Occupational Health Services

Occupational Health Services
U-M Occupational Health Services (OHS)
Occupational Health Services provides services to the Health System and Ann Arbor campus
faculty and staff for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of occupational illnesses and
injuries. OHS also provides occupational health physical exams, required vaccinations and TB
tests, as well as hazard and safety awareness, and information to support the wellbeing of U-M
faculty and staff.
We work collaboratively with other university departments including: Work~Connections, U-M
Faculty and Staff Assistance Program; UMHS Employee Assistance Program, U-M Occupational
Safety and Environmental Health, UMHS Safety Management Services, UMHS Infection Control
Services, and other internal and external organizations to provide a continuum of services.
Our goal is to support a safe and healthful workplace by protecting and enhancing the health
and well-being of the University's employees.
About OHS
Programs and Services
Occupational Health Services provides:
 New employee health assessments
Annual TB testing and immunizations
Respiratory protection fit testing
Assessment and treatment of work related injuries/illnesses
On-site physical therapy
Medical surveillance exams
FAA physicals
Assessment of acute non-occupational injury/illness
Drug testing (specific to certain groups)
Occupational health consultations
Updated January, 2013
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
OHS mission
Occupational Health Services’ mission is to promote, protect and secure the well-being of
University of Michigan employees through high quality and cost-effective occupational health
We believe that a healthy, productive workforce and safe working environment are critical to
the University of Michigan’s mission of excellence.
New Employee Health Assessments
Hiring Manager Responsibilities
1. Once a person has accepted a job offer, the hiring supervisor should access OHS’s website
located at: www.mhealthy.umich.edu/ohs
and use the tool located in the blue ‘Short Cuts’ box (located on the right) to determine if their
new employee needs to process through OHS. If yes, then submit to Occupational Health
Service a new employee routing form (also located in the ‘Short Cuts’ box). This form will give
OHS information about the position and job duties.
2. The hiring supervisor then directs the new employee to Registration. All local calls should be
directed to 734-936-4990, and all long distance calls to the toll free number at 1-866-452-9896.
3. Once the hiring supervisor has submitted the new employee routing form and the employee
has received their registration (CPI) number, the employee may schedule their appointment for
their health assessment. Appointments for new employee health assessments can be made by
calling OHS at (734) 764-8021 during our regular business hours. We will make every attempt to
schedule an appointment at a time that is convenient for the employee. The visit will take
approximately 30 minutes depending upon the requirements for the position.
What Happens at a New Employee Health Assessment appointment?
At the visit, status of all mandated vaccinations and other relevant health information will be
assessed; the new employee will receive a tuberculosis skin test; their color vision may be
tested; and, if appropriate, they will be fitted with a mask for use with respiratory isolation
patients. The health assessment is individualized to the specific occupational needs of their job.
We ask that the new employee bring records of childhood and other immunizations (vaccines)
that they have received (e.g. influenza and Tdap). These can usually be obtained through their
primary care physician. If they have previously worked in health care, they may be able to
obtain these records from their employer. Bringing their records with them will save them time
and the effort of having their blood drawn.
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
New Employee, Annual and Post-Exposure Tuberculosis Skin
OHS provides a tuberculosis skin testing program that complies with MIOSHA and JCAHO
requirements. The program includes testing for new employees, annual testing for specific
employees and testing for employees who have been exposed to a patient that may be
infectious for tuberculosis.
New Employees
New employees will receive information about TB testing at the new employee health
assessment. All employees — except those with a documented history of a positive TB skin test
or a documented TB skin test done within the previous six months — must have a skin test at
the new employee health assessment. Employees that work in specific patient care areas must
participate in annual TB screening program
Employees will have their test read in OHS or, if their work area participates in the “unit read”
program, will have it read by a designated professional on their unit and the “Read” must be
submitted online via the TB Read form located on the OHS website in the ‘Short Cuts’ box.
Compliance with tuberculosis skin testing is considered complete when the test has been read
between 48-72 hours after placement and is documented via the online form or by OHS.
Employees with a documented history of a positive TB skin test or who may have a false
positive TB skin test will have a blood test (QFT) to assess for possible TB infection. A chest Xray must be done if QFT is positive.
Annual Testing
Occupational Health Service contacts employees and their supervisors via e-mail when their
annual skin testing is due. It is expected that employees will report to OHS for skin testing
during the month that notice is received. Employees working in remote sites will have their
annual testing performed and read at their worksite and then a “Read” form must be
Post-exposure Testing
If there has been an exposure to TB at the worksite, Infection Control Services (ICS) will
investigate and compile a list of exposed employees to be seen by Occupational Health
Services. Supervisors are expected to assist ICS in compiling this list of employees who may
have been exposed.
