2) Why is isopropyl alcohol dangerous?


1) What over-the-counter liquid contains isopropyl alcohol?

2) Why is isopropyl alcohol dangerous?

1) Some rubbing alcohol

2) It causes respiratory depression/arrest with relatively low blood levels, as well as causing resp. or G.I. hemorrhage

When one “checks leads” in early asystole, what are you looking for?

Evidence of V. Fib in leads I or III

(also to make sure they’re attached!)

What are the classic VS changes associated with increased ICP?

decreased pulse increased BP altered respiratory pattern

Haldol and Prolixin are what class of drug?


Name two reasons why some drowning victims are able to tolerate anoxia for longer periods of time than other victims are.

1) Cold water decreases body temp ==> decreases metabolism and O2 requirements

2) No struggling equals lower O2 need

3) Diving reflex (bradycardia)

Describe Cheyne-Stokes respirations

A cycle of:

-Gradual increase in respiratory rate and depth

- Gradual decrease in rate and depth

-Period of apnea

What is the most reliable sign of imminent delivery of a baby?


What are five reasons that you may not feel a carotid pulse with

CPR chest compressions?

1) tension pneumothorax

2) pulmonary embolus

3) cardiac tamponade

4) poor CPR technique

5) hypovolemia

What is the normal total blood volume in an adult?

5-6 liters

(10-12 pints)

In what group of people is sickle cell anemia most common?

African Americans


What is the basic pathology of sickle cell crisis?

Occlusion of circulation by sickled cells

What is the pre-hospital treatment for sickle cell?

• Oxygen

• Pulse oximetry

• IV

• Possibly pain meds

Name one symptom (other than high BP) that is associated with hypertensive crisis

Headache change in LOC blurred vision

Fill in the blanks:

1) 1 inch = _______cm

2) 1mg = _______mcg

3) _____kg= _____lb

1) 2.54

2) 1000

3) 1kg= 2.2lb

Why is it important not to place a pregnant woman in a supine position?

In the supine position, the fetus presses on the mother’s inferior vena cava, which decreases venous return to the heart, which decreases maternal BP.

What is the primary treatment for anaphylaxis?

Support the ABC’s !!

Ok, so it was kind of a trick question……

What is the secondary treatment?

IV (large bore)

Epinephrine—0.3 mg. 1:1000 SQ

List (in order) the possible events of a typical Grand Mal seizure.


-loss of consciousness

-tonic contractions

-clonic contractions

-(loss of bladder control)


If a pregnant woman has hypertension and edema of the face and hands:

1) What is the name of this complication of pregnancy?

2) What further complication should you prepare for?

1) toxemia or pre-eclampsia

2) seizures

A cardiac arrest produces metabolic acidosis.

1) What are the two primary means to treat this?

2) Which of the two is most important?

1) Hyperventilation and Sodium


2) Hyperventilation

Name three precipitating events/pt. history which are associated with pulmonary embolus


-birth control pills

-recent surgery

-prolonged immobility


-atrial fibrillation



-varicose veins

-Fx of large bone

What is the wound called when tissue is torn, forming a flap?


Name the acid-base abnormality caused by:

1) hyperventilation

2) CNS depression

3) diabetic coma

1) respiratory alkalosis

2) respiratory acidosis

3) metabolic acidosis

What percent of this patient’s body surface is burned?

[ /// = burns]

Front Back

27% BSA

When caring for a woman in labor with a prolapsed cord, what is the most important aspect of treatment? (If no pulse is present in cord)

Push back on the presenting part with your hand to relieve pressure on the cord.

What is the meaning of this symbol?


greater than

What units are implied when a drug concentration is expressed in %

grams per 100 ml

According to Wisconsin law, when should a paramedic license be renewed?

By June 30 in even-numbered years

What type of drug is


Cyclic antidepressant

A patient with hip pain has a leg that is externally rotated.

What is the likely diagnosis?

Femur fx

When interpreting an arterial blood gas, what are the normal values for:

1) pO2

3) pCO2

4) pH

4) HCO3

1) 80-100

2) 35-45 (40)

3) 7.35-7.45 (7.40)

4) 22-26

What is the name of the substance produced in the body which has morphine-like properties?


What are the two main determinants of cardiac output?

heart rate and stroke volume

Name two situations in which it would be acceptable practice to discontinue CPR

1) When patient recovers (has a pulse).

2) When relieved by someone equally or better qualified than you are.

3) When pt is pronounced dead by MD or Coroner.

4) When you are too tired to continue

(not generally acceptable when on-duty).

1) What is the medical term for yellow skin color?

2) Which organ is involved?

1) jaundice

2) liver

Name two symptoms which indicate that a patient in sinus bradycardia needs treatment.

1) hypotension

2) PVC’s

3) decreased LOC (sleepy, confused)

4) cool, clammy skin

Define TIA

Transient Ischemic Attack

Temporary decrease in blood flow to an area of the brain. Signs and symptoms are like CVA, except that signs and symptoms are temporary. Many TIA patients will eventually have a CVA if not treated.

Which one of the signs/symptoms listed below is not part of the classic picture of hypoglycemia?

pale diaphoretic headache vomiting personality change palpitations


1) What acid/base abnormality is caused by an overdose of methyl alcohol?

2) How will the patient try to compensate for this?

1) metabolic acidosis

2) hyperventilation

In which trimester of pregnancy is it diagnosed?

A. ruptured ectopic

B. placenta previa

C. abruptio placenta

A. first

B. third

C. third

What is the meaning of these suffixes?

1) itis

2) oma

3) ectomy

1) inflammation of

2) tumor

3) removal of

What is the medical abbreviation for:

1) after

2) with

1) p

2) c

Name three things that make pulse ox assessment inaccurate

hypothermia shock pressors running

PNB dark nail polish

CO anemia sickle cell disease

List 3 ways to communicate with the hearing impaired

Lip reading

Sign language

Writing messages

List several signs or symptoms of hyperventilation

Carpopedal spasms

Numbness or tingling in extremities and/or lips

Chest pain


That’s all! (for this one anyway)
