Masonic Development Program - Grand Lodge of British Columbia

Masonic Development
The Entered Apprentice – General Knowledge
Canadian Working
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Inspiration for This
Training Program
© L. A. Burden 2005
The 1970’s editions
of the BC Ancient
Working and
Canadian Working
Explained books
produced by R.W. J.
Morton Heaps and
Mt. Elphinstone
In Light Of Our Obligation, How Can
We Print Books Or Presentations
Such As This?
There is nothing secretive about the tenets, or
philosophy of Freemasonry.
The esoteric, or hidden, parts, which we are
forbidden to print, are customarily omitted, or
printed in shorthand, so only a Mason can
understand them.
Some of the images and information contained
in this presentation have been available to the
public for over 150 years and are readily
available on the internet.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Program “Hyperlinks”
Hyperlinks have been place throughout
this program to enable you to easily
travel to different chapters or return to
the main menu.
Simply click on the work “Index” located
at the end of each program chapter and
you will be taken directly to the index
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Entered Apprentice General
Knowledge Section,
Will Cover The Following:
© L. A. Burden 2005
Before Acceptance
General Ritual
Opening Ceremonies
Closing a Lodge
The Festive Board
Examination and Memory
Lesson One
Before Acceptance
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Did You Apply To Become
A Freemason?
You inquired of a Brother who
consented to act as your sponsor, and
to present your application to his
A second Brother also signed your form.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Duties Did These Two Brothers
In consenting to act as your sponsors, these
two Brethren agreed to take you in charge
and to encourage your active participation in
all of our endeavors.
In some Lodges they will act as your
mentors, to help you proceed through your
degrees, and to see that you are properly
instructed in the fundamentals of
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Did The Lodge
Handle Your Application?
After your application was approved by the
Lodge, the Worshipful Master appointed a
committee of 3 skilled Brethren to closely
inquire into your moral, social, mental and
family faculties.
This committee having reported favorably, a
ballot was held, and as it proved favorable,
you were accepted as a Candidate for
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Must A Candidate For Freemasonry
Go Through An Initiation Ceremony?
© L. A. Burden 2005
Societies through all
ages have used
initiation ceremonies
as a symbol of a
new birth, and of
further development
of the Soul and
Why Is It Required That A Ballot Be
Unanimous Before A Candidate Can Be
Accepted For Initiation?
© L. A. Burden 2005
The intent here, of course, is to
ensure that there is a spirit of
complete harmony and
brotherhood which should prevail
in every Lodge, by refusing entry
to any petitioner, towards whom
any Brother has feelings of
animosity, or of whom he knows
something, that will reflect ill
repute on the Craft.
Why Is Such A Careful Selection
Required Of Candidates For
© L. A. Burden 2005
King Solomon used only the
best material in building his
Temple, as he knew that
otherwise it could not
endure. Similarly a careful
selection of its material is
demanded by Freemasonry
in the building of its fraternal
For What Reason Were You Required To
Pay A Considerable Sum Of Money Prior
To Your Initiation?
All Lodges are supported by the yearly
payments of their members. When a new
Initiate is accepted by a Lodge various “once
only” payments are required to the Grand
Lodge, and to purchase the Apron and books
which are later given to you.
The fact that you were able and willing to
spend such a sum to become a Freemason
assures us that it will not be a financial
burden on you to be a member of our Lodge.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Lesson Two
General Ritual
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Many Rituals Are Practiced In
British Columbia And Yukon?
© L. A. Burden 2005
Four, namely the,
Emulation and
What Is The Origin Of
The Canadian Ritual?
© L. A. Burden 2005
It is based on the ritual
of the Grand Lodge of
Canada in the Province
of Ontario, which in
turn had an English
It was brought to B.C.
by settlers from Eastern
Canada in the Midnineteenth century
What Is The Origin Of
The Ancient Ritual?
© L. A. Burden 2005
This ritual was brought
to B.C. in the early days
by Masons from the
U.S.A., and for many
years was known as the
American work.
