Rubrics Cube: Development of Six Rubrics to Aid with

Rubrics Cube: Development of
Six Rubrics to Aid with Student
Performance Assessment
Marcy Kelly, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Biology
and Health Sciences
Pace University - NYC
UB Class of 1995
Biology 101 at Pace University
Biology 101 Discussion Group Program
Six Rubrics to Evaluate Student Learning
and Performance
Student Participation
Concept Maps
Exam question/answer level of difficulty
Lab reports
Student presentations
Student surveys/interviews
Biology 101 at Pace University-NYC
Enrollment in Biology 101 at Pace University NYC typically
exceeds 100 students
The course has three components:
1. Lecture (45% of final grade)
2. Laboratory (20 students per section, 40%
of final grade)
3. Discussion Group (10 students per
section, 15% of final grade).
The Discussion Group Program was developed in order to
ensure an environment that promotes active learning
outside of the lecture setting.
Biology 101 Discussion Group
Students registering for Biology 101, must coregister for a discussion group section
Each section is capped at 10 students
Each section is facilitated by a peer leader
During each session, the students work on
problem sets (modules) that reflect the materials
covered in lecture
The peer leaders evaluate their students’
performance based upon their level of
participation and their execution of specific tasks
Biology 101 Discussion Group Peer
The peer leaders are undergraduate students that
were selected based upon their past performance in
Biology 101
Peer Leaders must attend a full day training session
prior to the beginning of the academic year
The training session focuses on:
Different student learning styles
Process – the answer is NOT important
Small group facilitation
Grading rubrics
During the academic year, I meet with the peer
leaders on a weekly basis
A Discussion Group Session at Pace
Rubric 1:
Participation in Discussion Group
The peer leaders are asked to be my eyes and ears
during each discussion group session (I do visit
occasionally but, with 10 or more sections a semester…)
They are asked to evaluate student participation using
quantitative and qualitative methods
1. Quantitative – rank participation numerically
compared to others in section
2. Qualitative – prepare a narrative of all comments
made during session
* The peer leaders are asked to do this immediately
following each discussion group session.
What are the peer leaders looking
for when they evaluate
An excitement and willingness to
learn/understand the material.
Students that are willing to try to answer
the questions even if they’re not correct.
Students that help other students that
might be struggling
Students that effectively work together
in a group
ASMCUE Mock Discussion Group
Let’s try it!
1. 5 volunteers that are not afraid to act
out a part in front of their colleagues
and peers!
2. An audience to evaluate the
participation of each volunteer
(that’s everyone else!)
Michael Gaines *, Beth Gaydos**, and Joseph Griswold+
(*University of Miami, **San Jose City College, +City College of New York)
I. Introduction
Biology is the scientific study of life. Consistent with other science disciplines is the basic
assumption among biologists that living things obey the same physical and chemical principles
and laws that apply to non-living parts of our world. To understand Biology, one needs
understand the process by which biologists gather and test their information about the living
world—how they answer scientific questions. If the function of science is to find truth, how
does science differ from other methods of searching for truth such as astrology or religion?
Scientist use an approach, sometimes called the scientific method to answer questions about
living things. It is a complex process that includes the hypothetico-deductive method, and
requires a variety of skills and knowledge—often provided by a team of individuals working
together. The basics of the scientific method can be mastered and used effectively by students,
not only in biology classes, but in many life activities where questions need to be answered and
decisions made. In this module you will have an opportunity to learn the basic elements and
how to apply them. We hope you will see the applications to your daily life and adopt it in your
own thinking.
Prepare for your workshop by reading your textbook (Campbell & Reese 7th edition, Chapter
1) and and be sure that you are familiar with the following terms:
1. scientific observation
2. control
3. control group
4. experimental group
5. hypothesis
6. prediction
7. deductive reasoning
9. independent variable
10. dependent variable
11. nuisance variable
12. hypothetico-deductive method
13. theory
14. experiment
13. data
14. scientific (empirical) question
inductive reasoning
II. Workshop Activity.
Great Discovery Integration. Team competition. Divide the workshop into two teams.
Members of the team should organize themselves to each do different parts of the story and then
put them all together. The first group to finish notifies the peer leader and has the first chance to
explain how the story illustrates the critical elements of the process. The second team takes
notes and then presents their own improvements or variations. The peer leader announces a
decision on the winner.
