AP GOVERNMENT 2013-14 Vocabulary Unit ONE Miscellaneous Political Theory: US textbook Chapter 1 Capitalism Conservative Democracy Elite theory free market GDP Government Hyperpluralism Infrastructure Ideology The Constitution: Chapter 2 3/5 compromise Anti- federalist Articles of Confed. Auxiliary precautions Bicameral Bill of Attainder Bill of Rights Checks and balances Connecticut Comp. Consent of the Gov'd. Constitution Continental Congress Individualism Interest groups Liberal Libertarian Linkage institution Majority rule minority rights pluralism Policy agenda Policy gridlock Declaration of Independence Electoral College Ex post facto laws Factions Federalist Papers Federalists Informal amendment John Locke Judicial review Limited government Line item veto Marbury v. Madison Natural rights Political participation Popular sovereignty Populist Proportional representation Public goods Public policy Representation Secular Single-issue groups Socialism New Jersey Plan /Virginia Plan Pocket veto popular sovereignty Republic Separation of Powers/fusion of powers Speaker of the House Shay's Rebellion Social Contract Supremacy clause Writ of Habeas Corpus Democracy in a Comparative Setting: “Democratic Regimes” (handout and lecture) bicameral civil rights civil society constituency constitutional court democratization direct/indirect democracy electoral systems First past the post Government Head of Government Head of State Initiative civil liberties legitimacy judicial review (concrete vs abstract) Liberal/illiberal democracy mixed electoral system nation Parliamentary vs Presidential vs semi -presidential systems proportional representation referendum Regime Republicanism rule of law Separation of powers Single member district State Substantive/Procedural Democracy suffrage unicameral vote of no confidence Federalism Chapter 3 “Layer cake" federalism "Marble cake" federalism 10th amendment ADA Block grants Categorical grants Commerce clause Concurrent powers Confederation Cooperative fed. DOMA Devolution Dual federalism Elastic clause Enumerated powers Exclusive powers Extradition federalism Fiscal federalism Formula grants Full faith and credit Gibbons v. Ogden Implied powers Individual mandate McCulloch v. Maryland necessary and proper clause National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius No Child Left Behind Nullification doctrine privileges and immunities Republican Revolution reserved powers Sovereign immunity state's rights Supremacy clause unfunded mandates unitary government US v. Lopez US v Morrison Welfare reform Chapters 4 AND 5 Civil Rights/Civil Liberties "don’t ask, don’t tell” 13th amendment 14th amendment 15th amendment 19th amendment 1st amendment 2nd amendment 24th amendment 4th amendment 5th amendment 6th amendment 8th amendment Amicus curia ADA of 1990 Affirmative action Bill of Rights Civil liberties Civil rights Civil Rights Act of 1964 Clear and Present Danger Commercial speech Comparable worth Compelling interest standard Content neutral de facto segregation de jure segregation double jeopardy due process clause eminent domain equal protection clause ERA establishment clause ex post facto exclusionary rule free exercise clause fruit of the poisonous tree Fundamental rights test Grand jury indictment Good faith exception habeas corpus In forma pauperis Incorporation Independent expenditures Issue ads Jim Crow Laws Least restrictive means libel Literacy test Miranda rights plea bargain poll taxes prior restraint probable clause procedural due process Quasi-suspect Rational basis test Reasonable expectation of privacy right to privacy Scarcity doctrine search warrant selective incorporation separation of church and state slander Soft money Strict scrutiny Substantive Due Process suffrage Suspect classification symbolic speech takings clause Voting Rights Act of 1965 Wall of separation white primary Cases Adarand Const. Co.v. Pena Barron v. Baltimore Brown v. Board of Ed. Buckley v. Valeo Citizens United v FEC Craig v. Boren DC v Heller (and incorporation case facts) Employment Division vs Smith (peyote) Engel v Vitale Fisher v University of Texas(2013 aff axn) Gideon v. Wainwright Gitlow v. New York Gonzales vs Raich (medical marijuana) Griswold v. Connecticut Grutter v. Hollingsorth v Perry (2013 prop 8) Korematsu v. US Lawrence v. Texas Lemon vs Kurztman Mapp v. Ohio Miranda v. Arizona National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (“Obamacare”) Planned Parenthood v. Casey Plessy v. Ferguson Reed v. Reed Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke Reynolds vs US Roe v. Wade Shelby County v Holder (2013 VRA) Texas v. Johnson Tinker v. Des Moines US v Windsor ( 2013 DOMA)