What Is The Origin Of
The Emulation Ritual?
This ritual is perhaps
the most popular of the
many workings in
England, and was
brought out directly
from that country
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Origin Of
The Australian Ritual?
© L. A. Burden 2005
As the name suggests
this ritual was
developed in Australia,
and was brought here
from that country.
How Many Lodges In B.C. & Y.
Practice Each Ritual?
Canadian – 73
Ancient – 62
Emulation – 11
Australian – 2
Total Lodges = 148
Source: G.L.BC &Y 2005
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Many Ritual Books Are
Published In BC & Yukon?
There are two rituals published by the Grand Lodge,
the Canadian and the Ancient.
Canadian Lodges in existence prior to 1954 can use
their original ritual but all Canadian Lodges formed
after 1954 must use the new ritual.
Ancient Lodges in existence prior to 1954 can use
their original ritual but all Ancient Lodges formed after
1962 must use the new ritual.
The official ritual book for Emulation Lodges in BC & Y
is the Emulation Ritual as practiced by VictoriaColumbia No 1., which was proclaimed in Grand Lodge
proceedings in 1893.
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Many Degrees Are Recognized
By The Grand Lodge Of B.C. & Y.?
Three, namely
The Entered
Apprentice degree
The Fellowcraft
The Master Mason
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is Contained In The Ritual Of
The Three Masonic Degrees?
In these ceremonies are contained all the
philosophy and lessons of Freemasonry and
each stone in the foundation is a symbol of
some kind or another.
Many of the symbols are called to the
attention of the new member as the degrees
are being conferred, but there is much to the
ceremony that does not meet the eye at the
time, so that a study of the subject is
intriguing, as one finds new gold while
conducting the search.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Does The Term
“Degree” Mean?
Every Candidate learns what a degree is twice
over, once when it is conferred on him and again
when he learns it by heart. He discovers that
there is nothing indefinite about it, as each one
begins at a certain point, proceeds in a fixed
order, step by step, until it comes to a clean cut
end with a given action, at a given place.
A degree is composed of parts, or rites, or
elements, and is not a mere addition of them but
is itself a unity, has an identity and a name.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Are The Two Masonic Meanings
Of The Word “Lodge”?
It means the place
where Freemasons
meet, and also the
assembly of
Freemasons so met.
A Masonic Lodge is
a symbol of the
world or universe
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is Meant By
A.F. & A. M.?
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is An “Allegory”,
A “Symbol” And An “Emblem” ?
© L. A. Burden 2005
An “allegory” is an analogy, or
comparison, or a story told to illustrate a
principle, or a lesson.
A “symbol” is something which is not itself
the thing it represents, but which
signifies, or illustrates, some truth, idea or
An “emblem” is a symbolic figure or
picture representing an idea by a visible
What Is Another
Definition Of A Symbol?
A symbol has also been defined as a thing
which represents something else by
association, and in Freemasonry may be a
material object which represents a basic
moral truth or lesson.
They are sometimes described as the
universal language because they present the
message in a way understood by all, and do
not depend on words that are different in
various languages.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is Freemasonry Often Referred
To As “The Craft”?
In operative days the
skilled workmen were
Craftsmen, and they were
organized in Craft Guilds.
As Freemasonry consists
of men skilled in the art of
Freemasonry, it is often
called “The Craft”.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Are The Ancient Landmarks
And Is There A List?
© L. A. Burden 2005
Certain basic principles of Masonic
organization and policy which have
existed since time immemorial, and which
can never be changed or altered.
Many lists of the Ancient Landmarks have
been compiled, but there is no general
agreement as to which list, if any is
correct. The best known is a list of 25
landmarks prepared by Bro. Albert
Why Does The Master Of A Lodge
Sometimes Wear A Hat?
Ever since the Greeks crowned
their heroes with garlands or
wreaths, caps or halos have
been associated with honour
and authority. Kings wear hats
in any company, denoting
superiority and authority, and
Jews remain covered in the
Synagogue as a mark of
reverence and respect. From
such traditions our Masonic
custom is derived.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Symbolic Meaning Of
Wearing White Gloves In Lodge?
