12 - The Battle for the Mind

The Battle for the Mind
What do I mean by the battle for the mind? I started to discuss some of the things and uncover some of
them in The Poison in the Passion of the Christ. There is a war on at the moment between the forces of
good and evil. This war is a continuation of the war that took place in heaven. We need to understand
that there are certain things that can have effect subconsciously even if we don’t cognitively know about
it. This is why the bible over and over again warns about how and what we should protect and what we
should do to secure our minds. Matthew 22:37 is one of those examples.
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all
readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Let’s go through all these texts one after the other and you’ll understand how this all fits together.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
1 Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace
that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
Hebrews explains why we should protect our mind
Hebrews 8:10 For this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith
the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a
God, and they shall be to me a people:
1 Corinthians 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have
the mind of Christ.
That’s a very difficult thing to have – the mind of Christ. It is not an easy thing. It is something that we
have to work on constantly.
Titus 1:15 Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is]
nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
If Satan can twist our minds or infiltrate them, then he can twist our understanding and infiltrate that as
well. Today we are surrounded by many forms of sensory stimulations of which the media like TV and
the News is just one method.
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the
masses." - Albert Einstein
Somehow the ruling class is able to configure the information in such a way that you receive what you
are supposed to receive. In other words, he who is in control will feed you what they want to feed you.
Is this possible?
"The owners and managers of the press determine which person, which facts, which version of the facts,
and which ideas shall reach the public." - Commission on Freedom Of The Press
That’s interesting. It was recognized by Einstein and confirmed by the Commission of Freedom of the
Press. One of the ways that we can look in to this and how all this work, one version of the facts, one
example I can use is over population. I’d like to put up some graphics for you to see that you can
determine for yourself whether this idea of over population is as urgent as what is made out to be.
Over population is a term that is spread all over the world; that we somehow need to watch the
population of the world because it is expanding and booming and there is no more space left. Have a
look at this graphic. This is an image of the world as we know it – the layout of the continents. According
to the CIA the estimated population at July 2007 was 6.602 billion people. It is just over 6 billion people
on earth.
Let’s analyze that concept and see how much space we would need for 6.6 billion people. We lived in a
property that was 50 meters by 50 meters – 2,500,000 square meters in other words. That is quite a
large property. Let’s take that for the average four member family.
50m by 50m per 4 member family; if you were to divide that you’d come to 625 square meters per
person. You take 6.6 billion people and multiply by 625 square meters per person you come to an
enormous figure of 4,125 billion square meters. If you divide this and it works out to 4.125 million
square kilometers. That calculation is a simple way of illustrating what space we’d be needed to house a
population of 6.6 billion people if each one was given a 625 square meters. I’ve got 625, you’ve got 625,
your wife has got 625 square meters for themselves. How much is 4 million square kilometers? Look at
this. If I add South Africa which has 1.2 square kilometers with Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe,
Mozambique, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland, I’ve got a total of 4.6 million square kilometer. That is
that area down there. I’ve got 10% extra in store and I can, according to that calculation 6.6 billion
people, fit the entire population into the southern tip of South Africa. Where does this idea of over
population come from? It comes from the idea of the ruling class being able to channel the version of
information that they want to feed you into your living room. I can just in that area alone put 4.6 square
kilometers to side which will easily house the population with 10% to spare. So you’ll have 700 square
meters per person instead of 625 square meters. Out of a total 149 million square kilometers, we’ve
only used 4.5 million.
This is the type of way information is channeled according to somebody’s own perception or agenda.
How does all this work and where does the media fit in to this? The media is the tool which is used to
soften our minds as we’ve just explained and showed in the Poison in the Passion of the Christ in the
previous lecture. Our minds actively accept new ideas which previously would have been
uncomfortable. Over a period of time we start to acknowledge this as fact.
There are two forces in the world; evil and good. The same way that happened in heaven; there were
two forces in heaven and that caused war. Now there are two forces on earth and the war continues,
but it is a secret war. Jesus has a network and His network is a network of information and of influence.
This network is in direct opposition and contrast to Satan’s network. Satan also has a network. Jesus’
network is split into two major sections;
Jesus’ Network
1. Service to God – this is a fulfillment of what you’d have done in the holy place in the Old
Testament sanctuary
2. Service to man – it is go and teach all nations, baptizing them in name of God the Father, Son
and the Holy Spirit. This is the commandment that has been given to us. Read my word, search
the scriptures, study the word and take it to the world.
These are two main areas of focus for the word of God as regards Jesus’ network.
Satan’s Network
This is where the problem is; in Satan’s network, his pie-graph is split into many areas. I will be
discussing some of them in this lecture. Let me run quickly through some examples and then it will make
sense towards the end of the lecture.
1. Sport – it is quite easy to sit back and watch some sporting event rather than spending time
turning off the television and reading the word of God
2. Magazine – it is easier today to read hit magazine, People magazine or You magazine rather
than studying the word of God
3. Sex and pornography
4. Music – this is an example of keeping the young people busy
5. Rave party and night clubs
6. Cell phones – have you seen how busy our young people are, this new generation that is coming
through? Cell phones absorb almost 100% of their time.
7. Drugs – do drugs lead you to Christ or away from Christ?
8. Movies
9. Food
10. Internet
11. PCs and computer games - How many times do you have to …
[Part 2 of 11]
How many times do you have to pull your child away from the computer games? How often do we
have to try and turn off the TV to get them away?
12. Homosexuality – does it lead you towards God or away from God?
13. Spiritualism – does it lead you towards God or away from God?
14. Secret societies – we’ve started at the bottom and worked our way through to being a master
mason. You are only three degrees up a very long ladder of 33 degrees and usually only find at
the 33rd degree what’s really going on.
15. Work – even work can be a challenge, not because it is a burden for us physically [0:00:41] but
taking you possibly away from the Lord. You get so busy and so absorbed that you don’t have
time to read and study the word of God.
16. Wealth and influence – as a result usually of hard work we get so absorbed in the success of our
hard work that we enjoy it more than we should be acknowledging it as a part of the success.
Jesus has a network and He is trying to draw us deeper into evangelizing and studying His word. Satan
has a network and he’s got all these various splendor ideas and it also draws us away and deeper into
God’s wrath. God’s word in its own way, the deeper you get involved the more excitable it becomes. In a
way you become almost addicted to having that close association to God. The same way, Satan has
drawn people in and they become addicted to food, spiritualism, television, movies, internet, PCs, music
This is the battle for the mind – one force asking you to come this way and one force pulling you that
way. This force of Jesus Christ not using the media to entice your senses to stimulate you, to feel that
you have an association to God and this one doing exactly that, using every means whether it is music,
video, audio or whatever types of media to pull people into feel excitement and have such sensory
Where does sport come from and how can it be used by Satan? We just need to go back in the lectures
and analyze what was the war in heaven. It was Satan wanting to become God and his fulfillment of that
on earth would be, according to Ezekiel either you face west and face the Shekinah glory and worship
God in the holy of holies or face east and worship god according to sun worship.
Exodus 32:2 And Aaron said unto them, Break off the golden earrings, which [are] in the ears of your
wives, of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring [them] unto me.
32:4 … he had made it a molten calf:...
32:5 and Aaron made proclamation, and said, To morrow [is] a feast to the LORD.
32:6 And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings;
and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
This is an age old problem where the association between food and drink and having some
entertainment still exists today. Let’s ask an authority. I will not tell you who this is. Where does sport
come from? What are the origins of sport? Let’s take polo as an example.
"Polo was known to the Persians and restored to its original 'sun game' significance by Akbar. Scoring a
goal with the sun ball was equated with the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil... The ball is a
sun symbol in all such sports as football, hockey, baseball, and cricket. Baseball is related to the sun in
the sundial shape and pattern of the field, as well as its rules of play and scoring. Like all sports, baseball
also embodies the sun's seasonal cycles in much the same way as ancient ceremonial contests were held
as part of fertility rites.”
Does this sound familiar now that you are starting to understand the language? Fertility rites, sun game,
the generative principle… who quoted this? Where does this come from - the sun game of polo and sun
ball pointing at hockey, cricket, soccer, baseball and all playing with this sun ball or symbol of the sun?
Who quoted that? It was quoted by UNESCO, The sun in myth and art, page 87 & 88
Let’s ask him again. What else do you know about sport?
