In an open response, using information
directly quoted from “The Moderns” (1) and from
this biography (1), describe Frost’s poetry and
how it is related to Modernism.
Thursday, 2/25/10, Day 6, Per 1&4
• Pass in Frost Bio notes any signed grade sheets
• Do Now- In an open response, explain how reading poetry is
different from reading prose.
• Evaluate & Score
• Do Frost voc. in class. Be sure to quote the whole sentence where
the word appears and not just the line, but quote it like a line of
• Ex. “Now is the winter of our discontent/ Made glorious by this
sun of York;/ And all the clouds that lour’d upon our house/ In
the deep bosom of the ocean buried” (l 1-4).
• Grade Sheets, per. 4
• HW- In an open response, using information directly quoted from
“The Moderns” (1quote) and from this biography (1quote), describe
Frost’s poetry and how it is related to Modernism.
• Remember, to quote “The Moderns,”- “Write the quote” (Leggett and
Brinnin pg. #).
• To quote the bio, “Write the quote” (Sime and Wahlgren pg. #).
Friday, 2/26/10, Day 7, Per. 1&4
Pass in Frost Voc and Any Signed Grade Sheets
Take out Frost message OR from HW to be checked.
TO, TH, D1,D2,D3,Q1, Att. Q2 Att., CW, CO, IMP.
Frost quotable quotes.
Poetry Reading Tips:
Read it like prose, using punctuation.
Read it more than once.
Pay attention to pre-reading tips.
Read it more than once.
• What is Frost saying about life in this poem?
• Circle Reading “Birches,” p. 567-568
• HW- “Birches” sheet & questions # 2, 6, 9 on p.568
Quotable Quotes about Frost
"Frost's independence was grounded in his ability to handle ordinary New England Speech and in his
surprising skill at taking the most conventional poetic forms and giving them a twist all his own. In an era
when "good was being equated by many artists with "new," the only new thing about Robert Frost was old:
individual poetic genius. Using this gift to impose his own personality on the iambic line in verse, Frost created
a poetic voice that was unique and impossible to imitate" (Leggett and Brinnin 534).
"…traditional verse forms and offered penetrating insights into a variety of American character types" (534).
"…stimulated by meeting English poets, Frost continued to write poetry, though he found his subjects in New
England" (Sime and Wahlgren 558).
"These poems were marked by flinty realism and an impressive mastery of iambic rhythm, narrative dialogue,
and the dramatic monologue" (558).
By 1915, "he was an accomplished writer who had already extended the scope and character of American
literature into the twentieth century" (559).
"In a period when poetry was being changed by verbal experiment and by exotic influences from abroad,
Frost remained devoted to traditional forms and firmly rooted in the American soil" (559).
"…he seemed to belong more to the past than to the present…" (559).
"Neither the cranky realism nor the homly philosophy of self-reliance and spiritual independence that mark his
work have been forgotten" (559).
"…created a unique voice that remained unaffected by the clamor of modernism" (559).
From “The Moderns” and Frost Bio
Drop 2 Schedule, 2/24/10
9:20 – 9:54- Period 1
9:58– 10:30- Period 2
10:34 – 11:06- Period 3
11:10 – 12:46- Period 4
11:44 - 12:14- Second Lunch (the second
• 12:52 – 1:24- Period 6
• 1:28-2:00- Period 7
Monday, 3/1/10, Day 1, Per. 4 (3/2, per. 1)
• Pass in “Birches” HW
• Do Now- Define home- be as specific as
• Review “Birches” unless half didn’t do it.
• What is home? Track and discuss on the
• Reading “The Death of the Hired Man”
• HW- p. 575- 1,2,3,5,6,8 Frost Voc quiz
Tuesday, 3/2/10, Day 2, Per. 4 (3/3 Per. 1)
• Take out “Birches” and “Death” questions
and use them to enjoy the quiz!