© L. A. Burden 2005
In ancient times the
Operative Masons wore
gloves to protect their hands
from the rigors of their
trade, but as Speculative
Masons the gloves signify
that our hands should be
protected from all impurities
and symbolize the same
purity of ideals as the apron.
What Is The Symbolism Of
The Ashlars?
The Rough Ashlar represents a man
fresh from the quarry of life, and of
rough learning and character. As the
protruding or unwanted material is
removed; the Ashlar becomes
dressed, polished and squared and
finally a Perfect Ashlar.
The analogy to the Mason, who is a
building stone in the Temple of
Masonry, is that the perfect man is
to be attained by removing all vices
and superfluities.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Origin Of The Term
Entered Apprentice?
In operative Masonry a young
man served seven years after
his name was entered on the
books of the Lodge as an
Apprentice and he was given
a recognized position in the
Craft organization. Hence the
term Entered Apprentice.
The term was also used in the
sense of being admitted, or
© L. A. Burden 2005
Is An Entered Apprentice Called A Brother
What Rights Does He Have?
© L. A. Burden 2005
He is entitled to be called
He has the right to ask his
Lodge for advancement to the
higher degrees,
To receive proper Masonic
He can attend his Lodge
anytime it is opened and
working in the Entered
Apprentice Degree.
What Masonic Rights Does He
Not Have?
He is not yet Mason in the legal Masonic
sense, but only in the sense that he is a
rough Ashlar in the process of becoming a
perfect Ashlar.
He is the property of his Lodge and can
receive the other two degrees nowhere else
without its permission.
He does not pay dues, he can enter the
Lodge only when it is open on the first
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Masonic Rights Does He
Not Have…?
He cannot vote, ballot nor take office.
He is not entitled to a Masonic Funeral,
or to attend one as a member of the
He has no rights to Masonic Charity.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Symbolic Theme
Of Initiation?
Initiation is symbolic
of rebirth from a
state of ignorance,
to one of a search
for knowledge.
© L. A. Burden 2005
When Is A Lodge “Just,
Perfect And Regular”?
It is Just when it is
furnished with the three
Great Lights;
Perfect when it contains the
constitutional number of
members; and
Regular when it is working
under a charter, or warrant,
of Constitution from the
legal authority.
© L. A. Burden 2005
When Is A Lodge At Labour, In
Business, At Work, And at
At work - When a Lodge is conferring
any of the three degrees.
At refreshment - When a Lodge is in
activity but is not at labor. The word
refreshment no longer means what it
used to among Freemasons, as it does
not signify eating and drinking, but
simply cessation from labour.
© L. A. Burden 2005
When Is A Lodge At Labour, In
Business, At Work, And At
At Labour - From the time of opening to
the time of closing.
In Business - While it is reading minutes
and correspondence, receiving reports
of committees, balloting, passing bills,
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is Meant By
“Calling Off , Calling On”
And When A Lodge Is An “Abeyance”
These are brief
ceremonies whereby
the Master can call his
Lodge to refreshment,
or back to labour for
short periods, without
formally closing his
© L. A. Burden 2005
If a Lodge is closed until
its next communication,
the intervening period is
one of abeyance, as its
activities for Masonic Duty
have been suspended for
the time being, although
its powers and privileges
may be resumed at any
What Is Solomon’s Temple A
Symbol Of?
To a Freemason it is a symbol of
human life, for like life, the Temple
was to have its end.
Masonic teachings are not intended
to relate historic facts concerning the
erection of a building, but to keep us
in sight of the life that we should
attempt to live as Freemasons.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Are Meant By The Terms “Chair”,
“Under Dispensation”
And “Demit”
© L. A. Burden 2005
“Chair” is a technical term signifying the office of the
Master of the Lodge. “Under dispensation”?
When it is operating under the authority of a
dispensation granted by the Grand Master.
