OFFICE BEARERS HON VICE PRESIDENTS PRESIDENT LIFE MEMBERS VICE PRESIDENT/SHOW MANAGER HON SECRETARY HON TREASURER ADMIN ASSISTANT SCHEDULE CONVENER GENERAL COMMITTEE Mrs D Penman Mr Les Wheelans Mr Les Wheelans, Mr Jim Scott Ms Debbie Wheelans Tel: 07725 165421 Email: Mrs Wanda Wheelans, 12 Lorraine Drive, Cupar Tel: 01334 654648 Email: Mr Gavin Jones Tel: 07575 801542 Email: Mrs Effie Trail Mr Les Wheelans Mr John Dewar, Mrs Lisa Hegg, Mr Joe King, Mr Andrew Kydd, Mrs Texa MacIndeor, Ms Lisa Ross PRESIDENT’S LETTER Dear Members, Exhibitors and Friends Welcome to the programme for the 104th Annual Show of the Cupar & District Floral & Horticultural Society. This year we have made a bold decision to reduce the duration of the show to one day, due to the extreme high costs imposed on the Society to hire the hall for our normal Sunday session. So this year, the Cupar Flower Show will be held on Saturday 22nd August 2015. The Show will host the annual flower show alongside a coffee morning from 10am. There will also be a display from the Bonsai Society in the Upper Hall. Flowers, fruit and vegetables are the heart of the show, but we also have classes for home baking, wine, floral art and photography. We also have a number of classes for the children, including a pre-nursery class. We hope that our seasoned exhibitors will be able to put on a magnificent display. If you are new to the Show, please do join us and submit your entries. Our friendly, local show is for amateurs, so please encourage neighbours, family and friends to have a go! The Show and other events can be found on our website. Please visit it: On behalf of the Cupar & District Horticultural Society, thanks go to all advertisers, traders and sponsors who have given generous donations supporting the show in times of economic downturn - these funds help to cover the cost of running the show and create the prize fund. To new supporters, we hope you will continue your support for years to come and find this Show an effective way to promote your business. And most importantly we would like to thank YOU for supporting one of Cupar’s longest running events. Les Wheelans President Data Protection Cupar and District Floral and Horticultural Society will only make use of any personal information collected in accordance with current UK data protection legislation. The Society may use the information you provide for one or more of the following: to commence and/ or administer your membership of Cupar and District Floral and Horticultural Society to communicate with you about the work of the Society fundraising marketing PROGRAMME OF EVENTS Saturday 30th May 2015 9.30am – 11.30am COFFEE MORNING & ANNUAL PLANT SALE (Corn Exchange, Cupar) Including: Home baking / Home produce, Plants, Bric-A-Brac, Books, Raffle & Hamper and Tombola Saturday 22nd August 2015 From 9.00am ANNUAL FLOWER & CRAFT SHOW (Corn Exchange, Cupar) Judging of Exhibits (both Upper and Lower Halls) 10.00am Refreshments Served – Lower Hall 11.30am Show Opens 5.30pm Presentation of Trophies and Awards by Mrs Gladys Lundie 6.00pm Show Closes FLOWER SHOW SPONSORS We ask that you support our sponsors and advertisers wherever possible Mrs Margaret Aitken, Cupar Mr George Brown, Cupar TS Campbell, Blebo Craigs Bread in Fife, Freuchie Mr Tom Cleghorn, Cupar Country Fayre, Cupar Couper Carpets, Cupar Cupar Garden Centre Gleneagles Conversions Ltd, Cupar Mrs Gladys Lundie, Cupar Martin and Co, Letting Agents, Cupar Meldrums Chainsaws and Gardens, Cupar McLeish, McPhee and Laing, Cupar Newsplus, Cupar Mrs Fiona Patrick, Cupar PLM Optometrists, Cupar RB Grant, St Andrews & Kirkcaldy Spoiled Hairdressing, Cupar Steven Stewart, Funeral Directors, Cupar Thorntons Law, Solicitors, Cupar Mr James Veitch, Freuchie Wee Kingdom, Soft Play Centre, Cupar William Jordan & Sons, Funeral Directors, Cupar Williams Gray Williams, Solicitors, Cupar SUPPORTERS Ansell Blossom, Cupar Chrysanthemums Direct Fife Council Fishers Laundry, Cupar Halls of Heddon Nursery Centre Garden Competitions – Mr F Janeczko Dahlias – Mr S Cruickshank Pot Plants – Mr B Robertson Floral Art – Mrs S Mundie Wine – Mr D Grant Cut Flowers – Mr S Cruickshank Patersons Fruit Fayre, Cupar Tesco, Cupar The Co-operative, Cupar Thompson and Morgan Watts of Cupar JUDGES Vegetables – Mr J Jamieson Industrial – SWRI Appointees Photography – Mr P Spiers Children – Mrs J Spiers & Mr P Spiers RULES OF THE SOCIETY 1. Society shall be named “The Cupar and District Floral and Horticultural Society”. 2. The Office Bearers shall consist of a President and Vice President, a Secretary and Treasurer, and the affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Committee of two of their number to be the President and Vice President, the whole to be elected annually at a General Meeting of the Society, five to a quorum: the President to have a deliberative vote in the case of equality; the Secretary to have power to call a meeting at any time with the consent of the President. 3. The Annual General Meeting for presenting the Treasurer’s financial statement, Election of Officer Bearers and Committee, and other General Business, shall be held during October at any time or place which the Committee may think fit, and the meeting shall be held to be properly called by advertisements in the local newspaper. 4. Annual membership to the Cupar and District Floral and Horticultural Society is due at the time of the annual Show. The cost of membership is £1. 