PowerPoint Presentation - Welcome to EME 2040 Computer

Lab web site:
Jennifer Handley
Office hours: Mon. and Wed. 11:30-12:30
Introduction to Lab
• For this class, you will be meeting with me once a
week for lab and with George Hack twice a week for
class. When you go to class today, you will get a
broad overview of the course (web site, grading scale,
assignments, etc.)
• You will need a zip disk (MAC 100) and a Gatorlink
account by next week!!!
• Why was this class created and what will you gain
from it?
– Need to teach children skills that will prepare them for the
twenty-first century.
– Integrating technology into education promotes
collaboration, critical thinking, multiple intelligences, and
student ownership of learning.
My Expectations for You
• Lab Attendance: You are expected to be here for each lab.
Since this lab is project-based, it will be very difficult for you
to complete your work if you do not attend labs. I do allow
you to come to another lab if you notify me in advance.
• Tutorials: These introduce you to the key terms for the
project and have you complete a 10-15 minute introductiontype activity. They need to be completed before each lab.
• Assignments: The requirements for each assignment are
posted on the web.
• Email Protocol: Be explicit in your subject so that I can
scan emails to see if you need help or have a question.
Realize that it may take a day or two for me to get back to
Tips for Success
• Ask questions (in class or email)
• Think!! My job is not only to help you learn how to
use technology, but how also to be able to think
your way through it (without me) down the road.
• Don’t wait until the last minute to start working on
your projects
• Don’t be afraid to ask your peers for help
• Save your work frequently
• Use the Help menus if you get stuck
• Always think about how projects are relevant
• Don’t take your anger and frustration out on the
Macs! =)
Basic Lab Procedures:
– Log in and have program open when class begins
– Bring zip disk to every class to save work
– Format of lab: direct instruction, guided practice,
independent work
– Pace of class: Ask me to slow down if I’m going to
quickly for you.
– Quizzes: I may give pop quizzes, which will come from
the tutorials or lecture material.
– Grading: I use a checklist developed directly from the
requirements for each assignment to grade your work.
• Differences between PCs and
• Mac Basics Checklist
Logging in
Using the Finder
Opening Programs
Making/Renaming Folders
Closing Windows/Quitting a Program
• We will be using WebCT, a course
management system, as a way to
privately access your lab and quiz
• www.webct.ufl.edu
• You will use the same username and
password that you do to access your
Gatorlink account.
What to do for next week
• Get familiar with the Mac
• Complete tutorial for Lab 2 on
• Netscape Composer!. This time next
week, you will have your own web page.
• You may log out now…
Have a great week!