“Demit” is a certificate issued by a Lodge to a
member withdrawing from that Lodge, or by a Grand
Lodge to a member of an erased Lodge
What Is The Difference Between
“Esoteric And Exoteric” Ritual
Esoteric ritual is that
part of the ritual
which is kept secret,
and is not disclosed
to anyone except a
properly qualified
It consists largely of
the modes of
© L. A. Burden 2005
Exoteric ritual is that
part of the ritual which
is printed in the ritual
books and is openly
discussed in Masonic
There is nothing secret
about this and it can
be read by nonmembers.
Where Is The Altar Situated
And Why Do We Have One If
We Are Not A Religious Association?
The Altar is situated in the centre of the
Lodge, we take our obligations on the Altar,
and all obligations should be taken on the
In the Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft
degrees the Altar is the place of obligation,
but in the Master Mason degree it becomes
the Holy of Holies, on which are situated
the Great Lights of Freemasonry.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Masonic
Significance Of The “Altar”?
The Altar reminds us that the sacrifice of ourselves
and our vows of fidelity are taken at the mystic
On it we have dedicated ourselves to the Divine
Spark within us, which is ever in union with the
source of all, and which is also the Masonic Holy
of Holies.
This, the Great Light teaches us, was the centre
and heart of both the Tabernacle in the Wilderness
and the Temple of Solomon.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is Meant By The Term
© L. A. Burden 2005
Architecture is the art that teaches
the proper method of constructing
public and private buildings.
To Freemasonry it is the art of arts,
because to it the Institution is
indebted for its origin in its present
Much of the symbolism of
Freemasonry is drawn from the art
of architecture.
What Is Meant By The Term
“Great Architect”
Or “Grand Geometrician”?
Great Architect of the
Universe, or any of its
variations, is a symbol
of Deity as named and
worshipped in all
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is A Masonic Assembly,
And Why Is Freemasonry Called
A Brotherhood?
A Masonic Assembly is any meeting of
Masons presided over by Masonic officers.
It is called a Brotherhood because its work
brings its members into personal
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is It Sometimes Called
An Order And A Fraternity?
An Order because its work is in order
and its officers have fixed positions and
it functions in an orderly manner.
It is also called a Fraternity, because its
members have a special friendliness for
each other.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Difference Between
Regular And Emergent
A regular communication is held on a date appointed by the Lodge
By-laws and can only be held on this date unless a dispensation is
obtained from the Grand Master to permit a change. In B.C. these
are the business meetings of the Lodge, and are usually held in the
third degree, or in a lesser degree at the Worshipful Masters
An emergent communication is one called by the Worshipful
Master on a date selected by him to conduct such affairs as are
noted on the monthly notice. Usually such work is the conferring
of degrees, the reception of Grand Lodge visitors, or educational
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Are The Three Degrees Of Entered
Apprentice, Fellowcraft, And Master Mason
Called the Symbolic Degrees?
These are by far the oldest degrees in Freemasonry,
and were formulated in an age when the use of
symbols was prevalent in all religious orders.
Therefore symbols are used extensively in these three
In the newer degrees of the Royal Arch, Templar
Orders and the Scottish Rite, the teaching is done
more by legends and traditions than by symbols.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Lesson Three
Opening Ceremonies
The Entered Apprentice Degree
© L. A. Burden 2005
How Does The Worshipful Master
Rule His Lodge?
© L. A. Burden 2005
By means of a
gavel, or hammer,
which has been at
all times an emblem
of authority.
What Is The First Act In
Opening A Lodge?
The Master knocks
once, which is
repeated by the
alerts the Brethren
to see that they are
properly clothed,
and are at their
stations, or places,
in the Lodge room.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Worshipful Masters
First Question
And What Does He Do Next?
He inquires whether all of the Brethren
have signed the Porch Book, and if not,
he allows them to do so.
He knocks three times, at which signal
everyone rises and he asks questions of
the two Wardens.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Purpose Of The First
Question To The Junior Warden?