• Review Poems
• Frost Crossword in Class
• HW- Sentences for Frost Voc., study for
quiz Wed. (Thurs, Per. 1)
• Need Make-up Work/? After School Today
Wed. 3/3/10, Day 3, Per. 4 (3/4, Per. 1)
Pass in voc. sentences.
Enjoy Voc. quiz! Bring both papers to me
when done.
When done, write an open response that
explains a “back in my day” story you have
heard. Who said it, what was it about and
did you really want to hear it?
Reading p. 606
HW- Bio notes for Steinbeck
Need Make-up Work? After School Today
Friday, 3.4.10, Act Bell, Per. 1&4
• The final cut-off for any make-up
quizzes is Wed. See me after school
Mon. or Tues.
• Pass in bio notes for Steinbeck
• Do Now- Quickwrite on page 607
• Evaluate and discuss
• Steinbeck voc.
• HW- Complete Steinbeck voc.
Mon. 3/8/10, Day 5, Per. 1&4
• The final cut-off for any make-up quizzes is
Wed. See me after school Mon. or Tues.
• Pass in Steinbeck voc.
• Keep in mind: Heroes Back in My Day
• Reading “The Leader of the People,” p. 609
• Look for and note quotes for:
• Mr. Tiflin’s attitude toward the grandfather
• The Grandfather’s attitude toward “westering”
• HW- Complete story and sheet.
Tuesday, 3/9/10, Day 6, Per 1&4
• The final cut-off for any make-up quizzes
dated before today is Wed. See me after
school today and tomorrow.
• Take out completed sheet for “The Leader of the
People” and use it to enjoy quiz!
• Review sheet and quiz.
• In class, Steinbeck voc. Words to Own, p.36
• HW- Complete voc. HW, Voc quiz Thurs.
• Mid-term TEST and Notebooks next week.
Wed. 3/10/10, Day 7, Per. 1 & 4
• Last call for make-up quizzes dated before 3/9 is
today. They all turn to solid ZEROS when I leave
this afternoon.
• Take out Voc. HW for Check and Review
Springsteen, Bruce. “Glory Days.” Born in the USA.
Capitol; Records. 1984.
Hear the Tune, Read the Lyrics
With a partner, answer the questions on the back in
complete sentences and paragraphs. Be sure each
student has a copy of the answers.
• HW- Study for Steinbeck Voc. quiz
• Mid-term TEST and Notebooks next week.
Thursday, 3/11/10, Day 1, Per. 4 (3/12, per. 1)
If you didn’t make-up quiz any dated before
3/9, it is now a zero. TBSS.
• Mid-term TEST and Notebooks next week.
• Have Hw on desk.
• Enjoy Voc. Quiz
Review: Springsteen, Bruce. “Glory Days.”
Born in the USA. Capitol; Records. 1984.
Read p.623
HW- Thurber Bio Notes
Friday, 3/12/10, Day 2 Per. 4 (3/15, per. 1)
• Have Thurber Bio notes on your desk to be
• Thurber Voc. in class
• Here’s your Notebook check, due sometime this
week, probably Thursday, to be passed in the
day of the test.
• HW- Thurber Voc. Crossword
Monday, 3/15/10, Per. 4 (3/16 Per. 1)
• Pass in Thurber voc. and Crossword
• Do now: Freewrite- What do you
daydream about and why?
• Review Crossword
• BOT- “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”
• HW- Complete Mitty sheet, expect quiz.
Notebook due Friday, day of Mid-term
Test. Be sure to have notebook Thursday.
Wed., 3/17/10, Day 5, Per. 1&4
• Take out Mitty sheet and use it to enjoy the quiz!
• When done: Create a graphic organizer /
representation of the abbreviations we use to
evaluate open responses.
• Review Mitty
• “The New Yorker's Farewell,” p.629
• Complete reading and sheet
• HW- Complete New Yorker Sheet and begin studying for
the test. Be sure to have your notebook on Thursday.