5. Exhibitors are limited to one exhibit in each class. Only one entry can be made, for any one class, from flowers or produce from any one garden. 6. All plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc, sent in for the competition must be bona-fide property of the competitor or his employer and have been in his possession for two months; flowers for bouquets excepted. 7. It is expected that all articles for competition or exhibition must be brought to the place of exhibition for staging on Friday 21st August and which MUST be completed by 10pm. However, an exception may be made for any items for the Baking section only which must be staged no later than 9am on Saturday 22nd August 2015. THESE TIMES MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. 8. Exhibitors may remove exhibits after presentation on Saturday 22nd August 2015. Failure to collect exhibits will result in them being destroyed. 9. Exhibitor’s name cards (supplied free) corresponding to the entries will be furnished to the competitors at time of staging, and all exhibits left without such a card will be held as not for competition. 10. All fruit and vegetables to be ripe and fit for table. Cut flowers to be shown in stand or vases. No pots or sand will be provided by the Society. 11. None of the prizes offered will be awarded unless the productions are deemed worthy by the judges; and all articles must remain in the show until the Show Manager allows them to be removed. 12. Growers and others are invited to contribute to the Society’s exhibition such productions not mentioned in the Prize List as are likely to prove of interest, and especially new, recently introduced or imperfectly-known varieties of fruit, flowers, vegetables etc. The Society does not pledge itself to vote reward for any such productions, which will be placed on the table for exhibition only. The judges have power to award Certificates of Merit to any such as they deem worthy and the Committee have power to grant an extra award – mere size of plants being of secondary account. 13. No competitor is allowed to enter or remain in the place of exhibition during the time of judging, unless appointed by the Show Manager. 14. All articles except cut flowers, whether successful or not, shall remain the property of the competitor, unless specifically stated in the competition rules. 15. Points awarded 1st three points, 2nd two points and 3rd one point. 16. All cut flowers entered shall become the property of the Society and will be sold at the end of the show on behalf of funds. 17. Unless otherwise stated, the trophies shall be awarded to the competitor who has gained the greater number of first prizes, and if there is a tie, then the trophy shall be awarded to the competitor who has gained to greater number of second prizes; and that each competitor so tying qualify for the award of a Miniature Trophy. 18. Any competitor not complying with the foregoing rules and regulations will be expelled from the Society, and forfeit all prizes that may be awarded to him/her. 19. The prizes offered in the schedule will be paid in full and only if the funds of the Society allow, after providing for its while other liabilities, are in the opinion of the Committee, sufficient for that purpose. In the event of the funds after providing the aforesaid not being sufficient to pay the prizes offered in full, the funds available will be divided among the prize winners rateably and the same being paid, the prize winners shall have no further claim against the Society or its Office Bearers. The Committee shall be the sole judges of whether the prizes can be paid in full, and if not, of what sum is available for division among the prize winners, and their judgement shall be final. 20. Exhibitors are advised to acquaint themselves with the exhibition rules and conventions of the RHS, National Chrysanthemum Society, National Dahlia Society, National Vegetable Society, National Sweet Pea Society, National Association of Flower Arranging Societies of Great Britain. 21. The Society will not be responsible for the loss of, damage to, plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers, stands etc or any article while in the Exhibition but all ordinary care will be taken of them. 22. The Judges decision shall be final. No protest to be considered unless proof of violation of Rules can be proved. Protests must be logged with the Secretary in writing before 2pm on the first day of the Show, on payment of £20.00 that will be refunded if the protest is upheld. 23. The Committee reserve the right to visit the gardens of all competitors before and after the Show. 24. Exhibitors, excluding those entering in the Children’s Sections, must be members of the Society. Annual membership will be due at the time of the Annual Show at a cost of £1. 25. Entry fees – general exhibitors pay £2.00 per show, which allows entry into all sections, unless an additional entry fee is indicated (i.e. Garden Competition). Garden competition entry fees will be £2.00 and WRI competition entry fees will be £3.00. Children are required to pay £0.50 to enter the children’s section, however, if they wish to enter the main show classes, they will be required to pay full membership and class entry fees as stated above. 26. Prize money will not be paid out until Saturday 22nd August 2015. Any prize money not claimed within 14 days will be placed to the credit of the Society. 