"Sumerian Gilgamesh story inscribed in cuneiform tablets narrates how the sporting equipment - a stick
and a ring or a ball - which Gilgamesh had carved out of an uprooted tree, had fallen into the
netherworld as he began oppressing his people by repeated athletic competitions, and how eventually it
was the sun god who opened a hole in the ground in order to recover them. The Olympic torch which the
runner carries to mark the sun's cyclic movement throughout the 'Olympiad', the four-year period until
the next games, is also related to the sun's cyclic rhythm... First celebrated in Greece, the games were
ceremonial contests in honor of Zeus.” - UNESCO
Wow! So, it is not only in the Gilgamesh story where they speak about sun worship it was the sun god
that saved them. Not only that, secondly it is the Olympic torch which is the embodiment and that the
carrier runs of the sun worship system. This sun worship system through its cyclicity of every four years
is reminding people about the first games that were done in honor of Zeus. Do you remember when we
did this seven trumpets and seven seals and we did the seven churches? Do you remember that there
was a church where the Lord said this is the seat of Satan where Satan has his home? That was a temple
to Zeus. Who says this? It is UNESCO.
Here we have an image of the sun, moon and other planets floating above the head or overhead, the
1992 Barcelona games. The sun's association with sports predates the deities Herakles and Apollo in
Greece, as is evident from the epic tale of the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh”
This idea of sun being involved… you might be at the Olympic Games watching the opening ceremony
and you don’t have a clue. The people that are running the system however do. They know that they are
getting people involved in sun worship. In ancient times, take Rome as an example. The emperor who
was believed to be a reincarnation of the sun god - which is exactly what pharaoh used to be – would
have great sporting events where the sun god would be pleased by certain things that took place on the
field/ground where they were playing. This idea continues today. If you think about it carefully, what do
you have today that’s different to the time of Rome? It is not much because you have the sun god
involved, you have the sun ball according to UNESCO, you have the sun that you are playing with and
you’ve got a hundred thousand screaming people who are all excited about whatever sport going on.
What happens if you take the cricket ball away from a cricket match? Nothing happens. That is the
point. What happens if you take the rugby ball away from the rugby world cup? Nothing, except that
you have hundreds of thousands idiots that haven’t got nothing to shout about; same with soccer,
hockey and any other sport. They are playing around with the sun in ancient times. It’s just that it’s been
remodeled and refocused so that we don’t understand that. Some how we’ll have to look at the Baal
Hadad. Do you remember the semi circle with the star in it, the symbol of sun worship? This is how sport
has evolved over time to become something which is now widely accepted that on the weekends we can
enjoy this sun worship ceremony. That is what it is, where the Olympic torch comes in and people says
‘wow! This is wonderful.’ The Olympic torch has travelled all around the world. That is a symbol of sun
worship. That is why UNESCO says the following.
"As in sport, the sun is omnipresent on practically all aspects of life, whether it be art, architecture,
philosophy, religion, festivals, folklore, dance, or music. Every morning a 'pagan' god of the day wakes us
up, for the Romans in the early centuries of the Christians era named each day after the seven planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.”
Depending which day you stand up the pagan god is welcoming you. That is why Christianity today
wakes up on the Sunday and goes to church because it is the pagan god which is been infiltrated and
embedded inside Christianity.
Let us have a look at some of these symbols. What I will be showing you in this lecture is how to
understand the language. They don’t want you to know the language because it helps them to continue
doing things which will allow them to do things that you won’t know. Let us use an example.
Imagine you are an English speaking individual which I am assuming you are because you can
understand me. Not too many of us can understand Chinese. You walk into a restaurant and you sit next
to a Chinese couple who are having a heated debate in Chinese. How much of their language or how
much of their conversation…
[Part 3 of 11]
… are having a heated debate in Chinese. How much of their language or how much of their
conversation do you understand? Not much until you learn the language. The same people walk into the
same restaurant, the same debate is going on, except I now understand Chinese. How much do I now
understand of their language or conversation? Pretty much all of it depending on the fluentness of my
ability in Chinese. The same way, I am going to be teaching you a language through this lecture that you
can see the battle for the mind and how these things will start to manifest themselves and you’ll
recognize how infiltrated this deception really is. let’s go and have a look at the Olympic games and see
if we can see somewhere in this system either the Baal Hadad or sun worship.
These are just some of the many symbols which are available for the Olympics around the world.
South Korea, the triple Ying Yeng. It is a spinning sun symbol
Barcelona '92, Baal Hadad
Atlanta 1996, Baal Hadad
Sydney 2000, Baal Hadad
Athens 2004, Baal Hadad
Cape Town 2008, Baal Hadad
Interestingly there is a red dirt. We’ll look into that a bit later.
What about this FIFA world cup? We’ve just had this wonderful world cup that’s gone on and it’s been
the most amazing time supposedly. People have enjoyed themselves. Stop for a moment and let’s
rewind to 2006 and go to the European soccer world cup or at least the soccer world cup that was in
Germany. Can you remember what the symbol was? There it is.
Can you see on the left? Baal Hadad. Korea Japan in 2002, Baal Hadad. Even the trophy which is so
revered and held up is a Baal Hadad where the goddess is holding up either the chalice or the world like
atlas. Have a look 1962 what the cup was, what they used to hold up. This is the symbol of the goddess
of sport. The sun worship symbol which is held up for all to be revered, everybody chasing after some
sun worship system.
Other Sports
You just have to go into something like soccer and you’ll see Manchester united that has got a dragon on
their symbol, the little trident with three pitched fork, [0:02:46] and all types of Masonic symbols, 1896
various things on this world sport. I just want to take you for a moment to port smith football club.
This is the symbol that they have through out the years. Heavens light our guide. Why on earth would
Port Smith Football club have that as their symbol? Does it look now familiar to you? Can you see the
Baal Hadad in there? Are you able to identify heavens light our guide? This is the star of heaven. You’ve
just have to look at the 33 degree luciferian freemasonry shriner hat to see that it is a same thing. The
Baal Hadad of ancient worship in freemasonry is the same as what Port Smith football club has got.
What did they do? In 1970s they changed their symbols. There it is in black and white. Guess what? They
changed again. Look at what it is today. Is it 100% aligned with sun worship? Absolutely!
Let’s look at other aspects.
What about the world media. Are there any signals or hidden messages in the world media? Absolutely!
Sometimes certain things are more well known than others. This as an example is a perfect description
of the depiction of the queen and all the royal entourage dressed in black with the Pope in white.
Whenever people go and visit the papacy they have to acknowledge him as the superior power or the
one without fault or sin. That is why even the queen will dress in black. How is this possible? Is him more
powerful than them? In the hidden and the secret structures there are certain things that take place.
Even the queen who is known as the queen of the [0:04:29] has to dress in black in order to
acknowledge the authority structure that is the papacy.
What about Prince Charles dressed in black in front of the pope? Even today in modern times when
people go and visit Pope Benedict either in very dark outfits or in black. These are the things which are
recognized by the people who understand the language. Pope Benedict the other day was in the
mosque where he prayed and interestingly the entire entourage is all dressed in dark and he is the only
one with the other religious leaders that are dressed in light. It is an acknowledgement and respect of
power. But this can’t be, surely not because the Muslims are concern or upset at what Benedict is
saying. On the surface that is the case. Here in 2006, 25th September, Pope Benedict met with the
Muslim group. Where is he? He is in the middle. He is the only one dressed in white with all others
sitting around him. This is the important thing of looking at pictures and symbols. Why do I say it is
important? Two or three lectures ago I showed you the quotation from the freemasons themselves
saying; How we will now speak in symbols because the Tower of Babel has been ruined by God changing
man’s tongue. In other words; from now onwards, - because Nimrod seen as the first mason – we will no
longer speak secretly using languages. We will use symbols. Here is an example of exactly what I am
"Pope Benedict XVI is welcomed on the steps of the synagogue in [0:06:18], Germany by Rabbi.
In the background you’ll see the German cardinal Walter Kasper. He is the president of the pontifical
council for promoting Christian unity. This picture by Reuters shows the welcoming of the papacy inside
the inner circles of Judaism. We’ve covered this in a previous lecture. There behind is Walter Kasper
who’s helping the Christians unite. This is what is known as a signal picture.
