ROI and the Talent Acquisition Pipeline Jonathan M. Canger Verizon Wireless USF HR ROI 2007 Conference Tampa, FL February 15, 2007 A Biased, Condensed History of the World (of HR) 1. Industrial Revolution (late18th Century) - First factories with large #s of workers. Labor viewed as a ‘commodity’ 2. Scientific Management /Engineering (Late 19th Century) - Frederick Taylor ‘time and motion’ / industrial engineering studies. 3. Industrial Psychology (Early 20th Century) - Hugo Munsterburg applied new science of Psychology to workplace. - World War I & Testing – US Army ‘Alpha’ and ’Beta’ classification tests. 4. Human Relations Movement (1920s) - Western Electric ‘Hawthorne Studies’; Morale & Satisfaction Research. 5. Globalization & Technology (1980s) - Downsizing; M&A ‘s – People as largest ‘expense’. 6. HR as a Business Partner/Driver (1990s-today) - Workforce 2000, Demographic Shifts, Globalization, Technology - McKinsey ‘War for Talent’/ ‘Employer of Choice’ - Pfeffer, Huselid, Ulrich, Watson-Wyatt – ‘HR drives business success’ ‘Not So Fast…’ View From MBA’s 1. Some Very Successful Companies have Some Dubious HR Practices 2. Some Not-So-Successful Companies Received HR-Related Awards 3. Companies Known For the Most Extreme HR Programs Almost All Died 4. Some Successful Companies Cited Their Need to ‘Cheapen’ Their HR Practices 5. Some Firms Completely Outsource HR 6. Some Firms Don’t Have HR Today we’ll focus on an area that’s been shown to be related to business success in the Watson Wyatt and other HR-ROI research studies AND one in which I/O Psychology has been working for decades: Employee Selection I/O Psych Selection Metrics Not The Language of Business •Validity (relationship between scores on test and scores on job performance or turnover) •Expectancy (change in ‘% superior’ or some other category of employee) •Utility ($ value of change in an employees’ performance) Testing is only one step in a process… Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer Background Check & Drug Screen …which Is fed by Sourcing... SOURCING Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer Background Check & Drug Screen ..whose output (new employees) is oriented and trained… SOURCING Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer On-boarding Process OnBoarding Training Orientation Background Check & Drug Screen …and finally delivered to the business… SOURCING Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer On-boarding Process OnBoarding Training Orientation Background Check & Drug Screen …to subsequently do things which create value or havoc. SOURCING Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer On-boarding Process OnBoarding Training Orientation Performance Outcomes 1. Stay or Leave 2. High or Low Job Performance 3. Good or Bad Citizenship Performance 4. Low vs. High Absenteeism & Tardiness 5. Good vs. Poor Customer Service 6. Follow or Ignore Policies and Rules 7. Embrace or Block Change 8. Recommend or Badmouth Company’s Products and Services 9. Recommend or Badmouth Company as a place to work Background Check & Drug Screen Each Step Has Costs, and Impacts Subsequent Steps and Outcomes SOURCING Staffing Process Telephone Prescreen Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer On-boarding Process OnBoarding Training Orientation Performance Outcomes 1. Stay or Leave 2. High or Low Job Performance 3. Good or Bad Citizenship Performance 4. Low vs. High Absenteeism & Tardiness 5. Good vs. Poor Customer Service 6. Follow or Ignore Policies and Rules 7. Embrace or Block Change 8. Recommend or Badmouth Company’s Products and Services 9. Recommend or Badmouth Company as a place to work Background Check & Drug Screen An Example of the Cost Side of The Equation If 1,000 candidates are delivered from sourcing Job Offer Background Check 67% 92% 74% pass rate acceptance rate pass rate Prescreen Phone Interview Computer Simulation Supervisor Interview HR Interview 84% 61% 47% 59% pass rate pass rate pass rate pass rate 1000 840 512 240 141 95 87 $10 $25 $30 $33 $33 $20 $100 $10,000 $21,000 $15,360 $7,980 $4,635 $1,900 $8,700 The above process will yield 64 new employees to on-boarding, at a cost of $69,575, or $1,087 per hire Note: Above number are for illustrative purposes only. They do not represent actual Verizon Wireless Results Re-engineered Process Computer Biodata Screen 49% Phone Interview Enhanced Simulation Joint Interview 52% 66% 61% pass rate pass rate pass rate Job Offer 93% Background Check 86% acceptance rate pass rate pass rate 1000 490 255 168 102 95 $0 $25 $30 $66 $20 $100 $0 $12,250 $7,650 $11,088 $2,040 $9,500 Note: Above number are for illustrative purposes only. They do not represent actual Verizon Wireless Results Re-engineered Process If the same 1,000 candidates are delivered from sourcing Computer Biodata Screen 49% Phone Interview Enhanced Simulation Joint Interview 52% 66% 61% pass rate pass rate pass rate Job Offer 93% Background Check 86% acceptance rate pass rate pass rate 1000 490 255 168 102 95 $0 $25 $30 $66 $20 $100 $0 $12,250 $7,650 $11,088 $2,040 $9,500 Note: Above number are for illustrative purposes only. They do not represent actual Verizon Wireless Results The new process will yield 81 new employees to on-boarding, at a cost of $42,528, or $525 per hire – And if you only needed 64 (vs. 81) employees, you can save more $$$ by reducing sourcing costs, too. Affecting the Performance Outcomes: The ‘Deep Dive’ Which Enhances Outcomes And Reduces Hiring Needs SOURCING Staffing Process New Telephone Prescreen Biodata Telephone Interview Computer Based Simulation Supervisor Structured Interview HR Structured Interview Job Offer On-boarding Process OnBoarding Training Performance Outcomes 1. Stay 2. High Job Performance 3. Low Absenteeism & Tardiness 4. Good Customer Service 5. Recommend Company as Place To Work Orientation Background Check & Drug Screen