27. The return of all trophies should be made in advance of the Show, to the Show Secretary, Mrs Wanda Wheelans, 12 Lorraine Drive, Cupar, Fife (Tel: 01334 654648). For further information visit GARDEN COMPETITIONS Sponsored by Couper Carpets of Cupar Class Description Class 1 Best vegetable plot/garden/allotment in Cupar. All vegetables will be judged on quality and uniformity. Gardens must include at least 6 different kinds of vegetables. 1st 2nd 3rd £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 2 CUPAR FLOWER SHOW SHIELD Best garden flower display in Cupar. £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 3 THOMAS MASON MEMORIAL TROPHY Best garden in Burgh of Cupar. £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 £5.00 £3.00 £1.50 £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 Points to be awarded for: 1. Tidiness 2. Quality 3. Beauty Gardens must be tended solely by entrant and/or members of his/her household but outside help in digging will not disqualify. Competition is open to all gardeners whether owner/occupier or tenant. 4 5 6 7 THE FIFE HERALD & JOURNAL PERPETUAL TROPHY Best kept and cropped cottage garden in a 7 mile radius of Cupar (exclusive of gardens in the Burgh of Cupar). Gardens must include at least 6 different kinds of vegetables. THE COCHRANE OF CULTS CHALLENGE TROPHY Best flower display within a 7 mile radius of Cupar, open to all members, exclusive of flower displays in Burgh of Cupar. DAVID R SHEPHERD TROPHY Best landscaped garden in Cupar and within a 7 mile radius. LAIRD & SMITH TROPHY (SPENCER) Best hanging basket, window, or patio ornament in Cupar and in a 7 miles radius. HUTCHESON TROPHY ENTRY FEES FOR GARDEN COMPETITIONS - £2 NB - All exhibitors must pay £1 membership fee ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 17th July 2015 SEND ENTRIES TO: MRS W WHEELANS, 12 Lorraine Drive, Cupar, Fife KY15 5DY (Email: JUDGING WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY 25th JULY 2015 CUT FLOWERS LAIRD & SMITH CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most prizes in the cut flower section Exhibitor Notes: 1. All cut flowers to be named whenever possible. 2. Distinct mentioned in any class means one variety in each case. 3. All cut flowers entered shall become the property of the Society and will be sold at the end of the show on behalf of the funds. 4. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 RESERVED CUT FLOWERS may be collected after the Trophy Presentation on Saturday 22nd August. Reservations of Cut Flowers can be made on Saturday. Please advise the Secretary of your interest, and obtain a reservation card for the flowers of your choice. A donation to the Society would be appreciated. SWEET PEAS Sponsored By Thorntons (Law), Solicitors, Cupar Class 8 Class Description Four vases Sweet Peas, distinct. 12 spikes in each vase. Varieties to be named 1st 2nd 3rd £9.00 6.00 £4.00 THE EAST OF SCOTLAND FOUR VASE SWEET PEA CHAMPIONSHIP – SMITH CHALLENGE TROPHY 9 Three vases Sweet Peas, distinct, 12 spikes in each vase £2.00 £1.50 £1.00 10 One vase Sweet Peas, 12 spikes, mixed varieties £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 11 Bowl of Sweet Peas, any foliage £1.00 £0.80 £0.50 Best vase of Sweet Peas in Show £3.00 GLADIOLI Sponsored by Spoiled Hairdressing & The Scottish Gladiolus Society Exhibitor Notes 1. Class 17 – Exhibitors of this Novice Class, or any member of his/her household, must not have won a 1st prize in any Gladiolus class (for the avoidance of doubt that includes any novice class) at Ayr, Dundee and the Scottish Gladiolus Society Shows (Glasgow or the former Glasgow Evergreen Show). Entrants will receive one years’ free SGS membership. 2. Classes will be judged in accordance with the British Gladiolus Society rules. ORCHARDGATE CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded for the best vase of Gladioli Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 13 Two vases Gladioli, 3 spikes in each vase £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 14 One vase Gladioli, 3 spikes £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 15 One vase Gladioli butterfly, 3 spikes £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 16 Six Gladioli heads floating on water £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 17 Novice Class – sponsored by Scottish Gladiolus Society £15.00 £10.00 £5.00 One spike Gladiolus Grandflorus or Gladiolus Primulinus CHRYSANTHEMUMS & CARNATIONS DALGAIRN CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded for the best vase of Chrysanthemums Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 18 One vase Chrysanthemums, 3 blooms £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 19 One vase Chrysanthemums spray, 5 spikes £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 20 One vase border Carnations, 5 blooms, own foliage £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 21 One vase perpetual Carnations, 5 blooms, own foliage £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 MRS GOLD CHALLENGE TROPHY £15 Voucher by Chrysanthemums Direct DAHLIAS NATIONAL DAHLIA SOCIETY SILVER MEDAL – Awarded for the best Dahlia exhibit in Show NATIONAL DAHLIA SOCIETY BRONZE MEDAL – Awarded for the best vase of Dahlias Exhibitor Notes 1. Dahlias to be shown and judged according to the current classification list. 2. Own foliage only. 3. The term cactus includes semi-cactus. 