Scientific Notation Practice

More Scientific Notation and Sig Figs
1. State how many digits in the following numbers are significant. Then, convert the following into scientific
a. 1,610,000
d. 101,000
b. 0.000000302
e. 45.01
c. 32,900.104
f. 0.00671
2. Convert the following into standard notation:
a. 6.30 x 108
d. 8.65 x 10-1
b. 9.2 x 10
e. 1.76 x 100
c. 4.8802 x 10
3. How does writing a number in scientific notation make it easier to determine the number of significant
figures? (Think about how 3.00x105 differs from 300,000)
4. Solve the problems below. Write your answer in scientific notation. (Remember Sig Figs!)
a. (8.7 x 104) + (2.9 x 103)
i. (2.68 x 10¯5) x (4.40 x 10¯8)
b. (8.7 x 10 ) - (2.9 x 10 ).
j. (2.95 x 107) ÷ (6.28 x 1015)
c. (8.7 x 10 ) x (2.9 x 10 ).
k. (8.41 x 106) x (5.02 x 1012)
d. (8.7 x 104) ÷ (2.9 x 103).
l. (9.21 x 10¯4) ÷ (7.60 x 105)
e. (8.0x10 ) ÷ (2.0x10 )
m. (2.71 x 106) - (5.00 x 104)
f. (2.00x102) * (3.0x105)
n. (4.52 x 10¯5) + (1.24 x 10¯2) + (3.70 x
g. (9.9x10 ) ÷ (3x10 )
10¯4) + (1.74 x 10¯3)
h. (8.7x10 ) * (2.3x10 )
5. Which of the following numbers are written in correct scientific notation? Explain how you know.
6. In 2000, the population of Geneseo, New York, was about 7600 people. The population of the entire state of
New York was about 2.5x103 times larger than the population of Geneseo. What was the population of New York
in 2000? Show your work, write your answer in scientific notation.