Put the following story about Edward Jenner into the steps of the scientific method. Refer to PreWorkshop Activity 1 to make sure you include the essential elements.
Edward Jenner first developed the technique of vaccination in 1795. This was
the result of a 26-year study of two diseases, cowpox and smallpox. Cowpox
was known as vaccinae. From this word evolved the present term vaccination
and vaccine. Jenner observed that milkmaids rarely became sick with
smallpox, but they developed pocklike sores after milking cows infected with
cowpox. This led him to perform an experiment in which he transferred
pusslike material from the cowpox to human skin. Because the two disease
organisms are so closely related, the person vaccinated with cowpox developed
an immunity (resistance) to the smallpox virus. The reaction to cowpox was
minor in comparison to smallpox. Public reaction was mixed. Some people
thought that vaccination was a work of the devil. Thomas Jefferson had his
family vaccinated. In 1979, almost 200 years after Jenner developed his
vaccination the Centers of Disease Control and the World Health Organization
declared that smallpox was extinct.
Rubric 2:
Concept Maps
The peer leaders are sometimes asked to
evaluate specific tasks that their students
perform – such as concept map development
Additionally, I have asked the students to design
concept maps in lecture to test their
Finally, I have asked the students to design
concept maps to assess the impact of the
discussion group program on their learning for a
pedagogical research study (JMBE 2007 8:1321)
What is a concept map?
Concept mapping is a technique for visualizing the
relationships between different concepts. A concept
map is a diagram showing the relationships between
concepts. Concepts are connected with labeled arrows,
in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. The
relationship between concepts is articulated in linking
phrases, e.g., "gives rise to", "results in", "is required
by," or "contributes to".
The technique of concept mapping was developed by
Joseph D. Novak at Cornell University in the 1970s, as a
way to increase meaningful learning in the sciences.
- Wikipedia
Examples of Simple Concept Maps
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Bright Colors
Rain Clouds
Pot of Gold
Push Pin
Example of a More Complex
Concept Map, The Theory
Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them Joseph D. Novak & Alberto J. Cañas
Evaluation of Concept Maps
Did the student pick the right central
Did the map that the student
constructed make sense overall?
Number of propositions?
Propositions – 2 or more concepts connected by a line with linking words or
phrases to form a meaningful statement.)
Number of crosslinks?
Crosslinks – links between concepts in different segments of the domains within a
concept map.
Sample Concept Map Rubric
Accurate central concept – 10 points
Concept map makes sense overall – 5 points
Correct propositions – 1 point each
Correct crosslinks – 10 points each
Total score/highest score in class x 100 = grade
Alternatively, you could design a map that you find
acceptable and grade your students’ maps
against yours
ASMCUE Mock Concept Mapping
Let’s try it!
1. Split classroom in ½
2. Each half should then split into groups of no
more than 5 individuals
3. One half of room work on concept map 1 and
other half work on concept map 2
4. Once completed, have a group on the other
side of the room “grade” your groups map
Concept Map Directions
General Directions
a. Look over the appropriate list of terms and decide what the central concept is for
the list.
b. Develop a concept map for the list with the focus on explaining the central
List for Concept Map 1: DNA double helix, single DNA strand,
nucleotide, hydrogen bonding, DNA polymerase, leading strand,
lagging strand, meiosis, 5’ end, 3’ end, A, C, T, G,
complementary DNA strand.
List for Concept Map 2: DNA template, single ribonucleotides,
RNA polymerase, promoters, initial RNA transcript, RNA
splicing, mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, triplets, and codons.
Rubric 3: Exam question/answer
level of difficulty
point value
point value
Requires that the student recalls data or information directly. Memorized facts.
Requires that the student understands the meaning, translation, and interpretation
of instructions and problems. States a problem in one’s own words.
Student uses a concept in a new situation. Applies what was learned in the
classroom into novel situations.
Separates material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational
structure may be understood. Demonstrates a students’ ability to distinguish
between facts and inferences.
Student builds a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Puts parts together to
form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaning or structure.
Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials.
From which category is each
question below?
Can the world exist without RNA? - Analysis
Calcium efflux in the thick ascending Loop of
Henle, is it real? - Synthesis
Though plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all
have cell walls, we classify them under
different taxonomic units. What is the basis
for placing these organisms in different taxa?
- Comprehension
From which category is each
question below?