4. The term decorative includes formal and informal flowered decoratives. 5. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. Class 22 Class Description Three vases, 3 distinct varieties. 3 blooms of 1 variety in each vase 1st 2nd 3rd £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 MRS GOLD CHALLENGE TROPHY 23 Three vases small-flowered and/or miniature flowered, 3 distinct varieties, 5 blooms of 1 variety in each vase ROSEWOOD CENTENNIAL SHIELD 24 One vase miniature flowering, 9 blooms Sponsored by Mr Tom Cleghorn, Cupar 25 One vase medium cactus, 3 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 26 One vase small cactus, 5 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 27 Two vases medium flowered, 3 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 28 Two vases small Dahlias – one cactus, one decorative, 3 blooms per vase £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 29 One vase medium decorative, 3 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 30 One vase small decorative, 5 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 31 One vase miniature ball or decorative, 6 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 32 One vase giant or large Dahlias, 3 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 33 One vase giant decorative, 1 bloom £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 34 One vase giant cactus, 1 bloom £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 35 One vase pompon or large pompon, 6 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 36 One vase of Dahlias, 3 blooms £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 BEGONIAS Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 37 One plant single stem in pot (no side shoots) and one bloom (shown on board) £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 38 Three begonia heads, (shown on board) £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 39 One plant single stem in pot (no side shoots) £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 40 One plant in pot, forward facing, any variety £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 41 One multi stem all round effect £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 42 Two plants single stem (no side shoots) £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS, ANNUALS & other classes JAMES B CRICHTON ESQ TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most first prizes in Section Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 43 Three vases herbaceous, 3 distinct kinds £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 44 Six vases flowers cut from open border, 6 distinct kinds £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 45 One vase cut flowers, mixed £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 46 Two vases cut flowers and one pot plant £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 47 Three vases Annuals, 3 distinct kinds £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 48 One vase Phlox, 5 spikes £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 49 One vase Antirrhinums, 5 spikes £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 50 One vase African Marigold, 5 blooms £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 51 One vase French Marigold, 5 blooms £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 52 One vase Asters, 5 blooms £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 53 One vase Roses, 5 blooms £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 54 Six Rose heads, shown on board £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 55 Development class 3 Roses – 1 bud, 1 half open, 1 fully open £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 56 Twelve Fuchsia heads shown on board £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 57 Twelve Fuchsia heads floating on water £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 58 Bowl of cut flowers, any foliage £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 59 Six Pansies on board £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 POT PLANTS Exhibitor Notes: 1. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. MISS LOW CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded for the best exhibit in pot plants RON MOSCROP MEDAL – Awarded for the best Fuchsia exhibit ANNA C TAYLOR MEMORIAL BOWL – Awarded for the best Geranium exhibit JOHN GERRIE MEDAL – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most first prizes in section MAURICE SMITH MEMORIAL TROPHY – Awarded for the best Coleus exhibit Class 60 Class Description One Pot Coleus 1st 2nd 3rd £20.00 £0.60 £0.40 Sponsored by Mrs Fiona Patrick, Cupar 61 Two plants, one flowering, one foliage £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 62 One Fuchsia single. Pot not to exceed 7” £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 63 One Fuchsia double or semi double. Pot not to exceed 7” £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 64 One Pelargonium £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 65 One Busy Lizzie £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 66 One Geranium £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 67 One Begonia Rex £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 68 One Streptocarpus, pot not to exceed 