Organizational Behavior Session Topic Detailed Syllabus 1 Management Thought and Definition of Management, Approaches to OB Management: Classical,Behavioral, Quantitative. Case/Lecture Reason Lecture Management Principles of Taylor, Weber, Fayol; Hawthorne Studies, fields contributing to OB, Managers’ roles and functions, OB in the context of globalization, workforce diversity. 2 3 4 Individual Behavior application of the learning theories for behavior modification. 5 Lecture 6 Attitudes, Values and Job The Nature and Dimensions of Attitudes: Components Lecture Satisfaction (including of Attitude – Sources and types – Cognitive dissonance case discussion) theory – Values –– The effect of job satisfaction on employee performance. 7 8 Perception 9 10 Personality (including case discussion) Definition , concepts and evolution can be better explained through lecture method Lecture Case Definition of Learning, Theoretical process of learning, Lecture Case Title The Knowledge (Mis) Manager Concepts can be taught through lecture method No case would cover all the types in detail Case The Julie Roehm Saga at Wal-Mart, Inc Factors Influencing Perception - Perceptual Selectivity Lecture – rational decision making model, bounded rationality, Linkage between Perception and Individual Decision Making Lecture Clarity can be brought through examples The Meaning of Personality - Personality Determinants Lecture - Personality Traits - The big five model, emotional labor. Ideographic and nomothetic approach Concepts can be taught through lecture method 11 Case 12 Emotional Intelligence Definition – self awareness, self regulation, social skills, social awareness. 13 Motivation (including case discussion) Meaning of Motivation – Primary, General Motives and Lecture Secondary Motives - Motivation and Productivity – Content and process theories of Motivation 14 15 Group and Teams (including case discussion) 16 17 18 Communication (including case discussion) 19 Leadership (including case discussion) Lecture Henry Ford- A great Innovator Clarity can be brought through examples Definitions and theories can be taught through lecture method Case Types of Groups - Stages of Group Development: The Lecture Five-Stage Model, The Punctuated Equilibrium Model The Dynamics of Informal Groups: Norms and Roles in Informal Groups - Management of Informal Organizations - Dynamics of Formal Work Groups Teams vs Groups - Types of Teams - Group decisionmaking Case Employee motivation: A short case study Definitions and theories can be taught through lecture method Management Lessons on Spain’s Euro 2008football Championship Triumph Case Process, types barriers and effective communication- Lecture Interactive Communication in Organizations – Cross cultural communication Understanding Leadership - Leader and Manager Lecture Leadership Theories - Trait Theories - Behavioral Theories - Contingency Theories - Leadership Styles Leadership Skills - Determinants of Leadership – Challenges to leaderships in virtual teams. To explain all classifications, lecture method is better Definitions and theories can be taught through lecture method. No case would cover all the types in detail The ChappelWay (B): A Case study in Team Building and Group Dynamics Communication blunders 20 Case Carly Fiorina- The change leader 21 Case Dr. V Aravind Eye Hospital: A Level 5 leader 22 Power, Authority and Politics (including case discussion) 23 Definitions of Power - Distinction Between Power and Lecture Authority - Bases of Power - Power Structure and Blocks – impression management – political behavior in organizations Case Definitions and concepts can be taught through lecture method That’s the way Cookie crumbles 24 Conflict and Sources of Conflict - Intra-individual Conflict Lecture Collaboration (including Interpersonal Conflict - Intergroup Behavior and case discussion) Conflict - Organizational Conflict - Negotiations Approaches to Conflict Management 25 Lecture 26 Stress Management Causes of Stress – Organizational and Extra Lecture Organizational Stressors – Group Stressors – Individual Stressors - Coping Strategy for Stress. Can be better explained through many examples 27 Organizational Structure Understanding Organizational Structure (including case Centralization, Decentralization, Flat and Tall discussion) Structures, Departmentalization, Behavioral Implications of different organizational designs 28 To explain all classifications, lecture method is better 29 Organizational Culture (including case discussion) 30 Organizational Change Lecture Case Meaning, creating and sustaining culture, culture as a Lecture and liability, employee acculturation process, countries and Case culture, organizational climate. Hofstede’s model Forces for Change - Managing Planned Changes Lecture Resistance to Change - Approaches to Managing Organizational Change – technology and change Clarity can be brought through examples Cisco’s organizational structure and its collaborative approach to decision making Sony Corporation-Future tense?