The Junior Warden
represents the Body
of man, and the
Worshipful Master
satisfies himself that
man’s body is on
guard against
outside influences.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Tyling The Lodge
The Junior Warden directs the Inner Guard
to see that the Lodge properly tyled.
It is the Inner Guards duty to see that none
enter the Lodge except those duly qualified
so to do, to answer all reports, to admit
Freemasons who have furnished proof of
their proficiency, or have been properly
vouched for, and are properly clothed, and to
obey the commands of the Worshipful Master.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Does The
Inner Guard Stand For?
The Inner Guard stands for the
power which permits the Soul to
enter into a person at any given
Spiritually, the Inner Guard
represents the warning which
must be given to those who
attempt, with due caution, to
probe into the mysteries of God.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Tyling The Lodge
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Inner Guard then checks with the
Tyler outside the door that all is
correct, shuts the door properly, and
reports to the Junior Warden that the
door is properly tyled.
He does not knock on the door at this
point in the ceremony because the
Lodge is not open yet.
Why Are The Sign And Step
Not Used Prior To
The Lodge Being Called To Order?
While the Tyler’s door may be
closed and guarded, until the
Master calls the Lodge to order,
he has not completed his check
to assure that the Lodge is
secure and that all present are
entitled to be in attendance
when the Lodge is opened.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Tyler
Armed With And Why?
© L. A. Burden 2005
He is armed with a
drawn sword.
This is a reminder of
the antiquity of our
Institution. In older,
rougher times it was
often necessary for
the Tyler to physically
guard our portals
against all attempts by
non-masons to enter.
From Whence Did The Word
“Tyler” Originate?
This word is often spelt Tiler in the more
modern rituals, but the original spelling is
The word is derived from Operative Masonry,
where the Tyler finishes and covers the
edifice with the roof (of tyles).
In Speculative Masonry, the Tyler closes the
door, and covers the sacred precincts from all
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Purpose Of The Next
Question To The Senior Warden?
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Senior Warden represents
the Soul, and he proves that
all present have made some
advancement towards light.
Only then, can any real
progress become possible, as
only those who have
themselves started to advance,
can help others who are in
spiritual darkness.
What Does The Senior Warden
State He Represents?
The setting sun, and as
this is the end of day, so
the Senior Warden closes
the Lodge.
He also represents the
Soul, the tie between the
mortal and divine, and he
acts on the instructions of
the Spirit, or the Master.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is The Senior Warden “Placed In The
West” And What Is Meant By “See That
Every Brother Has Had His Just Due” ?
The Senior Warden symbolically represents
the setting sun, which at all seasons of the
year is in the West.
“Just Due” is an archaic term that does not
refer to wages.
In operative days, the Senior Warden was
responsible to settle all disputes and
differences between the Brethren, and to see
that each Brother was treated equally and
received that which was justly due to him.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Does The Worshipful Master Ask The
Senior Warden To Vouch That All Present
Are Freemasons
A Brother who cannot be vouched for
by the Senior Warden, or by some
known Brother,must retire from the
Lodge to be admitted after a due
examination by a Board of Trial.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Does The Worshipful Master Call
The Lodge To Order?
To tell his Brethren
that he is satisfied
that his Lodge is
ready, and
To tell them that he
is about open his
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Do The Next Series Of Questions
In the Opening Ceremony Indicate?
© L. A. Burden 2005
They represent the
seven fold nature of
man, which is also
indicated by the fact
that it takes seven
to make a perfect
Why Is The Junior Warden
Placed In The South?
The Junior Warden is placed in the
South, the position of the sun at noon,
or at the peak of its glory and beauty,
as he also represents the column of
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Junior Warden
He is responsible for
the superintendence
of the Brethren
during refreshment.
He provides the
refreshments for
each meeting.
And he supervises
the stewards in the
banquet hall.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Do The
Three Principal Officers Represent?
© L. A. Burden 2005
They represent the
triune nature of man,
Body, Soul, and Spirit.
