Ch. 10 Notes Intro – Big Picture CH 10 NOTES Government under the NEW Constitution ***** [Shaky Start] “Critical Period”/ “Federalist Era” – 1790’s ↓ G. Washington - John Adams 1st pres. 2nd pres. Foreign Policy & Democratic Crisis Hamilton’s Financial Program (French Rev.) (Whisky Rebellion)(Political Parties Development) (neutrality?) ( Alien-Sed. Act- Nullification… VA- KY resolutions) [Major Test] → Development of 1st Political Parties in GW’s 2nd Term…eventually by 1800… Power transfers peacefully from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson Republicans) *****PEACEFULLY- Revolution of 1800- (election of 1800)****** To Consider: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 67- During and after the colonial war for independence, various tribes attempted to forge advantageous political alliances with one another and with European powers to protect their interests, limit migration of white settlers, and maintain their tribal lands. (Little Turtle and the Miami Confederacy in present day Indiana Area….Choctaw Wars in West GA (now Alabama) are coming soon which will open up deep South lands to huge Cotton Plantations) The continued presence of European powers in North America, (British Remain in Forts along the Great Lakes due to USA’s lack of compliance with Treaty of Paris provisions to return land to Loyalists and repay their debts…because GB can…too powerful), challenged the United States to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests. Also Spanish in New Orleans and Louisiana territory block USA shipping on Mississippi River…which caused panic in West… both Spain and Britain encourage western Indian Tribes to harass American settlers… (above) The French Revolution’s spread throughout Europe and beyond helped fuel Americans’ debate not only about the nature of the United States’ domestic order but also about its proper role in the world… this issue cements the status of the 1st two Political Parties (Federalists and Democratic-Republicans) and is one of the main issues that divides the Nation. Although George Washington’s Farewell Address warned about the dangers of divisive political parties and permanent foreign alliances, European conflict and tensions with Britain and France fueled increasingly bitter partisan debates throughout the 1790s. As the first national administrations began to govern under the Constitution, continued debates about such issues as the relationship (who has the power) between the national government and the states, economic policy, and the conduct of foreign affairs led to the creation of political parties. • Alien and Sedition ActsKentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Hamilton’s Financial Plan, Proclamation of Neutrality & Jay’s Treaty. As national political institutions developed in the new United States, varying regionally based positions on economic, political, social, and foreign policy issues promoted the development of political parties. The expansion of slavery in the lower South and adjacent western lands, and its gradual disappearance elsewhere, began to create distinctive regional attitudes toward the institution. Chapter 10 Notes Part 1 1790 census- 4 million pop. x2 every 25 years-- 90% rural 5th city Baltimore. Vermont=14th state (Kentucky-15, tennessee-16 & Ohio-17 by 1804) GW /VP: John Adams 2 Terms (1789-1796) Unanimous choice (only president ever honored) Monroe-all but 1 elec. Vote…. NYC Temp Capital GW’s Cabinet: TJ Sec State, A Hamilton Sec Treasury, H Knox Sec War, Edmund Randolph Atty. Gen. 1st acts of congress Bill of Rights- Passed by Madison’s Work amendments proposed 2 ways: 1. Constitutional Convention by states (Danger) why? 2. 2/3 vote combined congress/ approved by states (Madison’s Choice) Why? a. review appendix (A44) 9th - not all rights....unwritten reserved to people [no way to list them all] 10th- Reserves all rights not explicitly delegates or prohibited by the Fed. Const. to the STATES and/or the PEOPLE****** ****Basis for “States Rights” Federal Courts - Judiciary Acts of 1789- Article III of the Constitution Created Supreme Court- Chief Justice (J.Jay) and 5 associate justices ***6? Federal circuit of district courts Attorney General - Edmund Randolph *****Hamilton’s Financial Plan (lead to the formation of political parties) Urged Congress to: 1. Fund national debt “At Par” (face value of bonds)- currently worth 10-15 cents on the dollar* 2. Assume State Debt- deal with Jeff. [DC in VA]* *1st report on public credit Why? ● Support of wealthy- key to success of “Federal Government” ● The more people whom the Gov owed money, the more people with a stake in seeing it a success Revenue?--Report on manufactures -opposed jeff’s view of agrarian nation *****Tariffs- dependant on strong foreign trade, protect infant industry 8% *North approve, south against=key issue later excise taxes- whiskey 7cents a gallon (Whiskey Rebellion 1794 crushed) *Power of new Gov’t was an army of 13,000 (No Mobs) Where do we handle the $ of the country? Bank of US-2nd rpt. on public credit P. 195 Private...Gov’t major stockholder(20%)...surplus gov’t $...print & supply stable nat’l currency ***1st Bank of US proposed - GW asks TJ & AH to submit proposal in writing CONSTITUTIONAL???? TJ=no AH= yes IMPORTANT TJ & Madison oppose - based on 10th amend, states should have right to charter banks STRICT VIEW OF CONSTITUTION A. Hamilton - based on “implied powers” / necessary and proper/ elastic clause of Const. LOOSE VIEW OF CONSTITUTION Tj said that the 10th amendment forbade the bank because “all powers not explicitly given to Fed gov’t were left to the states and/or the people” ● States right view AH said that based on the FG’s power to tax & regulate trade (const) it was not just necessary but, proper for the FG to have a bank. “elastic clause” Eventually GW supported AH and the 1st Bank of the US was chartered in 1791 for 20 years. Hamilton’s financial plan ruled a huge success by historians - within 5 years there was prosperity Political Parties Hamilton’s Financial plan, the Whiskey Rebellion (crushed by 13,00 troops under GW), and GW/Federalists non support for French during Fr. Rev. (Jay Treaty)- Creates a Divide in the nation Federalists - supporters of strong national government/ manufacturing Hamilton / J Adams / New England Anglophiles / wealthy industrial Democratic Republicans - supporters of states rights/ agrarian TJ / Madison / Francophiles / South Farmers French Revolution further divides parties and nation. 