Night Bellwork #1 Monday 3/30

Night Bellwork #1
Monday 3/30
Describe what PREJUDICE means.
Describe what RACISM means.
Describe what GENOCIDE means
Describe what ANTISEMITISM
5. Describe what HOLOCAUST
Pre- Judge.
It is prejudging someone on emotion,
rumor or feelings. It is NOT based on fact
or reason
Hatred of ALL members of a particular race
or ethnic group
• Geno – Greek root that means: race, tribe or
• Cide – Latin suffix that means killing
This term was created AFTER WW2 as a result
of how Jews and other ethnic groups were
treated during the war. The intent of genocide is
the total annihilation of a race or ethnic group.
Genocide results from prejudice being taken to
an extreme degree.
• Hatred of a person of Jewish origin. AntiSemitism began 2000 years ago. It did not
begin with the Nazis.
• Greek root means “burnt whole”
• Word was created after WW2
• Refers specifically to the destruction of 6
million Jews and 5 million non-jews during
Night Bellwork #2
April 1, 2009
Copy the following definition in your bellwork
then respond to the question
• Irony – The use of words to express something other
than and especially opposite of the literal meaning.
• Has anything ever happened to you that was the
opposite of what you expected? For example, you left
your umbrella at home and it rained, bought concert
tickets then won some, paid 100 dollars for a pair of
shoes then they went on sale?
April 2, 2009
Bellwork #3
• How has a belief in something or someone
other than yourself sustained you (kept
you going) in a time of crises. Explain in 47 sentences
Bellwork #4
Friday April 3, 2009
• In your opinion, why might the Jews of
Sighet refuse to believe the stories of the
horrors committed by the Nazis – even
when told by one who witnessed them?
Discuss your thoughts in 4-7 sentences.
Monday April 6,2009
Bellwork #5
Answer the following questions in your
1. What does the narrator do each evening?
2. About what do Moche the beadle and Eliezer
3. Why does Moche leave the village?
4. Before deportation, where were the Jews
5. What does Madame Schachter scream that
she sees?
Bellwork #6
Wednesday April 8, 2009
Copy this down in your bellwork:
• A motif in literature is a word, character,
object, image, metaphor or idea that
recurs and usually bears an important
relationship to the theme of the work.
• The connotation of a word is the
meaning, association, or emotion that a
word suggests. This can also act as a
April 9,2009
Bellwork #7
Theme: A major theme in Night is the idea
of emotional death.
What do you think emotional death is? How
does the motif of night help develop that
theme? Explain in 5-7 sentences
Friday April 10, 2009
• Get out your vocabulary flash cards
• Get with a partner. 2-3 in a group ONLY
• You have 10 minutes to quiz each other
Bellwork 8
April 13, 2009
“Man raises himself toward God by the
questions he asks Him”
Moche the Beadle was fond of repeating
this statement to Elie in the beginning of
the book. What do you think he means by
this? How does this relate to all the
questions of accusation Elie asks God at
the start of Rosh Hashana?
Bellwork 9
Reading Check
For what offense are the two adults and
a child hanged?
Why does Elie not fast on Yom Kippur?
Why does Elie go to the hospital?
What happens to the patients who stay in
the hospital instead of evacuating?
Bellwork 10
One of the themes in Night is the theme of dignity in
the face of inhuman cruelty.
Review the following actions that are examples of this
theme and in a sentence or two explain the dignified
response in each situation.
The Jews were abused by the Kapos and allowed only
minimal food but on Rosh Hashanah…
Juliek was forbidden to play Beethoven, the prisoners
were forced on a death march and they were freezing
and crushed in barracks. However Juliek …
The doctors will not attend to Elie’s father, the fellow
prisoners beat him, no more food is given to him
because he is dying. However, Elie…
April 17
• Hand in Bellwork 1-10 if you have not
• You have 15 minutes to silently study for
your quiz.
• After the quiz you may quietly relax!
Bellwork 11
Monday April 20, 2009
Elie was given two contrasting pieces of advice about
how to survive, one from a young Polish prisoner at
the beginning of imprisonment (to help each other)
and the other by the head of the block at Buchenwald
(to help himself). In a paragraph of 5-7 sentences
discuss which choice was more practical and which is
more ethical.
• 3rd Vocab assignment due TOMORROW
• 4th Vocab assignment due WED/THUR
• Journals due MONDAY
Bellwork 12
Tuesday April 21, 2009
• The intense experience of WW2 and the
Holocaust brought out the worst and the
best in many people. Based on what you
know of history and what Wiesel writes in
Night, what conclusions can you draw
about human nature? Explain your
thoughts in 5-7 sentences.
Bellwork 13
• After reading this memoir, what images,
ideas, and feelings do you think you will
never forget? What ones impacted you the
most? How did they impact or effect you?
Share your thoughts in a paragraph of 6-8
Finishing up any reading
Checking off Vocab Assignment 4
Reviewing for Test
Time to work on journals.