OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
• Anne Gallagher has assumed the role of
Director of Mathematics. Greta Bornemann is now working with PSESD.
• Katy Absten has recently been hired as the
Mathematics Specialist. She has been at ESD
114 for 12 years and served as the Regional
Math Coordinator for the region.
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• Classroom Impact of the CCSS
• Instructional Materials and CCSS
• Resources to Support Implementation
• Assessment System Updates
A recording of todays webinar and the power point will be posted on the OSPI website: https://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/updatesevents.aspx
All resources that are referenced in the webinar will have a link to the resource in the power point.
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Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21 st century.
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Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School
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Power of the Shifts
Know them – both the what and the why
Apply them to decisions about
Ongoing Assessment
Conversations with parents, students, colleagues, partners
Continue to Learn
This effort is about much more than implementing the next version of the standards. It is about preparing all students for college and careers .
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CCSS Shifts
8 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
• Focus strongly where the standards focus
• Coherence : Think across grades and link to major topics within grades
• Rigor : In major topics, pursue with equal intensity:
– Conceptual understanding
– Procedural skill and fluency
– Application
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Consider the major work within each grade—this should guide your instruction for the year—not a textbook.
Teach less, learn more.
“Less topic coverage can be associated with higher scores on those topics covered because students have more time to master the content that is taught.”
Ginsburg et al., 2005
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Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades
• Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years.
• Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning.
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Ratios and Proportional Relationships
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Equal intensity in conceptual understanding, procedural skill/fluency, and application
• The CCSSM require:
– Solid conceptual understanding
– Procedural skill and fluency
– Application of skills in problem solving situations
• In the major work of the grade, this requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources in pursuit of all three
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Describes mathematical “habits of mind” that students at ALL levels should develop
Instructional Materials and CCSS
We are ALL in the same boat
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Take a minute and do this problem.
6.RP.A Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
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Take a minute and do this problem.
7.RP.A Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
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• How do these tasks build on prior knowledge from earlier grades and support later concepts?
• How do these tasks provide access for ALL students
(consider those who often do not have access to rigorous math and HC students)
• Why are these tasks “worth doing”? Are they “thought provoking”?
• How are these tasks designed to help students make sense of the math?
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Tools to Help Align Instructional
Materials to the CCSS
26 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
• How do we identify to what degree our current materials or materials we are considering for adoption are aligned to the
• How do we adapt materials so they are more aligned to the CCSS?
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OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014 http://www.colourbox.com/image/person-with-magnifier-investigates-empty-box-isolated-3d-image-image-2217292 http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/17/new-understanding-of-ancientmath/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 28
• What resources do we need to help us in identifying if the lesson/unit is aligned to the
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Instructional Materials
Grades 6 th – 8 th
30 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
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• Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool
– Focus on Major Work at the appropriate grade level
(Sample Worksheet)
– Rigor & Balance
– Practice & Content Connections
– Criteria for Math Content
– Criteria for Math Practices
– Indicators of Quality
• Equip Rubric
• Publisher’s Criteria
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• Identify degree of CCSS alignment to existing curriculum
• Identify gaps in the curriculum
• Clarify supports/materials, etc. needed to fill in the gaps
• Help in our own learning of the CCSS and implications for my own instruction.
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• There are various rubrics to help assess
Instructional Resources—purchased curriculum, OER, your own lessons, district materials, etc.
• Depends on the purpose--
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Materials Alignment Toolkit was developed by the Student
Achievement Partners , founded by David Coleman, Susan Pimentel and Jason
Zimba, lead writers of the Common Core State Standards. They are a nonprofit organization with one purpose: to help all students and teachers see their hard work lead to greater student achievement. Achieve the Core is the name of their website.
Materials Alignment Toolkit
A complete set of tools to aid in the design and procurement of CCSS aligned instructional materials, including assessments.
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Type of Tool Used for Evaluating
Instructional Materials
Evaluation Tool (IMET)
Comprehensive mathematics and English language arts or reading curricula in print and digital format.
EQuIP Rubric for
Lessons and Units
Lesson plans and units of instruction in mathematics and English language arts/literacy.
Assessment Evaluation
Tool (AET)
Assessments or sets of assessments and item banks for mathematics and English language arts/literacy, including interim/benchmark assessments, and classroom assessments designed to address a grade or course.
Assessment Passage and Item Quality
Criteria Checklist
Assessment passages and assessment items or tasks.
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A tool for evaluating a comprehensive textbook or textbook series for alignment to the CCSS. For use with ELA/literacy materials for grades
K-2 or 3-12 and for mathematics materials K-8 or high school.
Use the Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool to:
• Inform decisions about purchasing
• Evaluate previously purchased materials to identify necessary modifications
• Build understanding of what CCSS-aligned materials look like
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Assessment Evaluation Tool is a review tool to evaluate the alignment of grade or course-level assessment materials for alignment with the
CCSS, including interim or benchmark assessments and classroom assessments.
In addition, the AET can also be used to deepen a shared understanding of the criteria for CCSS-aligned assessments.
