As We May Work - Traction Software

As We May Work
Andy van Dam
Brown University
April 17, 2008
My personal and selective history of hypertext
from Vannevar Bush's Memex to
Engelbart's NLS/Augment to
Brown's HES/FRESS/IGD and
Intermedia to Tim Berners-Lee's WWW
The age of the traditional WWW
Web 2.0/Enterprise 2.0
Traction TeamPage example
Speculations on the future of Enterprise 2.0
what facilities are still missing
what is needed to provide them
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Vannevar Bush – As We May Think
Memex (1945)
"As We May Think", Vannevar Bush
in The Atlantic Monthly, 1945
 purpose: to cope with
information explosion
 personal use
 microfilm-based, multi-media
 associative trails and
professional trail blazers
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Memex – antecedents
Japanese linked poetry
Renga and Basho
Western religious commentaries
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Engelbart's NLS (oNLine System) - 1968
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Engelbart's NLS (oNLine System) - 1968
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Engelbart's NLS (oNLine System) - 1968
"Mother of All Demos" (1968)
 Bush's vision influenced Engelbart to devote his
career to augmentation of human intellect
gestation since 1951
forerunners of NLS in the mid-60's
Focus – collaborative work groups
 Technologies introduced
mini-computer + video terminals with mouse, keyboard
collaboration tools for co-located as well distributed
simultaneous voice and screen sharing
chalk-passing protocol for control of cursor
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
My personal history - overview
Brown University projects
1967: HES (Hypertext Editing System)
1968: FRESS (File Retrieval and Editing System)
partnership with Ted Nelson
influenced by HES and Engelbart's NLS
1979: IGD (Interactive Graphical Documents)
1982: Intermedia
1990: EBT (Electronic Book Technologies)
1995: Brown/MIT Bush Symposium in honor of
50th Anniversary of "As We May Think"
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
HES (Hypertext Editing System) - 1967
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
HES (Hypertext Editing System) - 1967
Inspired by Theodor Nelson's vision of hypertext
Ted as co-designer
Experiment with non-linear information structures
based on fine-grained links
e.g. cross-linked database of electro-plating patents
Read/write tool, no access controls
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
HES (Hypertext Editing System) - 1967
Simple graphical interface
commands provided via simple function keypad.
insertion points and character strings indicated with
light pen
Produced NASA Apollo documentation
Expensive System 360/50 mainframe hardware
with expensive IBM 2250 vector display
thus single user
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
FRESS (File Retrieval&Editing System)-1968
Influenced by HES and Engelbart's NLS
 information structures
o preserved HES's arbitrary length text
o fine-grained links now bi-directional and tagged
o completely difference data structures for scalability
 user interface
o vector graphics, soft fonts, e.g., Greek
o added NLS-style hierarchy, and access and viewing
controls ("view specs") down to the character level
o supported both a primitive GUI and an NLS-like
command language for less capable terminals
 intrinsically multi-user via time-sharing system and cheap
Used in production in a variety of courses and projects
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
FRESS (File Retrieval&Editing System)-1968
Influenced by HES and Engelbart's NLS
information structures
user interface
preserved HES's arbitrary length text
plus optional NLS-style hierarchy
fine-grained links now bi-directional and tagged
emphasis on scalability, e.g., new data structure
both a primitive GUI, and for less capable terminals, an NLS-like
command language
access and viewing controls ("view specs") down to character level
vector graphics, soft fonts, e.g., Greek
intrinsically multi-user
time-sharing system and cheap terminals
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
FRESS (File Retrieval&Editing System)-1968
Used in production in a variety of courses and projects
1975 - used in a course on "Man, Energy, and
1976 - used in a course on the critical analysis of
British and American poetry
sponsored by Exxon
sponsored by NEH (National Endowment for Humanities)
rich interlinked corpus of poetry, professional criticism, and student
commentary based on hundreds of source documents
First online collaborative scholarly community
every student and instructor read and commented on everyone else's
online analyses
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
IGD (Interactive Graphical Documents)-1979
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
IGD (Interactive Graphical Documents)-1979
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
IGD (Interactive Graphical Documents)-1979
Inverted the text focus of HES and FRESS
overviews with directed graphs of page icons
simple animations
automatically generated timelines, tag lists for visual
Oriented towards online e-books
primarily for technical documentation, e.g., sonar
Context-sensitive links and trails
access control
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Intermedia – IRIS (Institute for Research in
Information and Scholarship) - 1982
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Intermedia – IRIS (Institute for Research in
Information and Scholarship) - 1982
Object-oriented on all levels
Separate link database
allowed multiple link sets ("webs") over same content
Unix-style access control
arbitrary nesting of objects
person-group-world: read-write-execute
Used in multiple courses
cell biology
planetary geology
Context 32 (a literature course)
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
EBT (Electronic Book Technologies) - 1990
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
EBT (Electronic Book Technologies) - 1990
Spinout from Brown University
Combined two previously unconnected technologies
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
Commercial product
focused on real-world needs of groups, e.g., Boeing
production and use of technical documentation
stylesheet-driven behavior and appearance
DynaText- standalone reader
DynaBase – content management platform
DynaWeb – browser-based
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Summary of pre-WWW contributions
Non-linear & multi-media information structures
branching trails within bi-directional graphs, even
bi-directional, fine-grained, tagged links
conditional links
Read/write interactive user interfaces
Access & viewing controls
However: all were closed systems!