6” £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 69 One Hardy Alpine in pot or pan £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 70 Display of Alpines, to be staged on table top 20” x 20” £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 71 One Cactus £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 72 One Succulent £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 73 Display of Cacti and/or Succulents, to be staged on table top 20” x 20” £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 74 One African Violet £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 75 Patio Ornament £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 76 Pot Plant display to be staged on table top 3’ x 3’ £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 77 Plant display in a Wellington boot (not ornamental) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 78 Hanging Plant Display – any type of container allowed BROWN TROPHY £5.00 £1.00 £0.50 FRUIT and HERBS Exhibitors Notes 1. All fruits must be ripe and fit for table. 2. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 79 Three Dessert Apples £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 80 Three Kitchen Apples £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 81 Any Other Fruit Not in Schedule £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 82 Pot of Parsley £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 83 Any Other Herb (Pot Not to Exceed 7”) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 Long established independent practice Dedicated to patient care 24 Bonnygate, Cupar, KY15 4LE Tel 01334 652 533 Email: VEGETABLES Exhibitors Notes 1. All vegetables must be ripe and fit for table. 2. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. MOUNTQUHANIE CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to exhibitor gaining the most points in section ALEX ANDERSON CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded for the best exhibit in vegetable section NATIONAL VEGETABLE SOCIETY MEDAL – Awarded for the most meritorious vegetable exhibit POTATOES Class 84 1st 2nd 3rd £10.00 £6.00 £4.00 Class Description Collection of potatoes, 4 sorts, 3 of each, names to be shown CHALLENGE VASE 85 Four coloured potatoes, named £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 86 Four white potatoes, named £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 ONIONS Classes 87-91 Sponsored by Mr James Veitch, Freuchie TOM LORIMER TROPHY – Awarded for the best exhibit in the Shallot Classes (92-96) Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 87 Three onions quality, over 250gm £10.00 £6.00 £4.00 88 Three onions under 250gm £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 89 Three onions from sets, flats £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 90 Three onions from sets, round £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 91 Three red onions £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 92 Twelve shallots, grown from sets (pear shaped) £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 93 Six shallots, grown from sets (pear shaped) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 94 Twelve shallots grown from sets £1.50 £1.00 £0.50 95 Six shallots yellow, grown from sets £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 96 Six shallots red, grown from sets £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 97 Onion by weight (weight to be detailed) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 VEGETABLE COLLECTIONS Maximum points allowed for each kind of vegetable:Beetroot, long; carrots, long; cauliflowers; celery, trench; leeks; onions, large exhibition; parsnips; peas; potatoes ………………………………………………20 points Aubergine; beans, runner; carrots, other than long; celery, self-blanching; cucumbers; shallots, large exhibition; tomatoes…………………………………………18 points Beans, broad or dwarf french/stringless; beetroot, globe; cabbages; marrows; onions, from sets or under 250g; turnips…………………………………….. 15 points Class Class Description 98 Collection of vegetables, 4 kinds, Quantities 3 of each kind Space allowed 3’ x 2’ The number of points awarded will be placed on each exhibit Steen Challenge Cup Mini collection – one onion, one potato, one carrot Sponsored by Mr James Veitch, Freuchie Box of Vegetables, must contain a minimum of 4 different kinds of vegetables (tomato box provided by Society) 99 100 1st 2nd 3rd £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 ROOT VEGETABLES Sponsored by Williams Gray Williams Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 101 Two leeks blanche £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 102 Two leeks pot blanche (not exceeding 6”) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 103 Six pod peas £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 104 Six pods broad beans £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 105 Six runner beans £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 106 Two carrots long £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 107 Three carrots stump rooted £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 108 Two parsnips £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 109 Two beets long £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 110 Three beet globe £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 111 Two turnips early £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 112 Three courgettes £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 113 One cabbage £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 114 Two cauliflower £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 115 One vegetable marrow, quality £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 116 Marrow by weight (weights to be detailed) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 117 Three stalks rhubarb, quality £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 7 St Catherine Street Cupar, Fife, KY15 4LS Tel (01334) 656644 Fax (01334) 655333 e-mail: SALAD VEGETABLES Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 118 Six tomatoes £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 119 Truss of tomatoes, by weight (weights to be detailed; green fruits permitted) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 120 Two heads of celery £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 121 One lettuce £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 122 One cucumber £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 123 Six spring onions £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 124 Any other vegetable £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 INDUSTRIAL SECTION Exhibitor Notes 1 Exhibitor cards will be issued by the Society in the Hall. 2. All work to be brought or sent to the Show for staging no later than 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. An exception will be made for the Baking Section only – which must be staged no later than 9am on Saturday 22nd August 2015. 3. None of the prizes offered will be awarded unless the productions are deemed worthy by judges. 4. Exhibitors may only remove exhibits after presentation on Saturday 22nd August 2015. Failure to collect such exhibits will result in them being destroyed. MRS STRUTH’S CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in Section BAKING SECTION Sponsored by Bread in Fife Exhibitor Notes 1. Staging to be completed no later than 9am on Saturday 22nd August 2015. BOYD CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in the baking section. Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 125 Three Plain Scones £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 126 Three Pancakes £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 127 Three Cherry Scones £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 128 Three Slices of Fruit Loaf £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 129 Three Individual Apple Tarts (shortcrust) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 130 Three Cup Cakes (Decorated) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 131 Three Rock Buns £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 132 Three Petticoat Tails £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 133 1lb Gingerbread £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 134 Three Florentines £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 135 Three Chocolate Brownies £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 136 Jam Filled Swiss Roll £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 137 White Loaf (may use breadmaker) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 138 Brown Loaf (may use breadmaker) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 139 One Forfar Bridie £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 140 Three Single Meringue Shells (unfilled) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 141 Four Gingernut Biscuits £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 142 Four Squares of Uncooked Traybake £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 143 Four Squares of Vanilla Tablet £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 144 Four Squares of Chocolate Fudge £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 145 Four Run Truffles £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 146 Four Pieces of Traybake £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 PRESERVE SECTION MURRAY CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in the Section. 1st 2nd 3rd Strawberry Jam £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 148 Raspberry Jam £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 149 Rhubarb & Ginger Jam £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 150 Any Other Jam Not in Schedule (to be named) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 151 Redcurrant Jelly £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 152 Chutney (Any variety; to be named) £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 Class Class Description 147 HANDICRAFT SECTION Exhibitors Notes 1. All work entered in to the competition must be the work of the competitor and must not be bought. 2. All works in the Handicrafts Section must not be shown in two successive years. 3. Articles submitted for exhibition should not be laundered. 4. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. 5. Exhibitors may only remove exhibits after presentation on Saturday 22nd August 2015. Failure to collect such exhibits will result in them being destroyed. 