The Junior Warden
represents the Body of
man, and as such he
looks after the material
comforts of the
Brethren at the hour of
What Do The Three Principal Officers
The Senior Warden represents the Soul of man,
and as such, it is his duty to reward the Brethren
for their labor on our spiritual Temple.
The Worshipful Master represents the Spirit of
man, and his duties are to instruct his Brethren so
that their Souls and Bodies maybe improved in
their contact with the Divine Spirit which resides in
every man.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Worshipful Master
His is a position of high
importance within
He has the
responsibility to rule
and govern the Lodge.
He is the benchmark
for his officers to
compare themselves to
in decorum and
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is The Worshipful Master
Placed In The East?
The East has always been considered as the
place from which all wisdom has come.
The Worshipful Master’s duty, is to instruct his
Brethren, and he therefore represents the
Column of Wisdom, which is located in the
Here he opens his Lodge as the sun rises
behind him.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Senior Warden
© L. A. Burden 2005
He is second in
importance to the
Worshipful Master.
His role is to be an
understudy of the
Worshipful Master.
He is charged with
the care of Lodge
jewels, furniture and
other property.
What Else Does The
Worshipful Master Do
Before Opening The Lodge?
As in all Masonic
undertakings, the
Worshipful Master
offers an invocation to
the Great Architect of
the Universe, the
Creative Aspect of God,
using His Name to open
the Lodge.
© L. A. Burden 2005
At What Passage
Is the Volume of the Sacred Law
Opened in This Degree?
© L. A. Burden 2005
This varies in different
Lodges according to
Lodge custom. Among
the more popular
places are Ruth, 4:7;
2nd Chronicles, 2:18;
or Genesis, 28:11 to
Why Are Both Points
Of The Compasses Hidden
Under The Square?
Symbolically, it is to indicate that an Entered
Apprentice is still in a state of ignorance, where
he is unable to employ either point of the
compasses to circumscribe the circle of virtue
within, that he should live by.
Practically, so that a Mason upon entering the
Lodge after it has been opened, may see at a
glance, which degree the Lodge is working in,
and so he can salute the Master with the proper
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is The Senior Warden’s Column
Erect While The Lodge Is At Work?
© L. A. Burden 2005
During the hours of labour
the needs of the Soul are
being administered to and
those of the Body are put in
the background.
This is indicated by the
relative positions of the
Wardens Columns.
When at refreshment, the
Junior Warden’s Column is
Other Lodge Officers
© L. A. Burden 2005
Lodge Officers
There may be as many as 17 Lodge Officers.
The other officers can include, the Immediate
Past Master, Director of Ceremonies,
Chaplain, Inner Guard, Tyler, two Stewards,
an Organist, a Historian, Director of
Education, Librarian, and in some Lodges a
Standard Bearer.
Duties of Lodge Officers are described in the
Lodge Bylaws and the Lodge Officers Guide
issued by the Grand Lodge.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Treasurer
© L. A. Burden 2005
Receives all monies
from the Secretary.
Pays accounts.
accounting books
showing all receipts
and expenditures.
Submits an audited
annual report to
Grand Lodge.
The Secretary
Has many administrative
He is instrumental to the
efficient operation of the
He Records the minutes,
issues notices, handles
correspondence and
collects all fees and
prepares annual reports
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Immediate Past Master
© L. A. Burden 2005
When requested,
he provides
support, counsel
and assistance to
the Worshipful
Master throughout
the Worshipful
Master’s term of
The Deacons
The Deacons are
responsible for the
arrangement of the
Lodge furniture and
assist in the floor
work, especially
during degrees.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Stewards
© L. A. Burden 2005
Under the direction of
the Junior Warden they
attend to the
The Junior Steward
prepares the candidates
and the Senior Steward
prepares the Lodge for
The Inner Guard
Guards the interior
of the Lodge and
conveys directions
from the Worshipful
Master to the Tyler
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Tyler
© L. A. Burden 2005
Watches the exterior of
the Lodge.
