Complete PowerPoint

Delivering RS/GIS training in
Eddie Hanebuth
Digital Quest Inc.
Toll Free 877-4REMOTE
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Mississippi Model
– Work in process
• Create Standards
– What can we work from?
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Mississippi Tech Prep
• 7th Grade Career Discovery
– Covers uses of GPS and discussions of
careers in RS/GIS
• 8th Grade Computer Discovery
– Hands on Computer applications of
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Mississippi Tech Prep
• 9th Grade Technology Discovery
– Spatial Technology Module, a 10- hour
“rotational” module.
• 10th Grade Technology Applications
– Applications of RS/GIS
• Science and Technology
– Community College Intro to RS/GIS
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
General Levels of Current
GIS/RS Training.
• Survey Courses
• Skill Building
• Application
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
General Levels of Current
GIS/RS Training.
• Survey Courses
– Learn about RS/GIS/GPS
• Intro level courses not skill building
• Rich sets of examples
• Shows wide range of GIS/RS examples
– Good for all levels of students
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
General Levels of Current
GIS/RS Training.
• Skill Building Courses
– Learn how to use the tools
• GIS Software
• Remote Sensing Software
• GPS and surveying tools
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
General Levels of Current
GIS/RS Training.
• Local Application Courses
– Are taking many forms
• Geographic area specific
• Industry Specific
• General Process Training
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
What is needed!
• Standards Based Courses
– Teach the Process of creating and working with
a RS/GIS project.
• Include…
– Survey course
– Skill Building
– Local Application Projects
• Based on a national Standard(s)
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
What is needed?
• Standards Based Courses (NSDI)
– Learn how to find list and describe data
– Be able to work with the Seven Primary
Information Layers
– Create and integrate your own data
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Teach How to Share Data
Slides and information by Susan Radke
at the Berkley GeoResearch Group
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Learn how to find list and
describe data
• The Federal Geographic Data Committee coordinates the
development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure
(NSDI). The NSDI encompasses policies, standards, and
procedures for organizations to cooperatively produce and
share geographic data. The 17 federal agencies that make
up the FGDC are developing the NSDI in cooperation with
organizations from state, local and tribal governments, the
academic community, and the private sector.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
What is the NSDI?
National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Executive Order 12906 April 13, 1994
Consistent means to share geographic data among all users
NSDI is defined as the technologies, policies, and
people necessary to promote sharing of geospatial
data throughout all levels of government,
the private and non-profit sectors, and the
academic community.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
How does the NSDI Clearinghouse work?
…it is a decentralized system of servers located on the Internet which
contain field-level descriptions of available digital spatial data.
This descriptive information, known as metadata, are collected
in a standard format to facilitate query and consistent presentation
across multiple participating sites.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Why Metadata ?
Each set of geospatial data has one record of metadata
stored for it.
Each node stores numerous metadata records about all
of the geospatial data associated with it. All metadata
records record the description of the data in the same way.
This metadata set is the catalogue of all geospatial data
associated with the node.
Once the node is linked to the NSDI Clearinghouse,
anyone can query the metadata on it to find
information about the geospatial data associated
with it.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Sample Metadata Fields
search keywords
Point of
Publication Date
Data set title
Project/Data Abstract
Presentation Format
Spatial Domain
Data Source
guidelines &
Project Description/Purpose
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Search NSDI Clearinghouse for
Geospatial Data
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Search NSDI Clearinghouse for
Geospatial Data
Full Clearinghouse search results:
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Search NSDI Clearinghouse for
Geospatial Data
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
What is the K12 Geospatial Data
Clearinghouse Node?
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
How does the K12 Geospatial Data
Clearinghouse Node work?
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Why is the K12 Geospatial Data
Clearinghouse Node important?
Enables students to prepare geospatial data in compliance with
federal standards for data collection, storage, transfer and
Links students and their data to worldwide geospatial data
Provides opportunity for students to perform
comparative studies using geospatial data collected by
other students implementing similar geospatial studies
(eg. GEODESY, Kids in Creeks, Adopt a Watershed,
GREEN Rivers).
Provides ongoing internet-based catalogue of
K12 GIS projects.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Incorporating GEODESY Datasets into
the K-12 Node
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Incorporating GEODESY Datasets into
the K-12 Node
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Incorporating GEODESY Datasets into
the K-12 Node
Browse graphics from metadata record:
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Incorporating GEODESY Datasets into
the K-12 Node
Browse table from metadata record: (www.bgrg.con/geodesy/datalist.html)
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How to get K-12 GIS Data via the Node
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Seven Primary Information
Must be able to work with Standard Data Layers.
Special Thanks to
Ron Birk from INTERMAP for the examples.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Elevation - refers to a spatially referenced
vertical position above or below a datum
– Includes:
• Elevations of Land Surfaces
• Depths below Water Surfaces
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• Geodetic Control - provides the means for
determining locations of features referenced
to common, nationally used horizontal and
vertical coordinate systems.
– It is essential ingredient in developing a
common coordinate reference for all
other geographic features
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Hydrography Surface Water
Shore Line
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Cadastral - (PLSS) Public Land Survey
Military reservations
National forests
State parks
and Others
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Transportation
Center lines of roads with id code, name and number attributes
Trails with feature id code (name and type)
Railroads with id code and type
Waterways with feature id code and name
Airports with feature id code and name
Ports with feature id code and name
Bridges and Tunnels with feature id code and name
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Governmental Boundaries
– Nation, States, and….
• Statistically equivalent areas including
Incorporated places
Consolidated Cities
Functioning and legal minor civil divisions
American Native Regional Corporations
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
• Digital Orthoimagery is a georeferenced
image prepared from a perspective
photograph or remotely sensed data in
which displacements of images due to
sensor orientation and terrain relief have
been removed.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Collect your own data
• Where do you find it?
• How do you create your own?
• How do I integrate the data into existing
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Even if you link to national
standards you must Make it
interesting to your students!
• Use Local Data including pieces of all the
primary data areas.
High Resolution Satellite Imagery.
Layers and Layers of GIS data
Multi spectral imagery
Use local Applications as Projects.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.
Come to my breakout
session tomorrow and I will
show you how.
Copyright 2000 Digital Quest Inc.