Another example of this is from Loyola’s cave. There you can see Loyola’s cave at the Vatican. This is
Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits movement. When George Bush went to meet with the Pope
John II at the time, they sat in front of Ignatius Loyola’s image. Remember we showed you the quote
that says everything that happens in politics happens for a reason? If it has happened then it’s been
planned that way. That is exactly the case in this point. You’ll see George Bush here dressed in black
with the pope in white, the same with the British prime minister, black and dressed in white. What
about Margaret Thatcher? She is such a prominent woman. Even her, submits to black and white. Jimmy
Carter and leaders from the Far East are dressed in black and white.
It is interesting to see how Tony Blair when he met with the pope, he gave him a Masonic handshake.
You’ll see there where they put the thumb on the knuckle, being a Masonic handshake. I will show you
more of this just now. It indicates that there is a certain understanding which the goyam, cattle, the
people on the ground don’t often know. At that meeting horror of all horrors Sherry Blair (Toni’s wife)
came dressed in white and there was an outcry. I thought to myself, why would that be? Nothing
happens by chance. She knows that she has to put… what on earth is going on? A couple of weeks or
months later, there were headlines;
"Blair will convert to Catholicism soon on 22nd June, 2007." - Telegraph.co.uk
"Blair may become Catholic soon; his conversion from Anglican to Catholicism. The Prime minister has
discussed about becoming a Roman Catholic Deacon."
These are the things which you are able to detect prior to certain things becoming manifest in reality.
How is he now become the Middle East envoy? He certainly got a role to play there. Here it says;
Convert? Blair has been a Catholic for 25 years already. He will not be converted. It's all been a show.
‘I am an Anglican, my wife is a Roman Catholic but actually underneath the ground because of this
coming together of catholic and Anglican churches (as we’ve shown in a previous lecture) inside he’s
actually been not only a Catholic but he is even thinking of becoming a deacon. He’s been a Catholic for
25 years. That is why when things are filled with [0:09:30] the cattle on the ground, when we see images
of Pope John Paul II with [0:09:35] it makes sense why he can accept or be with people that we’d at the
time not understand what is going on.
What about even the Muslims? Yasser Arafat kissing the ring of the pope. It is interesting to look at
[0:09:54], I’ll get to …. a little later. Just pointing forwards in the lecture, Bona is a very interesting
character and we’ll have to uncover what is going on there.
[Part 4 of 11]
Bonna is a very interesting character and we’ll have to uncover what is going on there.
Here also, you have the papacy and Muslims on equal footing, bowing down to the Pope and the Pope
acknowledging them in their situations. In 1984 Ronald Regan came to visit Pope John Paul II. We’ll be
understanding why he came to visit him in the lecture called ‘An Image to the Beast.’ Don’t miss that
lecture. We’ll understand why Ronald Regan was dressed in brow, what was going on, how was this
acknowledged? What happened here is even though he was supposed to be dressed in black that is why
he wore a black tie, he couldn’t outwardly appear to be 100% in submission to the papacy. This is
because American was founded as a Protestant country. He opening up channels to the Vatican in 1984
blew people’s minds.
What about the Clintons? You’ll often find that there are certain chin signals and hand signals… I want to
make one thing clear to you. When I speak about the two fingers salute or the Baphomet giving its
fingers like this or some of the hand signals coming on, you cannot take one element of what I am
explaining to you and say ‘that is a freemason’, or ‘there is a Jesuit,’ you’ve got to be very careful. All of
this is a trigger to wake up and be aware that they might be doing something or be part of something
which most people aren’t aware of.
I often do a lecture and give some of the hand signals and if somebody were to take a photograph of me
and post it on the website, they could get some pretty interesting ideas about what my focus is. You’ve
got to take this from a holistic perspective but at the same time understand that certain things are
leaked out first to make sure that you understand exactly where they stand.
Here receiving communion, this is something that can only be done by somebody who is a Roman
catholic. This is in 1987 where [0:02:08] is receiving the communion from the Pope John Paul II. Here is
one John Kerry receiving Holy Communion. On top you’ll see he is wearing a black suit, white shirt and a
red tie and on the bottom right you’ll see him black suit, white shirt and a blue tie. So, what? We’ll get
into that a bit later.
It interesting to see that Bill Clinton accepting the host or heifer as is often denoted in public terms.
What about Madiba. Is it possible that he is a Roman Catholic? No, it can’t be because he is associated
to other religions. You see, this is the problem and this is where it becomes important to understand
that there is an agenda involved. Not only is Madiba, or Mr. Mandela associated to the Roman Catholic
church or he is a Roman Catholic, otherwise you wouldn’t be allowed to receive the host, he had a
Hindu wedding, he had a Jewish wedding and he was starting to fulfill this idea of one world ecumenical
religion where it doesn’t matter which God you bow down to - it is all the same thing. Here he receives
the body of Christ.
What was that black, white, red and black, white, blue? Again you cannot take it at face value as the
only indication to prove that somebody is involved somewhere but certainly it is a point to stand up and
take notice. Here you can see these are the debates that were held between Gore and Bush. You can
see both of them in black, white and a red tie. The other time when Gore was debating Bush, Bush wore
the red tie and Gore wore the blue tie. This is done for the cameras more than it is done for what’s really
going on in the system. If you just look at George Bush himself, you’ll see sometimes he wears a blue tie
and sometimes he wears a red tie. It just depends on what message and what signals he needs to send
out. Just look at George Bush and Kerry debates. Here they are arguing, both of them with a red tie and
then greeting; one with a blue tie and the other with a red tie. You’ll see George Bush is wearing the
blue tie and Kerry is wearing the red. That was on September 30, 2004. There was another debate on
October 8, 2004 where George wore the blue tie and Kerry the red tie. On October 13, at the third
debate, they both wore a red tie. What all this is saying is the one is a victim and the other is a victor and
then the one who will become victorious gets acknowledged in secret. If you don’t understand Chinese
you can’t understand the language. When George Bush changed his tie color then I thought we’ll see
who will win this election. Then George Bush won it.
When the pope is walking just have a look around him, you’ll just see black, white, red wherever you go.
Sometimes you’ll see white, black and blue. Here is even George Bush meeting with the clergy, in black,
white and red. George Bush himself in black, white and red attire. Bill Clinton too is in black, white and
red. When Madiba was inaugurated he was in black, white and red. Here is Tony Blair in black, white and
red. Some of the leading Indian officials too are in black, white and red. Some of the Capital Hill senate,
the majority [0:05:30], Mitch M. etc. All of them are in black, white and red or some shed of black, white
and blue. Waiting for new law, this is Liberty Medical Scheme’s Stephen Marsh from Liberty Life and
Liberty Medical. South African of one of the largest company at the time in black, white and red. It is just
a way of identifying who is involved with what and who knows something that what this example says;
‘What is Zuma hiding?’ when him and all the entourage are all in the same Masonic uniform, black,
white and red. George Bush and John Kerry are part of a secret organization called [0:06:14]. I am not
going to get into a discussion on this, in this lecture. There is no enough time and I am throwing images
at you so that you can see and start to learn the language.
This secret organization is actually not so secret or their participation in it is not so secret. As this
example explains it says;
[0:06:34] This has got to do with the secret association in the financial Time in Germany, the secret
association and the affiliation that George Bush and John Kerry have got. The order of [0:06:51] or 322
as it is known is called the order of death. There are certain things that happen inside these tombs
where they meet which will just raise the hair on your back.
What else can we see? What other hand signals, how do we know how to identify who’s going on and
who’s doing what?
Here you’ll see president Ntambo Mbeki greeting the members of parliament in what might be seen as a
very friendly manner. The same thing for Mantu Chabalala Musimang, one of the highest ministers in
South Africa. Tony Blair is making the same signal. Then in business, what you find today more and more
is mega merges, mega coming togethers, and all these mega associations getting together and the little
guys getting squashed while the big guys are coming together.
It is interesting to see how Jacob Zuma is photographed in his Masonic suit, black, white and red with his
eyes lifted towards heaven. Not only are the eyes towards heaven, a Masonic signal but also when they
drop the glasses and they put it on the nose. I will show you some pictures about that later. Do you
remember in one of the earlier lectures I showed you this rock band called Jesus and the Gurus where
they were a satanic band or a heavy metal band in line with Satan? Not only were they in line with him
but they use certain rituals and satanic things which were going on inside there. Here the rock leader or
the main singer is wearing that demon, Lucifer (it says messiah) and demon, wearing the upside down
pentagram as a goat’s head. There you see him with his demon on top and his black finger nails. Do you
remember hand signal that going around in the audience at the time? It was that two fingers up and
either were the finger on these cross were open. Being opened it is supposed to mean ‘I love you’ in
hand sign language or sign language for deaf people. Again this is one of the reason why they would take
something and use that, mutate and abuse it to a secret signal meaning Satan Himself. I am not saying
that. We take it directly from the satanic bible. Here it says;
"Horned Hand or the Manu Comuto: This gesture is the satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and
allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups. It is a sign of recognition between those that
are in the occult. It is also used at Heavy Metal and rock concerts to affirm the allegiance to the music's
message and the band members.