Have grade sheet signed.
• Grade Sheet Problems, after school today and Thurs.
• Test and Notebook Friday
Thursday, 3/18/10, Day 6, Per. 1&4
Take out New Yorker sheet to be checked &
reviewed. Pass in signed grade sheets.
• MCAS Schedule for Next Week
Graphic Organizers
• Test Review
• HW- Have notebook in order and study
for test.
Friday, 3/19/10, Per. 1&4
• Pass in Notebook & Any Signed Grade
• Enjoy Mid-term Exam Part 1!
• NOTE: There are no bonus point on tests, so
if you find an error, bring it to my attention
only if it keeps you from understanding the
• When Done, Pass it in and Get Part 2, Open
• Pass in Open Response
• MCAS Schedule for Next Week
Monday, 3/22/10, Day 1, Per. 4 (3/23, Per. 1)
MCAS Schedule for Next Week
Eudora Welty (1909-2001), Read p. 633
Read and do Bio Notes.
When done Begin Voc.
HW- Welty voc.
Tuesday, 3/23/10, MCAS Sch. (1,4,5,6) 3/26 Per. 1.
• Note: Term 3 grades close 4/12.
• Pass in Welty Bio. Notes & Voc. Voc quiz 3/36
• BOT- “The Worn Path,”
• HW- Complete sheet and be ready for quiz!
Thurs., 3/25/10, MCAS SCH. (2,4,5,7) 3/29/10, Per 1
• Note: Term 3 grades close 4/12. See me this
week after school about make-up work from
• Take out Worn Path HW and use it to enjoy quiz!
• When Done: Do words to own, p. 38
• Review p. 38
• Meet Miss Bulis
• Grade Sheets.
• Reading on page 640-641
• HW- “Phoenix Jackson’s Grandson” sheet
Friday, 3/26/10, Day 2, Per. 4
Tuesday, 3/30/10, Day 3, Per. 1
• Note: Term 3 grades close 4/12. Note: Term 3 grades close
4/12. See me this week after school about make-up work
from 3/9-3/26.
• Pass in Signed Grade Sheets
• Take out “Phoenix Jackson’s Grandson” sheet to be checked
• Do Now- OR- The essay we read yesterday (or Monday)
provided an author’s response to a question she has been
asked by readers and students. If you could ask any author
any question regarding anything we have read this term,
what would it be and why would you ask it? Be sure to
provide the GAT for the selection you have chosen.
• Evaluate and pass in.
• Review “Phoenix Jackson’s Grandson”
• Page 640-641
• Reading, p. 650-651
• HW- Hemingway Bio Notes
Monday, 3/29/10, Day 3, Per. 4,
Thursday, 3/31/10, Day 5, Per. 1
• Note: Term 3 grades close 4/12. See me
this week after school about make-up
work from 3/9-3/26.
• Pass in Hemingway Bio notes.
• Grade Sheets- Problems? The line forms to
my right.
• Hemingway Voc. in class.
• HW- Hemingway crossword.
Wednesday, 3/31/10, Day 5, Per. 4,
Thursday, 4/1/10, Per. 1
Review Hemingway Crossword (Done, Per. 1)
Note: Term 3 grades close 4/12. See me this week
after school about make-up work from 3/9-3/26.
Do Now- Characterization is the manner in which an
author identifies and describes the characters in his or
her work. Explain the difference between direct and
indirect characterization in an open response.
Evaluate & Pass in
Reading “Soldier’s Home”
HW- Complete reading & character profile for Harold
Thursday, 4/1/10, Day 6, Per. 4,
Monday 4/5/10, Per. 1
• Take out Character profile for Krebs and use it to
enjoy quiz!
• Pass in HW with the quiz and do this:
• Create some sort of highly detailed organizer
that would take the information in our OR
rubric and expand it to a multi-paragraph
essay format. What must be added? Bring
that to class Monday.
