Strategic Planning with links to ftp and descriptions

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Hospital U Strategic Planning Content-Video (for online and mobile)
5 Steps Strategic Plan
Healthcare System Overview
(The different roles in the healthcare system)
Health Care Costs in U.S. vs. Europe
(A discussion about US health care costs)
Michael Porter-The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy
(An Interview with Michael E. Porter, Professor, Harvard University. Porter's five competitive forces is
the basis for much of modern business strategy. Understand the framework and how to put it into
Michael Porter-Strategy During a Recession
(Harvard's Michael Porter on Strategy during a Recession interviewed by McGill's Karl Moore)
Michael Porter on “Value Based Health Care Delivery”
(5 parts)( According to Harvard professor Michael Porter, health care reform is proving to be one of the
defining issues of the 21st century, both in the United States and throughout the world. Costs are
exploding even in single-payer systems driven by aging populations and rising expectations for better
care. There is heated debate about what to do, but the focus is on the wrong question: how to cut
Porter contends that the only real solution is to transform the delivery of health care to dramatically
improve value, or the health outcomes per dollar spent. Health care systems in every country have a
value problem, and fixing it will require restructuring of care delivery itself, not incremental solutions.
This session offered a roadmap for transforming health care delivery, drawing on examples of leading
health care providers and health plans that are achieving exciting value improvements in the US and
other countries.)
What is Strategic Planning-Really?
( Before starting any strategic planning process, it is essential to make sure your staff or team members
have the same expectations of what the outcomes will be. This video explains the different possible
outcomes that can arise from strategic planning. It can range from simply having an articulated plan, to
a full-blown organizational transformation. Choose the result that is right for your organization.)
SWOT Analysis-How to Perform One for Your Organization
(Erica Olsen from details how and why you should perform a SWOT
analysis as part of your organization's strategic plan.)
Putting your SWOT to Work
(Learn how to craft actionable items from SWOT Assessments. Take your Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats and capitalize on it.)
How to Effectively Communicate your Strategic Plan
(Communicating your strategy is as important as creating it. If you don't communicate your strategic
direction to your internal and external stakeholders, what's the point of having one in the first place?
Use this guide to ensure you're giving the best information to those who help bring your plan to life.)
10 Tips to Keep your Strategic Plan from Hitting the Shelf
With these 10 tips you can ensure that your strategic plan gets implemented and doesn't collect dust.
We'll show you how to involve your team, clearly communicate your strategy and track your progress.
NPS Step 1-The Basics of the Net Promoter Score
Learn how to calculate your Net Promoter Score. The Net Promoter Score tells you how likely is it that
someone will recommend your company to their family, friends and colleges. Use this info to increase
your word-of-mouth advertising force, improve your customer experience, improve profitability and
make needed improvements to your products or services.
Running a Great Strategy Review
Great strategy reviews are the heartbeat of any strategic management process. Reviewing the status of
your goals and objectives, adapting your tactics at regular intervals will help ensure you're working on
the right stuff.
How to Develop Key Performance Indicators-KPI’s
Erica Olsen explains what metrics to watch within your company and how to use them in your reporting.
For more resources, go to where you'll find articles, videos, blog posts and more.
How to Develop Competitive Advantage
Learn how to craft a competitive advantage that your organization can excel at.
How to Write A Vision Statement That Inspires
Erica Olsen, VP of Marketing for M3 Planning, shows how to build a powerful vision for your
How to Write a Values Statement
A Values Statement is used to explain what your organization stands for. Erica Olsen, VP of Marketing
for M3 Planning explains how to craft one that will clearly define your company's core beliefs.
Choosing Your Strategic Objectives
Know the difference between strategy and tactics, as well as how strategic objectives fit in your overall
corporate business plan.
How to Write SMART Goals
How to develop Action Plans for your Business Goals (SMART Goals)
Erica Olsen details how to develop an action plan for use in strategic planning. For more resources
including articles, videos, blog posts and more visit and also check out our easy to
use software for developing and implementing strategic plans.
The Secret to Strategic Implementation
Founder explains how to turn your organization's strategic plan into a reality.
Strategy expert Erica Olsen is author of Strategic Planning for Dummies and the founder and Vice
President of M3 Planning, developers of the online strategic planning and implementation solution, Through M3 Planning's online client base and onsite strategic planning
facilitation work, Erica has developed and reviewed hundreds of strategic plans for organizations across
the country.
Used by thousands of companies worldwide, MyStrategicPlan enables any organization, regardless of
size and budget, to build their comprehensive plan in a matter of weeks (or even days) and monitor
implementation all year long. In addition to their award-winning software, the company also offers
strategic planning consulting and is a resource for other strategic planning tools, books, articles,
workshops, and strategic planning facilitation.
Choosing your Strategic Objectives
Know the difference between strategy and tactics, as well as how strategic objectives fit in your overall
corporate business plan
Common Strategic Planning Pitfalls
Erica Olsen outlines the common problems you should avoid when performing strategic planning. For
more resources including articles, videos, blogposts and more visit and also check
out our easy to use software for developing and implementing strategic plans.
Strategic Planning with the Balances Scorecard
Erica Olsen explains the basic concept of the balanced scorecard and how businesses use it to monitor
and guide their performance.
How to Perform Customer Segmentation
A quick explanation of how to segment your customer groups for better targeting within your strategic
How to Hold an Effective Strategic Planning Retreat
Erica Olsen outlines how to conduct an off-site retreat to keep your strategic plan on track.