Marketing 373_01: Social Media & Digital Marketing Course Syllabus –Spring 2016 Course Location: Meeting Times: Instructor: Office Hours: Office: Office phone: Email: Garrett Hall Room 06 Monday/Wednesday 2-3:15 pm Mrs. April Kemp Monday/Wednesday: 11 am-12 pm Tuesday 9:00-11:00 am, 1 pm- 2pm & Thursday 1 pm-2 pm Virtual Hours (through e-mail) Friday 9 am-1 pm *Or by appointment (Call or e-mail to set up) Garrett Hall 066 985-549-3948 *Please always send from Southeastern e-mail, specify MRKT373 University Catalogue General Course Description Credit 3 hours. Prerequisite: MRKT 303 and Junior Standing. A course in the development and use of social and digital media in marketing. Social media, mobile applications of marketing and the use of developing technologies to augment and expand marketing impact. College of Business Learning Goals: Activities in this class are designed to help achieve the following College of Business Learning Goals: Functional Business Knowledge, Global Understanding, and Understanding of Ethical Issues. Course Objectives This course is a Real-World Ready class that incorporates an experiential-learning component to supplement the classroom instruction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To help students recognize the role and changing landscape of social and digital media in marketing. To recognize and be able to create a marketing strategy using social media/digital platforms. To give examples of various current and upcoming social media/digital platforms for use in marketing. To apply or use social media and digital (mobile) platforms for customer relationship marketing. To apply professional (discipline-specific) knowledge in an authentic setting using social and digital marketing media; 6. To demonstrate effective oral and written communication in a professionally authentic form; 7. To reflect on work—identifying strengths and weaknesses of product and process, and deriving directions for future efforts; and 8. To reflect a commitment to quality work. Textbook Internet Marketing Essentials. Larson & Draper. Stukent. Online Textbook at *You will receive an e-mail from me to login to the online textbook. Assessment Grades will be assigned based on the grading scale below: Letter grade of A= 90% of total points possible – 100% Letter grade of B=80% of total points possible – 89% Letter grade of C=70% of total points possible – 79% Letter grade of D=60% of total points possible – 69% Letter grade of F=Below 60% of total points possible Your grade will consist of the following components: Assignment LinkedIn Profile Updated Tests Project/Assignments/Presentation Class Participation Total Points Points 10 200-300 150-200 50 410-560 Assignments Assignments should be typed and written in a professional manner. Points may be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors. Also, some of your assessed work in this course may also be used to assess the level of achievement of learning objectives as required for accreditation purposes. The findings may be used to create changes aimed at improving the quality of the course. All information used for such purposes will be treated confidentially. LinkedIn Profile You will need to submit a MSWord file that contains a link to your Updated LinkedIn Profile. We will discuss details of this assignment in class. This assignment is due on Moodle by Friday, January 29, 2016. Attendance and Make-up policy You are expected to attend every class. Your questions and insights on marketing concepts we will discuss will help us all become business professionals. You cannot ‘recreate’ the classroom experience that you missed by borrowing notes, visiting my office or talking with your friend. A missed class is a missed opportunity to expand your own knowledge and that of your fellow students. Please Note: The last day to withdraw from a class without grade penalty is Thursday, March 24th by 5 pm. If you intend to withdraw from this class, YOU must initiate the paperwork. The instructor will not withdraw you automatically. Tests and assignments are scheduled well in advance. Therefore, I do not accept late assignments. If you must miss a test, please notify the instructor BEFORE the test. Make-ups on missed exams may be given at the instructor’s discretion. The University will be closed for Martin Luther King Holiday-January 18, Mardi Gras-February 8-12, Spring Break-March 25-April 1. Classroom Decorum Free discussion, inquiry, and expression is encouraged in this class. Classroom behavior that interferes with either (a) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of students to benefit from the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include routinely entering class late or departing early; use of cellular telephones, or other electronic devices; repeatedly talking in class without being recognized; talking while others are speaking; or arguing in a way that is perceived as crossing the civility line. In the event of a situation where a student legitimately needs to carry a beeper/cellular telephone to class, prior notice and approval of the instructor is required. A cell phone going off during class, answering a call, reading or sending text messages, surfing the Internet, completing assignments for another class, playing games, taking selfies, and/or otherwise using an electronic device or phone during class may result in a deduction of 20 points on the next exam taken in the course. Classroom behavior which is deemed inappropriate may be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs for administrative or disciplinary review as per the Code of Student Conduct which may be found at E-Mail Communication Please use only your Southeastern e-mail address when contacting me about the course. I will not respond to non-Southeastern e-mail addresses. Recall, that your Southeastern e-mail accounts are accessible through the Internet via "Web-Mail" which can be reached from the Southeastern homepage: Academic Integrity Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior that violates these standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, and improper acknowledgement of sources in essays and the use of a single essay or paper in more than one course without permission are considered very serious offenses and shall be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in the current General Catalogue. IMPORTANT NOTES: It is the policy of the University that the classroom is not a place for children, and that students are not to bring their family members for day care or baby-sitting. If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, Student Union, Room 1304. No accommodations will be granted without documentation from the Office of Disability Services. The deadline for registering or making accommodation changes is two weeks prior to the start of the Final Exam period. Any requests received after the deadline will generally be considered for the following semester. Social Media & Digital Marketing Spring 2016 Tentative Schedule Session 1 Dates January 13 2 January 20 3 January 25 & 27 4 February 1 & 3 5 February 8 & 10 Mardi Gras Break 6 February 15 & 17 Social Media Audits and Client Meetings 7 February 22 & 24 “Who Wants to be a Marketer” Review for Test 1 Test 1: Wednesday, February 24th 8 February 29 & March 2 5: Paid Search Marketing 6: Online Advertising 9 March 7 & 9 10 March 14 & 16 7: Landing Page Optimization 8: Analytics **Midterm Project Due: Website Updates & SEO “Who Wants to be a Marketer” Review for Test 2 Test 2-Wednesday, March 14th 11 March 21 & 23 12 March 28 & 30 13 April 4 & 6 10 & 11: Social Media 1 & 2 *Social Media Speaker 14 April 11 & 13 15 April 18 & 20 16 April 25 & 27 12: Online PR & ORM 13: Mobile Marketing Group Meetings E-mail Marketing Campaigns & Social Media Content Calendars Due Project Presentations Rehearsal 17 May 2 & 4 Project Presentations 18 May 9-13 Final: Wednesday, May 11, 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Chapter(s) Course Introduction & Syllabus Review Activate Stukent Account Review Client Selection Process January 18th-Martin Luther King Holiday LinkedIn and Personal Branding 1: Internet Marketing Foundations 2: How Search Engines Work *Form groups & choose Clients this week *LinkedIn Profile and Syllabus Validation due by Friday, January 29th at 5 pm. 3: On-Site SEO 4: Off-Site SEO 9: E-mail Marketing *E-mail Marketing Speaker *The last day to withdraw from a class without grade penalty is Thursday, March 24th by 5 pm Spring Break Tuesday, May 17th is the last day to return rental textbooks without a fine. Friday, May 20th. Rental books must be purchased if not returned by 12:30 p.m. *Note: In the event of the University closing for a disaster such as a hurricane or snowstorm, please refer to Moodle for your assignment.