Use the Assessment Evaluation Tool for:
• Evaluating assessment materials & item banks
• Developing or refining district assessments
• Deepening understanding of what CCSS-aligned assessments look like
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Equip Rubric was developed by the Educators
Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Practice , an Achieve initiative. The mission of EQuIP is to build the capacity of educators to evaluate and improve instructional materials and increase the number of high-quality lessons and units aligned to the CCSS.
Equip Rubric
The Equip Rubric is designed to evaluate the degree to which lessons and units are aligned to the CCSS.
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• Based on criteria
– Need a common lens of understanding criteria-
– Use CCSS, Progression Docs, Cluster Docs, etc.
• Evidence Based
– Provide specific examples (reasons) in the unit where the criteria is weak.
– Provides guidance on what you will need to look for to supplement the curriculum—entire unit, short activity?
• Improvements Suggested
– Look for a unit that ------, activities that --------, add formative process for these 2 lessons, etc.
• Identifying Supplemental Support (adapt, supplement, create, etc.)
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Let’s Look at Feedback from the
7 th Grade Ratio Unit
Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS –
Presents a balance of mathematical procedures and deeper conceptual understanding inherent in the CCSS.
What would you need to add to the unit to address this gap?
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III. Instructional Supports
Uses and encourages precise and accurate mathematics, academic language, terminology, and concrete or abstract representations (e.g. pictures, symbols, expressions, equations, graphics, models) in the discipline.
In my current curriculum—is there a balance of student voice—do they have students using a variety of tools to build understanding and provide access for all students?
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Does this task meet the criteria? Could it be improved?
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Criteria from Assessment Evaluation Tool (AET)
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• Deepens your own understanding of the CCSS and instructional practice
• Begin small—choose one tool and one dimension to assess a lesson or unit
• Helps develop a deeper understanding of the
CCSS shifts, the CCSS standards and what instruction aligned to CCSS looks like in a classroom
• Helps in creating your own tasks and lessons
• And---more aligned curriculum
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Resources to Support
51 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
Instructional Materials—What is available?
• Engage NY – Districts Adopting
• Achieve the Core – Lessons and Annotated Tasks
• Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons
• Illustrative Mathematics – CCSS Aligned Tasks for K-12
• Mathematics Assessment Project - CCSS Aligned Lessons and
• Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks.
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OSPI Digital Learning Department OER Review
• OSPI’s Open Educational Resources Project:
– http://digitallearning.k12.wa.us/oer/
– Spring 2013 Review of Algebra 1/ Integrated I and ELA
Grades 11-12
– Spring 2014 Review of Geometry / Integrated II and ELA
Grades 9-10
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Implications for Instruction and
Student Achievement
• Critical to spend time learning the standards, understanding the shifts and knowing the progression of learning the standards attend to.
• We must transform how we present math ideas/concepts. Our learning around the shifts should guide our instruction and teaching—not the instructional materials.
• Ensure ALL students have opportunities to engage in meaningful mathematics.
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Opportunities to learn more
55 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to
Support Implementation
(Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA )
• School Districts ( CCSS District Implementation Network )
• Higher Education
• Education and Educator Content Associations
• Business Partners
56 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
Movers and Shakers http://k12.wa.us/Mathematics/default.aspx
Math and ELA “Fellows” build capacity around common learning
OSPI CCSS Webinar Series
PD Offered through all 9 ESDs
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OSPI CCR Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar
1. CCR Standards &
Professional Learning Systems
Audience: District and
Building Leaders
2013-14 Topics and Audiences
• Relevant state standards and assessment updates
• Resources for building capacity among district and building leaders for CCSS / NGSS transitions and implementation
• Opportunities to engage and provide input into statewide implementation efforts
2. CCSS-Mathematics
Audience: Teachers, Leaders, and Cross-Content Teams
• Grade-band specific foci
• Digging into instructional tools and resources focused on CCSSM
CCSS-English language arts
Audience: Teachers, Leaders, and Cross-Content Teams
Science and the NGSS
Audience: Teachers, Leaders,
Cross-Content Teams
• Digging into instructional tools and resources focused on CCSS-
• ELA within the content areas – tools and how it looks in classrooms
• WA 2009 Science standards and the transition to NGSS
• Orientation to state supports and 4-year Transition Plan (starting with “Year 0”)
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CCSS Implementation Resources
Top Resources – Big Picture
Achieve The Core www.achievethecore.org
Resources included annotated tasks and lessons, professional development resources, instructional practice guides, and the Materials Alignment Toolkit.
Illustrative Mathematics Project www.illustrativemathematics.org
Takes available aligned to the CCSS that illustrate the standards. These tasks have been vetted by leaders in the nation for alignment and quality.
Achieve www.achieve.org
Multiple array of resources to support implementation of CCSS including exemplar lessons and Equip Rubric and resources to implement the Equip rubric.
Assessment System Resources www.smarterbalanced.org
Smarter Balanced Practice Test and Released Sample Items & Performance Tasks.
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Top Resources - Math
Progression Documents http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions/
These documents give the narrative or story of how the domains progress both in a particular grade and through several grades.
