Gagne’s Theory of Learning Beth Oyarzun Five Categories of Learning Outcomes Intellectual Skills Cognitive Strategies Discriminations Rehearsal Concepts Elaboration Rules Organizing Problem Solving Comprehension Monitoring Affective Verbal Information Motor Skills Attitudes Intellectual Skills Taxonomy Problem Solving Rules Concepts Discriminations Bloom/Gagne Comparison Table Bloom (Revised) Gagne Evaluation (Evaluation) Cognitive Strategy, Problem Solving Rule Using Synthesis (Creating) Problem Solving Analysis Rule Using Application Rule Using Comprehension Concepts and Discriminations Knowledge Verbal Information Discrimination Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner must distinguish stimuli that differ on one or more physical dimensions. The physical difference must give rise to different patterns of brain activity 1. Inform learners of goals/objectives 2. Present stimulus and have students indicate if they are the same or different 3. Aid the discrimination by noting subtle differences 4. Allow practice with feedback Concrete Concept Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner must identify a class of object properties. The learner must retrieve all of the component concepts including the definition. 1. Inform learners of goals/objectives 2. Present the definition of the concept 3. Present examples and nonexamples of the concept. 4. Allow practice with feedback 5. Provide spaced practice for retention and transfer Defined Concept Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner must apply the defined concept by classifying instances and non-instances of the concept. Discriminations must be recalled 1. Inform learners of goals/objectives Attributes of the concept must be compared to the relevant attributes of the item to be categorized 2. Present instances of the concept emphasizing relevant attributes 3. Present potentially confusing non-examples and explain why they are not instances. 4. Allow practice with feedback 5. Provide spaced practice for retention and transfer Rule Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner must demonstrate the rule by showing that it applies to one or more concrete instances Component concepts of the rule must be retrieved 1. Inform learners of goals/objectives 2. Presentation of the rule as a statement or list of procedures 3. Demonstrate application of the rule 4. Allow practice with feedback 5. Provide spaced practice of applying the rule in a variety of situations for retention and transfer Problem Solving Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner must invention and use of a complex rule to achieve the solution to a novel problem Subordinate rules and relevant information must be retrieved 1. Present novel problem which leaners have subordinate rules to solve. 2. Facilitate as students apply problem solving process. 3. Provide encouraging and constructive feedback. 4. Encourage reflection. 5. Provide practice with similar problems 6. Provide opportunities to engage in problem solving facilitated by collaborative group work. Cognitive Strategies Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions Cannot be observed directly but can be inferred from performances of other intellectual skills by asking the learner to “think aloud”. Relevant prior knowledge must 1. Explain the strategy an its be retrieved. purpose 2. Demonstrate or present the suggested steps of the strategy. 3. Allow learners to invent strategies to encourage adoption. 4. Strategy use depends on favorable outcomes 5. Provide opportunities for practice to encourage automaticity. Verbal Information Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner will state a fact orally or in writing. An organized network of 1. Present a cue with which declarative knowledge needs to the new fact will be associated. be accessible in the learner’s memory. 2. Present new fact with imagery and suggested associations. 3. Elaborate on the new fact by presenting other facts that relate. 4. Allows rehearsal in spaced reviews in various contexts Attitude Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions The learner will choose a personal action. The learner must respect and 1. Present model in appealing identify with the human model a credible way Prerequisite knowledge needs to be retrieved External conditions 2. Allow opportunity for learners to recall prerequisite knowledge. 3. The model demonstrated the desired choice. 4. The model displays pleasure/satisfaction to reinforce the target behavior. Motor Skill Learning Conditions Performance Internal Conditions External conditions The learner will execute a movement sequence of muscular activity. The executive subroutine must be retrieved as an initial step. 1. Present executive subroutine(s) 2. Allow opportunity for repetitive practice Nine Events of Instruction Gain Attention Inform Learner of the Objective Stimulate Recall of Prerequisites Present Stimulus Material Provide Learner Guidance Elicit Performance Provide Feedback Assess Performance Enhance Retention and Transfer Concrete Concept Application Event Activity Resources Gain Attention Watch Video to introduce topic have students do dance along with the video. /watch?v=Jpvuqj5nv6U Inform Learner of the Objective Have written on board and tell students orally. Have model skeleton in from of classroom Stimulate Recall of Pre-requisites Review bones and skeleton m/flash/body/pg000124.h tml Present Stimulus Material Provide print handout and go over the bone names on the skeleton model at the front of the room. Point out joints as non examples. Have students participate in labeling the bones on the skeleton. http://www.enchantedlear y/skeleton/ tml Provide Learner Guidance Class activity to be done together. po/skelweb/hotpot/osteo0 1.html Elicit Performance Have students make and label a skeleton http://www.enchantedlear n/bones/ Provide Feedback Facilitate as students complete the activity providing verbal feedback. Assess Performance Give print unlabeled skeleton to students to complete and submit for grading http://www.enchantedlear y/skeleton/Labelskeleton.s html Enhance Retention and transfer For further practice or homework provide this game eletal_system.htm References Robert M. Gagne, Walter W. Wager, Katharine Golas, and John M. Keller. Principles of Instructional Design. Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc, 5th new edition edition, July 2004.