He makes sure that all
Candidates are properly
prepared and he
ensures that all
Brethren sign the
“porch book” and are
properly clothed before
entering the Lodge.
The Director Of Ceremonies
He is responsible for
the proper
preparation of the
Lodge Room.
He ensures that the
ritual runs smoothly
and has special
licence to move
about the Lodge
room as required.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Chaplain
© L. A. Burden 2005
Leads the devotional
exercises in the
He is often the
Chairman of the
“sick and visiting
The Organist
Provides a valuable
contribution to the
atmosphere of the
Lodge by providing
appropriate music.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Historian
© L. A. Burden 2005
Records the important
events pertaining to the
Lodge history.
Provides reports to the
Responsible for the
proper care and
preservation of
documents and items of
interest pertaining to the
history of the Lodge.
Director Of Masonic Education
Responsible for the
continuing Masonic
education of the
Presents interesting
and informative
Masonic education
© L. A. Burden 2005
© L. A. Burden 2005
There are a variety
of committees
including but not
limited to:
Finance, Dues,
Investigating, Sick &
Phoning, Candidate
Coaching, Degree
Team …
Lesson Four
Closing A Lodge
© L. A. Burden 2005
Why Is the Closing Ceremony
So Short in the
Entered Apprentice Degree?
© L. A. Burden 2005
Any Entered Apprentices
who are present have not
yet advanced enough to
appreciate, or
understand, any more
symbolic teachings.
Why Does The Senior Warden
Close The Lodge In This Degree?
The Senior Warden represents the Soul,
and this shows us that when we have
learned all that life can teach us, the
Soul, acting on the instructions of God,
calls us to other fields of usefulness.
© L. A. Burden 2005
In Whose Name Does The Senior
Warden Close The Lodge?
In the name of the
Great Architect, and
by command of the
Worshipful Master,
reminding us of
Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and
the end.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is A Brother's Just Due?
In operative days a Mason received
material things (corn, wine and oil) as
wages, because his labor was material.
The Free and Accepted Mason however
performs moral work, and hence his
reward is spiritual.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Is The Closing Act?
The Great Lights are disarranged to
show that the Lodge has ceased
labour, and then, The Volume of the
Sacred Law is ceremonially closed
by the Immediate Past Master, or
any other Brother whom the
Worshipful Master may ask.
By the closing of the Volume of the
Sacred Law, the Brethren are again
reminded of their obligation to
preserve our secrets from all nonmasons.
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Do The Opening And Closing
Ceremonies Remind Us Of ?
They serve to remind us of our obligation and
they illustrate the solemnity, the beauty and
spirituality of Freemasonry.
They can remind us of life and death, the
opening and closing of our lives. While we are
open, or alive, we are able constantly to serve
God and our fellowman. At closing or the end of
life, that opportunity has passed.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Lesson Five
The Festive Board
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Festive Board
A Lodge meeting is twofold in nature; Moral
instruction and social intercourse.
The refreshment period (Festive Board) is an
integral part of freemasonry where informality
and sociability should be present but good
manners and protocol apply.
Nothing of a religious or political nature is
Alcohol is acceptable in most lodges in
Canada, but overindulgence is censured.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Festive Board – Head Table
It is customary when a sit down meal is
provided to have the Worshipful Master and
important guests seated at the head table.
Visiting Grand Lodge Officers always sit at the
head table.
Visiting Worshipful Masters and if a degree
night, Candidates are at seated at the head
The Junior Warden usually fills the role of
© L. A. Burden 2005
Festive Board – Toasts
© L. A. Burden 2005
When food is served there are always
at least three items on the agenda;
The Invocation (Grace)
The Loyal Toast (The Queen)
The Tyler’s Toast (The Closing)
The Invocation
To remind us to give
thanks for the food
we receive and keep
us mindful of the
needs of others.
No other activity
precedes the
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Loyal Toast
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Toast to the Monarch is
unique to Lodges in countries
under a Monarchy.
Simply “The Queen (or King) and
the Craft”
It is given whether the Monarch is
member of the Craft or not.