This idea of the horns is something that is readily recognized.
"That is an old, well known greeting of one Satanist to another. Usually, the illuminists are a lot more
subtle and don't do that publicly."
This is historically what would have happened. You don’t do these signs publicly because you don’t want
people to really know what’s going on. As we are getting closer and closer to the end of time and as the
last of prophecies are being fulfilled these signs are becoming more and more prevalent and you can see
them openly.
This is George Bush …
[Pt. 5 of 11]
This is George Bush at his inauguration. Does that look familiar or maybe his wife? What about at the
table of his inauguration? Can you see the Masonic suit, black, white and blue and his daughter? There
are many more that I will show you but I want you to understand that when he is approached in this or
he is asked ‘why do you do that?’ He says, ‘oh, no, I am a Texas football fan and those are the horns of
the Texas animal or ox, etc.’ That is what they will tell the goyam and cattle. Secretly inside the people
understand that this is a symbol of identifying where their religion is. Here you have Bill Clinton doing
the same thing and John Kerry campaigning in October 2004. This is one photograph that was done of
him. Please note in front there is 666 and you’ll see John Kerry wearing the Masonic outfit, black white
and blue.
Not only that, Deo, who is a satanic rock band, have that symbol on the chest as Satan who is hooking
up the people and throwing them into the lake of fire. Then you have King Abdulah with putin. Why
would King Abdulah also be a Texas fun or of the Texas American football fan? What about Prince
William? Is he a Texas fan? The rock band Metalica, are all they acknowledging Texas as the favorite
sporting team? Here George Bush again is openly pointing at the two fingers. Even Tom Rigde who is a
former homeland security director and John Edwards, former North Caroliner senator, democratic vice
presidential candidate in 2004 do the same thing. Yasir Arafat is doing the same thing. George Bush
again and prime minister Berius Coniel. This is why we need to understand how far this infiltration has
taken place. Who knows this? Are you telling me these people are all involved in satanic things? No, I am
not. They are. This is the reason that I am not taught the language because if you understood Chinese
you’d understand the language.
What about this symbol? Has it somehow infiltrated into our children? That is who they are targeting.
Where do we see this symbol? Do you recognize it at all? Spiderman. What happens with spiderman?
For spiderman to shoot he has to go …
There is also this one where you get these kids’ toys where you tie it to your wrist and the children
running around and showing the two finger signals. They have got no idea that they are busy with
Satanic things. Also the baphomet which we discussed earlier in previous lectures with the two fingers
up and two fingers down, any body that watches you with a conscience will realize that it is absolutely
demonic. These children’s stories are becoming more and more blatant in their demonic associations
and you gear specifically where they are working with terror cards which in itself is satanic. Every time
you take a card and throw the card down you take it with the two fingers, the symbol of baphomet and
you throw the card down you fulfill that symbol of baphomet. They are infiltrating the children’s minds.
They are trying to get them to be soft towards certain things that will take place later on in the world.
What about Christian music? We are getting to music in a second.
What about Christian music? You’ve got some leading figures like Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant… here is
Amy Grant, believe it or not on the Michael W. Smith concert reunion 1985 on the video tape flashing
the satanic salute. Not only does she flash it, she deliberately flashes it at least twice on the video to
prove her religion. ‘That is who I am singing to …’ she sings on. She is telling the people that ‘know what
you look for, she is telling them who her affiliation is. You just have to go to Antony Lavey who is the
founder of the church of Satan and say, ‘excuse me Mr. Antony Lavey, what does that signal mean to
you?’ He will say;
Here it is, on the back cover of my satanic bible it will show you exactly who it is.
Charlie Bell and Jim Castalupo are doing exactly that thing, both holding either with a thumb out or
thumb in. they are the people who own and run McDonalds. Is there somehow an evil idea, a philosophy
to get people to eat something which filters rubbish into their system so that their minds get clouded?
Don Quayle again is a perfect example of a satanic ritual.
What about music. Let us look at kid rock.
Here you have Kid Rock and according to the Beetles, yes it is John Lenon himself flashing the horn
Comuto or the symbol of Satan. I could go on and on about all these symbols and these signs but all I am
going to give you in this lecture is enough for you to understand the basic verbs, basic nouns, basic
adjectives for form a sentence so that you can listen in to the conversations of Satan who is trying to
stop you from understanding these things.
What about the symbol of the ring over the eye? That is the symbol of freemasonry. Secretly they’ll send
these symbols. You’ll see Robert Mugabe always has got his little [0:05:48] behind him sending out the
signals for the world to see. Here you have the world leaders doing the same thing and even Pope John
Paul II doing it. Why would Pope John Paul do that if there weren’t some affiliation or some need for it?
We’ll go into more of these signals and hand signals in a later lecture ‘Inside Christianity’ when we
discuss Christian deceptions at the end time and the follow up lecture to that ‘Signs and Lying Wonders’
who inside Christian circles is doing this signals of Satan and sending it up?
1. Benny Hinn
2. Kenneth Copeland
3. Rodney Howard Brown
4. Billy Graham
What about Trinity Broadcasting Network, is that somehow involved? I am not saying they are, they are
saying they are because every time Billy Graham appears on TBN and Paul Crouch and Jenny Crouch
greet him, it is a Masonic handshake with the thumb on the knuckle. Why? Can’t they get their hands
correctly? They can, they know exactly what they are busy with.
Here Billy Graham meets Dr. Schuler who we’ve identified in a previous lecture as a 33rd degree
freemason. These are two freemasons acknowledging secretly but openly that they are affiliated to the
satanic network. The best place to hide something is in plain sight. So, if you’ve got the Christian people
doing this and religious people doing that, you’ve got the politicians doing this and musicians doing that,
you’ve got more and more of this even if you don’t physically, cognitively notice it sinking into your
subconscious. If it is not in your life, it is in your child when it is flicking out this satanic signal for his
spider man or [0:07:38] as he spits out these terror cards.
Let me just run through some more to show you how blatant this is.
George Bush is wearing his Masonic outfit, black, white and red. There his wife, a Texas fan and so is
Paul M. What about the leaders from the east wearing a Masonic outfit? Kid Rock again, Bill Clinton,
George Bush again and again, here some people look like they are from the porn industry. Calvin S., and
many more musicians are doing the same. The music industry is full of this; even Lisa Ling is showing the
symbol of association. Here you even have some of the more well known singers. At the bottom you’ve
got The Heavy Metal band and on the top you’ve got these child rock star that have hit stardom and
fame and can have anything they want in the world. They’ve got so much money and children all over
the world are say, ‘wow! Eva Lavin, what a wonderful woman, what a wonderful girl!’ No, the only
reason she got there is through her affiliation and you can see exactly who that is.
What about [0:08:49]? She is such a wonderful lady. Just before you tell me or I tell you let’s go and ask
“In 2004 angels in America possibly the most evil TV series of all times was aired on HBO, the directors
were given the golden Globe award. The movie depicted angels having sex with homosexuals and
lesbians and praised communists spies like E. Rosenburge. News Week magazine ran this revealing
picture of actress M. Strip who starred in the movie giving the sin of the devil just over the Angels in
America director Mike N.”
Often you don’t know who you are dealing with until you find out who you’re really dealing with.