Prepare a critical review of the following
primary literature citations… - Evaluation
What is the most common compound in the
cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria? - Knowledge
Jams, jellies, preserves, honey, and other
foodstuffs with a high sugar content hardly
ever become contaminated by bacteria, even
when the food containers are left open at
room temperature. This is because bacteria
that encounter such an environment _____.
- Application
Rubric 4:
Lab Reports
Use same question level of difficulty chart to
determine points allotted to each component of
the report
1. Abstract - Comprehension
2. Introduction - Synthesis
3. Materials and Methods - Knowledge
4. Results - Analysis
5. Discussion - Evaluation
6. Citations - Knowledge
Rubric 4:
Lab Reports
TITLE - 5 points
* Laboratory reports should have a separate title page
* Name of the enzyme - 1 point
* Organism from which the enzyme was extracted - 1 point
* Conditions tested - 2 points
* Title clear and concise - 1 point
ABSTRACT - 10 points
* Name of the enzyme - 1 point
* Organism from which the enzyme was extracted - 1point
* Name of the competitive inhibitor tested - 1 point
* Temperatures tested - 1 point
* pH’s tested - 1 point
* Brief summary of results - 5 points
INTRODUCTION - 20 points
* What is an enzyme? - 2 points
* Explanation of enzyme structure - 3 points
* How do enzymes function? - 3 points
* What reaction does peroxidase catalyze? 1 point
* How do competitive inhibitors work? 3 points
* Hypotheses:
Temperature (including boiling) - 4 points
pH - 2 points
Hydroxylamine - 2 points
* Source of the protocol - 1 point
* Changes to the protocol - 1 point
RESULTS - 35 points
* Graph 1 – Volume of turnip extract - 4 points
* Graph 2 – Temperature graph - 5 points
* Graph 3 – pH graph - 5 points
* Graph 4 – Boiled extract graph - 4 points
* Graph 5 – Hydroxylamine graph - 4 points
* Graph 6 – Temperature derivative graph – 4 points
* Graph 7 – pH derivative graph – 4 points
* Brief written description of what your tables/graphs demonstrated (Refer to
graph numbers in your description so your reader knows which graph you are
describing) - 5 points
DISCUSSION - 18 points
* How do you explain the effect of the various temperatures on the activity of the
peroxidase enzyme (discuss each temperature individually)? - 4 points
* How do you explain the effect of the various pH’s on the activity of the
peroxidase enzyme (discuss each pH individually)? - 4 points
* What effect did boiling the extract have on the activity of the peroxidase
enzyme and why did it have this effect? - 4 points
* What was the effect of hydroxylamine treatment on peroxidase activity and
how do you explain your results? - 4 points
* Include any further work that you feel would be needed to test your explanations. - 2
CITATIONS - 2 points
* Use format in appendix D (pg 445) of the laboratory manual
* Your sentences make sense and you were concise
* No more than 10 grammar/misspelling/punctuation/typographical errors
Rubric 5:
Student Presentations
Use same question level of difficulty chart to determine
points allotted to each component of the presentation
1. Title Slide - Knowledge
2. Hypothesis/Objectives Slide(s) - Synthesis
3. Materials and Methods Slide(s) - Knowledge
4. Table/Figure that Student is Presenting - Knowledge
5. Summary of Results Slide(s) - Analysis
6. Discussion/Conclusions Slide(s) - Evaluation
7. Presentation style/Overall organization - Synthesis
8. Questions from audience - Analysis
Rubric 6:
Student Surveys/Interviews
Student Surveys – Likert scale surveys are easiest to
* Student Assessment of Learning Gains
Student Interviews/Comments – Qualitative assessment
tool, code comments
* Look for keywords (visual aids, interactions, reflection,
relate material, focus, repetition, critical thinking)
* Keywords that require looking into – interesting,
exciting, learn, boring
* Evaluate frequency of comments– how often are
similar comments made?
Further Assistance with Rubric
Rubistar –
Stevens, D.D. and Levi, A.J. 2005. Introduction
to rubrics: an assessment tool to save grading
time, convey effective feedback, and promote
student learning. Stylus Publishers, Inc.,
Sterling VA
Thank you!!!!
University at Buffalo and Dr. Jerry
ASM Scholars in Residence Program
Fall 2005 Biology 101 students and peer
Dr. Richard Schlesinger and Biology
faculty, Pace University