GatorLink Password Management Policy March 31, 2004 What is GatorLink? • Under development since 1996 • Conceived as a single sign on solution – the electronic equivalent of the Gator 1 card • “GatorLink” is an adjective – used to describe a collection of services: – – – – – – Email Web hosting Dial-up Authentication services for web servers Kerberos authentication services Username and password PeopleSoft • PeopleSoft will be the system of record for information about people (directory information). Directory services will be implemented in PeopleSoft Campus Community by 2006 • PeopleSoft will be the system of record for identity management • PeopleSoft will be the system of record for authorization information PeopleSoft and GatorLink • GatorLink usernames and passwords adopted as the university standard for enterprise authentication • GatorLink used to authenticate access to the portal, and all portal-based services • GatorLink used to authenticate access to Cognos and Enterprise Reporting • GatorLink used to authenticate access to ISIS and Admin Menu • Single sign-on via GLAuth – cookie-based system developed at UF Password Policy Needs • One size does not fit all. The same password policy used for undergraduate students would not be appropriate for central payroll. • Simultaneously heard that GatorLink password policy was too “strict” and “not strict enough” • 75% of all Help Desk calls involve GatorLink passwords • General need to improve security • Need to recognize diversity of use of GatorLink user base (>100,000) The Idea • Have multiple GatorLink password policies • Tie GatorLink password policy to the authorizations of a user. – If a user is authorized to do work requiring high levels of security, have a highly secure password policy. – If a user is not authorized to do such work, do not require a highly secure password policy • In all cases, insure strong passwords and best practices for password management The Process • Define a password policy as a collection of attribute/value pairs (eg, Expiration in days = 90) • Create a sufficient number of password policies, each with the same attributes to span the needs from casual to highly secure • ITAC-DI&ADM and ITAC-ISM recommend attributes and values • Refine, review, present, discuss, refine, review, present, finalize The Policy The University of Florida (UF) is committed to a secure information technology environment in support of its missions. With the implementation of new integrated, real-time computer systems and single sign-on accessibility via the myUFL portal, the need for a strong password policy is greater than ever. The GatorLink username and password is the University standard username and password for authentication for all new information systems. The University uses a role-based approach for providing access to these systems. Each person affiliated with UF has one or more security roles. Each security role has an associated password policy. If an individual has several roles, with conflicting password policies, the “strongest” policy applies. This policy is guided by the following principles: • Five levels of password policy are necessary, each with a different set of requirements for password creation and reset. (See Attachment A). • The assignment of a password policy is based on an individual’s security role(s) and is not an automatic result of an affiliation or staff position. • Passwords must include three of the following four elements—upper case letters, lower case letters, digits and punctuation. Passwords may not contain words found in a dictionary. • Passwords will expire during UF Help Desk business hours. • GatorLink passwords and security roles—and the resulting association of password policy to a user—are held in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal system (myUFL) and managed by UF Bridges The Matrix P1: Entry. For example: Vendors, guests, student applicants, HR applicants P2: Low. Example: Access to information only about yourself. P3: Medium. Example: Access to information about others. Provide data at unit level. P4: High. Example: Access to information at the institutional level P5: Rigorous. Example: Control institution systems. Attribute 1. Minimum length of password 2. Password is character checked 3. Maximum age of password (in days) 4. Days of daily expiration warnings 5. Password minimum age for reset (in days) 6. Password uniqueness/history 7. Failed attempts before lockout 8. Lockout duration in minutes 9. May reset via Self-service web 10. May reset via Help Desk phone 11. May reset In person 12. Must read AUP on reset 13. Must take quiz once per year 14. Must complete security class before account is issued 15. Must use 2-factor authentication 16. Account is expired if password is cracked P1 8 Yes 365 14 1 200 20 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes No P2 8 Yes 365 14 1 200 20 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes P3 8 Yes 180 14 1 200 20 30 No Yes Yes Yes Yes P4 9 Yes 90 14 1 200 20 30 No No Yes Yes Yes P5 9 Yes 90 14 1 200 20 30 No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Authentication Architecture Registry PeopleSoft LDAPUSER GLUSER PeopleSoft is the system of record for information about identity, authentication and authorization. By housing these together we insure consistency. Currently the registry exists outside PeopleSoft but will be migrated to Campus Community. ADUSER NDS UF LDAP GatorLink Kerberos Active Directory Implementing the Policy • Software analysis and design began in January • Development of code for self-service reset, management of questions, Help Desk functionality in Feb • Active Directory synch in Feb • Additional coding in March • Testing of software in April • Production go-live May 5, 2004 The Go-Live • On May 5, GatorLink users with P4 and P5 will have their passwords expire and will come under the new policy • All other users will be grandfathered in. Passwords will expire under current policy. When password expires, password will come under new policy. • Password changes will be done through the portal (“My Account/Change Password”) • Live password synchronization will be in place – a password updated at myUFL will update in Kerberos, AD and NDS • Self-service password reset will be strongly encouraged Future Work • By November 5, all GatorLink accounts will be under the new policy • LDAP will no longer be used to authenticate the portal • 2-factor authentication standards for LAN, web and enterprise authentication Managing the Policy • ITAC-ISM and ITAC-DI&ADM will continue to have a strong role in the management of the policy. • ITAC makes final recommendation • Dr. Frazier chooses final policy Effect of the Policy • Users will have strong passwords • User password policy will be determined by user’s security roles • Users at P4 and P5 will be required to have security training • Users will be able to use their single GatorLink credential for authentication to enterprise, web and LAN services • Users will have consistent password policy across services • GLAuth services will be unaffected More Information • Subscribe to the IT News pagelet in the portal • Subscribe to the UF Bridges pagelet in the portal • Additional information sessions for department administrators, support personnel in April • Policies are posted at