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
The age of the traditional WWW – 1991
Strengths from the beginning
from closed systems to open and universal access
textual links you can edit and email
a platform that makes it possible to build search
engines and other apps over WWW. no one had to ask
much lower cost of entry for application development
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
The age of the traditional WWW – 1991
Strengths from the beginning
open and universal access
textual links that can be edited and emailed
universal development platform
Web-centric crawlers, search engines, and applications
much more lightweight, agile development
therefore, much lower cost of entry for application
enables ASPs (Application Services Providers)
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
The age of the traditional WWW – 1991
read-only; authoring became a form of programming
HTML lost the huge advantage of SGML's
generality, e.g. locked into predefined tag set
XML can be thought of as modern SGML
page-replace to follow a link; no visualization of "you
are here"
non-permanent and thus fragile (the dreaded 404!)
Note: some of these limitations are browser
limitations rather than intrinsic
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
The age of the traditional WWW – 1991
read-only + forms
authoring became a form of programming
HTML lost the huge advantage of SGML's generality
locked into predefined tag set
XML can be thought of as modern SGML
links as unconditional & uni-directional 'goto' pointers
loss of context - no visualization of "you are here"
non-permanent and thus fragile (the dreaded 404!)
Note: some of these limitations are browser
limitations rather than intrinsic WWW limitations
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Web 2.0 – "Back to the Future"
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Web 2.0 - forces driving change
WWW platform and applications pervade all areas of life
lightweight interactive tools lower development barriers vs. traditional
transactional ERP suites
social network is THE incumbent technology for young adults
"NextGen" lives on web and does instant communications
open source movement
collaborative and emergent (bottom-up) intelligence as change drivers
employees expect their corporate environment to work like the web
new communication tools lead to breakdown of traditional hierarchy
virtual organizations emerge within old structures
niche markets become viable due web-based marketing – "long tail"
design cycles accelerate; product lives measured in months
crowdsourcing ("open innovation") experiments, e.g., Proctor and Gamble
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Web 2.0 –> Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Web 2.0 - components
User experience
Tools for users
blogs, wikis, social networking, e.g., MySpace, FaceBook, Mixi,
and location-based mobile social networks, e.g., GyPSii
tagging ("social bookmarking"), collaborative filtering,
3D virtual worlds, e.g., Second Life, multi-user online role-playing
games, e.g., Lord of the Rings Online
search engines
aggregators, e.g., RSS news readers
mashup tools, e.g., Google Mashup Editor, MSFT Popfly, Yahoo Pipes
web authoring, e.g., Adobe Creative Suite™, Microsoft Expression™
Google applications, e.g., Maps, gmail, ... and Google Apps
Tools for developers
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) for expression and UI
Adobe Flex™ & Microsoft Silverlight™ web application frameworks
SOA (Service Oriented
Architectures) for Web services
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
World Wide Telescope Features
Multiple wavelength sky image sets
Links to image and data sources
Simple rich media authoring across
multiple image data sets
Robotic telescope control
Seamless zooming and panning
Communities and KML support
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
3D Earth, planets and panorama data sets
Gigapixel image panoramas
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 provides: "capabilities"
interaction – moving from passive read-only back to active medium
collaboration support
Enterprise 2.0
but also vulnerabilities: much use of the web is still "too trusting",
e.g., wiki sabotage and cyberterrorism
Enterprise 2.0 needs: "guarantees"
stable content and links – robustness
ability to work within boundaries – security
easier peer-to-peer awareness and collaboration - lateralization
Example: FRESS viewing and editing controls
an early (1972) example of boundaries and spaces, e.g.
proposal = main body + summary budget + breakout pages with
(elided) salaries
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Traction TeamPage example
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Traction TeamPage example
Robust, secure, and linked 'spaces'
interoperates with WWW
version control of internal structure
permanent content and links
wiki and weblog style editable hypertext in spaces
Spaces define boundaries for customer,
partner, and internal group work
spaces carry role-based and individual permission
search results, tag clouds, drill-down use permissions
provides global views over many active spaces
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Future - what facilities are needed?
Relationships among groups in business are
important but difficult to visualize
when entering a space (office, conference room, or
you know who the audience is, and
you know how to interact, using many social and visual cues
should be just as clear and simple in social software
Enterprise 2.0 software designers
must learn to think more like architects, who design spaces for
social purposes
but the Internet is much bigger (and more complex, even
more potentially dangerous) than any physical building
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Future - what facilities are needed? (2/2)
Data security and permanence
corporate data critical to the survival of the enterprise
heterogeneous combination of transactional and semi-structured data,
e.g., databases, memos, email, white papers, websites, ...
Enterprise 2.0 activities must integrate traditional data
Web-based SOA “applications” aggregate distributed functionality
via WSDL (Web Services Description Language), XSD (XML schema), …
dynamic, real-time data access
interconnection of multiple heterogeneous data sources and functions
but because of potential of introducing “exploits”, need guarantees!!!
Above all – ease of use!
legacy technology inertia very hard to overcome
needs strong incentives to change
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
Future – what do we need to do to make it
Learn from historical experience and apply it
assign economic value to lessons learned
expect everyone to be able to write as well as read
develop simple, effective metaphors and models
Learn how to design well for group use
to support very large numbers of groups (scalability!)
make social software easy to understand and use, safe
Educate students and teach employees
in development and effective use of Web 2.0 tools
and applying Enterprise 2.0 principles
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008
“To Infinity and Beyond…”
Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2008 Tokyo – April 17, 2008