What is this about ‘Bono’? How is Bono involved? Is Bono involved? Bono is a fascinating individual. At
the moment in the world he is one of the most influential. You find him "Can Bono save the world?' in
front of Time magazine. Not only that, you’ll see him with Bill Gates and you’ll see him in the world
economic forum. You’ll see him sitting next to Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan. Who is this man? How can he
get to George Bush and Jesse Holms? It is quite simple. When you are wearing a bent …
[Pt. 6 of 11]
How can he get to George Bush and Jesse Holms? It is quite simple. When you are wearing a bent cross
hanging across your chest, if you are as influential as somebody like that is and you understand the
occult symbols (I will explain it to you now) and you wearing openly for the people insiders to see where
your affiliation is, you can get into pretty high places. You get Bono rock star on a mission. Not only is he
on a mission, he is the only one that can put sun glasses on the pope. Here you have him putting sun
glasses on the pope. Who is this man? What gives him the power to be able to do this? Why is he with
all these people, Gilbert S. wearing the red tie and Bill Clinton wearing the blue tie? Why is this 46664
Nelson Mandela rock concert where Bona was one of the leading promoters of it? Let us tell you what
they say.
"Mandela's prison number seems to have morphed from 4664 to 46664. There was a 'The 4664 Concert'
Katie [Melua] says; 'I did a Nelson Mandela gig called 4664 which raised the awareness of Aids, and I
was asked by Queen the band, who are my heroes, to sing on of their songs Too Much Love Will Kill You,
with them. Following the inaugural 4664 concert held in South Africa last November, it has been
announced Spain will host a follow-up in August.
... so weird that it is now 46664 and he [Mandela] must back that change..."
These are quotations. I am not saying it. His prison number of 4664 of 1964 has somehow changed to
46664. In Spain themselves on their website it says;
“Following the inaugural 4664 concert, Spain is to hold the second 46664 concert.”
How strange when you see you too surrounding Nelson Mandela, the most loved individual in the world
that 46664 is now open for the whole world to see? Who is this Bona character? How does he work to
get to those circles? Not only that, just the other day on 29th March 2007, he received an honorary
knighthood. Knighthood for what?
You have permission he says; to call me anything you want except sir. He did suggest some alternatives;
Lord of lords was one of them. Here is him receiving from somebody wearing the Masonic outfit. There
he is covering up the right eye as he holds up the supposed peace sign. He holds up his budge or award
and covers up his right eye. What is this about the right eye?
"The All-Seeing Eye is, 'An important symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the Freemasons from
the nations of antiquity. On the same principle, the Egyptians represented Osiris, their chief deity, by the
symbol of an open eye, and placed the hieroglyphic of him in all their temples." - Encyclopedia of
Do you remember that? We discussed the eye on a one dollar bill, Nova Ordo Secrora, the eye of the
new ages is the left eye. Why is he covering up the right eye?
"To the ancient Egyptians, the right eye symbolized the sun and the left eye the moon." - Robert
You remember this was fulfilled in the Passion of the Christ where Jesus is hanging on the cross and He
looks to His left and then looks straight to the camera. That was the symbol Mel Gibson used as his icon
production or icon studios. It was the same where Barabbas’ eye was closed, the same with the
impenitent thief, the same with icon studios, this Lucifer idea where Lucifer is the holy ghost and Satan
at and the same time, in other words the fulfillment or embodiment of good and evil coming together in
one individual. That is why Bona and here you have an image of him, covers up his right eye. There he
gives a Masonic symbol covering his right eye. There receiving his reward, he covers his right eye just as
Jesus was the one who had a right eye darkened. These are symbols which will start to make sense now
when you look into the media and start to understand what is being sent to us. Then there is Nelson
Mandela holding up bonus hand and behind him you’ll clearly see the Baal Hadad of sun worship. He is
also another man who is influenced than influential even with people like Oprah. He is sitting on the
World Economic Forum board. What has Bona has to do with World Economic Forum? Even Time
magazine called him one of the persons of the year next to Bill Gates and others. Vanity Fair puts him on
the cover leaning to the right again showing his one eye with Queen Rania.
I was blown the other day when I read this article that MSNBC explains that Bona was seen on the
shortlist for the World Bank chief, on 6th March 2005. They are even thinking about Bona to become the
World Bank chief? Who is involved? Why and wherefore? It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t have to make
sense to you, you are not invited to the party neither was I. once you understand the language and you
are able to listen into the conversation you’ll see more and more about who is involved in this.
We’ll continue this in part 2.
This is called the Battle for the Mind. Who is involved? We don’t really know. At what level are they? We
don’t really know that either. What we do know is that the masons say that they will be using symbols to
identify themselves. If you understand the language of symbology or the symbolic language that they
use, you start to be able to interpret the symbols inside not only the government organizations but also
inside business.
I will stay with music for a little bit and then we’ll move on into other symbols so that you can learn the
different part of this language, the secret language. Let’s look for a moment at other types of music.
What about Anastasia? This girl that is so well known and famous for her music, if you were to have a
look at her covers or listened to her music, it’d be beautiful. Many of us don’t but many people would.
You happen to understand the language and turn it over. What you’ll see there is her not only with the
symbol of Satan on her hand but also with the glasses down on the nose signaling some insider
infiltration. Also if you look at the [0:07:55] cover itself, you’ll see there is the ankh and the sun symbol.
There again you see her with the glasses on her nose or just below, looking over the rim of her glasses, a
very important signal saying ‘this is who is involved.’
What about other elements within music? Here in the image on the left you see Britney Spears and
Madona who are having homosexual kiss on stage.
“Pop singer Britney Spears and Madona whose albums sell in the millions share a lesbian kiss on stage at
the MTV video music awards viewed by millions of people.”
They use homosexuality. Madona is known to use homosexual signals and on stage she rouses people’s
senses up to such an extent that they drop their defenses and open themselves up to receive certain
thing which I’ll not be able to discuss in this lecture otherwise we’ll have to do a whole lecture on music
on its own. There are people that have done that by the way. If you need information on who’s involved
in rock music and why is it dangerous,
[Pt. 7 of 11]
that by the way. If you need information on who’s involved in rock music and why is it dangerous,
contact us and we’ll tell you. People like Brian N. have done this in depth. They are the people that have
come out of the system and have been able to say ‘these are the warning signals. This is who is
What about Buoy George?
Not only Buoy George but Odano, the rich and famous entertainer with a homosexual partner, they
were allowed by Florida to adopt a child. She is pictured here with the boy George, the popular actor
and singer who started in a broad way to boo. These people are somehow producing images which are
recognized by young people and our children and yet they are not in line with what we’d like to believe
to be accurate or right.
An interesting person who said some interesting things is this lady. As she dances you can see her hair
up in the air. She said;
"There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. I think people should be more
free with sex. They should draw the line at goats." - Elton John
Here she is wearing this dress. There are even people who have acknowledged the Sabbath and were
Sabbath keepers. This is a CD cover by Black Sabbath. They say; ‘Remember the Sabbath.’ It has got to
do with acknowledging what is truth and then twisting it towards evil.
Prince who was my favorite singer at one time came out with this album. When I saw it I realized he is
involved in more than we would like to know. Princes as it depicts here has got the ankh on top with a
point down inside the witches circle. Notice on the top right of the ankh a very slight hint on the edge of
the ankh having an indentation and right inside the bowl representing the Baal Hadad. Baal Hadad
pointing towards some sort of evilness in the witches’ covenant at the bottom but then also
representing sun worship. The ankh is the symbol of immortality and eternal life from ancient times in
Let’s listen to what he thinks. (Music Playing)
Basically what Prince is doing here is he is singing about the sevens. We know from our biblical research
that seven is a number of perfection, eight being God’s number, seven being the number of fulfillment
and six being the number of evil and imperfection. He says one day or seven will die. I am sorry Prince, I
have read revelation we won’t. Just look back at that photograph of the front of Prince’s album and
there at the back on top left behind the ankh you’ll the see the moon. That is how you can see the
representation of both the left eye and the right eye – the sun and the moon.
What about Carlos Santana? He’s got such beautiful music. What does he have to say or where does he
get his inspiration from? Let’s ask Dwelling Stone magazine what they have to say.
"People are going crazy with the Latin frenzy and the Spanish Frenzy, but it is really African music that
Rick Martin is playing and Jennifer Lopez is playing and I'm playing. In my meditations, this entity called
Metatron said, 'We want to hook you back to the radio airwave frequency... To reach junior high schools,
high schools and universities. Once you reach them... We want you to present them with a new form of
existence...” – August 19, 1999
In his meditations, when he is opening his mind, he is dropping his cognitive defenses, there is a
message that is being implanted by somebody that identifies himself as Metatron. This Metatron wants
him to take his music to junior high schools, primary schools, high schools and universities. Do you think
it’s reached its target market? Absolutely!