It is given early in the
proceedings, and other than the
Invocation, no other activities
should proceed it.
Other Toasts
The President of the United States
Toast to Grand Lodge
Toast to the Visitors
© L. A. Burden 2005
Toast To The President Of
The United States of America
If there are visitors from
the USA a toast to the
President of the United
States of America should
be given immediately
following the Loyal
© L. A. Burden 2005
Toast To Grand Lodge
“To The Grand Lodge Of
British Columbia and Yukon”
© L. A. Burden 2005
Given only on an official
visit from a Grand
Lodge Officer.
Given by the Senior
Deacon or any brother
who is not a Grand
Lodge Officer.
Replied to by the senior
Grand Lodge Officer.
Toast To
The Visitors
Proposed by a
person selected by
the Toastmaster
Not a speech
Responded to by a
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Tyler’s Toast
It is the last toast of the
It serves as a reminder, to
remember and if possible, to
assist those Brethren who are
unable to enjoy the fellowship
of the evening due to
circumstance or distance.
© L. A. Burden 2005
The Masonic Family
© L. A. Burden 2005
There Are Many Concordant Bodies
In The Masonic Family
Some of the bodies
for men are:
The Royal Arch
The Preceptory
Knights Templar
The Scottish Rite
© L. A. Burden 2005
Some of the bodies
for women & youth
The Order of the
Eastern Star
The Order of
Jobs Daughters
The Extended Masonry Can
Include The Whole Family
One you become a Master Mason there are
many concordant bodies you can join.
But, do not rush into other parts of the
Masonic family until you have given
yourself the opportunity to experience your
Craft Lodge first.
There is much more to craft masonry than
just three degrees!
© L. A. Burden 2005
Lesson Six
Examination Before Being Passed
To A Fellowcraft
© L. A. Burden 2005
What Must An Entered Apprentice
Learn Before Being Passed To The
Fellowcraft Degree?
He must learn the
answers to certain
questions on the Entered
Apprentice Degree, and
must be able to repeat
his Entered Apprentice
obligation from memory.
He must demonstrate
that he knows the
© L. A. Burden 2005
Where And When
Is He Examined?
© L. A. Burden 2005
He is examined
on the floor of an
Lodge, before he
is prepared to be
passed to the
Memory Work
Every Freemason
has had to
memorize portions
of the work when
they entered
Your coach can help
and encourage you.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Memory Work Consists Of
Three Parts
© L. A. Burden 2005
Modes of Recognition
A brief description of the events
you participated in.
Your obligation
Some Advantages Of
Well Done Memory Work
© L. A. Burden 2005
Proficiency in the
first degree will
make the additional
degrees easier.
Some of the work in
the first degree will
be similar in form in
the next degrees.
You will gain
Memory Work Techniques
Everyone learns differently, there is no
one sure fire method, what follows are
a variety of processes that can help
commit Masonic work to memory;
Read the entire work several times so
that you understand the meaning of the
© L. A. Burden 2005
Memory Work Techniques…
Extract the key words in each sentence,
then begin to connect them together
with the words in the text.
In your minds eye, picture the meaning
of the text.
Identify rhyming words, and phrases.
Repeat the text aloud, there by hearing
the phrases and the rhythm of the text.
© L. A. Burden 2005
Memory Work Techniques…
Break the text into sizable chunks.
Practice a minimum number of
lines of text each day, reviewing
and building upon the previous
day’s work.
Record the text and play it in your
© L. A. Burden 2005
Memory Work Techniques…
Using a small piece of cardboard, show one line
of text and sliding it down the text as you read
it aloud.
Repeat the process, attempting to recite each
line from memory before sliding down the
cardboard and revealing the text. (many find
this technique enables them to learn the work
after ten times)
© L. A. Burden 2005
References And Resources
Grand Lodge Web Page
The British Columbia
“Canadian” Work Ritual
The “BC Canadian
Working Explained”
Revised Edition.
Your Lodge and District
Education Officer.
© L. A. Burden 2005