• Review Krebs’ Profile.
• HW- Complete organizer and bring it to the next
Monday, 4/5/10, Day 7, Per. 4, Wednesday, 4/7/10. Per. 1
Grades Close Monday, see me after school Thursday with
Do Now- Use the book to review the Tenets of the American
Dream on p. 529 and Elements of Modernism from page
533. Take notes, that is, PARAPHRASE on the sheet
provided. ***Think about PROGRESS, DISILLUSIONMENT
AND the American Dream.***
Then take out the multi-paragraph essay organizer from
• Although the 2006 Disney/ Pixar feature film Cars is a contemporary
film, it has a message that is in line with the ideas of Modernism.
Explain the Modernist / Anti-American Dream message in Chapters 2124 with respect to Sally (or Lightning), the Rt. 66 vs. the Interstate, AND
the town of Radiator Springs.
• PAY ATTENTION! View Chapters 21-24 of the 2006 Disney/
Monday, 4/5/10, Day 7, Per. 4, Wednesday, 4/7/10. Per. 1
 Viewing 1:
– Get a basic understanding of the PLOT.
– Look at the prompt, how will you answer it?
• What is the prompt asking you to comment on?
• What evidence will you need to respond to the
• Viewing 2:
– Pay attention for evidence that supports your
explanation of the THEME.
• Viewing 3:
– Look for QUOTES to support your ideas.
• HW- Complete a highly detailed planning activity
to respond to the prompt in full-contact, multiparagraph essay form during the next class.
Tuesday, 4/6/10, Day 1, Per. 4
Thursday, 4/8/10, Per. 1
• Term 3 grades close 4/12. Last call for makeup work from 3/29-4/8 after school today.
• Take out planning activity for essay and write
the essay. Pass in the plan and the essay
• HW- Ms. Bulis says no homework!
Wednesday, 4/7/10, Per. 4, Friday, 4/9/10, Per. 1 Day 4
Go over rubric and evaluate Cars papers
Assign research paper- questions?
HW. Choose a topic, create a thesis, and
write a paragraph explanation of your
Thursday, 4/8/10, Day 3
Senior Project meeting Tuesday at 2:10 in rm.
131- anybody interested? Incentive:
“exemption from up to two senior final
exams, under the provision that the project
covers the two disciplines.”
• Take out homework from last night and share
• Peer- evaluation of Cars papers
• Research paper assignment- questions?
• HW. Choose a topic for your research paper,
come up with a thesis, and write a paragraph
explanation for Monday.
Monday, 4/10/10, Day 5
• Senior Project Incentive: “exemption from up to two senior
final exams, under the provision that the project covers the
two disciplines.” Meeting Tuesday at 2:10 in rm. 131.
• Respond to one of the following prompts:
Some people think that having money leads to happiness. Do
you agree? Why or why not? What are the advantages or
disadvantages of being wealthy.
What is the "American Dream"? Where did it originate, and how
has it changed over the centuries?
Have you ever wanted to relive a moment from your past, to
redo it? Describe the situation. How and why would you change
the past?
• Discuss Do Now
• Questions about research paper?
• Work on research paper/ finding quotes from the text
Tuesday, 4/13/10, Day 6
• Senior Project Incentive: “exemption from up to two senior
final exams, under the provision that the project covers the
two disciplines.” Meeting today at 2:10 in rm. 131.
• Term 4 Begins today!
• Go over Library assignment/ pass back Thesis statementsREFINE THAT THESIS STATEMENT!
• Library
• HW- Work on research paper. Quotes due Thursday on
Buzzword, two per source (duh, look in your notebook) and
introduction due Friday on Buzzword.
Wednesday, 4/14/10, Day 7
• Go over Library assignment/ pass back Thesis
• To the Library
• HW- Work on research paper. Quotes due Thursday
on Buzzword, two per source (duh, look in your
notebook) and introduction due Friday on Buzzword.
