We are still looking for new members to join our patient group, or

Friends & Family Test
Failed Appointments
From 1st December 2014, GP practices will be conducting
the Friends & Family Test (FFT).
As in our previous newsletters we have been reporting
the number of failed appointments each month:
This is an important feedback tool that supports the
fundamental principle that people who use NHS
services should have the opportunity to provide
feedback on their experience.
In January 97 appointments were wasted by patients
failing to attend. This amounts to 38 hours of wasted
clinical time, the equivalent to a whole week of surgery
time and has more than doubled this month.
It asks people if they would recommend the
services they have used and offers a range of
responses. When combined with supplementary
follow-up questions, the FFT provides a mechanism
to highlight both good and poor patient experience.
This kind of feedback is vital in transforming NHS
services and supporting patient choice.
The feedback gathered through the FFT is being
used in NHS organisations across the country to
stimulate local improvement and empower staff to
carry out the sorts of changes that make a real
difference to patients and their care.
Forms are now available in reception. We would
appreciate it if patients could take just a few
minutes to complete a feedback form. There is a
box located in the reception area for you to post
your answers.
Feedback from the questionnaires will be made
available on the practice website and in reception
every month, starting from February 2015.
Adderley Green Surgery
Patient Newsletter
February 2015
Please don’t forget if you can’t attend please call the
practice on 01782 311266 so that we may offer your
appointment to someone else.
Adderley Green Surgery likes to keep
our patients updated with the latest News.......
You may also cancel on line if you have registered to use
this service.
New Service
Weekend & Evening Doctors
Contraceptive Implant and Coil fitting
CALL 111
Don’t forget to call NHS 111 if you need assistance when the practice
is closed and it is not a life threatening emergency.
Your call will be triaged and you will be signposted to the appropriate
care pathway for you.
Patient Participation Group
We are still looking for new members to join our
patient group, or join our virtual group if you are
struggling for time to attend meetings. Ask Bev
Heath for more information.
We have now expanded the range of contraceptive
services that we now offer at the practice to include the
fitting/removal of coils and insertion/removal of
contraceptive implants.
Dr. Bala (female GP) will be running a clinic at the
practice once a week on a Thursday to fit coils and
implants, by appointment only.
Dr. Sri will also be available to insert implants at times to
be arranged around normal surgery hours.
Patients who are interested in this service will need to
have an initial appointment to discuss options with the
GP and then return to have the procedure carried out.
Please ask at reception for more information.
NHS Health Check
Choose The Right Care
Changes Young Person
This free health check helps to identify potential
health risks early. It could help you to prevent
developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney
disease and dementia in the future and improve
your chances of living a healthier life by following
the advice of a health care professional.
Are you aware that there are alternatives to
accessing health care? This may help you to make
the eight choices for you:
Helping Young People In Mental Distress
Everyone between the ages of 40-74 and who has
not already been diagnosed with a long term health
condition such as those listed above, will be invited
to attend for a check once every five years. If you
have not been contacted to attend by the practice,
please ask at reception to arrange an appointment
to see the practice nurse.
Local Pharmacy - Common Ailments Scheme – can
provide expert advice and treatment for a large
range of common illnesses. Treatment is free for
patients who do not currently pay for prescriptions.
You will be asked to attend Meir Primary Care
Centre for a simple blood test beforehand to check
your cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The
check will then take approximately 30 minutes with
the nurse and you will be asked some simple
questions about family history and lifestyle. We will
record your blood pressure, height, weight, discuss
your blood test results with you and give advice and
tips about how you can stay healthy.
For further information please see the leaflet in the
reception area or ask at reception for a copy.
Self Care – if you have a cold treat yourself at home
with over the counter medicines.
NHS 111 – if you need medical help quickly but it is
not a 999 emergency. Call to obtain advice and be
signposted to the most appropriate service for you.
NHS Walk In Centre – if you have a minor injury or
minor illness. The Haywood Walk In Centre can
offer medical help and advice Out of Hours or if you
are unable to access your GP.
Your GP – if you have an acute illness or an illness
or an injury that is not getting any better, make an
appointment to see your GP.
A&E or 999 – please only use this in a life
threatening emergency or in the case of urgent
care, i.e. suspected fractures, chest pain
Mutual Support Groups For 11 – 25 Year Olds
Changes YP provides young people with a range of
interventions, tailored to meet a young person’s
emotional wellbeing needs.
They provide age appropriate Peer support groups,
a 6 week ‘Wellness programmes’, ‘Understanding
and Managing Anger’ course, Recovery focused
social activities, accredited volunteering
opportunities and a sign posting service.
Young People can make a ‘self’ referral or a family
member or GP can make the referral on behalf of
the young person.
The young person is then offered an ‘initial
consultation’ before entering the service. This
allows Changes YP to learn more about the young
person’s emotional wellbeing, to work together to
create a care plan, lead by the young person and for
Changes YP to explain more about the service we
To make a referral or to chat to a member of the
team please call 01782 413355.