Who’s Metatron? All we have to do is we have to go back to the top initiates, the sages and the adepts
as they like to call themselves and we can say ‘excuse me, Mr. Albert Pike, you are a 33 rd degree
freemason, you believed Lucifer is god, can you please tell us who Metatron is? He says in his book
Morals and Dogma on page 784;
"The Pass-word of the Degree is given as Metralon, which is a corruption of METATRON, the Cherub, who
and Sandalphon are in the Kabalah the Chief of the Angels, The Active and Passive Symbols are the Male
and Female" - Morals and Dogma
Does this sound familiar? Male-female, the chief of all the angels, the one second in charge to God, the
one that fell out of heaven? Metatron who is telling Carlos Santana that he wants to take a message to
high schools, junior high schools and the universities is Lucifer himself. He might not know it.
What about other artists? Let us stick to music.
Are there any dangerous in the media? Remember this is the Battle for the Mind.
When people and radio stations do a survey of the greatest hit music song of all time, 90% of the time
the song that comes out above all is queens songs [0:06:35]. Of all time this is the song that has touched
the most people and that has been sent to number 1 for the longest period of time. Let’s listen to what
he sings about.
(Music playing)
Who are they singing about? They are singing about Beelzebub. Beelzebub has put an angel aside for
me, for me, for me. Beelzebub is Satan. Is it possible queen singing to Satan? Absolutely! It is quite well
What about hip hop? This idea of these funky men dancing with funny little signals that they have, the
rap music. What about hip hop? Is that Satanic? I will not say it, let them say it.
(Music Playing)
There do you not only see from the hip hop side but you see from rolling stones leader Kiss Switches he
says… you don’t quite have control over music. Once it goes in you don’t have control over what it does
for you. They sold their souls for rock and roll is an example of people that have done a study on this and
exposed these satanic things that are affecting our children so much. Listen for a moment if you
recognize this next song. See if you know it.
(Music Playing)
There is a certain interesting theme to these lyrics that many people don’t recognize. This song is the
song called angels by Robby Williams. I’d like to bring up the graphics now or the wording. I will play the
song again. Read with me, as he sings.
[Pt. 8 of 11]
Now listen … she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection, it doesn’t matter whether I am right or wrong
And I don’t want to fall, whatever it might take
I know that life won’t break me when I come to call
She won’t forsake me, she won’t forsake me
Not God, angels (he speaks about angels when he’s lying in his bed, angels contemplate his fate. “I am
loving angels instead because salvation will let their wings unfold.)
These are demons. Robby Williams, absolutely! Remember the satanic high priest said that the demons
have got experienced measured in millennia and they are engaged in fierce battle for the control of
man’s mind. That is probably why we see Leonardo Decaprio sitting in witches’ circle with the candles all
around him in a meditation position.
Where is this world media going? How does the entertainment of the world fit together? We are going
go as they do according to their symbols and find out who these people are and who is involved.
Look at VIACOM. Can you see the ‘A’ is an A without the horizontal line? That is what is called the wedge
of an eye. What about HBO, the dot within the circle, PARAMOUNT, the Masonic symbols in there are
incredible. WANA Brothers, with the Masonic shield, Dream works being the face within the moon. That
is sun and moon worship. CBS, the all-seeing eye. What about Columbia, the light or Lucifer, the light
bearer with the sun behind with a Masonic triangle. There you can see CREATIVE at the bottom, which is
the same thing. Columbia tri-star, the one image that have a woman lifting up the sun light or the light
with the sun behind her. The next image they’ve got Pegasus. Who is Pegasus? It is the god of death.
You’ve also got the Universal Studio and Prodigy internet, then Metro Golden ware. In that image alone
there are so many symbols inside there. It is unbelievable. It is actually shocking. You’ve got the Lion of
Babylon, it is quite shocking. What about NBC? You’ve got the peacock which is the symbol of
freemasonry. SDDS which is a Sony Dynamic Digital System with the luciferian triangle behind it. Pegasus
again, you’ve got Pegasus and the stars and the tri-star. Do you notice this red Pegasus on the left hand
side? There was a company that had that as their symbol, Petro Company. Where else can we see this
Baal Hadad idea, this circle or star sometimes with semi circle below it? Can we see this anywhere in the
media? Do you remember that Morals and Dogma Albert Pike told us that the crescent and disc
combined always represent the sun and the moon, the left eye-right eye, the male-female, good-evil
which was the symbol of Islam? Where do we see that? Morals and Dogma told us that is what it means
but where do we see that in the media? I just want to remind you that this is what it looks like. There
you have Baal Hadad and when the papacy takes this, they put it into the monstrance, places a certain
sun worship element to it and the pope Benedict holds it up for the sun symbol to be revered by all.
Let’s have a look if we can see the Baal Hadad any where in a high profile place but possible also just in
the media.
Pop off to Europe for a moment. Look at the European Union parliament in Strasbourg. Let’s pop for a
moment up into a satellite image and go on to Google earth and look down at the symbol. Does it look
familiar to you, looking at the European parliament from above? Can you see the symbolism between
the Baal Hadad and the European parliament? Can you see that it is a fulfillment of Baal Hadad?
Let us now take a photograph from one side as if you are now approaching it in a helicopter. Why does
the ABSA logo have the similar type of symbol? Can you see the Baal Hadad on ABSA with a red dot?
What has the red dot got to do with it? We’ll get to that just now. ABSA is South Africa’s largest banking
institution. The New World Order has got fingers placed every where but more specifically in the
banking institutions. Remember Gary H. C. said that freemasonry controls world banking and
freemasonry at its highest level is sun worship. Sun worship at its highest level is represented through
the Baal Hadad. That is why ABSA has got a Baal Hadad.
What about Vodacom, South Africa’s biggest mobile cellular network? Guess what, the same thing. Not
only that, you have the spiral in ABSA and Vodacom. You have the same thing – spiral representing the
tower of Babel spinning around the dot. I remember reading this magazine ‘The Finance Week’ and I
turned it over and saw the front cover that almost blew me away. Right down the left hand side you
have all the bosses with the Masonic uniform on – all the big boys in the business game and finance. On
the front cover it says; ‘The Perfect board’ in other words Finance Week is describing to you here how to
have the perfect board members, how to create a perfect board. Not only are they hinting at sending
out a signal picture of them having the Masonic uniforms but right in the middle there you have either
one of the board member or the chairman leading figure in the board room with his hands behind his
back and he is looking into a symbol of sun. Notice for a moment that the table has got a slight hollow in
it. What they are pointing at there is the same as the Baal Hadad. They are hinting towards the perfect
board being associated with some hidden secret insider information about sun affiliation. If you don’t
believe me that it is true, you don’t have to believe me but take a second and look at the World
Economic Forum logo. Can you see the Baal Hadad, how it is quietly being positioned there? Can you see
at the bottom you’ve got clearly the hint as that top circle which would be known as Eucharist in Roman
Catholic situations that goes round and then disappears? Why would the World Economic Forum have
this as their logo? Why would they use the Baal Hadad? There must be something there.
What about FNB – First National Bank? It is one of South Africa’s biggest banking empires. It is a perfect
fulfillment and not only that; on the TV advertisements you’ll see the sun coming up inside the Baal
Hadad. This is incredible! Crammer media and Medipay have got the same thing – Baal Hadad. Even
Shell, you’ll see it as shell but if you watch carefully you’ll see it’s a sun symbol. When they had on their
website ‘The world challenge 2007’ you only have look at the top left and see the affiliation of the Baal
Hadad. I use this as an example because it is a South African example and that is what I understand and
Liberty Life is one of the biggest organizations in our country that looks after policies and life insurance
etc. since I was a little boy they had a symbol of a flame as their symbol which was already a bit
concerning for me. Why would they have a flame like a torch or a light similar to the Lucifer, until 2005
where Liberty Life changed its symbol. Firstly it put a circle around it so that hints towards phallic
worship or somehow had got to do with generative principle. Not only that do you know what it costs to
change a logo worldwide for an organization that big? It costs hundreds and hundreds of millions of
Rands. Why would they change their logo from a flame to a flame? It makes no sense unless you
understand the insider language. If you are sitting listening to the Chinese language, you can now
understand. If you have a look at the edge of the flame there is a little hollow with something little in it.
It is a perfect example of Baal Hadad coming into a business. As we move towards the end time even
they have capitulated.