Thursday, 4/15/10, Day 1
• Poll of research paper confidence/
• Go over introduction: Identify the GAT,
topic, and thesis
• Article search help- what have you found/
what do you need help finding.
• Classwork: find your primary source
• HW- 15 quotes and introduction of
paper due tomorrow on Buzzword
(Please have them sent by class time)
Monday, 4/26/10, Day 3
• Welcome Back!
• Research paper questions?
• Respond to this quote:
– “A really good education makes kids
subversive. That’s why so little really good
education goes on.” –Chris Satullo
– Introduce Gatsby/ hand out books
– Read Chapter 1
– HW. Read chapter 1. Reading quiz tomorrow
Tuesday April 27, Wednesday,
4/28/10, per. 4
Report Cards Today!
Enjoy Chapter 1 Reading Quiz!
When done, think about what questions you have regarding the research paper, now
is the time to ask.
Then do this Do Now in OR form: What do you think will happen at the end of
the book? Respond in third person only!
Trade and Evaluate.
Discuss Chapter 1. Setting, Historical Background, Main Characters.
Chapter 1 key events worksheet?
HW. Read chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby. Pay particular attention to the
different characters. Expect Quiz! Work on 2nd draft.
Wednesday, 4/28/10, Day 5, Per. 1
Thursday, 4/29/10, Per. 4
• Report cards today in advisory after 7th!
• Senior Project meeting after school 4/29
• When done, think about what questions you have regarding the
research paper, now is the time to ask. 2nd draft due 5/3, Final draft
due 5/10.
• Then, write these Gatsby questions down:
1.Describe the “valley of ashes.” What does it look like and what does it
2. Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they seem to fit into this setting?
3. What more have we learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he similar or
different than the people he spends his time with?
4.Describe what happened between Tom and Myrtle at the apartment.
What does this reveal about him?
With a partner, respond to these questions in complete sentences and
paragraphs. Each partner should have complete responses to each
HW- Read Ch. 3 in Gatsby. Work on 2nd draft.
Thursday, 4/29/10, Day 6, Per 1
• Senior Project meeting after school 4/29
• 2nd draft due 5/3!... Lets talk about this…
• Review Ch. 2 questions
1.Describe the “valley of ashes.” What does it look like and what
does it represent?
2. Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they seem to fit into this
3. What more have we learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he
similar or different than the people he spends his time with?
4.Describe what happened between Tom and Myrtle at the
apartment. What does this reveal about him?
• Ch. 3 questions
• Start reading chapter 4
• HW- Work on 2nd draft due 5/5.
Thursday April 29 period 4
• Senior project meeting after school today
• Research paper- Second rough draft.
• Chapter 2 quiz
1.Describe the “valley of ashes.” What does it look like and what does it
2. Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they seem to fit into this setting?
3. What more have we learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he similar or
different than the people he spends his time with?
4.Describe what happened between Tom and Myrtle at the apartment.
What does this reveal about him?
With a partner, respond to these questions in complete sentences and
paragraphs. Each partner should have complete responses to each
Go over quiz questions
Read chapter 3
HW- work on papers/ finish reading chapter 3
Friday April 30th P.1
Happy Friday!
Go over Chapter 3 questions
Start reading Chapter 4
HW- Complete reading chapter 4,
Research paper.
Friday April 30th, 4th period
• Happy Friday!
• Chapter 2 quiz
• Go over chapter 2 questions/ quiz
1.Describe the “valley of ashes.” What does it look like and what does it
2. Describe Mr. Wilson and Myrtle. Do they seem to fit into this setting?
3. What more have we learned about Nick in this chapter? Is he similar or
different than the people he spends his time with?
4.Describe what happened between Tom and Myrtle at the apartment.
What does this reveal about him?
With a partner, respond to these questions in complete sentences and
paragraphs. Each partner should have complete responses to each
Go over quiz questions
Read chapter 3
HW- work on papers/ finish reading chapter 3
Monday, May 3rd Period 4
Research papers!