Updated January, 2013
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
Medical Surveillance for Employees Exposed to Potential
Occupational Health Service provides medical surveillance examinations for employees who
may be exposed to occupational hazards. The purpose of these examinations is prevention of
negative health consequences from exposure to potential hazards. This prevention is
accomplished in two ways; education regarding the hazard and how to avoid exposure and
baseline and periodic medical data to monitor for health effects. OSHA standards require
examinations for some hazards, such as noise, respirators and formaldehyde. Other
examinations, e.g. exposure to hazardous drugs, are recommended but not required. If an
examination is required, employees will be contacted by OHS regarding their appointment.
If an employee does not comply, supervisors will be notified.
Evaluation and Treatment for Blood borne Pathogens
What are blood borne pathogens?
Blood borne pathogens refer to viruses that can be transmitted through the blood or certain
other body fluids.
What is a body substance exposure?
A body substance exposure is defined as exposure to blood or other moist body fluids:
- with a contaminated sharp that pierces the skin (such as a scalpel or needle)
- exposure to eyes, mouth, other mucous membranes
- exposure to non-intact skin
Exposure to blood borne pathogens must be reported immediately to Occupational Health
How do I report an exposure?
If an employee experiences a body substance exposure they should immediately do the
following: Wash the area well with soap and water. For exposures to the eye, rinse with clear
water for 10 minutes. To report a body substance exposure, Alpha or numeric pager
Occupational Health Service 24 hours per day at beeper #5356. During OHS clinic hours, the
Occupational Health nurse will return the page. After OHS hours, the page will be answered by
appropriate staff in the Emergency Department.
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
Assessment and Treatment of Work-Related Injuries and
The University of Michigan is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment
for employees. If an employee has a concern about potentially unsafe working conditions or
hazards, (s)he should discuss this with her/his supervisor and Safety Management Services.
Worksites will be assessed and recommended actions will be addressed.
Phone number to Safety Management Services: 764-4427.
Safety Officer: Bruce Cadwallender
In the event of an on-the-job injury or a work related illness, Occupational Health Services
works with the employee, supervisor, Work~Connections and Human Resources to ensure highquality medical treatment and to facilitate a quick recovery to full function. We will work with
staff and supervisors to identify tasks that the employee is able to do while recovering from an
injury. Multiple studies have demonstrated that working within the restrictions, rather than
being off work, is the best way to facilitate recovery. Supervisors need to work with OHS,
Work~Connections, and the Return to Work Coordinator, if appropriate, to ensure that the
employee is working safely within their restrictions, remains productive and feels valued.
Injury or Illness Report Form
When a work-related injury/illness happens, it is very important that staff and their supervisor
complete a Work~Connections Injury or Illness Report Form which can be found online on the
Work~Connections website under FORMS.
This form documents the injury/illness and is used by the supervisor to look for things that
might be done to avoid future incidents. These incident reports are sent to both Occupational
Health Services (Fax 734-998-6562 or hand delivered by patient) and Work~Connections where
they are used to identify trends for safety improvement, to comply with state regulations and
to authorize treatment and wage benefits.
Questions regarding compensation, wage replacement, medical expenses, etc. should be
directed to Work~Connections. The local number to call is 734-615-0643. The toll free number
is 1-877-869-5266.
Updated January, 2013
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
Non-occupational injury/illness treatment
Occupational Health Services is not a primary care provider. However, we want to help UMHS
employees stay productive and healthy at work. We understand that it may be difficult for
UMHS employees to leave the medical campus to visit their PCP for an acute non-emergent
matter. Therefore, we offer limited services for simple, acute conditions that may be
diagnosed and treated in one visit (e.g. upper respiratory infections, such as colds, cough, sore
throat; seasonal allergy symptoms; ear infections; conjunctivitis; acute skin rashes and minor
skin infections; urinary tract infections; minor sprains/strains; blood pressure checks; etc.) This
service is free of charge to the employee and is on a strictly walk-in basis so there may be a wait
as they will be worked in between other scheduled OHS patients.
For other problems (e.g. abdominal pain, dizziness, chronic headaches, non-chronic
aches/pains), employees should be directed to their primary care provider or the Emergency
Please note, OHS is not the correct place to direct PTO use problems or off-work excuses.
Occupational Health Consultation
The staff of Occupational Health Services is available to answer questions regarding the
relationship between an employee’s job and their health and how to maximize their health on
the job.
Concerns and questions
For concerns about how an employee’s job may be affecting their health and what they can do
to improve their safety at work, please call OHS at (734) 764-8021 and set up an appointment
for a consultation.
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS
Occupational Health Services
Monday - Friday; 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
A provider is available by pager (#5356) 24-7 for evaluation of body substance exposures.
After hours, injuries and other urgent concerns should be directed to the UMHS Emergency
How to Contact Us
Occupational Health Services is located on the third floor of the Med Inn Building.
C380 Med Inn Building, Box 0838
University of Michigan Hospitals
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5838
(734) 764-8021
(734) 763-7405
Directions to OHS
Driving directions can be found on the OHS Web site at:
A Map of the Med Inn Building can be found at:
Parking is available for OHS off-site patients in the Med Inn flat lot between the Med Inn
Building and the CVC. Several spots are designated for OHS patients.
Updated January, 2013
©2004 UM-HRD, UMHS