Engage NY http://www.engageny.org/
Engage NY is building out units in ELA and mathematics that are aligned to the CCSS.
Inside Mathematics http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/home
Classroom examples and tools for innovative instruction, and videos of instructional practices aligned to the CCSS.
Mathematics Assessment Project http://map.mathshell.org/materials/index.php
The Mathematics Assessment Program (MAP) aims to bring to life the Common Core State
Standards (CCSSM and exemplify CCSSM in engaging tasks, performance assessments and lessons grounded in formative assessment.
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• Ready Washington is a coalition of state and local education agencies, associations and advocacy organizations that support college- and career-ready learning standards. Their audience is public
(parents, community, educators, lawmakers) to build awareness and support for CCSS, prepare for initial decline in test scores in transition to more rigorous assessments and counter misinformation/myths.
* www.ReadyWA.org
CCR Systems Webinar Pt.1.9-16-13 62
• Website designed to provide accurate information on the CCSS :
• http://thecommoncore.com/
• The Common Core State Standards: An Introduction for Families
and Other Stakeholders (from the Aspen Institute) http://www.aspeninstitute.org/publications/common-core-state-standardsintroduction-families-other-stakeholders
– Flyers in Spanish and English for download
• OSPI’s CCSS Web Site: http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Families/default.aspx
• National PTA Parent Guides
• Parent Roadmaps to the CCSS – from the Council for Great City Schools
CCR Systems Webinar Pt.1.9-16-13 63
Assessment System Updates
64 OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014
College and career readiness assessments for accountability
Core State
Standards specify
K-12 expectations for college and career readiness
Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning
Formative resources:
Digital Library with instructional and
Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable professional learning resources for educators to improve instruction
OSPI Math Webinar_Part 3_ 3-26-2014 feedback
All students leave high school college and career ready
Page 65
Assessments for
Balanced Assessment
• Coverage of full breadth/depth of Common Core
• Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)
• Precise assessment of all students
• More engaging assessment experience
• Performance Tasks – real world problems
Assessments to
Signal Improvement
• Optional for district, school or classroom use
• Fully aligned with Common Core – same item pool
• Focus on set of standards or mirror summative test
• Teachers can review and score responses
Formative Tools and
Resources for
• Digital library gives access to high-quality resources
• Tools/materials for classroom-based assessments
• Professional social networking (Web-based PLCs)
• Useful for in-service and pre-service development
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Two Types:
Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICA)
• Fixed form in fall 2014 for all grades
• Adaptive (as pool allows)
• Will be taken online in same form as summative
• Some level of hand-scoring
Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
• Fixed form for most blocks in all grades
• Adaptive for certain blocks (as pool allows)
• Adaptive for all blocks – later
• Will be taken online in same form as summative
• Some level of hand-scoring
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IABs for math: Current Thinking on Coverage
Proposed Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
Grades 3-5
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
5 Measurement
Proposed Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
Grades 6-7
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Number System
Expressions and Equations
Statistics and Probability
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Proposed Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
Grade 8
Expressions and Equations - I
Expressions and Equations - II
Page 68
IABs for math: Current Thinking on Coverage
Proposed Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB)
High School
Algebra and Functions
Linear Functions
7 Trigonometric
Right Triangle Ratios
10 Three-Dimensional Geometry
11 Proofs
12 Circles
13 Applications
14 Statistics and Probability Page 69
Literacy Modules
• Commissioned professional development modules
• Resources for students and families
• Frame formative assessment within a balanced assessment system
• Articulate the formative assessment process
• Highlight formative assessment practices and tools
Instructional Modules
• Commissioned professional development modules
• Instructional materials for educators
• Instructional materials for students
• Demonstrate/support effective implementation of the formative process
• Focus on key content and practice from the Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts
Education Resources
• High-quality vetted instructional resources and tools for educators
• High-quality vetted resources and tools for students and families
• Reflect and support the formative process
• Reflect and support the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts
• Create Professional Learning Communities
Page 70
Enable trained educators (SNEs and SLTs) to submit, review, and publish resources
Allow educators to view, download, and rate resources
Use state-of-the-art tagging and search to quickly find resources by CCSS and other topics
Enable educators from across the Consortium to collaborate and share their knowledge
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Grounded in this Definition of Formative
Assessment Process
• Formative Assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals.
~ Compiled by the Digital Library National Advisory Panel
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Resource with
Resource to Review in SNE’s
Review of
Resource with Gate-
Resource Passes
Resource Fails Gate-
Keeping —Return to
SNE to Revise
Review of Resource with Quality Criteria
Reviewed by 3 SNEs
SNE 1:
The SNE who reviews the resource with the
Gate-Keeping Criteria will also be one of the
3 SNE reviewers.
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It WILL NOT be a “bank” of formative assessment items
alone. All resources will have the formative assessment process embedded within them.
All submitted materials will be vetted through a
Quality Criteria Review Process by SNEs across the nation.
Digital Library will be available for all schools throughout Washington free of charge
Digital Library will be available most likely in May
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Page 75
Common Core Supports:
Anne Gallagher
Katy Absten
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