Chapter 3 reading quiz
Discuss Chapter 3
Characterization activity
Begin reading chapter 4
HW- Research Papers
Tuesday, 5/4/10, Day 2 P.1
• MLA Citation guide/ Research paper questions-- also can be
found on
• Chapter 4 quiz:
• Why does Fitzgerald list all of Gatsby’s party guests?
• Who is Meyer Wolfsheim and what role does he play in the
• Why did Gatsby want Daisy to see his house?
• Nick says, “ There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy
and the tired.” What does Nick mean? How does each character
in the novel fit into this schema?
• Characterization Activity
• Begin reading chapter 5
• HW- Research Papers
Tuesday, May 4th P.4
• MLA Citation guide/ Research paper
questions-- also can be found on
• Complete Characterization activity
• Symbolism activity
• Begin reading chapter 4
• HW- work on research paper
Wednesday May 5th P.1
• Research paper questions??? Go over
• Complete Characterization Activity
• Symbolism in Gatsby Worksheet
• Begin reading chapter 5
• HW- Read Chapter 5
Wednesday, May 5th P.4
Research Paper Questions? Go over rubric
Answer the following questions about chapter 4:
Why does Fitzgerald list all of Gatsby’s party guests?
What role does Meyer Wolfsheim play in the novel?
What does Jordan’s story of Daisy’s marriage reveal
about Daisy?
Nick says, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the
busy and the tired.” What does Nick mean? How does
each character in the novel fit into this schema?
Discuss questions
Symbolism Activity
HW- read chapter 5
Thursday, May 6th P.1
• Respond to quote
• Answer questions about chapter 5:
• Why does Gatsby deliver so many goods and
services to Nick’s house?
• Describe the effect of rain on the plot.
• Explain the significance of the green light.
• Why does Gatsby get so many phone calls? What
does this say about him?
• Discuss questions
• Facebook Activity
• HW- Read chapter 6/ work on paper
Friday, May 7th P.1
Questions about research paper/ FB activity?
Answer chapter 6 questions independently:
Describe the transformation from Jay Gatz to Jay Gatsby.
Describe the meeting of Tom and Gatsby. What does this reveal
about them?
Why did Daisy and Tom find Gatsby’s party loathsome?
How did Gatsby measure the success of his party?
When Nick told Gatsby that “you can’t repeat the past”, Gatsby
replied, “Why of course you can!” Do you agree with Nick or
Discuss questions
Character Correspondence activity
HW- Research paper final draft DUE MONDAY!!!!
Friday, May 7th P.4
• Research paper questions?
• Answer questions about chapter 5:
• Why does Gatsby deliver so many goods and
services to Nick’s house?
• Describe the effect of rain on the plot.
• Explain the significance of the green light.
• Why does Gatsby get so many phone calls? What
does this say about him?
• Discuss questions
• Facebook Activity
• HW- Final draft of Research Paper DUE MONDAY!!!!
Monday, 5/10/10, Day 6 P.1
• A Note From Mr. Giguere: No papers accepted after
5/14. Be sure all grade questions up to 5/13 are
resolved with Ms. Bulis by 5/14. 5/17 is her last day.
• Respond to this quote and answer, ‘What kind of
footprint do you want to leave behind?’:
• “Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time." - Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow (1807–1882), A Psalm of Life.
• Research paper questions
• Work on FB assignment
• HW- read chapter 7
Monday, May 10th P.4
• A Note From Mr. Giguere: No papers accepted after
5/14. Be sure all grade questions up to 5/13 are
resolved with Ms. Bulis by 5/14. 5/17 is her last day.
• Respond to this quote and answer, ‘What kind of
footprint do you want to leave behind?’:
• “Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time." - Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow (1807–1882), A Psalm of Life.
• Research paper questions
• Work on FB assignment
• HW- Read Chapter 6