Locke believed political truths come from nature. Ancient Greeks and Romans: natural law (innate right and wrong) protect natural rights England Common Law claimed to be “discovering” natural law ideas English legal system develops concept of Rule of Law Set of Principles (5) Determines if laws supports freedom or not; protects freedom “The laws must be general” Apply broadly, do not single out before passing law Ethnicity, religion, political group, sexual preference, SES “Equality under law” “The laws must apply to future action, not past” Indiv. Should have choice to obey law or not E.g. Punishing for not voting in past election “Laws must be both known and certain” Well publicized and enforceable If laws are not enforced, people will not follow them “The laws must be generally acceptable to those who must live by them” Elections and following Constitution Holds true if you can change laws that you do not support “The laws must be administered impartially” Guilt or innocent, with no other questions Establish trials, defenses, punishments If all 5 principles met, then the law supports freedom (a.k.a. liberty) https://americanheritage.byu.edu/Pages/Gam esandActivities/Games-and-Activities.aspx http://ruleoflaw.ctlbyu.org/#page=StartPage