NHS Application for 2015-2016

NHS Application for 2015
Requirement Sheet
First Name:_____________________________ Middle Name:______________
Last Name:_______________________
Homeroom Teacher_______________________ Grade__________
In order to be considered for membership in NHS, you must complete and return the
following 5 documents that are included in the application packet by 3:00 p.m. on
Friday, October 23, 2015 in room 108! No late applications will be accepted after
3:00 p.m.
a) NHS Requirement Sheet— clearly print your name and include your Home
Room teacher’s name at the top of this sheet.
b) Essay—remember your essay must be typed on one sheet of paper--no less
than one side of the paper and no more than both sides of one paper.
c) Activity Report—a completed report must have your coach/advisor/sponsor’s
signature and include at least two extracurricular activities.
d) Service Report—a completed report must have your adult sponsor or
supervisor’s signature and the name and address for where you completed
your service work. It would be helpful to include a phone number on your
report as well.
e) Signature Sheet—a completed sheet must have a parent/guardian signature to
verify the application information is correct.
Please type a one page paper that is double spaced and no more than one page of paper
front and back in response to one of the four prompts listed below. Attach your essay to
this application. Make sure that your essay includes an introductory paragraph, two or
three paragraphs that answer the questions listed for the prompt you have selected and a
paragraph that summarizes your ideas! Please list the prompt number (#1-4) at the top of
your essay. Be aware that an “inferior” essay may negatively affect your application
1. Do you have any particular cultural works that hold a deep meaning for you
(books, films, music, theatre, painting, etc.), and how were you affected by
2. What events, activities and inner conditions have given you the most
satisfaction and joy? Which of those events have had the most meaning and
significance for you?
3. Are there any values and/or ideals, which you hold firmly as a result of your
own experience? How do you express these in your life? How do you fail to
express them?
4. What is your perception of education? How do you think you learn best?
If you have any questions about the contents of the application packet or questions
about information for the Service Report or the Activity Report due on Friday,
October 23, 2015 , please see Ms. Shoben in room 108 before your application
package is submitted.
Note: Please keep this timeline for your records
so that you are aware of the correct dates for each
of the NHS events listed below:
 Application Due Date: Friday,
October 23, 2015
 Applicant Names and Requirements
Posted in Room 108: Tuesday,
October 27, 2015
 Student Acceptance/Rejection
Notification Date: Friday,
November 6, 2015
 Membership dues and NHS pin fee
($38.00) due by Thursday, November 12,
 NHS Induction Ceremony: Friday,
December 4, 2015
Remember that all new inductees are required to participate in the
Induction Ceremony held in our auditorium and that parents
(guardians) as well as grandparents are invited to attend.