IDC, KHULA, South African Weather Service, Cashbuild, TWALA GLOBAL Cargo, Super Group, Cit bank,
Holcim, DSTV, Touch, Total, ICP, Change Partners, all these have the Baal Hadad symbol.
I am not saying all these people are involved in satanic things, I am saying, understand the language and
your eyes and ears will be alert to who might be involved. It allows you to
[Pt. 9 of 11]
who might be involved. It allows you to be able to see whether there are other signs. What about
Southern Sun Hotel? It is interesting they’ve got even triple Baal Hadad where they’ve got three sun
symbols inside each other.
KOWEDI technologies, the competition commission of South Africa, famous brands [0:00:26], The
Afrikans Cultural Heritage society in South Africa, not only a Baal Hadad but the sun symbol in it as well.
Gold Fields, IINVESCO, SAB (South African Breweries), UNISON, all of them have got Baal Hadad signs in
There is a mystical number 13 (called occult 13). 13 has got a very dark association to it. There is 13
blood lines that were supposed to run the world. There is often a mystic number 13 hidden in some of
the organizations and logos as well. I will just give you two or three as an example.
Arbys – If you look carefully Arbys is making a one down the side and three as if it is a hat. MacDonald is
the same thing; the mystic 13 – MacDonalds and then ‘M’ making the 3.
Then possibly the most powerful 13 in the world which is Windows –‘1’ and then the ‘3’. The mystic 13.
Dodge – why would Dodge have a symbol of a goat or ram as their main symbol? They’ve hid it so
carefully and cleverly. You can see the big one and small one inside.
I was always fascinated to look at Proctor and Gamble’s information and see how their annual report
had the symbol of this almost hinting towards sun-god, moon-god symbols with these two horns. You’ll
see interestingly enough the number of stars. Today they’ve changed their symbol, it’s no longer this
god with horns, it is now the hint of Baal Hadad. Go to their website, Proctor and Gamble’s main
website, up on the top left you’ll see it there. When you go to the financial highlights you’ll see the semi
sun-moon and then the moon. These have got to do with sun worship within business.
These are not small guys. Proctor and Gamble as an example are turning over $38 billion a year. These
are big guys. They know what they are doing. The whole layout of their web page has got this little
symbols all over it.
What about the South African History organization? Why do they have Baal Hadad on it? I don’t know. I
just know they do.
CBN news, Spectrum Visual Network, they are even pointing towards the one eye. Not only that they've
got the wedge of the eye missing. They've got the eye and the Baal Hadad, all inside one symbol.
Woman's Golf Tour; you can go on and on. DO WORLD, BLACKS MAPHANGA, NAFCOC, SOLARIS, SUN
Microsystems, all have the sun symbol.
What is this thing I have been hinting about this red dot; Regus online? I’ll get to that in a minute.
There are even companies like this one that’s called Lucifer Lighting company? They know what they are
doing. They know what they are busy with.
Picsar and Otario, two companies that are either associated with or belong to Steve Jobs who started
Apple computers, does it sound familiar? That is their symbol, Think different.
"Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple, which he co-founded in 1976 and Picsar... Picsar has created six of the
most successful and beloved animated forms of films of all time. Academy Award-winning Toy story, A
Bug's life, Toy Story 2, Monstars Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles... Picsar's films have a gross of more
than $3 dollars.”
That is a lot of money. These are the big guys. Why Apple? Why am I bringing that up? If you know what
their original symbol was it will start to make sense. There it is – Apple computer company. Note the
satanic ribbon with the flashing bits at the end. There you have what they call neuton sitting under a
tree. If it was neuton sitting under a tree, their new logo wouldn’t have a bite out of it. Who took a bite
out of the so-called apple or some fruit in the Garden of Eden? What they are leaning towards is the
association to the good and evil. On the evil side his name is Satan. On the good side his name is Lucifer.
The official website of the church of Satan had the apple logo on it saying that we are sponsored by
apple computers.
Steve Jobs is involved in things which our children … if we think about it, the Monstars Inc, The
Incredibles… what is subconsciously being filtered? I even have no time to go into those studies yet.
Here you have some more sun symbols.
The Democratic Alliance in South Africa, ANDERSEN consulting, Kalahari.net, Sun micro-systems,
Alexandra Forbes, BP, Shell, where does this come from? You always have to go back to the ancient
"Adoration of the celestial cow Mehet-weret, at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo” explains about this red
The scary beetle combined with the sun disc in the tomb of [0:05:45].
There is always this red dot in ancient worship of the sun. you’ve got the Ra and often the sun god or
the red dot. Do we find this red dot in business any where? Have a look for yourself.
RedDotGirls, The elder Lesbian initiative, Red Dot building Systems, Red Dot Radio, Epol, Waltons,
Booldmans, About, News 24, CNA, Proudly South African, Icube business group, Mastercard, Virgin
Active - virgin in itself is always using the red dot. Cell C, KAYA fm, Jacaranda fm, East Coast radio, always
on the media productions you'll see the red dot, Fin 24, ABSA, South African sources, Kaspersky,
wikimedia foundation, Melrose Arch, mail.com, MARRIOTT, Marriott Hotel, City Parks, you even have
Baal Hadad in Johanesburg City Park, Matini, Aspen, Climatron.com, Christian Resource Center
(Bermuda), the red dot is just every where.
Why the red dot?
HAZ, Comparex Africa, LexisNexis, Nippon Express, Q dot, National lottery, Rokonet, rotering, Business
Connections, Fidelity investments, Life's Good (LG), Pearl media, Absa ATM etc
How many more do you need? You can carry on and on.
Petra SA, Caltex, God is in your hands (one of the Christians website), Total, Engen, Catholic Company,
all have red dot sign.
If you don’t know the language you won’t know what to look for.
Coca cola has a very big dot. When you go to your fill up you'll see 'Get Automat' which is an ATM in
Germany also has the red dot. On the other side where you've got the actual name of the company
that's selling it you've got the Baal Hadad auto store.
Even Benson and Edges, there is this red dot. LG, also has the big red dot. Who else?
Ouroboros - it is the symbol of the snake eating its own tail. Where do we see the snake eating its own
tail? Accoring to cristel links it is a symbol of cyclic nature, the continuity of creation out of destruction reincarnation. The snake constantly eating its own tail and giving life to itself. It is te Alchamy wheel.
They speak about 12 around 1. It is where the 12 around 1 comes from, meaning 12 disciples around
All these occult symbols have been included in the higher levels of the sages and adepts of freemasonry
and all these satanic organizations.
Where can we see the ouroboros? Firstly we can see it on the stock standard [0:08:51]. If you go to
Egypt you’ll see it there. For ancient Egypt you’ll see the serpent ouroboros. You’ll even see in the cabala
the ouroboros at the tree of life. In the house of the theosophical society you’ll see this symbol and even
when depicting yanush, the two headed one that looks this way and that, looks at the sun rise and the
sun set, looks like male-female, good-evil, black-white type of idea. There on the floor you’ll see the
In business today, do we somehow see this? These are just some of them that I’ve picked up.
Assupol Life, one of the insurance centers in Pretoria has the ouroboros sign. What about Vodafone?
Not only is it ouroboros but it is done in such a way that the red dot makes a number 6. Lucin
technologies, the light technologies, Belebs, you get everything bel this and bel that. Bel is an ancient
symbol of sun worship. Alstom.
What about Antony Robbins Company? I never saw this until I came out of the New Age move….
[Pt. 10 of 11]
What about Antony Robbins Company? I never saw this until I came out of the New Age movement.
Mecantile Bank, member of the CGD group, Trend Micro, Bentli Navada, Sun International, Century
property development, Alstom Phamacy, just look at aspen, do you see the red dot and the ouroboros
also making the 6? [0:00:29] these are top companies.
It doesn’t quite matter what they want with it. It just matters that they are affiliated to it. What about
World Finance and big business? This is where it is going. You just have to look at the signal pictures that
are inside our own magazines to realize that there is something going on. When South Africa made a
transition from the old government to the new government the Reserve bank was handed over from
Chris S. to T. Tomboweni. Here on the financial mail is the image of Chris S. with his finger behind his
head pointing as he looks down towards the guy who is taking over from him T. Tomboweni with his
glasses on the tip of his nose looking up at Chris S. This is a signal picture depicting who will be doing
what in the future. These things are all planned. Have a look at that image and you’ll understand.