1789-1817. 26years ● HUGE effect on USA Early Period 1789-1793 peaceful = Supported by both parties Reign of Terror 1793 = bloody and repulsed by many Americans British and French @ War 1793 World War impacts America What would America’s response be?? Treaty of 1778 - guaranteed US supporting France (What would GW do?) GW’s Neutrality Proclamation 1793- US & it’s citizens neutral (isolationist precedent) Treaty with France?? Supposedly FOREVER Dem-Rep. support France Genet incident America is too weak at the present time, needed time to build... if caught in World War it could be the end of a nation--began isolationist Foreign Policy tradition on America***** No other treaties w/ foreign countries w/ military guarantee of support until after 1940’s (N.A.T.O.) Ch 10 pt 2 notes GW & Adams J Adams V.P to G.W GW & Indians ● British forts on US Soil (why?) ○ Fur Trade ○ “bottle up” Americans ● Miami Conference (8 indian tribes) - Little Turtle 1790-1795- Considered border of US (Ohio River) ○ 1790-91 - indians killed hundreds of US soldiers ○ 1795 - Gen. Wayne defeats indians @ battle of Fallen Timbers ● Treaty of Greenville 1795 ○ US receives most of Indiana and part of Ohio ○ Indians receive $ and rights to hunt on land - $9,000 per year The British and the Seas ● World War continues between Br. And Fr.... British attempt to starve French in West Indies ● British take 300+ US merchant ships and Impress hundreds of sailors ○ Leads to War of 1812 ● JAY TREATY 1794 - more than any issue - solidified dem-rep. party ○ British pays indemnity to US for Merchant ships ○ promise of future actions...WAR is going on ○ British promises to evacuate Forts on Frontier/stop aiding indians ○ US promises to pay pre-rev war debts ● Effects of JJ’s Treaty ○ unpopular @ home - Jay burned in effigy - DR’s gain Strength ○ Spain signs Pickney Treaty 1795 - concerned w/ US-BR relationship ■ ○ opens New Orleans and Mississippi river. gives top 1/2 of disputed florida territory Under Adams USA & France fights undeclared war for two years GW retires – Farewell address**** a written document - published ● 2 term tradition ● Farewell Address - warns of “entangling foreign alliances” none for over 100 years & Warns of “danger” of “political parties” ● Kept the nation out of war John Adams 2nd Pres. 1796 - 1800 1 term Mass. Former VP ● ELECTION of 1796 - JA v. TJ - 71-68 electoral votes ● Weird… JA is a Fed. TJ is a Dem/Rep ??? 2 diff. parties? ● TJ becomes VP, came in 2nd....changed in 1804 w/ 12th amendment Adams inherits World War - British vs French (silent war) Jay’s treaty causes France to seize American ships 300+ and imprison sailors JA sends group to France to negotiate....XYZ affair**** French officials want bribes (p. 203) etc... US refuses - Silent war, 2 years, begins.... federalists clamoring for WAR w/ France ***Department of Navy created US Navy (3 ships) Marines reconstituted (after Rev. War disbanded) Expansion of Army approved (up to 15,000) Fought primarily in West Indies Should we go to war? ● Would be popular....public supports ● JA decides War to be avoided at all costs (JA loses popularity) ○ “He kept us out of war” on tombstones ● Adams Sends ministers to France they are received by Napoleon (taken power) CONVENTION OF 1800 SIGNED - w/ France-Napoleopn ● Formally ends treaty of 1778 ● Us pays Shippers for Damages ● Saved Country from War & opens up good relations w/ France (La. Purchase 3 years later) High Federalists ● Meanwhile.... A Hamilton, leader of HF, hates Adams and pushes for war ● Federalists controlled congress passes 2 laws -***** Alien & Sedition act ○ purpose: To lessen support of Jefferson/Dem-rep ****Alien Act 1798 - (most became Dem-Rep’s) ● Residency requirement raised for 5 to 14 years ● Pres. Power to deport and or imprison “aliens” during crisis ****Sedition Act 1798 - (10 convicted) ● anyone who impeded policies of gov’t or falsely defamed it’s officials ● were subject to fines and or imprisonment...violation of 1st amend. speech & press? ● Wildy Popular and supported by Majority??? RESPONSE- HUGE******* Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions ● TJ pens Kentucky res. - Madison pens the Virginia res. These resolutions suggest “States” should “nullify” laws passed by congress ● Will see nullifying again (nullification controversy 1828-1830) Based on Compact Theory... the 13 sovereign states in creating the USA had entered into a “compact”/ contract with national government. The national government had broken contract with passage of Alien and Sedition acts... thus, the States should nullify, refuse to accept the laws because they are unconstitutional. Later used by CSA to explain secession in 1861. Remember, today the Supreme Court has the power to judge the Constitutionality of laws passed by Congress- this power is established in the Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison, 1803. It’s 1798 so this idea that the States would be the final arbiter of the constitutionality of laws passed by the federal congress is one that STATES RIGHTERS…want to beef up the power of the states v. fed. Gov’t. Federalist argue: that the contract or compact was with the PEOPLE not the states. “we the people” & Supremacy Clause in Constitution. No other states criticize the laws and the majority support. *****CHART P. 208