Bell Work: Using Graphics 1st: Peninsulares: Spanish Officials: Ruling Class 2nd: Criollos: Born, Mexico; Spanish Parents 3rd: Mestizos: European And Native American Ancestry 4th: Africans: Enslaved By Europeans 5th: Native Americans: Lowest Level Of Society Chapter 7: Mexico Today Section 1: The Roots Of Modern Mexico What motivated Cortes to conquer Mexico? Gold Glory Land For Spain What factors helped the Spanish conquer the Aztecs? Better Weapons Horses Native American Allies What is the historical significance of the fall of Tenochtitlan in 1521? It was the end of the Aztec Empire, but the beginning of the Spanish Rule. What things did the Spanish introduce that changed life in the region? New Animals New Skills, such as blacksmithing Trade Religion….Was Religion Optional? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People were often executed for not practicing the appropriate religion. What is one element of a Native America lifestyle that has been blended into Mexican culture? FOOD!!!!!!!!! What name was given to the class of people of both Spanish and Native American ancestry? Mestizo!!!!! How did the criollos differ from the peninsulares? The criollos were people born in Mexico, and their parents were born in Spain. The peninsulares were Spanish officials born in Spain. What was the system of encomienda? It is a system that gave each Spanish official a group of Native Americans to watch over. Which groups of people benefited least from Mexico’s independence from Spain? Native Americans AND Mestizos, people born in Mexico……Native American mixed with Spanish. What about the Africans? How did they benefit? THEY DID NOT! Which states in the current United States were once part of Mexico? Texas California Colorado New Mexico Wyoming Nevada Utah Arizona Oklahoma Kansas What was the result of the war between Mexico and the United States? United States new land, Northern Mexico. ALSO, Mexico had to sign a treaty G. H., which officially gave this land to U.S. Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo Chapter 7: Mexico Today Section 2: Government In Mexico: Revolution And Reform What were the concerns of the people planning reforms in Mexico? Land Religion…..Was religion going to be government? Power What rights were granted by the constitution of 1857? Equality Freedom Of Speech END TO SLAVERY!!!!! Reduce Military Power According to revolutionary leaders, what were the important problems facing Mexico? Wealthier Freedom, for all Honest Elections Land, for all Farmers’ rights How did the distribution of land change after the Revolution? LAND WAS MORE EQUAL……..THAT’S WHAT THEY WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!============ ========================== ========================== ========================== ========================== ========================== How did the most powerful political party in Mexico preserve the idea of the Revolution? PRI: Institutional Revolutionary Party THEY ALWAYS USED THE WORD REVOLUTION IN THEIR PARTY NAME!!!!!! United Mexican States 3rd Period What was the historic significance of the election of Vicente Fox in the year 2000? First President not from the PRI Party, in 70 years. How are the system of government in the United States and Mexico alike? Democratic Republic. Have three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Power is shared by national and state governments. States have elected governors. Chapter 7: Mexico Today Section 3: Mexico’s Changing Economy Why did the ejido system fail to lift Mexican farmers out of poverty? Because they didn’t really own the land. Nobody would give them a loan…..POOR! POOR! POOR! No landownership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did privatization change farming in Mexico? Farmers could vote to divide land, and then they could sell, rent, or trade. Can we have a loan now that we have land? What steps did the Mexican government take to encourage industry in the mid-1900s? Built new power plants to supply energy for factories. Constructed homes for factory workers. Lent money to businesses. Lowered taxes BUILT STUFF! Privatized businesses!!!!!!!!! Divided big corporations!!!!!! What were the effects of government aid on business? Increased production. Encouraged new factories. Promoted building STUFF. Improved distribution. MADE things EQUAL! What is a maquiladora and what does it do? It is factories on the border of Mexico and the United States, usually owned by non-Mexicans. Import parts, and export finished products. Example: Import wood, and then exports tables. What is a raw material? What is a manufactured good? What goal has NAFTA achieved? North American Free Trade Agreement “What does this do?” “ They do trade agreements between U.S., Canada, and Mexico.” They reduce the taxes on these items traded. What is Mexico’s most important natural resource? Petroleum and/or Oil Who runs this industry? PEMEX PEMEX runs the petroleum and/or Oil industry. What is the role of PEMEX? PEMEX runs the Petroleum and/or Oil industry. What are some tourist attractions in Mexico? Sunny Beaches/Warm Weather Maya Ruins Museums Craft Shops, Jewelry Shops And the big tree, it is a sacred tree. It is over 2,000 years old. How did the government and private businesses promote tourism in Cancun? Built airports, highways, new and improved roads, hotels, and other attractions. Bell Work: Main Ideas How has privation changed the ejido system? It has put land in-the hands of individual farmers. What part has Mexico’s government played in the growth of industry? The Mexican government has encouraged the growth of industry by building power plants and aiding manufacturers in the distribution of goods. How does tourism contribute to Mexico’s economy? Tourism is the second-largest industry. Chapter 7: Mexico Today Section 4: Mexico’s Culture Today What traditions have blended to form Mexico’s culture today? What examples of architecture in Mexico City represent the three traditions? What factors have contributed to the growth of Mexico City? What problems have resulted from this growth? In what ways does the plaza serve as the center of life in the countryside? Why is a limited opportunity for education an especially serious problem in rural areas? How is the celebration of Independence Day in Mexico similar to Independence Day celebrations in the United States? Why do towns and villages hold fiesta celebrations?