6. Prizes for all classes in Handicraft section = 1st £2.00; 2nd £1.00; 3rd £0.50 NEEDLEWORK Sponsored by PLM Optometrists, Cupar KEILLER CHALLENGE TROPHY – Most points in Needlework Section Class Class Description for 2015 Show Class Description for 2016 Show 153 Beanie Hat Childs Jumper with Motif (Any Ply) 154 Cross Stitch Card Cross Stitch Item (Your Choice) 155 A Baby’s Knitted Jacket (for charity) Buggy Blanket (Any Craft) 156 An Article Using Oddments of Wool An Animal (Any Craft) 157 Knitted Scarf Knitted Hat (Any Ply) 158 Crocheted Brooch Crocheted Corsage 159 An Embroidered Napkin Fabric Box with Embroidery 160 An Article Made From Tartan Knitted Table Centre 161 Soft Toy (Any Craft) Arran Wool Cushion Cover in Pad 162 Tea Cosy (Any Craft) Oven Glove (Any Craft) MISCELLANEOUS SECTION MABEL CARSTAIRS TROPHY – Best exhibit in Section Class Class Description for 2015 Class Description for 2016 163 Decorated Straw Hat Decorated Wine Glass 164 Felted Item Something New from Something Old 165 Flower Arrangement in a Gravy Boat Flower Arrangement in a Thimble 166 Christmas Card A Wedding Favour 167 Pottery or Clay Item 3D Card (Any Occasion) 168 Decorated Stone Calligraphy – Any 4 Line Poem 169 Draught Excluder (Any Craft) Necklace in Beadwork 170 Piece of Jewellery Gift Wrapped Present (Any Occasion) 171 Handmade Fascinator An Article in Woodturning 172 Art –Any Medium Picture, Art –Any Medium Picture, Unspecified Floral Theme Not To Exceed 12” (Unframed) Not To Exceed 12” (Unframed) WINE SECTION Exhibitor Notes 1. Wine must be shown in clear shouldered wine bottles 2. Wine corks to be of flanged type – with white tops. Plastic corks are not permitted. 3. Ullage: 6mm to 19mm (0.25” to 0.75”) 4. Labels should not be placed on wine bottles. Exhibitor cards will be provided by the Society. 5. Each competitor can only enter one bottle per class 6. Staging of exhibits must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 7. Any competitor found to contravene the Show Rules may be disqualified. MINA MCNAUGHTON CUP – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in the Section 1st 2nd 3rd Table Red Dry Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 174 Table White Dry Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 175 Mixed Fruit Red Medium Sweet Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 176 Vegetable Waite Medium Dry Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 177 Rose Medium Dry Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 178 Blackcurrant Medium Sweet Wine £2.00 £1.00 £0.50 Class Class Description 173 FLORAL ART Exhibitor Notes: 1. All classes will be staged on open tabling, 2½’ frontage, 2½’high, 2’ deep 2. Closing date for entries Friday 14th August 2015, to allow for space allocation. 3. No late entries accepted. 4. Staging must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015. DONALD G MCDONALD PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the best exhibit in Section Class Class Description 179 An Arrangement Incorporating a Candle 1st 2nd 3rd £4.00 £3.00 £2.00 Novice class restricted to those who have never won a first prize with this Society in Floral Art classes 180 Disney - An exhibit (Title on a Card) £4.00 £3.00 £2.00 181 Masterpiece incorporating a Picture Frame £4.00 £3.00 £2.00 182 The Beauty of Driftwood – An Exhibit £4.00 £3.00 £2.00 Best Exhibit in Section £5.00 Sponsored by Mrs Gladys Lundie, Cupar CHILDREN’S SECTION Sponsored by Wee Kingdom, Indoor Play Centre, Cupar Exhibitors Notes 1. All work to be brought or sent to the Show no later than 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 2. All exhibits must have child’s name, address and age on the official staging card (supplied by Show free of charge) 3. All exhibits must be uplifted after presentations on Saturday 22nd August 2015. Failure to collect such exhibits will result in them being destroyed. 4. ENTRY FEE - £0.50 – no membership fee applicable. There is no charge for the Nursery/Pre-School class. OPEN TO AGES 5 YEARS AND UNDER ROSEMOUNT CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Section Class 1st 2nd 3rd £0.60 £0.40 184 Class Description Sponge Print Picture (not to exceed A5) £1.00 185 Decorated Jam Jar £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 186 An Animal Made Out of Dough £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 OPEN TO AGES 6 – 8 YEARS THE MCCALLUM TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Section Class 1st Class Description 2nd 3rd 187 Junk Model (not to exceed 30cm x 20cm) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 188 Cress Head £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 189 Decorated Plastic Bottle (500ml size) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 OPEN TO AGES 9-12 YEARS J D SCOTT SHIELD – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Section Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 190 Edible Garden in Container (not to exceed 30cm x 20cm) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 191 Three Decorated Rich Tea Biscuits £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 192 Birthday Card £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 OPEN TO AGES 13-16 YEARS J M SCOTT TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Section Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 193 A Bird Feeder Made from Recycled Material £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 194 A Floral Arrangement in a Kitchen Utensil £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 195 Three Cup Cakes Decorated £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 There