Today you find people shouting ‘Human rights, human rights’. How often do you hear ‘God’s law, God’s
law’? Never. Along with ‘human rights, human rights’ you get mega companies coming together
squeezing out the little guy as much as possible. Something is going on. These are final events. I will get
a little more into these, the global control and so on in the lecture on New World order.
Here Bill Gates again is making that Masonic sign. You’ve got Bill Clinton and other big business people
showing their affiliation.
Getting back to the hand signals over the mouth like we saw earlier, the symbol of secrecy. Not only do
you find that with the full hand but you find it with a single finger as well.
That is a symbol of hores or hypocrities. Ssshhh! That is God who said that. Remember Isis Hores HIS
which we found in freemasonry as well in Catholicism?
What about Nike?
"The Greeks through their contacts with Egypt had adopted the Isis image and by the Classical period,
approximately 500BDC, had transmuted the theme into the Goddess Nike.”
On the left you see what the Greeks believed in the ancient times and on the right you see Nike, the
Greek goddess of victory.
Let’s leave the one image there as I show you the marketing material from Edgos.
Nike – does it look like that and know what they are doing?
What about woman engineered for athletes? Does it look like they are referring to the goddess Nike, the
goddess of victory or angel? Absolutely!
Naspers - one of the biggest brotherhoods of all time in South Africa, the people that are still behind the
scenes controlling things, the big boys of that.
Naspers with the Masonic triangle and the sun symbol around it. NASA, Corporative Events changing, all
these things are symbols showing what's really going on at the upper levels.
When you see an actual article on them like this one;
Mr. Tom F. who's the chairman of Naspers giving the full weber prize. This is the highest honor that can
be given. Here it's been given to Jeff M. the second in charge/second chairman or vice chairman.
When this highest honor is given, it is given with a Masonic handshake.
All of these images and things that I have thrown at you today, all I have done is that I have given you
the first lesson on how to identify the secret language. Thomas C. wrote the following.
"By symbols is man guided and commanded, made happy, made wretched. He everywhere finds himself
surrounded with symbols, recognized as such or not recognized." - Thomas Carlyle
It doesn’t matter if you recognize it or if you don’t because in the end there are certain things that are
happening in the world. What does matter is once you understand that there is something going on and
you learn the language that your senses become picked and you realize that Jesus is calling us to come
together because this world is about to be taken over by some powers which do not belong in heaven.
One of those examples of how He is doing that is through the cell phone industry. Not only do we see
our children spending all day on the cell phones but they walk around with Mp3 players. If it is a cell
phone or Mp3 player or all in one Satan is trying to individualize and separate us as much as possible. As
a congregation, or a protestant congregation Satan can’t really break you. Have you ever tried to break a
whole bunch of twigs when you put them together and you can’t? What you do is you separate them
and snap them one at a time. Satan does this especially through our young people. Today with the cell
phones as an example – I just use Mixit, MIT, you see this symbol on (I don’t know if this is world wide)
but I know in South Africa it is huge. Join the Evolution. Just look for a moment at the symbol on top, the
actual logo itself and you’ll see it there – Baal Hadad, over and over again you can see who is involved.
What Mxit does is it puts all the people together. It says; ‘We can all chat together’, one big mix up of
race and religion. You can meet wherever you want to online. All you do is you sit on your cell phone
and can sms each other all day long for almost to no cost.
The problem with this is that with MIXIT it is the cell phone industry is fulfilling what God didn’t want at
the time of Babel. Where everyone was coming together God said separate. Today everyone is coming
together again and it is not according to the will of God. If Satan can separate our children away from us
that at the dining table, in the lounge and all conversations, they are busy with their cell phones all day
long, he can filter some information in them which will change their focus ever so slightly to have them
accept something that they previously wouldn’t have.
Also an interesting phenomenon which I’d like to demonstrate and I’d like to call one of the camera men
to the front is the actual effects that cell phones have on the body. Some people understand that there
is an element involved in some how getting sick when you are involved or exposed to cell phone signals.
It is not really about getting sick that is the problem; it is about where it comes from. When many
people say cell phones are bad for you, they throw their hands in the air and say it is a big fallacy. I’d like
to demonstrate this to you and give you an example of it so that you can see for yourself. This is
something you can try at home. In fact I suggest you do try it at home.
Derik would you please come to the front? Please pass me a cell phone, Derik. I'll put this in my pocket. I
will keep this with me. What I'd like you to do is just turn square to me and then lift your arm up next to
you, not in front of you, as square as possible. It doesn't matter if you have your hand lifted up that way
or down. Make a fist for me. What I'd like you to do is press up against my hand. I will put my hand on
top. Press up as hard as you can so that you can feel your own strength.
Lift; do you know how strong you are?
Now I'd like you to take the cell phone and just keep it with your left hand. You can put it at your chest or
wherever. You can put it in your foot if you want. Keep it on your chest. Now, do that same for me. Lift
Derik: Oh!
Mark: What happened?
Derik: It's very heavy
Mark: No power?
Derik: Yes
Mark: Thank you very much. You can take your cell phone with you
It is a simple example to explain a profound phenomenon. The frequencies that are embedded in a cell
phone signal do not harmonize with the human body. Therefore the work that you do from day to day
continues at the same pace and at the same weight as what you are doing. Say for example I had to
carry a wheelbarrow from here to the other side of the stage and I did not have my cell phone with me
and I picked it up and carried the wheelbarrow. Imagine then, I carried my cell phone in my pocket and
carried the same wheel barrow. The weights are still the same, everything has stayed the same. I have
to put in extra weight in order to push the wheelbarrow. All what this is doing without people realizing
it, it is making us weaker. The act of having a cell phone with you at all times, …
[Pt. 11 of 11]
it is making us weaker. The act of having a cell phone with you at all times, drains 30% of our strength
from our bodies. Try at home and you’ll see what I mean. Satan is trying everything that he can to cloud
the mind, to make us tied. If you get home from a hard day’s labor, and you’ve been carrying your cell
phone on you, you are pretty tired anyway. But if you’ve been carrying your cell phone on you during
that period, you are very exhausted. How much bible study will you do? How much time will be able to
take to focus on what the Lord wants to steer you away from deception? Hardly any or none. It is far
easier to put the TV on and sit and watch the game.
Satan has got almost every aspect of this covered. Whether it is work, TV, computer games, we are in
trouble if we don’t have Jesus Christ. In some cases because the fingers have even gone into that pie, we
are in trouble even if we do have Jesus Christ because he’s twisted Christianity into sun worship as well.
We’ll be looking at a later time at a lecture called ‘The Final Confrontation’. How does all come
together? Where does this go? Satan is planning to get people under his influence and he can only get
us under his influence if we are willing;
1. To do so or
2. If we are deceived to do so
Each one of these things whether it is work, sport, wealth, drugs, and parties is destruction from keeping
us from the word of God.
1. Satan creates destructions that are appealing to the mind just like he did in the Garden of Eden.
He stimulates the senses to make sure that we are attracted towards those things. That is why
we look back at the graph and see that it is TV, Magazines, pornography, music, parties, cell
phones, drugs, movies, food, internet/Pcs, PC games, and sports, whatever it is. They are all
addictive in their own sense and they draw us away from the other marketing opportunity
which is that of Jesus Christ.
2. He makes them easily accessible. That's the problem. If fast foods, these unhealthy processed
foods were not conveniently available we wouldn’t eat them.
3. From there onwards it’s downhill…
That is why the bible is warning us over and over again gird up the loins of your mind. Protect the mind.
Remain sober. Seek ye first the kingdom. Why do you think Matthew 6 says that?
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all these things shall be added unto you.
It is for exactly that reason. Even as a Christian today I’d like to challenge and ask you to ask yourself,
‘am I seeking God first in everything that I do?’ Every thought, every word, every idea, every idol thing
that we’ve ever done will be brought back to us and put in front of us in the day of judgment.
Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account
thereof in the day of judgment.
Isaiah 26:3 Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusteth in
I’d recommend that you go and read Ephesians 6. If you’ve been touched or exposed to new
information today about what I have shown in this, it is just a scratch in the surface. Go read Ephesians 6
about accepting and acknowledging and receiving the full armor of God. Without that we have nothing.
Today in this world, all we can have is Jesus Christ. He is coming to fetch His own children to be with
Him. Satan doesn’t there to be anybody left. Make sure you are not trapped in one of those marketing
programs which Satan has set up.
Thank you.