are 3 photography classes for children up to 16 years, see photography section for details OPEN TO ALL AGE GROUPS THE JOYCE MELVILLE MEMORIAL TROPHY – Awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in section Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 196 Lego Model – Garden Theme (not exceeding 12” x 12”) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 197 Creature made from Fruit and/or Vegetables (max 12”) £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 198 Article in Loom Bands £1.00 £0.60 £0.40 199 Miniature Garden in a Tray or Box (not to exceed 46cm x 38cm) £10.00 £6.00 £4.00 Class Sponsored by Mrs Margaret Aitken NB - Consideration will be given to age in the Open section 4th £2.00 SCHOOL’S COMPETITION The Cupar Flower Show aims to encourage the younger generation to become more involved with horticulture and the environment As a result the Cupar Flower Show runs an annual competition for primary schools and eco-groups in Cupar and the surrounding area. The competition is open to schools & eco-groups in Cupar, Ceres, Letham, Dairsie, Pitlessie, Springfield, Balmerino, Dunbog and Craigrothie. Exhibitors Notes 1. Schools can submit one entry per class/year group; you are not restricted to only one per school. 2. Eco-groups are also allowed to submit one entry. 3. School/group name, including class/year group details should be placed on the back of the exhibit. 4. Entries can be collected by the Show Secretary in advance of the school holidays (i.e. before 3rd July 2015) and staged on your behalf. 5. Entries (if not provided in advance) should be staged by a teacher/representative in the show venue by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 – with full class details on the reverse of the entry. 6. All exhibits must be uplifted after presentations on Saturday 22nd August 2015. Failure to collect such exhibits will result in them being destroyed. SCHOOLS CHALLENGE TROPHY – Awarded to the winning Primary School Class Class Description 200 A Model of a Tree Made from Recycled Materials (not to exceed 1m in height) 1st 2nd 3rd £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 RESTRICTED CLASS FOR PRE-SCHOOL or NURSERIES ONLY Class Class Description 208 Finger Painted Picture (not to exceed A5) 1st 2nd 3rd £5.00 £3.00 £2.00 Free entry for all primary schools W.R.I. INTER INSTITUTE COMPETITION Exhibitors Notes 1. You will be given an area of 2½’ x 2½’ (no backing) 2. 6 Articles Required 3. Up to 10 points can be awarded on each article 4. Up to 10 points will be awarded for presentation 5. Scoring will be out of 70 6. No article to have been exhibited at this show in previous years 7. Staging must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 8. Entry Fee £3.00 – closing date for entries 15th August 2015 WATT TROPHY – Awarded to winners of WRI Inter-Institute Competition Prize Money – 1st £10.00 2nd £6.00 3rd £4.00 Class 201 Theme for 2015 Competition – A Picnic Theme 1 Knee Rug (Any Craft) 2 Embroidered Napkin 3 Small Bottle of Smoothie 4 Floral Arrangement in Fresh Flowers 5 Quiche 6 Article of Own Choice Theme for 2016 Competition – A Day at the Allotment 1 Gardening Apron (Any Craft) 2 Iced Carrot Cake 3 Decorated Flower Pot 4 Floral Arrangement in Fresh Flowers 5 Decorated Sun Hat 6 Article of Own Choice PHOTOGRAPHY The Cupar Flower Show is encouraging photographers of all ages to take a closer look at their gardens and produce some remarkable images. The competition, which is open to amateur photographers only, is split into two age groups: up to 16 years and adults 17 years and over. Exhibitors Notes 1. All classes will be for single pictures, mounted, but without frames 2. Maximum size of the mount will be A4 (297 x 210cms) including mount 3. Photographs can be black and white or colour 4. Classes are open to amateur photographers only 5. Exhibitors details to be marked in pencil on the reverse of the mount 6. Staging must be completed by 10pm on Friday 21st August 2015 OPEN TO AGES up to 16 YEARS Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 202 An Animal or Pet £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 203 Garden in Flower £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 204 Landscape £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 OPEN TO AGES 17 years and over Class Class Description 1st 2nd 3rd 205 An Animal or Pet £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 206 Garden in Flower £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 207 Landscape £2.50 £1.50 £0.50 TIMETABLE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES Friday 17th July Garden Competitions Friday 14th August Floral Art Classes Friday 14th August WRI Competition STAGING TIMINGS FOR STAGING MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO Friday 21st August 3.00pm – 10.00pm Saturday 22nd August 8.00am – 9.00am - Baking exhibits only JUDGING Saturday 25th July Garden Competitions Only Saturday 22nd August Commences at 9.15am - all Show Exhibits OPEN TO PUBLIC Saturday 22nd August 10.00am – 6.00pm (Lower Hall) 11.30am – 6.00pm (Upper Hall) PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES AND AWARDS Mrs Gladys Lundie Saturday 22nd August 5.30pm COLLECTION OF CUT FLOWERS Saturday 22nd August 5.45pm Reservation of Cut Flowers can be made during the Show on Saturday. Thanks to all our exhibitors who donated their prize money back to the Society